Falling for Royalty

By NadiaStrydom

119K 5.8K 910

(Unedited) (Complete) Wayne and Lisa wasn't fortunate enough to be able to marry for love. Prince Wayne had... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 12

6K 329 43
By NadiaStrydom


I look through the library, she isn't here. She must have used the other door, but where would she go? I walked out, Ian was still waiting there for me.

"She's not here, she must have used the other door."

Ian mumbled something, "What was that Ian?"

"Nothing sir, I'm just mad that I didn't think about covering the other door."

"She wasn't supposed to leave Ian, not your fault. Let's rather turn our attention to finding her."

"Yes sir."

"Ian, I'll go look in our room, why don't you start with the garden then work your way back."

"Yes sir."

We parted ways, I have a feeling she isn't going to be in our room, it's a bit too obvious. She would know that her father would tell me where she is. I checked in the room, it was empty, the bathroom as well. Instead of waiting for Ian to find her I walked to the kitchen, Lisa was nowhere to be seen, Zane was also missing. It's never a good thing when both Lisa and Zane are missing at the same time. I got out my phone and called Luke, "Your majesty?"

"Luke, meet me in the kitchen."

"Yes sir."

I disconnected the call and waited for him, he came jogging into the kitchen about two minutes later.

"Yes sir?"

"We are looking for Lisa or Zane."

"Yes sir."

I can see he is confused but he left without asking any questions. I also left the kitchen, might as well start on the opposite side of the castle and look for her.

Lisa's perspective

My father barely left when I also left, I needed fresh air because it felt like the walls were closing in on me. I went out to the garden on the far side of the castle, I almost never go there. I don't know why I went there instead of going to my usual spot, it's a decision I'm regretting. While I walked to the garden I had a feeling someone was following me, since I didn't see anything I pushed away the thought. I just got to the garden when I heard footsteps, I didn't think too much about it at all. I should have, it's a mistake that is going to cost me.

"This has to be fate."

I jumped up when I heard whose voice it is, "Did you follow me Zane?"

"Of course Lisa, unlike your pathetic husband I care."

"I told you, it's Princess Lisa."

"Don't try to deny what you feel Lisa."

This guy just doesn't get it, I started walking away but he grabbed my arm and turned me back.

"Where do you think you are going?"

"I'm leaving, now let me go."


"Zane, I'm ordering you to let me go."

"Out here you can't order me Lisa."

"We are still in the country, that means I still can."

"That's where you are wrong, I only have to follow orders when there is someone who can see when I disobey them."

"I can see you disobeying orders."

"You don't count, because you won't be able to tell anyone."

"Why is that?"

"We are leaving Lisa, you and I. Together we can make a life, you can be happy."

"I am happy Zane, with Wayne, he makes me happy."

"No he doesn't! He makes you cry!"

"No he doesn't! Now let me go!"

I started struggling to get free but his grip was too tight, so I did the next best thing. I kicked him hard, he lost his balance, to stop himself from falling he let go of me and I started running. I wish I knew this place better because I have no way to know where I am going. I just rounded a tree when I ran into someone, I immediately tried to change direction but the person caught my arm. 'Please Lord, don't let it be Zane.'

"Lisa? What's going on? Why are you running?"

My knees gave out underneath me when I realised it was Wayne. He held my closed while I cling to him. He let go with one arm to get his phone, he called Ian and told him where we are.

"Lisa, what happened?"

"Zane...he followed me and wouldn't let go, so I kicked him and ran."

"That's my girl, or rather, that's my wife."

He got me to smile, but that smile soon disappeared when I heard Zane calling my name.

"Go back Lisa, Ian is on his way, if you find Luke then tell him, I told you to tell him that he shouldn't leave your side till he hears from me."


I start jogging back to the familiar part of the castle, on my way I met both Ian and Luke. I told Luke what Wayne said, he then walked with me back to the dining room where everyone was still sitting.

"Where's Wayne?"

My dad looks curious, as for as he knows we had a talk, he doesn't know about everything that has happened in the last few minutes.

"He's just taking care of something."

"Did you two talk?"

"No, we didn't."

Everyone looked disappointed with my announcement. The queen was the first to recover, "Maybe you should go lie down Lisa, you look tired."

Maybe I should, I can feel a headache coming, "I think I might just do it."

"I'll walk with you."

I smile at my mom, I guess motherly instincts doesn't go away when your children leave the house. I said goodbye to my dad before we left, Luke was close behind.

"Honey, are you sure you are okay?"

"I will be Mom, don't worry."

"I'll always worry about you Lisa."

"I know and I'm thankful for it."

"Your father told us what you told him, we are really excited for the new direction your relationship will be heading. I have been having sleepless nights about this Lisa, I felt bad for asking you to marry someone you didn't even know, it fills my heart with joy to see that we made the right decision."

"Mom, why did you agree to the marriage?"

"I don't know honey, when they approached us, we said we would pray about it. We did and felt that marriage to Wayne is part of God's plan for your life. We knew you would be well taken care of."

Not the answer I was expecting, but then again, I didn't know what to expect.

"Thanks Mom."

"Let's get you in bed."

We walked in silence the rest of the way, once inside the room I fell on the bed, exhaustion hitting me.

"Nice picture."

I look to where my mom is looking, it's one of the pictures from our wedding, we both look happy but underneath our smiles where two young people who was very unsure about what the future held for them. I haven't paid attention to the picture in weeks because I feel like it's fake. We looked happy but we weren't, maybe it's time for an updated photo, one where we are actually happy.

"I'll let you get some sleep."

"Thanks Mom, I love you and I'm sorry I didn't get to be with you more today."

"There will always be a next time honey, love you too."

She gave a hug and left. The moment she was out Luke came in, "Sorry Princess, I have orders not to leave your side, I'll be on the balcony with the door open."

"Okay, thanks Luke."

I waited till he was settled in on the porch before I got into the bed, the moment my head hit the pillow I was gone.

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