Devoted // l.s

By larriessecrets

7.7K 754 368

Louis moves to LA and meets a grieving Harry, due to his mother recently passing away. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 1.5
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 26

128 17 9
By larriessecrets

Harry's POV

"Fuck." I looked around and felt a cut on my forehead. I must've smacked my head on the steering wheel.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry are you okay in there!" I heard a frantic call from outside.

"I'm fine." I looked toward her. I felt a little dizzy but I was fine.

"I am so so sorry! I thought I could make the light. I saw you coming forward and hit my horn cause I panicked! I'm sorry!"

I was blinking a bit rapidly trying to get rid of the dizziness. "Hey are you okay? Should we call an ambulance?"

"I'm f-fine." I stuck my hand up and held my hand.

"You don't look okay. I'm going to call them just in case, alright?"

I nodded and rested my head back.

Louis' POV

"This is all my fault!" Tears kept streaming down my face.

"No it's not, Louis, relax." Liam hugged me tight and so did Niall.

"Yes it is. I should've just listened. I just didn't realize."

Suddenly, Liam's phone rang. It was Harry.

Liam looked up at me. "Answer it!"

He did. "Hello?"

Liam's expression changed. "Are you okay? Which hospital are you at?"


"We're going right now." He hung up.

"He's at the hospital? Oh my god! What happened?" I began to worry.

"Someone almost ran into him, but he's fine. They said he has a minor concussion and cut. Apart from that, he's fine."

I nodded and hopped into Liam's car with Niall. Adamari and Rosana decided to stay for a bit longer with a few other friends

We made our way into Harry's assigned room.

"Oh my god Harry!" I ran up to him and hugged him.

"Listen, Lou, I'm sorry—"

"No no don't apologize. I should be. I'm really sorry. I should've listened to you." He smiled. "Are you okay?" I had my hands cupping his face and began searching around for any more injuries.

"I'm fine." He laughed. "Though if you keep shaking my head around, I'm gonna get dizzy."

"Ah sorry!" I let go.

"Mate! What the hell—"

"Is he okay?" A couple questions as they walked in.

"I think you've got the wrong room." Liam looked at them confused.

"Oh ... no. We're the people who startled him ... we're sorry." The man looked sincerely at us.

"Sorry? What if you had slammed into him? We're about to graduate and he was offered an important job! You could've ended a life today because you weren't careful!" Liam growled. Offered a job?

"Relax! It's not entirely their fault Liam." Harry's voice was raspy. "I was looking at my phone before they appeared in front of me. If I was looking up before, I would've noticed." Harry smiled at the couple.

"I'm sorry." Liam apologized to the frightened couple.

"No no, it's mostly our fault. My lights don't work so that's why you didn't see us." The woman had tears in her eyes. "We could've hurt you much more and I'm so sorry. We're paying for this bill, okay? Don't say no cause I won't accept that answer." The man announced. They both came in and gave us all hugs and they left saying one last sorry to Harry.

"Ah fuck." Harry laid back "Can one of you turn the light off? It's making my head hurt."

Niall switched it off. "Are you staying overnight?"

"Yeah. The nurses said it was safer to. You guys can head back to the school. I'll be fine." Harry told us.

"I'll stay with him." I said. He looked at me and nodded. The other two said their goodbyes and made their way.

I sat on a chair beside Harry and placed my hand over his. "I'm glad you're okay."

"I just wanted to apologize for getting overworked back at school. I know you said I shouldn't apologize, but I still want to. I know she probably shocked you and I just walked out at the wrong time. I'm sorry I made you cry." Harry laced his fingers around mine.

"No, I'm sorry. I should've listened. I just didn't think she did you know?"

"I know, Lou. It's okay. We're okay." He leaned over and kissed me. "Come here. I don't want to sleep alone." Harry said as he lifted the blanket. I laughed and slipped in next to him.

"You don't mind if I sleep, right? My head just hurts and I just want to sleep." He asked.

"No no, go ahead and sleep." I kissed his cheek and placed my head on his chest. "Goodnight, Harry."

"Goodnight, Lou." He whispered.

I'm just relieved he's okay ... we're okay. It could've gone a lot worse.

Thank god.

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