Accidental love

Par nochillmad

125K 3.9K 1.8K

Some times love is accidental literally Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chappter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 34 part 2
Chapter 34 part two and a half
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
39 part two
Chaper 40
40 fuckin5
The end
Youve been blessed‼️
And it begins, sequel out now

Chapter 10

3.6K 94 123
Par nochillmad

Mani's pov
Lauren and I were having all kinds of competitions, she was kicking my ass at everything how can someone be good at everything, she had 6 bags full of tickets.

There was a big ass pink monkey on the wall that I wanted so fucking bad, I need like 600 more tickets tho. We stumbled upon a basketball shooting game, maybe I have a chance of beating Lauren at something since she beat me at, the shooting game,thro foot ball game,

the game where you roll the big crochet balls into holes, she at driving and at air hockey.

Even though I was loosing horribly I was having the time of my life, I don't know if it's being a kid or being with Lauren, she makes me feel like a princess, we each put a token in the machine we looked at each other,

Lauren's game face was really intimidating, the round started and Lauren wasn't even looking at the basket she was making all the shoots, Im starting too think she's not human, Lauren's score was already at 2400 and I was at 240

"no fair your cheating"I said trying too make these shots, she laughed I swung my arm in front of her trying to block her shot, she stepped back pivoting making it in over my head.

"Nooo" I said pushing her so she'd miss, I put my hand over her eyes but she still managed too make it, "stop cheating" i whined

, she laughed again, "I'm not", "I'm a girl this isn't fair" I said whining, "and what am I?" She said not breaking her focus, "your an athlete" I said whinnying, she looked at me and compromised, she started shooting basketballs into my hoop helping me out,

I smiled watching her make every single basketball, the round ended she had gotten my points up too 2000. "Thanks babe" I said kissing her on the cheek. She tried to hide is but she was so pale you could see her blush from a mile away.

"No problem" she said, Lauren And I played games and ran around like children too every machine, Lauren had thousands of tickets, so did I but maybe only 2,000 she had 8,000. We were in line at winners corner,

some random ass trick walked up too Lauren, "hi" she said too Lauren, Lauren gave her the dirtiest look I'd ever seen in my life, she scrunched her nose and mouth up like the girl stunk but I didn't smell anything,

"can I help you?" Lauren said with a bad attitude, "I-i-i" she stuttered trying too find the confidence too flirt with Lauren.

"Are you stuck on repeat, the next letter is J" Lauren said in the meanest way possible, The girl ran off toward the bathroom. "Why'd you look at her like that?" I asked curiously. "That's how I look at any girl who's not family or friends" she said fixing her face,

"you didn't have too be such an ass hole" I said defending the girl, "it's not my fault, she was coming to flirt with me, I had too shut her down before you hit her" she said defending herself, "you know me so well"I said hugging her side.

She didn't respond just put her arm around me, I thought it was strange but I just shrugged it off, "oooh I want the big pink gorilla"

I said some what suddely hunting for her too get me it, "hope you have enough tickets" she said looking at all the prizes, she knows damn well I don't have enough tickets. "Can I have, the mini fridge and the Giant pink Gorilla" my smile grew big yass I really want this gorilla badly, I'm so happy i get it,

the man pulled it up off the shelf about too hand too Lauren" no give me the entire collection of the spongebob stuff" she said, my smile dropped, I wanted too cry.

My heart broke in half, "that uses the rest" he said handing her the bad of stuff and fridge, I crossed my arms fuckin ass hole,

i thought wanting too cuss her out in real life but I shouldn't because she's crazy and might choke me or something, who the fuck wants bitch ass sponge bob stuff, he's actually Isaacs favorite thing ever but Lauren doses need it,

I need the gorilla it can be my boy friend, his name will be Laurenzo, and all love him and squeez him and kiss him when I'm away from Lauren and can't kiss and squeeze her.

But this trick wanna got and break my heart and just fuck me up for the second time too night, who the fuck does she think she is, she noticed my actions, "what wrong?" She said curiosity, "I wanted the gorilla" I said pouting.

"Get it then" she said, "I don't have enough" I said sad. "Damn,sucks for you" she said shrugging. Fucking asshole I thought, "you can choose from these" he said pointing too a row of small animals,

I don't want thes little ugly ass baby dick ass animals. I pointed too the hello kitty, I always liked Hello kitty but I'd sell her down the river in a heartbeat for that gorilla.

I snatched it from him with an attitude as we walked oh too Lauren's car, before she could open my door for me I got in slamming it, I didn't see her face but I'm sure she coat on, she walked too her side getting in, Lauren I'm hungry" I said harshly before locking my phone,

"I don't know why you're mad but you need to loose that attitude quick" she said harshly, yes daddy i said in my head, I looked her up and down, holy fuck she's so hot,

"what attitude?" I said looking forward crossing my arms, "that attitude" she said pointing at me but at nothing specifically, "I don't know what you're talking about"I said with an attitude looking back at her.

She leaned in about too connect out lips until I turned my head too this side causing her too kiss my check, she got annoyed rolling her eyes, "I have too pee" she said opening her door getting out, "oh she gets too roll her eyes at me but when I do it I get a hard slap on the ass,

I was texting Dinah back about all the time she asked if Lauren had kid napped me and tried too kill me. Lauren opened her door getting inside, "here big baby" she said forcing the gorilla in the car, I gasped grabbing it squeezing him so hard his stuffing almost exploded.

"Thank you, thank you thank you thank you" I said hugging and kissing him, "oh my god how you get him?" I asked as she pulled off, she took something out of my pocket handing it too me, it was a recite, "you paid 75$ for this?" I said shocked,

why does she put up with my shit?, "stop giving it kisses and give them too me" she said stoping at a red light, "yes daddy" I said following instructions, she looked me up and down bitting her lip, she leaned forward connecting our lips, I swiped my tongue across her lip waisting no time.

Her slow tounge kisses are everything, they make my stomach flutter, probably because just looking at her soaks my panties. We were interrupted by a car horn, I let go after roughly bitting her lip, "this isn't over" I said,she just bit her lip speeding of.

Dinahsouresrex: how's it going?

Normoney: honestly if this want the first date I would be sitting on her face right now😏.

She texted back immediately fuckin perv I thought chuckling.

Dinahsouresrex: oh nasty😏, what she do, I need details.

Normoney: she took me too Dave and busters she's about too feed me and she bought me a 75$ pink gorilla, and she sang too me, i feel like a princes

Dinahsouresrex:screw a second date, I see the way she looks at you, she wants too fuck just as bad you do, go and get your orgasams girl we all no you haven't fucked in like a year, the cob webs need to be dusted with Lauren's tounge.

Normoney: i got some last night stfu

Dinahsouresrex: your vibrater doesn't count😂, what did you name her Lauren?.

I gasped a little shocked, how did she know that. "Hey you're on a date with me remember", I locked my phone giving her my full and undivided attention, she grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers,

she kissed my hand a bunch of times making me feel like a princess, we pulled up too this place called the fire house restaurant.

She looked in the window, "hell no there's too many white people in there" she said speeding off, I gasped slapping her arms, "that's racist" I said chuckling, "I don't have time for a bunch of old ass white people whispering about how I look".

She said,  I just shook my head we pulled up too this big yellow restaurant, "EL AZTECA Mexican food" I said reading the sign, "yup, this is the best place that you could ever eat". I looked at her trying too hold in my chuckle as she opened the door for me.

She chuckled licking her bottom lip "second best" she said correcting her self, It turns me on so much when she does that. It smells amazing in here, I don't know how she knew but Mexican food is my favorite food, it's the best food ever made in the entire universe.

Camila had been teaching me basic Spanish sentences, she taught me all the bad words too but those will come out if Lauren try's too talk too me crazy.

We were seated then the waiter came and ordered our drinks, this man was fine as hell, I've always found men attractive but damn this guy might fuck around and catch a baby mama

, "hi, I'm Carlos I'll be your waiter this evening" his accent was thick and sexy he looks Latino, maybe Dominican, he had deep chocolate eyes with a 5 a clock shadow, too bad I'm gay as fuck and girls are so hot.

"So Can i start you lovely ladies off with any thing too drink?" He said looking between the two of us, "I'll have a Dr Pepper" Lauren said looking down at the menu, "Voy a tener un sprite" I said confidently praying I said it right.

He looked at me like I said the most offensive thing in the world, "I don't speak Spanish" he said harshly,  "who's racist now?" She said before putting her head in her menu laughing,

"I-I-am so sorry" I said feeling like a total dumb ass I just scoped Lauren on racism and here I come assuming he spoke Spanish. Lauren was snorting she was laughing so hard.

He started laughing, "I'm just messing with you" he said putting his hand on my shoulder his smile was so attractive, I put my hand over my heart letting out a deep breath in relief,

Lauren stopped smiling looking at him like he was crazy, he noticed Lauren looking at him like she wanted him to burst into flames, "I'll have your drinks out in a second". He said walking into the back, she looked at me with the same look, "what" I said slightly frightened at how hard she was staring.

"Should I leave now or are you going to invite me too your wedding?" She said. "What are you talking about?" I said smiling at how ridicules she sounded, "what the fuck are you smiling for,

there's nothing funny" she said seriously, "why am I getting married Lauren?" I said wondering what preposterous answers she could come up with, "Lauren, my name is papi" she said louder drawing attention, "okay calm down" I said.

"Dont tell me too calm down, tell your boyfriend too calm down, and who taught you how too speak Spanish?" she said, it clicked in my head she's jealous, I laughed, "his name is Carlos and he's my fiancé,

he did we have too act like we don't know each other in public" I said, her entire mood changed, she was so pissed, it was hilarious. She clenched her jaw nodding I could feel her leg shaking the whole the table. "Relax I'm just messing with you" I said mocking the way Carlos said it.

"You think your funny, I might be a top but I'm still Latina I'll cuss you out in Spanish all through out this restaurant", I gasped artificially, "Lern Jurgi"... "are you jealous?" I said smiling again, "no" she said like a child not looking me in the eyes, "yes you are" I said in a baby voice, she let out a sigh,

"maybe a little" she said quietly still not looking me in my eyes. "What was that?" I said loudly earning a glance from a old Mexican couple a cross from us.

She clenched her jaw, "I said a-" I cut her off, "I can't hear you" I said normally, she gave me a harsh look, "yes" she said not looking me in my eyes yet, "yes what?" I said trying too annoy her, "yes I-" I cut her off again, "look at me" i said since I couldn't reach her head too lift it up,

she looked up at me, her eyes were doughy and sweet instead of angry, "yes I'm jealous" she said looking at me with her big puppy dog eyes. I smiled "you don't have anything too worry about, your cuter than him anyway".

She smiled, "now gimme kiss" I said leaning forward, she kissed me passionately for a couple seconds earring a awe from the old couple a cross from us. "Your lips are so soft" she said pulling away a little bit,

"these aren't my only pair that are soft" I said before connecting our lips again, "these aren't the only pair lips I want my tongue in". I gasped looking her up and down bitting my lip as I sat back, she's nasty... I like it.

Carlos walked back over too us with our drinks, "dr pepper for you and sprite for you gorgeous", I blushed wildly, "thank you" I said smiling hard. I saw Lauren hand clinch into a fist as her jaw clenched,

I quickly wiped the smile off my face, "god it's hot back there" he said he lifted up his shirt using it too wipe the sweat off his forehead, he had chiseled abs and a v line,

it was sweaty and wet and sexy, I suddenly became very thirsty I grabbed my water sucking it down at a fast pace. Oh shit, I think Lauren saw me staring.

"Your waitress will be out shortly, can I get y-" Lauren cut him off, "no" she husked out of a clenched jaw, he twisted his lips "okay" he said before walking off. I was waiting for her too say something but she just looked at me like normal, "Lolo" i whined breaking the deafening silence,

"Lauren" she said correcting me. "Really?" I said getting irritated, she was rapidly tapping her heal underneath the table she had her jaw and fish clenched, she was so sexy when she's mad.

A smirk grew on my face, I put my hand over hers caressing the back of it with my thumb, I slowly slid my leg up hers rubbing my foot along her leg, "stop being mad at me" I whined, she stiffened up a bit but continued too rip up the paper place matts up aggressively. "Lolo" I whined again,

I moved my foot higher caressing her entire leg with my foot, "stop" she said quietly, I kept going, "I don't think you want me too stop" I said seductively, she loosened up her fist and started to relax, I slipped a finger inside her loosely clenched fist.

She grunted swallowing hard, I pumped my finger in and out slowly, "i think the correct words your looking for is don't stop" I said seductively, her hand clenched slightly around my fingers the sweat from her hand was only making it easier too tease her.

Our eye intercourse was interrupted by the waitress coming up too us. Lauren moved her hand from the table down too her leg wiping the sweat off, I sat back smirking wondering how high her sex drive is.

"Are you ladies ready too order", Lauren was looking down at her menu trying too hide her face, I nodded never taking my eyes off Lauren. "Okay, what will be?" She said, "ill have the carnitas tacos" I said finally looking up at her,

she had tight black shorts on and a low cut cowboys crop top jersey her boobs were practically falling out of the jersey, it was tacky as hell honestly she had big perky boobs, she looks like she works at hooters.

"Okay and for you miss?", Lauren looked up from her menu at the Latina, her eyes widened, Lauren's eyes never made it up too the woman's face, she started at her chest blankly licking her lips, she was practically drooling the Latina noticed and just adjusted them in her bra smirking, skank ass i thought looking her up and down with a serious mug on my face,

"um what was the question?" Lauren said sounding like a complete dumb ass. She chuckled "what would you like too eat?" The waitress said smirking. Lauren's eyes traveled back down too her breast.

"I'll have a um nacho double d" she shook her head closing her eyes then opening them again, "i mean supreme, Nacho supreme" she said correctly her self. I rolled my eyes crossing my arms, she's just going too do so this shit right in front of me, "okay it'll be about 15 minutes for your food" she said as she finished writing down the order,

she stood up before walking off she put her hand over Lauren's arm "triple d" she said before walking off, Lauren turned around staring at her ass as she walked off, is she fucking serious right now? I cleared my throat causing her too look at me.

I was looking at her harshly, "what?" She said innocently, "don't what me, you know what you did" I said sternly, "no I don't", "your full of shit Lauren" I said getting angrier. "Your lucky I love Mexican food or I'd get up and leave right now" I said bluffing. "Umm no you wouldn't" she said in a smart Alec tone.

I clenched my jaw, "why is that?". "Became you like me too much" she said confidently leaning forward on the table . I chuckled, "what lead you too believe such a deranged thing?". I said leaning forward just like her.

"You kiss me knowing I have a girlfriend, your on a date with me, you let me touch your butt, your on a date with me, you let me meet Isaac"... she continued her list of reasonable answers I fake yawned before taking a sip of my water, "and you want too fuck me just as bad as I want too fuck you" I wasn't prepared for her brutal honesty on the last one I chocked violently on my water.

"Do you not have a censor" I said still coughing, "nope, it died just like my innocence", she said leaning a little bit closer, I just shook my head finally able too stop coughing. "So am I wrong?" She said croakily, "no... but that doesn't make you right" I said trying too confuse her.

She sat back running her finger through her hair she licked her bottom lip before speaking it drives me crazy when she does that, "I like you too" she said smiling, "who said I like you?" I said circling the rim of my glass with my finger, "so you don't?" She said,

"I didn't say that" i said still looking in my glass, "so you do?" She said confused, "i don't know do I?" I said trying too confuse her even more. "Yes you do" she said confidently. "I guess I do then" i said taking a sip of water, her smile grew.

Until we were interrupted by our waitress being out food, she set min down first then Lauren's she leaned all the way over Lauren too set her plate down she was struggling so she put her other arm around Lauren's head her entire chest was millimeters away from Lauren's face.

Lauren's eyes wasn't trying hard not too look her eyes were glued too the waitress breasts, she put the plate down moving out Her way, Lauren's mouth was hanging open she was drooling over this skank, she acts just like a guy, fucking horn dog. I

kicked her leg causing her eyes too snap too mine, "sorry" she mouthed, I shot her a bird before I began eating, she took Lauren's glass for a refill she walked by my side I "accidentally" stuck my foot out causing her body too be sent too the floor. I winced, "sorry" I said falsely. "It's okay" she said smiling getting up going too the back.

The wife of the old couple across from us and I started laughing, "skank" she said getting up putting money on the table, "you girls have a nice night" she said before grabbing her husbands hand, "you too" I said smiling. I looked back at Lauren, "was that necessary?" She said with a straight face,

"you probably popped her tit" she said laughing, "sorry" I mouthed shrugging, she shot me a bird mocking me. "Don't start something you can't finish" I said winking, she ignored my last comment picking up a chip.

Lauren had a big ass plate of nachos the looked pretty fucking delicious. "Are you going too eat all of that?" I said suddenly hinting at her too share. She looked up at me, "hell yea" she said putting another chip In her mouth. "Come on Lolo sharing is caring"I whined she chuckled, "sharing may be caring but I don't give a fuck".

She said bopping my nose. I rolled my eyes eating my food. "It has been brought too my attention that I actually don't know anything about you". I thought about it for a second she's right.

"So for the next 10 minutes your going too tell me everything about you and I'm going too sit here and pretend too listen while I'm daydreaming about what you look like naked". Her brutal honesty was a huge turn on.

15 minutes later
"Wait so you dance, you model and your a practicing doctor", I nodded I didn't even know she was listening, "can I ask why you lied about your age?" She said curiously. "You're taller than me stronger than me, I thought it would intimidate you if I was older",

she laughed obnoxiously, "nothing intimidates me" she said, "oh you think your the shit?" I said nodding, she pooped the collar of her tee shirt, "I know I'm the shit" she said confidently. "Oh okay" I said nodding laughing at her cockiness.

I took the last bite of my toco, Lauren finished 5 minutes, I really appreciate a woman who can eat, food and other things. I smirked as dirty thoughts started too creep into my mind.

We sat and talked for another 10 minutes before the waiter aka my boyfriend brought our check. I looked at the cheek 40$ Lauren doesn't do cheep,

"Dutch?" I asked reaching into my bra pulling out money, she laughed again, "as long as your around me I'll never let you pay for anything". I smiled Lauren Is sounding like girlfriend material right about now.

She pulled out her wallet putting a 50$ bill on top of the check, "you still never told me how you get your money?" I said remember. "I'm a international contraband mob leader". I nodded "seemed legit".

The same waitress came back, she took the check and dishes as Lauren and I both stood up. She "accidentally bumped Lauren rubbing her fake ass on her. "Sorry she said before walking off, I took everything in me not too snatch her by her crooked ass bangs and throw her shiny knock off leather cowgirl boots ass through the window.

Lauren patted her pocket pulling something out, "she slipped me her number" she said holding up a napkin with a lipstick print and a name and number.

I rolled my eyes "trick ass bitch" I mumbled under my breath, Lauren slowly tried too slid it back into her pocket, "if that napkin goes in your pocket this fork is going in your neck"

I said gripping the fork, she quickly put the napkin back on the table, I stabbed the fork into the table before walking past her, she grabbed me from behind pulling me roughly into back over too her."who do you think you are?"

I said harshly, "I think I'm daddy fucking Lauren, remember that you'll be moaning it later" she said pulling me into a hug I bit my lip I need daddy Lauren too come out more often.

Her hands slipped front my lower back down too my ass grabbing a hand full at her own free will. "Stop" I whined "I don't think you want me too stop" she said her hand lower her fingers resting just out side of my entrance, I gasped "Lauren" I said looking around, "what, don't act like you you don't like it"?,

I removed my hands from around her neck too around her waist, she leaned down and pecked my lips, we act just like a couple I thought, I let my hands form around her ass, she quickly put my hands back too my side roughly, before breaking the kiss, I laughed she hates when I do that. "Stop doing fruity shit" she said trying too walk alway,

"Lauren your a fruit basket and I sneeze rainbows" I said laughing. "That's hilarious" she said in a sarcastic tone pushing the door open. "I'm sorry Lolo your butt cheeks are cute" I said going in for another squeeze. "Move" She said as she grabbed my wrist roughly pushing it away from her.

"Oh so you get too touch my ass but I don't get too touch mine". "Yep" she said popping the p. She opened my door for me letting me get in before shutting the door,

she slid across the hood of the car James Bond style. Jumping into the driver seat. I grabbed Lorenzo from the back seat setting him on my lap. She pulled of flying down the street as usual,

"what's your dream car?" She asked out of the blue. I thought about it for a second, "a Mercedes mlk" I said making up my mind. "Hum" she said stroking her fake beard. "Why?" I asked curiously. "Just curious". She looked down at the time, "it's only 11 you wanna catch a movie?" She asked, "why not" I said.
I was clenching too Lauren's arm for life, she took me too see Ouija that little bitch was crawling on walls and shit, I saw some of the movie when I wasn't hiding my face in Lauren's arm or practicing on top of her holding on too her shaking.

Lauren was just laughing though out the whole movie, "oh my god if you squeeze any harder my arm will fall off" she said prying my fingers off. "Sorry" I said loosening my grip, I looked down at my hand, I lost 4 acrylic nails in the last hour and a half.

Lauren and I got in the car. I looked over and saw my nail in her skin, she didn't seem to notice so I just pulled it out, she grabbed her arm, "ow, that felt like a shot". "Sorry" I said rubbing it. We pulled up too my house.

"Will you spend the night?" I pleaded. "I can't I have a game tomorrow". She said, "you have a game and didn't invite me" i said harshly, "I invited Isaac s you kinda have too come", "oh okay" I said smiling. "But your still going too spend the night" I said opening the door,

"what makes you say that?" She said in a sneer tone. I grabbed her keys from her pocket then clicked the start/stop button by the steering wheel. "Can't go anywhere without these" I said holding them up before opening the door, she grunted getting out,

I ran up to the house quickly unlocked the door running inside as Lauren chased me I locked her car running into the kitchen,

she chased me inside shutting the door behind her. She chased me around the island in the kitchen accidentally knocking a plastic bowl onto the floor. "Shut up Lauren"

I said laughing uncontrollably, she bent down too too pick the cup up I took the chance running up behind her I grabbed her hips and started humping her from behind she set the cup picking me up setting me on the counter.

"You just can't  listen can you?" she said squishing my face together, "nope" I said popping the p. I leaned closer about too kiss her when someone cleared there throat from the couch, I turned around too see Cara on her computer on the couch,

I rolled my eyes getting off the counter grabbing Lauren's hand leading her up the stairs too my room. I kicked open the door leading her inside, Dinah and Isaacs were asleep in my bed,

i groaned "fuck", the universe obviously doesn't want Lauren and I fucking tonight, I grabbed Isaac picking him up taking him too his room. I walked back too my room. "Dinah get up"

I said hitting her with a pillow, she groaned turning on her side, "Dinah get up stupid bitch" I said harshly, Lauren laughed sitting in the end of the bed.

"Bitch I will stab you" Dinah said in a threatening way. "No you won't you love me" I said croakily, she groaned she turned around and looked at me, "I love you" she said seriously, "I love you too" I said giving her a hug, Lauren was looking at us with a puzzled look on our face, she doesn't understand the best friend code. Dinah sat up,

"hey Casper" she said too Lauren, "what's up hulk hogan" she said back. I put my head down chucking, Dinah is a little big and buff looking. "Shut up pretty boy" Dinah said getting up, "see you later Dwayne" Lauren said shutting the door behind her. "Can I have my keys?" She said sitting on my bed.

"No, your spending the night" I said pulling her up on the bed next too me, "I have a game tomorrow I can't princess" she said laying next too me, "yes you can"

I said wrapping my arms around her waist whining, "please" I whined burying my face in her side, she wrapped her arms around me then kissed my forehead. "I have too go home" she said too get up,

"don't leave me" I said wrapping my legs around her. She groaned taking out her phone, she clicked on a contact calling them "Tori", what time do we have too be at the field?" She asked, "okay" she said before hanging up. "You're lucky" she said laying back down next too me, "I know" i said hugging her tighter

"We both know why you want me too stay", "why is that Lolo?" "Because you liiiikeeee me" she said dragging out her vowels, "and who told you that?" I smiling.

I nuzzled my head on her stomach. "You did" she said In a puzzled tone. "Do you have it on video?" I asked curiously. "No" she said slightly confused. "Then I didn't say it" i said confusing her,

it's fun throwing her off. "So you don't like me?" She said sounding Amused, "no" I said trying too throw her off again. "Oh okay then I'll just go home" she said sitting up, "nooo" I whined pulling her back down. "I do" I said this time putting my leg over hers.

"You do what?" She said trying too annoy me, "I like you" I said lowly, "I know you do" she said leaning down and kissing my lips a kiss turned into two then three then into a heated make out session, I climbed on top of Lauren never breaking the kiss, she flipped us over attaching her lips too my neck.

------------------------------y'all not ready, this isn't even the cliff hanger, clench you r butt holes it's coming you sexy mother fucks. -M

Rip Abraham rip Glen, you will be missed😭🙏🏻.

Continuer la Lecture

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