Oh My Blog!

By HornOkPlease

800 90 49

Samara's notched up from diary writing. Have you? - cover by @miracles- ||This work mainly consists of fluffy... More

Notes and Prompts
#Janya <Part 1>
#Nickara <Part 2>


7 3 0
By HornOkPlease

/Write a scene where a(n) OTP breaks up./

Post #13 : Reality is the realest.

Hey guys :)

I think the time's finally come for me to stop using this blog. When the otp no longer lives what's the use of having a page to ship it on?

Yeah, we decided to end it. Although it had never really started, much to my sadness.

I'm sorry. Please understand a heartbroken girl's feelings. I'm 100% sure I'll cry if I have to think of it again.

Before saying goodbye I want to thank each and everyone of you for having been there with me throughout this experience. You supported me through my stupidity, you consoled me when I was down, gave me suggestions and advice when I was lost and you reminded me that I was never alone in any situation.

And a HUGE thank you for having made me feel special, interesting and someone worth listening to. I will value this experience <3

Saying that it's time to wrap this up once and for all. Initially I had thought of deleting the account but I don't think I have the strength to do that. It feels like I'll be deleting a chunk of myself with this account. Something I'm not ready to do yet. Maybe I will when I think I'm ready for it.

Gotta go now, the post-break-up squad's here. Time to cry, eat tubs of ice cream and watch movies all night.

For the last time,

Yours truly,

Sama xx

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