tattøøs and cøffee beans // p...

By LoveFromHowellLester

12.6K 633 651

"Hello Phil! How are you?" "I'm doing pretty good." he mumbled, looking up at me with a glum expression. My s... More

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1.3K 63 33
By LoveFromHowellLester

*Phil's POV*

I slipped out into the biting November day, flipping my jacket collar up to cover my neck from the wind. The job interview was scheduled for 2:15, and it was 2:00 -- but only a 10 minute walk. And I got to pass my favourite tattoo parlor. I liked to see what new designs they had pre-made, even though I always brought my own reference. I had a full right sleeve, partial right and a fourth of my chest. They were a way of expressing myself in an art form that I could carry around wherever I went, not having to heave around an easel or bag of fresh clay. That wasn't very convenient.

I set off down the street, lost in my swirling thoughts. I had gone to The Cherry On Top cafe for many years, knew the owner quite well, and had all the right qualifications. There wasn't any way I was going to fail this. No way on Earth. 

Little children played on the squeaking swings and frost-covered jungle gym as I passed, parents sitting on a near by bench. They were smiling contently, almost at ease to see their kids in a state of wonder and amusement. I had always wanted to be a father. Something about raising a child sounded like an exciting challenge for me, but I was nowhere near ready for that responsibility. I was 23 and naive, not fit to be a parent just yet. So I walked on, glancing at the tattoo creations briefly, not paying much mind to them really.

I arrived at the cafe, stepping into a smell of ground coffee beans and care. It was just as I remembered it. Pink checker padded booths lined the walls on either side of the entrance. The white marble counter gleamed and the stools that lined it were positioned as straight as my sexuality wasn't. Coffee brewers were placed on the back wall, all the necessary ingredients and products arranged neatly. It was an OCD person's paradise.

A small, cheery woman with bleach blond locks bounced out from behind the pastel salmon curtain. "Can I help you sir?"

"I'm here for the interview?"

"Oh! Yes yes, take a seat," she replied, pulling out a small pad of pink paper and pen with a small blue puff at the end. I slipped into the nearest stool and pulled out my resume, laying it flat on the counter in front of me. She shifted it into her view and scanned it, making small notes here and there. She looked up after what had felt like an eternity. "Okay, Philip. I'm going to ask you some questions. Got it?"

"Yep." I nodded. Was 'yep' to casual? I should have been more professional, dammit.

"So, why do you want to work here?" She asked, leaning against the counter.

"Well, I come here a lot, as you've probably noticed, and it's very warm and inviting. I think that I would be a good fit also, I've worked in many cafes and bakeries before; therefore, I have experience and could benefit this business." I folded my hands in front of me and smiled warmly up at her. Had I been cocky of boastful? Shit. That would really lower my probability of getting this job, and to be honest, I really needed it.

Instead of sticking her nose up in disgust or backhanding me across the face like I thought she might, she just chuckled a light laugh and scribbled on her notepad. "Okay, what are some things you know how to make? Coffee, bread, cupcakes, etc."

My eyes lit up. "Oh, I can make all of those and more. Donuts, tea, muffins," I counted off on my fingers as baked goods came to mind. "Cream puffs, cannoilies, fritters, shortcakes, cakes - with frosting and decorations, cornbread, fruitcake, cookies, brownies, scones, biscuits-"

She put up her hand and laughed again. "Wow, you sure are some baker."

"Oh yeah, I've been baking since I could hold a spoon. My grandma taught me the proper way to whisk batter and get the air bubbles out of dough when I could barley talk. It's been in my blood ever since."

She nodded and scribbled on her pad some more. "Well Phil, as of now, you've got the job! I'll call you if no one else applies, but you'd probably be better then them anyways." she chuckled to herself and waved softly before slipping back behind the pastel pink curtain.

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