Bullet of tears

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I pushed him back into the table, not yet. I would stay strong for a little while longer!

Raven exploded into a fit of giggles, it sounded wrong coming from her. Just as seeing Kings sorry looked wrong. My father got up and said "You son of a bitch!" "I am a girl." I said evenly, my dry humour did nothing with his anger and I started to get twitchy. Raven giggled a high note which I didn't think was possible. "I am a girl to!" She gleefully told us.

My dad turned to her and said "shut the fuck up!" He grabbed her by the hair and banged her head on the table, knocking her out amd giving her a bloody nose. Then he turned to me again.

"Mildred was so beautiful!" My dad lamented. "Unlike you!" I spat, he then slammed my head on the table. I felt blood trickle from my head and into my mouth, it tasted strange but good.

I heard footsteps and then a sound of a gun, I waited for the pain but only felt his hold loosen and then a thump. 

I stood up straight and brushed the blood from my face, which is hard, it trickily ran between my fingers. Kings was standing by the doorway with a smoking gun in his hands and a hard look on his face. I was confused for a little while. Then I gasped as I saw my dad in a pool of his own deep red blood. Tears came from my eyes as I looked at his corpse. It was in defense. Kings had no other choice. Kings came and helped Raven upstairs, I silently followed. Once up top we put Raven in the back of his car and she fell asleep. We drove in silence for a while before he pulled over at his house. We stayed in the car before he said "Ive arranged the guest bedroom for you..." I nodded and went inside, fumbling with paper towels. I felt wierd. Disconnected. I didn't know if that was from the head wound or because I hadn't truly accepted my only parent was dead. Kings carried Raven to another room which he said was his room. I nodded in understanding. He said he would take the couch. "Toby is somewhere here. If you hunt for him im sure you will find him." I nodded and started walking away when he said "Im sorry." I dont know why but I couldnt even bring myself to nod. It would hurt to much. My chest felt so empty. I didn't know how to feel after this. It was over. I was okay.

I wandered around the house until I saw a slip of paper on the counter, it had my name on it. I pocketed it and kept hunting, they had a big house. Not as big as mine but still big. Would i still be able to keep my house? I dont think so... Im a minor. Ill probably be put in an orphanage or something of the other.

I passed Raven's room, who was having a bad dream, so I soothed her until she was okay again. We would probably be doing that for a while.

Once Toby saw me he grinned and hugged me. His huh was so nice. He's great at hugs. Not like the hug ny dad gave me, this one had no threat in it. "What happened?" He asked frantically after seing my head. "I-I-...My dad...he's dead." Toby hugged me again and escorted me to my room. we didn't say anything for a while but slowly we started talking. We talked all night.

It felt really good!

Somehow he managed to make me laugh...

...He kissed me!

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