By indyrune

167 23 5

A young girl is found lying dead on my street. People are getting scared. And my only parent left is blamed... More

The bloody road
I really like you!
Dont shoot!
Past and present
The Photo Memory
Let the trial begin.
I really do love you!
Raven's got feelings?!
Bullet of tears
Girl Robin Hood
bloody car mess
Interrogation once more
Bye Raven
Kicked out
Robin Hood returns
Toby part 2
Angel and Raven
The air

The End

2 1 0
By indyrune


Hope smiled, she felt at home now, her coworkers had decorated the office with her the other week and now it seemed a lot more cheery. She pressed on the little bobble head snowman on her desk and watched it with a smile as It's head sprung back up.

Tim had even given her a Christmas card which was the most adorable thing she had ever read, it was so obvious that Tim was still a child in his mind. The picture on the front was even childlike and had made her laugh, much to his dismay.

It had been two years now and Hope was better, so much better! She had friends and she helped Tim out when he needed trouble. She was happy to get the small jobs and she always did them correctly. She didn't even hesitate anymore! Slowly but surely she was climbing up the ladder again.

Everyone was now celebrating the capture of some drug dealers with eggnog. The boss was smiling and ruffling Tim's hair as Tim opened a present very carefully, trying not to rip the shiny paper. He seemed mesmerized and everyone loved to watch his strange reaction as he saw his pressent.

A letter slipped from under the mailbox and Hope went to pick them up. She saw her name written in curly letters on the front and her curiosity got the best of her. The H on Hope made her think of someone ling forgotten but she opened it anyways and went to seek privacy.

She went into one of the bathroom stalls and opened it there, the creamy enveloped felt nice under her fingers as she ran her hands over it. It was obviously very expensive. She read the words and smiled, tears jumping to her eyes. Her heart thumped.

Dear Hope

It's Raven writting to you right now, sorry if you were excepting Toby or something. I heard about you guys and I sent you this because I didn't want you to feel lonely.
I'm working in another department, I'm not a criminal anymore and I work in the Chicago police department now. Sometimes I go and see Angel, she has stopped what she's doing and she's gonna write a book about us and our lives! Isn't that great! I'm really lucky to have her back, I don't know if you noticed when we were smaller but we were a couple.
We were only thirteen then, seems like centuries ago.
I hope you have a great Christmas! I also wanted to tell you I'm sorry for all that we put you through and we feel entirely guilty about it but now we are okay.


Hope covered her mouth, not wanting to start sobbing. She felt the tears though and she was so happy that Raven was contacting her again!

She would write as soon as she could... but Raven was right. They were only thirteen then... how did that happen to them. This world is so messed up!

You can never know someone's story, so be careful out there.


Back at the party Tim came next to her and gave her a present. It was simply with ugly yellow wrapping, I didn't say anything about it being the second present he gave me though. "Thanks Tim!" He smiled, I think he's finally happy with his life now. I gave him a present as well.

When I opened the present, there sat a small box with beautiful carvings on it. When I opened it I saw lots of colorful rocks that shone and I instantly loved it. "It's the best present I've ever gotten!" Tim smiled happily, he really got into the spirit, I saw him give a card to the Boss and trot happily away.
When he opened his present he practically glowed and thanked me while running to try it on, it was a really nice bomber jacket, that would probably last him years.

Yes... everything was good now!


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