Famous Last Words

By VampireSuicide69

777 8 3


Famous Last Words
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 4

71 0 0
By VampireSuicide69

<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">Famous Last Words 4

"Have a good first day?" I asked Gerard as we packed up our books and shut our lockers in synchronization.

"It was pretty good," he replied smiling. 

"You busy after school?" I asked Gee as we stood at the school. I only just realized how much he towered over my short frame. 

"Nah, why?" he asked curiously. 

"Well, you could come over if you like?" I asked uncertain of his answer. "There's food," I added to make it more appealing. I really like Gerard. 

"Um, okay. Just let me text my mum," he replied. I could here the excitement in his deep voice. Well, as deep as a 17 year olds voice can get. At least Gerard and I were the same age. 

I heard Gerard talking to someone and I spun around to see him talking to a equally tall guy that was probably a year or two younger then us. 

I coughed slightly to acknowledge my existence. 

"Oh! Sorry about that Grace, this is my brother Mikey. He's two years younger than us. Mikey, this is the girl I was talking about," explained Gee. 

"Oh, hey there," said Mikey as he gave me a warm smile. "Nice to see Gee's made a new friend,"

"Hi, nice to meet you too," I said, smiling. 

"Yep so Mikey, can you tell mum I'll be at Grace's?" asked Gerard as he wrapped an arm around Mikey's shoulder. "We have some homework we need to do,"

"Sure Gee," said Mikey happily as he walked away. 


"How come you told Mikey we were going to do homework?" I asked Gee as we walked out of the school gates. 

Gerard sighed. "He would have jumped to conclusions and thought that we were going out,"

A blushed made it's way on to my cheeks. "But we only just met?"

"It's just Mikey. He doesn't have any friends that girls and he's just sort of jealous," explained Gerard. 

"Oh," I said quietly. 

Then out of the blue, it started pissing down rain. And I don't mean a couple of drops, I mean a full on downpour. I yelped and my hands instantly flew to my red hair. Gerard laughed and I frowned.

"I straightened it this morning!" I said. 

Gerard laughed even harder and pulled out an extremely small umbrella from his bag. 

"It's designed for one person, buuuut you're pretty small," said Gerard, grinning.

I slapped him lightly on the arm. 

Gerard pretended to look hurt. "Fine then, you can walk in the rain,"

A look of horror spread across my face. Gerard opened the tiny umbrella and continued walking whilst I was getting drenched. I ran and almost slipped but I reached Gerard in one piece. 

"Changed your mind?" he asked, smirking. 

I just narrowed my eyes and rested my head against his upper arm as he wrapped a warm arm around my shoulders. 

"You're shivering," stated Gee. 

"Y-y-yeah," I replied. 

Gerard pulled my closer. "Is your house far away?"

Gerard radiated so much warmth my teeth stopped chattering almost instantly. 

"No no, three more houses to go," I said as I pointed towards a white two storey house. 

"Okay," said Gerard as he pulled me even closer if that was even possible. 

We reached my house and I fumbled for the house key whilst Gerard held the umbrella for himself and I. I finally found it at the bottom of my bag and I quickly pushed the door open. Gee and I stumbled inside and I almost tripped over the rug in the hallway. Luckily Gerard noticed this and he caught me around the waist to stop me from falling. 

"Thanks," I mumbled awkwardly. 

"No problem," he replied as he shook his wet hair around like a dog. It looked even messier when it was wet. I should've been disgusted by the messiness but it was actually really attractive. I reached up and brushed some stray hair from Gerard's eyes. He smiled at me and I smiled back, grabbing his wrist and leading him upstairs. I could feel some raised bumps on his wrist, much like the ones on my own. 

We reached my room and Gee inspected it with curious eyes. 

"Nice," he said simply. 

"Thanks," I said grinning. But then my smile faded as I thought about what I was going to ask him next. 

"Gee, when I grabbed your wrist, I felt some bumps. They seemed oddly like the ones on mine..." I started. 

Gerard shifted uncomfortably. 

"I, er, used to cut," he muttered. 

"I'm er, sorry for bringing it up, I was only curious..."

"No no, don't apologize. You just took me by surprise, that's all," said Gerard. "You used to as well?"

"Yeah, um, I only stopped about two months ago," I replied awkwardly. 

"Oh," was the only thing he said before he lunged at me and wrapped me in a warm hug. It felt so...right?

"Don't do it again, please, it doesn't solve anything," he told me. His voice was slightly muffled as he buried his face deep in my hair. 

"Don't worry, I decided that 2 months ago," I said. 

He pulled away and looked in to my eyes. 

"I'm here for you, if you ever need me, just ask," Gee told me. 

"Thank you," I whispered burying my face in his chest. 

"Your welcome," he told me as he held me. "Your welcome anytime,"

If only he was here two months ago when no one else wasn't. 


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