Robin Hood returns

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Years had passed since Toby and I had walked away from Kings. I can still remember it and I can tell Toby feels guilty...but...we're gonna stay strong. We passed college and now work at a police station together in Boston. We live in a nice apartment and were still together, that's all that matters.

Sometimes I had to wake Toby from his nightmares and hold as he cried his heart out. Boarding school had been rough but we had made it, just me and Toby.

We had joined the police force for two reasons. One, so that Toby could remember his father and two, so that I could forget what my father had done.


"We've got a new case. Some idiot has been going around and killing people as usual!"

Our Sargent said. He a tough guy but once you get to know him he's a real softy. His wife left him and since that time he has never been the same.

"Do we know anything about this guy?" I asked. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, ruffling his beard. We had another case going on at the same time and we were all really tired, the endless hours of work only seemed to make our Sargent want more though. "We only know it's a girl and she steals from the poor and gives to the rich...a long time ago there was a girl like that but our information says she's still in jail!" Sargent said while rubbing his head. Me and Toby exchanged glances, we knew it was Raven...somehow she had escaped with ought anyone knowing.
"Okay were gonna have to split into two groups. Toby your going after the girl robin hood. Hope your going to find out about those drug dealers." "Yes sir!" We both said at the same time. Then hurried off.

"Should we have told him we know her?" "Well we can't be sure it's her." "Raven was pretty dam good at keeping up facades. Who knows!" We were talking quietly in the elevator as it descended. He sighed and held me close, it felt nice to be in his arms.

"With all this drama going around in Boston we haven't had any time to actually be alone." He whispered in my ear. "Not here Toby! They might catch us!" Toby snickered in my ear and said "so what?" I blushed and pushed him away. "S-so I don't want them thinking that were making out everywhere. Or that we don't care about our jobs!" He chuckled and draped his arm around my shoulders. "Yeah okay." I could tell he was gonna pounce any time soon though so I changed the subject. "What do you think about my case?" He thought for a moment before saying "I've dealt with drug dealers before...sometimes they have guns...sometimes they don't...from experience I'd say to bring your own guns." He said seriously.

I nodded. "Okay. Gotcha."

Then we parted ways.

I thought that maybe it would have been better if I went after Raven, I knew her better. Yet I hadn't seen her since she gave herself in and I didn't want those awful feelings of guilt to rise again. I had spent so long wishing them away and I didn't want them back. Never again.

So I left Toby to deal with that mess.

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