silver and green : seem to st...

By RNS1314

59.4K 823 438

Artemis has been instructed to go to school. Her hunters are to stay at camp for the year. Artemis goes to Go... More

Why do I have to go to school?
Back at School... or Not
Home Room
Start of school
Start of School
End of Christmas Term

Good or Bad news? Not sure.

10.9K 138 142
By RNS1314

Okay so I forgot to do the disclaimer so I'll do it here.
Now with that done, enjoy.

Percy PoV

Moon Beam is going to come to Goode with me. YES. I can't wait. Finally, something to actually to look forward to at school. One of the only goddesses that I trust. One of my true friends.
But what if some guy tries to hit on her? What if some guy tries to even talk to her? Will they live another day? Or will he ever be able to reproduce? I'm pretty sure that Artemis will stab them where the Sun does not shine.

But then again she's probably under strict rules from Zeus not to kill, maim, or even injure severely anyone. But what if she's not?

And why does she what to go to school with me? I mean I know we're friends and all, but still, why would that count? So that I can protect her from idiotic boys.

But is this really a good idea? Is this good news or Bad news? I'm not sure.

Let's just hope that nothing goes too wrong.

~2 weeks later~

I stood outside of Goode entrance. Moon Beam had rd me to wait there for her on the first day of school. I was but I knew the bell was about to go and she still wasn't here.

After another two minutes of waiting I started heading inside.
"Percy." Someone shouted from down the path. "Please wait. I have no clue where I'm going. I'm so sorry I'm late."
"It's ok Moon Beam. Do you have a timetable yet?"
"Let's go get one then."
"Let's go." I started walking but Arty just stared at me.
"What's wrong, Moon Beam?" She just continued to stare. She started rocking back and forth. I ran over to her. As she collapsed I caught her. "Moon Beam. Moon Beam, wake up. Moon Beam. Wake up. It's me Percy, wake up please."

I carried her carefully to the front office.
"Hi, um I'm here to ask if I can take my friend home. She's um, fallen ill."
"What's your name?"
"Percy Jackson."
"What's her name?"
"I'm sorry I can't tell you she has a fear of people being told her name."
"Can I not just call her mother."
"Her mother's dead."
"What about her dad?"
"He doesn't have a phone. The only per son in the family with a phone is her half brother. But he's away on a school trip."
"So you're telling me there's no way to contact her family?"
"Unless you can talk to the dead." The receptionist didn't find that amusing. "No there's not, can I please just take her home?"
"Fine whatever." I carried her back to my apartment and knocked on the door.

"Mom, it's me, Percy. Let me in." My mom opened the door immediately.
"Please tell me they didn't expel you."
"Whoa, you have so much faith in me."
"Well, in saving the world, yes I do. But not in not getting expelled."
"No I didn't get expelled."
"Who's that?"
"This is Moon Beam."
"Moon Beam?"
"Yeah, the one that can here two weeks ago."
"She was a twelve year old girl. Not an eighteen yea old."
"Oh, I didn't notice. Anyway, Moon Beam is a goddess. The goddess Artemis actually. A great friend of mine."
"Oh good Gods. I didn't offend her did I?"
"Nah, she only gets offended by males and other gods or goddesses. Unless you question her power."
"Good. Bring her in. What's wrong with her?"
"I don't know we were talking and about to go to get her timetable and stuff because they can't post it to her, and she just fell over. I only just managed to catch her so that she didn't hurt her head. I'm going to take her to my room."
"Percy are you sure."
"Mom, she'll be fine."
"Are you sure you will?"
"Yes." I walked her up to my room careful not to hit her head or her feet on any thing. When I got to my room I had successfully managed exactly that. But I had also managed to fall over. Luckily Arty had stayed on top of me. Which is good case then she didn't get hurt, but she did wake up. She stayed quiet though.
"Percy are you alright my mom said coming into the landing. Arty faked being knocked out still.
"Absolutely fine." I called out, getting back up and carrying Arty to my room.
I set her down on my bed and closed the door. We laughed quietly. I sat down next to her.
"Are you alright? What was that?"
"I'm okay, I guess."
"What just happened?"
"I have no clue."
"Are you sure you're alright?"
"No." She started crying so I hugged her. "I don't know wants happening Perce and I'm scared."
"Shh. It's going to be fine. I promise."
"I'm sorry, I'm making you skip school. Am I going to get you told off?"
"Yeah, but you're worth it." I said, stroking her hair.
"Yeah, don't say that ever again."
"But you are. I'd much prefer you to be happy and comforted then the school to be."
"I'm not sure the school would be happy and comforted if you're there." She replied.
"You know what I mean.
"Do I?"
"If you say so."

~end of the school day~

I knocked on the front door of my apartment for the second time that day. I had gone back to school at noon as that's when I had lunch, after making sure Arty - or Diana, as that's what she was going as at school - was defiantly okay. Anyway Arty then opened the door. I thought that she would of gone back to Olympus by now.
"I can hear your thoughts Percy."
"Well I might as well say them out loud then. Why aren't you at Olympus?"
"Because your mother wouldn't let me go."
"Yeah, Percy?"
"Why didn't you let Lady Artemis leave?"
"Because, she's so young. She could get hurt."
"Yeah, mom. She's been here on earth since the rule of the Greeks."
"So? She's still a young lady."
"She's a goddess mom. She can take care of herself."
"So why did you take care of her?"
"Because, she's my friend and she fell unconscious. She can't fight when she's unconscious."
"I have a name." Arty interrupted. " Stop fighting, please."
"Sorry Moon Beam."
"I'm going home."
"I'll walk you there?"
"No, like you said, I can take care of myself."
"Don't get kidnapped." I called after her.
"You're coming." She grabbed my wrist and pulled me out.

Artemis PoV

"Don't get kidnapped." Percy called after me.
"You're coming." I grabbed his wrist and pulled him out before I even knew what I'd done. I'd made, forced a male to help look after me.
We walked down the stairs but I still hadn't let go.
"I like my wrist as well you know. Pretty ease can I have it back?" I let go of his wrist but grabbed his hand instead. He opened his mouth to say something.
"Don't say anything." I told him.
"I wasn't going to."
"Yes you were."
"If you insist."
"Whatever." I smiled. He smiled back; causing me to giggle.
"Was that a giggle that escaped MiLady Artemis?"
"Shut up."
"Nah, I'd rather not."
"You sound really British saying that."
"Fah fah fah. Lah dee dah." He said making fun of the British.
"Stop it." I giggled
"No." I stopped, forcing him to do so as well. "What?"
"Stop doing that terrible British accent."
"No, I'm having fun." He replied, still all british. I stopped his 'fah fah fah's by kissing him. To my complete and utter surprise he kissed back.

I pulled back after about a minute.
"I love you Arty. So very much. So much in fact that I'd kill for you."
"Kill who?"
"Anyone who hurt you in any way, shape or form."
"Yes because I love you."
"In that case, let's get out of here before someone sees us."
"Lots of people saw us."
"I mean, demigod, God, legacy, Satyr, nymphs. Anyone connected to our world. Idiot."
"Oh, okay. Yeah let's go."
"Yeah." We walked off. Still hand in hand. "I love you too Percy."
"I'm glad."
"No, seriously. I do. I do love you. More then anything."
"I love you more than anything as well but that guy over there is watching us, so we better go."
"Yeah, defiantly. Let's go."
We ran though crowds of people, only now letting go of each others hands - though very reluctantly. Percy also made sure I was in front of him the whole time. As if I could disappear at any moment. I ran into the empire state building. Percy following in suit.
We started laughing like idiots until someone cleared their throat to get our attention.
"How can I help you." Percy said in his stupid British accent.
"Oh sorry, sir." This guy actually bought it. "How may I assist you." By this point I was literally on the floor with laughter. "Is there something wrong with your friend?"
"Oh, no no. She'll be fine. Anyway I was wondering if I could have the key card."
"For what?"
"Why the six hundredth floor. What else?" Percy said, back in his beautiful, American voice. The one that always calmed me. He helped me back up.
"There is no six hundredth floor kid go away."
"How very racist." I cried out, I also faking British. I fake cried into Percy's chest.
"She doesn't take calmly to racism. She thinks that all races should be viewed as one. We're all humans after all."
"It's not fair. The Brits are always treated with more respect." I cried.
"Does she not like her nation being treated with more respect?"
"No, all as one. Remember? I ligit just told you that."
"I'm sorry, here have a sweet."
"No. I just want to speak to my father." We said at once, at the same time. I wanted to laugh but I had to keep the act up.
"Just give me the key card and don't tell anyone you saw us." Percy said.
"Look, I can't I'm under struck rules..."
"Who set these rules?"
"Yeah, them."
"Well, in that case you really should let one go up to their home."
"Oh I'm so sorry." He said bowing. "But your girlfriend will have to stay down here. No mortals allowed."
"Dude she's the God. She a goddess. And I'm a demigod. Just give the key over."
"I'm sorry but only the hero of Olympus, Perseus, is allowed up there."
"Listen, I'm fed up of listening to you arguing with Percy. Okay? I'm taking charge. That's the Percy Jackson and I'm Lady Artemis okay now pass over the key." He passed it over. "Now forget everything we told you, you're not to tell a soul. Living or dead. No one is to find out what you did, who you spoke to, what you found out or what you did."
We walked to the elevator and got in. I put the key card in.
We started going upwards. Percy made me face him and put his arms around my waist. I wrapped mine around his neck.
"You were amazing down there." Perce whispered as he leant in and kissed me. I kissed back.
"You were too." I replied after we broke away. "We're nearly at Olympus."
"I know." Percy said. He rested his head on my shoulder but I was significantly smaller than him. "I love you." He pecked my lips and disentangle himself from me. I did too.
The doors opened and we stepped out into Olympus. We walked around for a while until we got to my Palace. We went into the kitchen were no one would see us. I kissed Percy passionately, he kissed back.
When we pulled apart Percy whispered something in my ear and left.
He had whispered 'Will you go out with me Moon Beam?'

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