Beyond Words

By Misha2719

217K 9.7K 690

"Mr Aaliyan Usman, do you agree Kiran Hammad as your wife" The qari asked. "Yes!" I replied closing my eye'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Important Notice
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 2

6.6K 311 22
By Misha2719

Aaliyan's POV

"Zaineb i'm already missing you" i shouted.

"Aaliyan, I miss you too but just 2 days are left now...and then finally we will be together." she replied.

"Yes...but still 2 days!!! I can't take it anymore now." I said.

"Aaliyan neither me..." She replied.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too" she replied.

There was silence for two minutes.

"I need to go now, talk to you later dear!" She said and i wished she hadn't said it because i couldn't take this anymore, i couldn't wait now.

"Okay, bye" I said with a sad tone.

"Bye" she said and hanged up.

I was looking at the cellphone.

I couldn't get it, why is she reacting like this?

Doesn't she love me?

I could feel tears in my eye's but i wiped them and started doing my work in the office but still my mind was diverted towards her thought.

Kiran's POV

"I'm so happy for you Kiran!" My mom shouted and hugged me as she heard the good news.

"It's all because of Allha and Your prayers mom!" I replied.

"I'm so proud of you my child!" My dad said and hugged me.

"My sis has grown up mom and dad!" My little sister Emaan shouted and hugged me.

" Thank you so much! I love you all!" I said and we started our diner.

I was so happy, my dreams finally come true!

I couldn't believe it!

Finally i am an interior designer working in Usman groups of enterprises architect.


Allha...thank you so much!!!

 I finished my diner, and sorted my things out and prayed to Allha for a good day ahead.

I laid down on my bed and started thinking about my first day and  didn't knew when sleep slumbered me.

Haider Ali's POV

I was shocked after seeing that beauty.

I couldn't stop seeing her.

Her face was coming behind my eyelids whenever i closed my eyes.

She was breathtaking!

Her beauty was overwhelming.

She left our company and i asked the receptionist about her who told me she came here for the interview and got the job as an interior designer, i was so happy to hear that!

I literally couldn't wait for tomorrow when i will see her again.

Please Allha, pass this time quickly and let me see her again! I was continuously wishing this and did not know when deep slumber caught me.

Zaineb's POV

I couldn't bear Aaliyan's sadness.

I hanged up the call, though i didn't wanted that.

I wanted to talk to him but his sad tone made me feel guilty that it is because of me!

I was the reason of his sadness.

He must be thinking i don't love him, but truth is beyond this.

I love you like hell Aaliyan!

Your the only reason for my life, smile,happiness.

Your my need Aaliyan!

I know you must be angry with me, but no worries, i'll be there after 2 days and sort the things out, i know you wont be able to stop talking to me.

I smiled thinking about him.

The next day;

Kiran's POV

I got up early in the morning at the time of fajr, my usual routine to offer my salah and read quran.

I got ready for my job and prayed to Allha Almighty for my good day and success.

I quickly did my breakfast, took my parents dua and left for my first day at my job.

Nervousness crept me when i stepped the vast building of Usman groups of Enterprise Architect.

I was greeted with a honor and the secretary showed me my cabin.

After adjusting myself in my new cabin i got a call from the secretary that the CEO wants to see me which cause sweat to form on my forehead.

It was my first day and maybe i had done something wrong?

The CEO can't call me like this?

With different thoughts i took silent and short footsteps towards the CEO's room and knocked the door.

"Please come in!" A voice startled me. 

A young and refreshing voice greeted me with enthusiasm.

I walked in the room and was astonished to see a young person in his 20's looking at me.

I was melting under his gaze.

"Miss Kiran welcome! First of all congratulation for this job! have a seat!" He said.

" you." I replied sacredly is if he would eat me right now while sitting down.

(^ Kiran, sitting in Aaliyan's office.)

"Being an interior designer is not easy, we choose you over many experienced workers because of your qualification which held immense importance for our company." He said and looked at me.

I quickly smiled knowing the fact that he would consider everything awkward when i wont reply or give any facial expression.

"So, I have high hopes for you,If anything is wrong or seems awkward,if you need any sort of help we all are there for you and i would consider your problems,but I want your full attention towards your work!" He completed and looked up.

"Sure sir! You wont have any kind of problem from my side and InshAllha i will give a good result to you,Thank you so much sir!" I completed my sentence and looked up at him with a smile.

He smiled back and said.

"Your welcome! Hope you feel comfortable here and yes one more thing!" He started finding some papers.

"Here you go, i just want you to check them for me and if there are any kinds of editions required. I know you would be considering me a heartless person who is giving work to the new employ on the very first day!" He said while laughing.

I was unable to control my laugh and started laughing.

" not at all sir! I'm glad you considered me and gave me work. I'll complete this work." I replied while smiling.

"Good! that's it, if you have any problem you can ask me!" He said.

"Thank you sir!" I said while standing up.

"May i go now?" I asked me.

"Sure!" He said and i left his room.

I was completed by the work he gave me by the lunch time.

"Asalam-o-Alaikum" I heard a voice and turned around and saw a person standing at my cabin's door.

"Walaikum masalam!" I replied and looked blankly at him.

"I'm Haider....i work as an interior designer like you here." He said while smiling.

I smiled back.

"I'm Kiran!" I replied.

"Well nice to meet you Kiran!" He replied.

"Same here!" I replied.

We were interrupted by Zara, another employee of our office.

"Hey kiran! how are you?" She asked me as soon as she entered my cabin.

"I'm good what about you?" I asked.

"Same here!" She replied.

"Oh! Your here Haider i was finding you in all the office! Don't you want to go for lunch?" She asked.

"Yes of course!" He said and turned towards me.

"Why don't you join us Kiran?" He asked.

"No no, I'm-" I was interrupted by Zara.

"Yes! please join us we'll have fun! Please!" she insisted.

"Okay okay, i'll join just because your insisting!" I said and got up while taking my handbag and closing the laptop.

"Let's go!" Haider said and left.

Aaliyan's POV

Finally the day has arrived when i'll finally meet my Zaineb!

Just one day...

Tomorrow morning InshAllha i will see my life!

I was lost in my thoughts when my mom called me.

"What are you thinking Aaliyan?" She asked.

"Huh? mom, just that Zaineb will arrive tomorrow inshAllha...." I replied happily.

"Awe, you miss her too much right?" My mom asked.

I nodded.

"Don't you worry, this time she'll not go anywhere! She'll be all yours now forever!" She completed her sentence and looked at me.

I gave a small smile and didn't knew when scarlet color took its place on my cheeks.

After diner i went to my room.

I opened my cellphone gallery and looked at my Zaineb's pictures.

I remembered all the beautiful times we spent together.

I was missing her badly!

^ It was the first picture i took of Zaineb's.

I miss that day so much.

I remember this day when we went to our favorite coffee shop where i confessed my love for Zaineb.

I smile spread my face when i remembered that beautiful day.

I swiped further and saw the selfie we took together when our parents finally decided about our marriage.

Zaineb always wanted to capture our memorable moments.

Tears were about to fall down my eyes when i remembered that day.

But the tears were not of sorrow but of happiness.

I was glad to have a girl so sweet as my better-half.

I was missing her like hell!

I wiped my tears and went to change into my night suit.

I was about to lay down on my bed when my cellphone beeped.

I saw the caller id which was an unknown number.

I picked the call and said.

"Hello! Who is this?"

"Hello! is this Aaliyan Usman?" The person asked.

"Yes i'm speaking!" I replied.

"We are talking from the hospital sir and we have a bad news for you!" The person replied which left me shocked.


"What happened?" I managed to ask.



' Asalam-o-Alaikum '

How are you all?


What do you think would have happened?

Will Aaliyan be able to hear this news or his world will be shattered?

To find it out read the next chapter.

Will try to update soon.

Thanks for the votes and comments but your comments are also needed guys!

See you all soon InshAllha!

Stay healthy and happy =)

Keep reading!

' Allha hafiz '

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