Drarry Oneshots

Por Patrick11Stump

7.4K 212 38

Just a little collection of Drarry one shots that I make. (Smut, Fluff, Angst, anything) Accepting Requests!! Más

Cookies, Weasel?
Save Me
Blue Eyed Boy
Saviour Of The Wizarding World
Him Pt. 2
Where Did the Party Go?

The Shared room

2.2K 47 13
Por Patrick11Stump

(Hello, this is my first attempt at oneshots and a Harry Potter one at that! I'm just going to say some stuff may not be like it is in the books, but that is the joy of these wonderful things we call fanfictions. Well enjoy!)

Genre: Smut

Warnings: Smut/ Swearing

Word Count: 8k+

Summary: Draco and Harry end up having to share a room on a school trip, they both already like each other but they are stubborn and don't want to make it seem like it. A few days go by and smut ensues.

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Harry Potter sat excitedly in the train seat. Hermione and Ron next to him playing a game of wizards chess and laughing loudly. His eyes set outside the window. It's his last wizard of trip before summer break. He's dreading going home to the Dursley's for the first few months of summer before going out on his own but one more trip before being deprived of magic may help his racing mind.

They're headed to a small muggle town to experience the real world for once. As most of the school are pure blood they've never set foot in the muggle world.

The train whistles loudly as it pulls into the station. The Hufflepuffs squee loudly as the Slytherins scoff. Ravenclaw and Gryffindor just smile and get off of the train.

Harry steps onto the ground. Where they are? Just a quaint town in Wales. Beaumaris to be exact. Harry breathes in the fresh air and smiles at Ron, who's arm is slung around Hermione's shoulders.

McGonagall smiles brightly at the students who could come along. Only a mere twenty-one were allowed and Harry is glad he and his friends were chosen.

They walk up to the hostel they will be staying in. Many a witch and wizard have stayed here. It is owned by Hogwarts itself. Dumbledore was once said to have built it on a whim.

McGonagall passes Harry his room key with an apologetic look. Harry furrows his brows and questions her.

"Erm. It seems your room only has one bed. And now that magic is not allowed unless absolutely necessary we cannot bring another bed."

"That's fine, Professor." Harry smiles and McGonagall just gives a shaky one back. She's sure the second Harry finds out about his room mate he will be singing a different tune.

Harry walks into the building and down the hall to his room. It's kind of odd how secluded the room is. It's at least twenty rooms away from anyone else's. He just flattens his lips and inserts the key into the lock.

He turns the door handle and steps in. His eyes widen and he blurts out the first thing that comes to mind.

"Malfoy! What are you doing in my room?!"

Draco jumps and clutches his heart at the sudden intrusion. He swiftly shuts his suitcase and glares at Harry.

"Your room? What are you on about, Potter? This is my—"

His sentence drops off when it sinks in.

"Please tell me I'm not sharing a room with you!"

Harry scrunches his nose in distaste and furrows his brows.

"Oh great. I'm stuck with you. Bloody fantastic!" Harry says and drops his suitcase on the floor, it's a lie. He's more than happy to be with Malfoy.

"I call the bed!" Draco yells and sprawls across it.

"Whatever," Harry rolls his eyes hiding his smile because Harry is supposed to hate him; but he doesn't. He gets settled in the corner of the room. He pulls out the paper and stares at the moving picture on the front page.

Lockhart finally remembers everything! After years of physical recovery the ex-Hogwarts teacher says he's ready to come back.

Harry rolls his eyes at the headlines. That means that idiot will be back at Hogwarts in no time. Harry pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs loudly getting the attention of Draco.

"What are you sighing at? Failed something else?"

Harry glares at him before tossing the paper over.

"Bloody hell! Please tell me this is fake. It's fake right, Potter?" Draco groans and throws the paper back towards Harry.

"I wish. I hate that prat." Harry rips up the paper and tosses it in the bin.

"I can't believe I'm saying this. But I agree. Don't expect that often, Potter." Draco says and opens a book. Harry just rolls his eyes before pulling out a deck of cards.

He stacks them gently, concentrating hard. His tongue sticking out slightly and not noticing Draco staring at him over the book. He makes a little card house in which he smiles at and tilts his head in happiness.

Draco snaps his book shut, making Harry jump and knock the card house over.

Harry sighs and picks the cards up whilst Draco laughs.

"I absolutely hate you sometimes." Harry mumbles.

"Only sometimes?" Draco quirks a brow hiding his happiness behind sarcasm. "I'm honoured."

Harry rolls his eyes and looks up when McGonagall opens the door.

"Time for dinner, boys. I'm glad to see you're getting along." Draco and Harry nod swiftly before following her down the winding halls.

"Getting along? Yeah right." Draco mumbles. Harry just scoffs and turns towards him.

"We can at least let her dream." Harry crosses his arms over his chest and scurries after McGonagall.

Draco tries to ignore the mesmerising green of Harry's eyes and instead rolls his own grey ones.

They get down to the table. They eat until their bellies are full and chit-chat amongst themselves.

"Who're you bunked with, mate?" Ron asks after exposing his room mate is Neville Longbottom.

"Malfoy, of all people it had to be him." Ron scrunches his nose in distaste and let's out a snort.

"The world sure does hate you." Hermione laughs and tells who she's bunked with.

"Ginny. She's awesome. Ron, I like to think your sisters better company than you!" Hermione giggles while Ron pouts. Ginny walks to the table and blushes when Ron retells the story to her.

"Thanks 'Mione!" She says and sets down her books.

"Gotta stay caught up!" Ginny says and starts working on her twelve inch paper.

They all stay and chat a while longer before heading to the town for a bit.

Harry stays with Ron and Hermione and they explore the little shops around the island.

When the sunsets they head back to their chambers for the night. They don't have a strict bedtime but they must be in their rooms by eleven.

Harry is back in the room huddled under a small sheet, while Draco is draped in luxurious silk blankets.

The night is cold and Harry finds himself shivering and his teeth are chattering loudly. He would never admit it out loud but he would love to be cuddled up next to Malfoy at this point.

Draco hearing the chattering and feeling extra nice—partially because he's in love with the fool, but would never ever actually tell him—calls to him.

"Potter!" He whispers loudly.

"Yes?" Harry asks, hoping and praying that he asks him to come up with him.

"Do you, um, are you cold?" Draco stutters and shuffles slightly on the bed.

"A little."

"A little? I can hear your chattering teeth from up here. Get in the blanket so I don't have to hear you anymore." Draco prays he didn't sound to desperate but he wants Harry to accidentally start cuddling with him.

"Fine, but only because I'm cold." Harry smiles in the dark, Draco can't see it so he doesn't care. He gets to be in bed with Draco.

Draco scoots over on the small double bed and tosses some of the blanket he's had wrapped around him towards Harry. Harry gratefully takes it and shuffles close on the bed.

They fall asleep soon. The sound of their breathing calming the other.

Harry awakes with a jolt. His heart is racing and he can feel his body shaking.

"Potter?" Draco questions sitting up. "Are you alright."

Their eyes are adjusted to the dark room, so Draco sees when Harry shakes his head no.

"What's wrong?" Draco asks not caring if he's out of character.

"I-I-I don't know. V-V-Voldemort was ba-back." Harry stutters and pulls the blanket closer to him.

"Potter, you killed him yourself. It's okay." Draco, surprising Harry beyond belief, opens his arms for Harry to fall into.

Harry jumps into his arms not caring if they're supposed to be enemies. He's in love with him and has hid it behind hate because it's easier to comprehend hate for another man than it is for love.

Harry doesn't voice anything when Draco lays them back down. Harry lays his head on Draco's chest and snuggles closer to him.

Even if it's only for tonight at least he can hold the person he's always secretly loved.

"I hate these dreams," Harry whispers quietly still shaking. Draco rests his hand on Harry's side and pats it reassuringly.

"If it makes you feel any better, I thank you everyday for killing him. I'd be dead without you, so thank you, I guess." Draco yawns and pretends not to feel Harry's small deep chuckle against his chest. He also pretends not to feel the little jump of his heart when Harry snuggles deeper into his chest.

"You're welcome, Malfoy. Goodnight." Harry whispers before closing his eyes and inhaling Draco's amazing scent.

"Night, Potter."

Neither boy comments at the strange way they're sleeping, it just seems natural to be snuggled up this way. They both easily fall asleep. Their bodies next to each other, making it warm and comfortable in the unheated room.

Daylight breaks, but they don't wake up. The curtains block most of the light. But it doesn't matter to them. They're still sleeping.

"It's time to wake up—" Hermione says opening the door, McGonagall told her to go make sure they are up for breakfast. She shuts her mouth fast enough that her teeth clatter and her eyes bulge. She quietly studies the scene before closing the door behind her and screaming into her palm out of pure excitement.

She runs down the halls towards her best friend. Both boys stay calmly asleep, not a worry in the world.

"Ginny!" She screams into their room. Ginny's eyes widen and she looks at Hermione like she's sprouted a set of extra heads.

"What?" Ginny questions and stands up.
Hermione grabs Ginnys arm and rushes them out of the room. She spots the slytherin Pansy and grabs her too. Because, who doesn't ship those two?

"What are you doing, you griffindork?!" Pansy shouts and tries to tug her arm away.

"Shut up! It's worth it trust me!" Hermione says with the biggest grin imaginable on her face.

Pansy tugs her arm again but nonetheless comes along sluggishly.

Hermione puts a finger to her lips and quietly opens Draco and Harry's door. Both boys are still sleeping, completely unaware of their audience.

Ginny and Pansy's eyes widen and they both suppress screams of joy as well.

Harry's head is still on Draco's steady rising and falling chest. Draco's arm around Harry's waist and the other behind his own head. Harry's arm on Draco's chest and the other tucked besides him.

"Oh, Merlin! Thank you, Hermione." Pansy says quietly and squeals into her hand. Hermione just smiles and quietly shuts the door.

"They're so cute!" Ginny squees when they're far enough from the door. Hermione nods as does Pansy.

"Oh Merlin! They are making my heart melt! Who would have thought!" Pansy exclaims and smiles at Hermione. Maybe she isn't so bad after all. I mean she did show her some much needed reassurance.

"We can't tell anyone. It's our secret. And theirs, I guess." Hermione giggles and the other two nod in agreement.

"Well, I have to go wake them up. Wanna come with and see what happens?" Hermione wiggles her brows at the two who nod and quickly follow her back after talking for a few more minutes.

Hermione knocks on the door loudly, shouting a wake up. The girls press their ears to the door.

They hear Harry yelp, "what the bloody hell was that for?" They hear Draco chuckle and they guess he's helped Harry up, because Harry doesn't say anything else.

"For show. Now hurry up. We need to pretend to hate each other." Hermione and Pansy scoff and Ginny just giggles.

All the girls suppress laughs when they hear the boys start yelling.

"I can't believe you made me sleep on the floor!" Harry shouts and sends a small smile towards Draco. He doesn't know why they've changed their ways towards each other, but it's nice. Draco just rolls his eyes and smiles back.

"Because I'm obviously more important, Potter!" Draco gently chucks a pillow at Harry who catches it and chucks it back. Draco narrows his eyes before a smile splays across his lips.

"Whatever, Malfoy!" Harry sends him another smile before walking out of the door and trying to pull an annoyed face. Hermione and Ginny walk with Pansy which confuses Harry but he brushes it off and glances back to see Draco's hands messing with his bed hair. Harry tries to keep a scowl. But can't because he just looks too cute with the scowl on his face. Harry looks up to see Hermione looking at him with a skeptical look that makes him believe she knows something. He casts his eyes downward at the light blush that streaks across his face.

They walk into the dining hall. All eyes snap to Harry before returning to their food. Harry forces a scowl towards Draco; which Draco just ignores, sticking his nose high in the air.

Ginny, Pansy, and Hermione all share the same sly smirk and start to eat their food. Harry tries to concentrate on his food, but he can't help but think of Draco. When did he feel comfortable enough to actually let himself go around him. I mean eight years of fake hatred towards him must amount to something. Draco has to be acting, right? Well, no. Because even if he was, he wouldn't have been sending him actual smiles. Actual chuckles and hugs. And snuggles.

He definitely wouldn't be giving him snuggles. It's all so foreign... yet also exciting.

Draco's thoughts are the same. Why Potter of all people does he have to like? I mean there's plenty of very pretty girls around. But Potter's stupid scar and stupid face have to be so handsome and breath taking. It's irksome.

Draco looks at Harry. Harry unknowingly looks up at the same time. Their eyes stay locked and both try to ward off grins. They think no one is paying attention because they can hear the chattering besides them, but per usual the girls—Ginny, Hermione, and Pansy—are watching the exchange happily.

Harry just shakes his head, a light smile and blush on his face. He tilts his head down slightly but continues to stare. Draco raises a brow and tilts his head.

Harry's lips quirk and looks away when Ron taps his shoulder.

"Who're you staring at, 'arry?" Ron looks over and tries to spot a blushing girl or something. But he only sees Malfoy sending him a half-hearted scowl.

"No one. I spaced off..." Harry tries to play it off, but Ron knows better than that.

"Yeah, and I'm missing my left leg. What girl is making you that happy?"

Harry blushes deeper, but just shrugs his shoulders instead of answering. Ron just rolls his eyes and scans the table closer before slumping and turning towards Hermione when she shakes his shoulders.

Harry smiles to himself at the great timing. Ron was getting suspicious.

Breakfast passes and McGonagall calls them into pairs. Harry smiles when Ron and Blaise get paired. And Pansy and Hermione and Ginny, after begging of course and there being an odd number of girls it works. And lastly, him and Draco. McGonagall thinks it would help them, if only she knew that she's already helped them.

It's a sort of scavenger hunt around the village. They have until dusk to find everything they need.

Draco and Harry make an excellent team and quickly figure out the riddles and find the hiding places of everything. McGonagall smiles and send them back to the inn. She must watch everyone else and listening to the kind conversation the boys are having, she has no reason to worry about them as much anymore.

They walk back to the inn, quick glances sent to each other. Looking to see if anything has changed between them. Their hands brush and both blush brightly but keep straight faces nonetheless. They smile at the desk clerk. Or at least Harry does.

Draco just faces the floor and smiles when Harry opens the door to their room. Draco just stands in the middle of the room while Harry steps through the door.

Draco turns around and stares at Harry. Harry stares back. A hint of a smile playing on Harry's lips. Draco bites his lip softly when Harry slowly shuts the door. Harry turns around when it clicks shut.

Draco leaps forward and closes the distance between them. His lips gently crash against Harry's. He closes his eyes and listens to Harry's sound of surprise. Harry's eyes widen but then clamp shut and he kisses back. Harry's hand winds into Draco's hair. Draco relaxes and presses Harry into the door. Both unaware that the girls are walking down the halls because they'd finished as well. The girls hear a body slam against the door and raise their eyebrows. Ginny looks at Hermione strangely and they move closer.

Harry bites Draco's bottom lip and tugs it between his teeth making Draco gasp. Harry gently prods the tip of Draco's tongue with his own after releasing Draco's lip. Draco whines lowly and Harry flips them so Draco's back is pressed against the door making him gasp louder and shudder.

Hermione's face heats up and she slaps a hand over her mouth as her eyes widen the other two girls widen as well. Ginny and Pansy both gasp quietly. They slowly walk away with red faces and slight grins, Ron'll have to hand over a galleon each by the end of the week.

Harry presses his hips against Draco's. Draco immediately gasps louder at the feelings coursing through his body.

Harry gently bites Draco's neck, Draco bites his swollen lips between his teeth and focuses on the way Harry's lips are moving against his pale sensitive neck. Harry sucks the skin to leave a mark. When he deems it bright enough, he returns to Draco's lips. Harry's hands travel down from Draco's hair to his hips. Draco moves his hands to Harry's hair and tugs his lips closer. Harry hums appreciatively and opens his mouth. Draco lets Harry dominate his mouth. Harry massages his tongue against Draco's. His mouth faintly tastes of mint and it drives Harry wild.

A loud knock on the door makes both boys jump and stare at each other.

"Harry?! Hermione wants you!" Ron bangs on the door again to emphasize his point.

Harry groans and sends an apologetic look to Draco who's still pressed against the door with swollen lips and slightly dazed eyes.

"Alright! Tell her I'll be a minute!" Harry yells back and then smiles at Draco.

"Can we continue when I get back?" Harry whispers with a slightly bigger smile.

"That can be arranged, now go Potter." Draco smirks back and gently shoves Harry away before walking over to the bed and picking up his book.

Harry rolls his eyes and smirks at the bright purplish mark on Draco's neck before stepping outside his room.

His messy hair is somehow messier, he tries to fix it and somehow makes it a little better. His lips are slightly swollen but he doesn't care. He kissed—no made out with Draco Malfoy. That's all that matters. Also, he gets to continue it when he gets back as well.

Harry knocks on Hermione's door. Ginny opens and smiles at Harry before dragging him into the room.

"Harry!" Hermione squeals and hugs him. Harry, slightly taken back pats her head.

"I can't believe it." Hermione smiles widely, she glances at Harry's lips and smiles at Ginny. Ginny smirks back.

"Guess what!" Hermione shouts.

"What?" Harry questions subconsciously rubbing his lips together. 

"I've done it!" She shouts looking at Pansy, who's just emerged from the shadows, proudly.

"Done what?" Harry looks at her skeptically.

"I've befriended a Slytherin before you." Pansy nods her head and stands by Hermione.

Harry almost laughs. If only she knew.

"That's great, 'Mione. But I really should be getting back, I have stuff to do." Harry tries to fake a smile but Hermione looks right through it.

"Sure, whatever. Go back to snogging Draco." Hermione jokes. Or that's what Harry thinks. His face goes red but he just laughs.

"Right, 'cause that'll totally happen." Harry rolls his eyes before leaving the girls' room.

Hermione and the other girls high five and smile victoriously at each other. They all know he really was snogging him.

Harry walks back to the room humming slightly ignoring the questioning stares from everyone and quickly walking back into the room.

Draco is sitting on the bed and only looks up when Harry clicks the door shut.

"Back so quickly, Potter. You excited or something?" Draco jokes and sets the book down.

Harry walks over and smiles.

"Oh, you know it." He touches Draco's face. But a thought courses through his mind.

"Um, Malfoy. What are we?" Harry asks sitting down besides him. Draco looks over at Harry.

"I don't know. What do you want to be?" Draco smiles back at Harry who's blushing madly.

"Er, wh-what about b-boyfriends?" Harry stutters and hides his face in his hands. Draco chuckles lightly.

"Yeah, I like that idea." Harry immediately perks up at Draco's response.

"Really?" He says and looks at Draco's pale blue eyes.

"Really." Draco says and stares at the emerald green of Harry's eyes.

"Does that mean I can do this whenever?" Harry leans forward and gently kisses Draco. Draco smiles and when Harry pulls away he nods saying a quick yeah.

Draco groans when another knock at the door interrupts them.

"Draco? Pansy wants you!" Harry hears Ginny call through the door. Draco sighs. Harry just smiles and ushers him along.

Draco opens the door and stares down at Ginny. She offers a smile before quickly glancing down.

"Why did Pansy send you?" Draco asks cooly.

Ginny just shrugs and leads him to Pansy's room.

Pansy is sitting on the floor talking animatedly to Hermione. Draco jumps when the door slams shut but then calms down when his friend stands up.

"Hello, Draco."

"Pansy." Draco nods at her with a slight smile.

"I've befriended a Gryffindor before you. How does that make you feel?" Draco suppresses a smile.

"Fine, is that all you needed to tell me?" Draco glances back towards the door.

"No, I was going to ask where you got the love bite as well. But, I'm guessing it was Astoria. Am I correct?" Pansy questions with a slightly raised eyebrow.

It's no lie everyone thinks Astoria and him are dating. But they're not. They're just extremely good friends.

"Nope." Draco says and smiles at her surprised face.

"Oh, so then it was Potter." Pansy smirks while the other two girls giggle behind her.

Draco blushed bright red. "I-I have no idea what you're talking about." Draco stutters and stares at her.

"Sure, go back to your room. I'm guessing you have something," at this time Hermione coughs the word someone over Pansy, "to do." They all snicker at Draco's flustered reactions.

He scoffs and walks out of the room. He stomps down the halls towards Harry.

He opens the door and sighs. "Potter! Your friends have us figured out."

Harry raises an eyebrow. "How do you know?"

"They asked about this," Draco points to the bruise on his neck, "and then asked if it was Astoria, to which I said no and then they said 'oh it must be Potter then' and then they said to go back to the room."

Harry laughs at Draco's dramatic reaction.

"Is it a bad thing they know?" Harry questions and Draco lays down on the bed next to him.

"Well, no, not necessarily." Draco moves down the bed so he's siting by Harry. Harry smiles down at Draco.

Its weird how they could go from enemies a week ago to dating. They do say love and hate are a thin line. They're walking proof of that.

"Well, we don't have anything to worry about. I mean why would they care. I mean we do magic, why wouldn't that be weirder than two guys being together."

Draco opens his mouth to say something but closes it and nods.

"Shut up, Mr. Realist." Harry laughs and smiles when Draco lightly hits his arm.

"I'm only right, Malfoy." Draco likes the way his name sounds coming from Harry's mouth when it's not in a mean way. It causes a smile to form on his lips.

A few days pass by without anything significant happening. Maybe a few loose smiles and stares are caught by the students. They don't know anything else. They just think maybe they've set aside their differences and become friends. They don't know they sleep in the same bed cuddled up. They don't know that they literally are head over heels for each other.

Draco and Harry had just gotten back from another task. They only have a few more days left of their little vacation. Then they go back to school for a few more weeks and they're done with school for good.

They're chatting animatedly. Draco's head in resting on Harry's chest while Harry has his arms folded under his head. Someone opens the door, but they don't have the care in them to move.

"Oh," Hermione just says and steps in with the rest of the trio of girls. "We were just stopping by to drop this off from McGonagall." She drops off a package. Draco looks at her, she looks at him and smiles.

"You two are literally the cutest." Ginny says and Pansy nods.

"I agree with red here." Pansy smiles. Harry smiles back and then looks down at Draco mouthing an I told you so. Draco rolls his eyes and sits up pulling Harry with him.

"I hope you're only talking about me. I'm the only cute thing in here." Harry stifles a laugh and nods along mouthing a sure. Draco crosses his arms.

"By the way, Pansy, why are you hanging with a Gryffindork? I'm only here because I have to be. Stupid really." Draco leans back onto Harry's chest. Harry laughs.

"Same to you Hermione. Why?" Hermione rolls her eyes at Harry.

"At least we aren't pretending." She says and looks at the girls besides her victoriously.

"I'm only leaning on him because he's comfortable. He's still a prat." Draco says at the same time Harry laughs. The girls laugh.

"At this point who are you fooling?" Pansy says and picks at her nails distractedly.

"True," Hermione says and slings her arm around Ginny's shoulders.

Draco rolls his eyes and Harry shoes them out of the room.

Harry wraps his arms around Draco's waist and rests his head on Draco's shoulder. Draco sighs and leans farther back into the hug.

"Why did we waste all those years fighting, when we could have been together instead?" Harry shrugs at Draco's question. He doesn't know. Maybe because they 'hated' each other.

"We we're both on different sides. We had different things going on. I'm just happy we're almost out of school. So then we don't have to worry about classes and stuff getting in the way."

Draco nods and smiles up at Harry.

"Yeah, that's good. I'll have to go back to the manor though. Where will you go?" Draco asks, his voice slightly bitter at the thought of returning home.

"I'll probably just find a place. Maybe I'll stay at Grimmualds. Maybe I'll find a place. I don't know yet." Harry sighs and Draco looks back at him.

"I really hate the manor now. It's so... empty. Mother is there, but she's mostly moping around with the house elves. It never was really a home, but it's even less of one now. Now, it's just scary and cold. Not somewhere I really like to be." Harry hugs Draco tighter. His lips brushing Draco's neck. Draco shudders, Harry smirks.

"Yeah, I can understand why you wouldn't like that. You know, you could always stay with me. I wouldn't mind the company. Not one bit." Draco bites his lip and squirms when Harry's lips ghost over the skin the whole time he's talking.

"Y-Yeah. Th-That'd b-be great—ah." Harry nips Draco's neck lightly making him gasp. Harry smirks again and licks a strip of Draco's neck before blowing cold air over it making Draco squirm even more.

"Potter," Draco says dangerously. Harry just smiles and buries his face into Draco's neck.

"Malfoy?" Harry says and nips the skin again. Draco gasps and tilts his head slightly so Harry can have more of his exposed neck to play with.

Harry kisses the skin of his neck before biting it gently and creating a bruise. Draco gasps when Harry rolls his hips forward. Draco's breathing goes funny.

"P-Potter," Draco reaches behind him and cards his hands through Harry's hair. Harry takes this as a good sign and moves his hips a little more against Draco. Draco can feel Harry's erection pressing against him and he can feel himself becoming hard as well.

Draco grinds back making Harry's breathing hitch. Draco reaches for his wand, Harry sees this and guides his hand toward it.

Draco lifts it up before pointing over to the door, "colloportus."

Harry smiles and grabs his own wand he waves it around. At first Draco is confused.

"Silencing charm. I have plans," Draco blushes. Harry laughs and Draco turns around so he's sitting in Harry's lap facing him.

"You have plans, do you?" Draco says quietly his pupils dilating and Harry's starting to match. Harry nods and moves his lips towards Draco's neck once more.

"I do, they involve you and this bed. But only if you agree." Harry whispers this before kissing Draco's neck again. Draco gasps when Harry thrusts upwards letting their erections grind together. Draco wraps his arm around Harry's shoulders and Harry nips his neck again.

"Mmh, I think I might have to accept th-that offer—ah." Draco moans lowly when Harry leans him back and kisses him. Draco's back hits the bed and Harry hovers over him. Draco stares at Harry, lightly stroking his face before gripping his shoulders. Harry slowly grinds forward, Draco gasps and tightens his grip. Harry bathes in the amatory filled face of Draco.

Draco opens his mouth slightly. Moaning when Harry grind forward at an agonisingly slow pace. Harry moans lowly and presses his face into Draco's neck.

"Oh, P-Potteeer." Draco arches his back and Harry sucks on the skin of his neck. Harry breathes deeply onto Draco's neck. Draco moves his hands into Harry's hair and lightly tugs it, making him moan and his hips buck slightly.

Draco smirks and tugs it every time their hips meet in hot friction. Draco lifts Harry's head and slams their lips together. Harry moans into the kiss and opens his mouth, using his tongue to massage every inch of Draco's mouth. Draco moans when Harry moves his hand to rest on his hip. He presses Draco's hips back onto the mattress and moves his hand over Draco's erection. Draco gasps and curses when Harry goes slow when stroking him.

"Potter...Merlin!" Draco arches his back again and leaves his mouth open to capture more air in his lungs. Harry looks at Draco's face, feeling his erection ache against the fabric of his jeans. Draco opens his eyes and stares at Harry. Harry lets go of Draco and presses hot opened mouth kisses on his collarbones. Draco gasps closing his eyes and shivers when Harry traces the bones with his tongue. Harry slowly unbuttons the first button looking to see if Draco will protest. When he doesn't his fingers fumble to delicately remove the shirt. Draco opens his eyes, his pupils blow wide and swirling with lust, he works on removing Harry's shirt as well. When their shirts are removed they toss them to the floor. Harry kisses down Draco's chest and stomach. His eyes landing on the trail of hair leading into Draco's pants and growling slightly. Draco shivers at the sounds and feels Harry's mouth kiss his abdomen delicately.

Harry slowly unbuttons Draco's jeans. Sliding them off and onto the floor before discarding his own beside them. Draco stares at him, his black underwear doing little to hide the obvious erection. Though he doesn't feel shy as Draco's body is acting in the same way. Draco's eyes rake over Harry's body, studying every curve and dip. His eyes landing on his toned stomach and the little 'v' leading into his own blue pair of underwear. Draco sighs needily and looks at Harry. Harry smiles and crawls back onto the double wide bed slowly.

"You want this, Malfoy?" Harry teases the waistband of Draco's last remaining article of clothes before staring into the grey eyes.

"Fuck, Potter, yes, yes, plea-seee." Draco begs and Harry smirks devilishly.

"Good to see we're on the same page." Harry sighs and grinds onto Draco's waiting figure. Draco moves his hands to Harry's back and pulls him closer so Harry's face is mere centimeters away from his own.

"If you don't fuck me soon, I think I might go insane." Harry's eyes darken lustfully at these words. He slips his hand over the waistband and pulls them down. Draco sighs happily and moves his hands so they're resting on Harry's arse. He swiftly uses his thumbs and moves the fabric down. Both boys stare into each others eyes before kicking the last fabric off their bodies. In hot passion their hips meet and skin presses skin. Harry moans lowly into Draco's ear making him groan and drag his nails lightly over Harry's back.

Draco grabs Harry's hand and sucks three fingers into his mouth. Harry stares in awe and feels his erection ache. Draco releases the fingers with a slight pop and Harry slowly trails his hand down Draco's body. Draco's eyes close as he feels Harry circle the tight ring of muscles. Harry kisses Draco hard the second his first finger enters. Draco squirms at the weird intrusion. Harry curls his finger, lightly pumping in and out. Draco hisses slightly when Harry adds the second finger. Harry goes slower with this one. Taking the time to angle it differently and curl and release his fingers. Draco shivers above him, slowly allowing the pain to ease. Harry scissors his fingers and moans lightly when Draco drags his nails over his back. He scissors and curls his fingers rhythmically. Draco's body twitches with pleasure and he groans with each pump of Harry's fingers. Harry sighs with each little nail trail that burns his back. He slowly nudges a third finger in and feels Draco jerk lightly against his fingers. Sweat moistens his forehead and he watches as Draco's mouth falls open slightly when he picks up his pace. He angles his pumps and scissors his fingers, studying and bathing in the different pleasured faces of the boy below him. He listens to Draco's little groans and moans of pleasure. The little hitches of breath when he hits a spot just right. When Draco shivers as Harry kisses his stomach and chest. His fingers pull out slowly, Draco groans at the lose of contact. Harry leans up and spits in his hand before stroking himself a few times while staring down at Draco's body.

"Ready, Malfoy?" Harry teases and leans over him so his erection is barely brushing Draco's arse.

"Merlin, yes! Hurry up, Potter!" Draco moans and presses himself against Harry. Harry smirks and firmly pushes against Draco's arse. Draco pulls Harry's hair lightly, urging him to move. Harry presses in and gets an inch or two before Draco tells him to stop. Harry calms his quivering body and waits for Draco to tell him he can move again. Draco wriggles his body, easing the pain and telling Harry he can slowly move, he stops him quickly though when the fire returns. Their deep breathing fills the room. Bouncing off the walls and resting back into their ears. Draco's body soothes itself and he tells Harry to go again. Draco grits his teeth and just waits out the pain until Harry bottoms out.

Harry clutches the blankets tangled above Draco's head tightly and wills himself not to move. Draco sighs and experimentally moves his hips. The pressure between his hips is driving him insane. When the pain finally subsides he focuses on the feeling of Harry between his legs. His thighs splayed and open for Harry. Harry resting against them. Harry's warmth radiating off him. Making the room feel as though it's drenched in flames. The feeling of Harry's erection nestled between his hips.

"Move." Draco whispers, his voice failing him with the amount of stimulation he's receiving. Harry slowly pulls out halfway before thrusting forward again. Draco gasps and grips Harry's back tightly. Harry bites his lip as Draco's warmth encases his erection.

"Oh god, Malfoy." He sighs and rocks his hips against Draco. Draco whimpers as Harry picks up the speed. He's never felt this good before, he's never been touched or felt in this way. Everything is foreign and exciting. With Harry rocking against him he can't help but whimper and moan softly. It feels good, so good. Every time Harry pulls out he can feel himself shaking with the pleasure. His back is arching and eyes clamped shut. His nails digging into Harry's back. Harry isn't complaining, with Draco around him and fitting him just right, the nails add a bit of burn that consumes him.

The air feels hot and wet. Their breathing has turned to panting and moans. Harry loves the sounds he's making Draco produce. Little whimpers of pleasure. Little moans and groans when he touches him in a specific way. Harry moves one of his hands rests it on Draco's shoulder. Their hips meet and they feel the fire burning. Girls never made him feel this way, they always needed the tender mellow pace. They were a small match of a flame. Draco's like a forest fire burning miles high and consuming him in the heat of his flames.

"Faster-ah, Potter. Oh, Merlin! Harder-er! P-Please!" Harry obliges, speeding up his hips and using more force to pleasure one another. He changed his angle slightly and Draco cries out and tightens his grip. Harry groans and licks a trail from Draco's chest to his mouth. Draco gasps when Harry moves from his mouth and circles one of his sensitive nipples. Harry sucks the little bit of skin and Draco feels the pleasure go straight to his erection. Harry smiles at the look on Draco's face. Harry listens to the sound of their skin meeting and removes his mouth. Draco cards his fingers through the surprisingly soft mess of Harry's hair. Draco whimpers as Harry's body forces his erection deeper into Draco's arse and makes his body arch in pleasure. He never expected the Boy Who Lived would ever like him at all. Even less as a friend. And he never expected that he, Draco Malfoy, would be having the most mind-blowing sex from said Boy Who Lived. He's not complaining though, hell no.

Harry angles his thrusts and Draco gasps loudly, nails digging into his back, because oh god, that was magical. That was amazing.

"There, Oh," Draco whimpers as Harry hits that spot again, his mind feels foggy and all he can think about is how good that feels. Harry smirks and makes sure he just barely brushes the spot with every thrust of his hips. Draco growls and Harry gasps, because damn, was that sexy. He purposefully avoids the spot a few more times before Draco clenches around him and makes him cry out. He makes sure he hits the spot in Draco's body that makes the boy let out sweet whimpers of pleasure and ecstasy. Harry feels himself slipping faster into his high than he would like.

"Fuck, fu-uuck, fu-uck," Draco chants as Harry hits the spot harder. Draco drags his nails down Harry's back the fire growing quickly. Harry grips Draco's neglected erection in his hand and strokes it in time with each thrust of his hips. Draco moans loudly and his nails dig deeper into Harry's back creating crescent indents. Draco lifts his hips up to meet Harry's quickly falling apart thrusts. The heat is pooling in there stomachs reaching a boiling point and almost on them.

"Fuck, Dr-Draco." Harry moans loudly barely keeping his voice steady. The sound of their breathing reaches an all time high. Loud intakes are heard, whimpers and moans filter between them.

"Mmh, Harry!" Draco shouts at the sound of his name and quivers feeling the heat in his stomach intensify. Harry feels his own heat reaching a peak. The bed creaks below them and Draco's whimpers grow quieter. He whispers that he's close and Harry nods along. Draco arches his back. Harry is hitting that spot every thrust and he never wants it to end, it feels too good. To say this sex was good would be an understatement. Draco has never bottomed, because he's never been with a guy before. Hell, he's only been with one girl and it was because people were getting suspicious that the blond wasn't with anyone. He doesn't even like girls, boys are easier to understand. Easier to please, yet they offer more of a challenge. Because since he himself is a guy nobody suspects it and it's not as accepted as being with a girl. It's daring. If he would have known it would be this good, he would have jumped Potter sooner. Because, damn does the guy know how to please. Draco's nails create red scratches over Harry's back and shoulders and Harry loves the feeling.

With Harry's hand movements and his hips working, Draco is quickly reaching his much needed high. Harry can feel his hips shake with the pent up orgasm about to wash over him.

"God, Dr-raco, I'm s-so cl-close-ah," Harry gently bites Draco's shoulder and speeds up his hips. Draco nods and whimpers when Harry's hand moves faster. Feeling it quickly approaching Harry clamps his eyes shut and growls into Draco's shoulder. With the feeling of Harry inside him and having Harry's hand wrapped around him he just barely has time to cry out before feeling his orgasm wash over him. The sight of Draco coming undone under him sends Harry hurdling over the edge of his own orgasm. Draco tightens his thighs around Harry as he cries out his name. Harry moans loudly into Draco's shoulder biting it softly and slowing his pace. After a minute he pulls out and hovers over Draco.

Draco's chest and Harry's hand are splattered with the aftermath of Draco's orgasm and he feels sticky. Harry reaches for his wand, finding it under a pillow he mutters a cleaning spell and Draco no longer feels sticky.

"Wow," Draco says and still feels slightly shaky from the experience.

"Wow, indeed," Harry says back and lightly strokes the spot on Draco's shoulder before laying next to him.

"Sorry about your back," Draco whispers and rolls so he is facing Harry instead. Harry just smiles and kisses Draco hotly on the mouth. Draco whimpers and crawls closer. Harry smiles and grips his hips. Draco moves so he's straddling Harry and sitting on his lap. Draco leans down, Harry leans up. Their mouths meet in hot passion and they stay like that for a while before deciding to throw on their clothes.

Harry sits by Ron, Hermione and Ginny down at the tables for supper. Ron is giving him weird looks and Hermione is deliberately avoiding his eyes. He stares at Draco who is having a conversation with Astoria and Pansy

"Harry?" Harry glances over at Ron who has set down his fork. "Why are you wearing a Slytherin tie?" Harry glances down and for the first time realises the color. He looks over at Draco finally realising that he too is wearing a Gryffindor tie. Harry gulps and shrugs his shoulder.

"Must have mixed up mine and Malfoy's ties when the laundry came in." Ron nods and Harry smiles. Hermione finally looks up, mischief prominent in her eyes.

"You two were wearing the right ties before me and the girls left. Then you guys went oddly quite for a while." Harry rolls his eyes and stares at Draco who's looking back at him.

"Oi, why is Malfoy staring at us?" Ron says and looks at Harry. Harry just shrugs his shoulders and watches as McGonagall walks into the room. She clears her throat and tells them they have two more days in their haven. Harry frowns slightly but then remembers the promise he had made with Malfoy.

Ron and Harry make their way to the showers. Ron chats a million miles an hour and Harry nods along. Ron removes his shirt and leaves his swim trunks on before starting the water. Harry does the same. Ron looks over when Harry turns around and gasps at the red scratch marks and indentations in his back.

"Bloody hell, Harry!" Ron shouts and Harry jumps. "How did you get those marks!"

Harry flushes red and looks at the floor. Ron tries to think of something, Harry and Malfoy were the first to get done, then the girls. He didn't have those marks last night, so it must have been today. The girls were all in the common area, leaving him and Malfoy alone, and neither of them had been seen until supper.

"Did you and Malfoy have a fight? Those look pretty recent." Ron stares at the slight bruising around some of the marks. Harry shakes his head and gulps slightly looking at the ground. Ron's face pales and his stomach drops, he didn't... did he?

"Did you?" Harry just shrugs and steps into the shower ignoring Ron.

Ron just stares for a minute before he moves and gets into the shower. He washes his hair and stares at the floor. If him and Malfoy weren't fighting were they doing something else? What do you have to do to a person to make them leave marks like that? Ron has a thought and gags at the thought of Harry liking him. He doesn't care if Harry likes blokes, more or less it's Malfoy of all people.

"Bye, Ron." Ron must have zoned out, the waters gone slightly cold and he rushes to turn it off before chasing after Harry. Harry dries his hair and discards the towel before rushing through the hostel and to his room. Draco is sitting on the bed reading a book. His hair still slightly messy and sexy looking. Harry smiles at him and Draco sits up.

Harry folds the corner of the page and tosses the book on the floor. Draco lifts a brow.

"You really shouldn't fold the corners, it ruins the pages." Harry rolls his eyes and kisses Draco to shut him up.

Draco cards his hands through Harry's hair and Harry places his hands on Draco's hips before leaning him back on the bed. They don't hear the click of the door, but they do hear the choked gasp of Ron who was chasing after Harry.

Harry sits up resting on Draco's thighs and looks at Ron. Draco smirks at the flustered red head before leaning up on his elbows.

"I think I'm going insane." Ron looks like he's just seen a ghost and this makes Draco chuckle.

"Harry, were you really just snogging Malfoy?" Ron places a hand over his head and leans against the door frame. Harry laughs again and stares at Ron before answering.

"No, I was snogging my boyfriend, Draco."

Ron let's out a startled gasp and looks faint. Harry and Draco have never laughed harder than they are now.

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