Cute Little Psycho (Plutia x...

By Starblaster2000

17.2K 313 130

WARNING BEFORE YOU START READING: This is a story that is, essentially, a story about the writer, me, "hookin... More

First Encounter
Complete Change (2 weeks later)
Her Interest
A Sister?!
The Past Revealed (3 months later)
Trapped (1 month later)
Plans Revealed (1 week later)
Ready To Stir Up A Hornet's Nest?
Too Close For Comfort
Win Something But Forget Everything Else
Erased Mind
Lights Out (1 month later)
New Arrivals (2 weeks later)
The Core
On The Edge of Death (5 years later)
Does This Count? (5 days later)
Both Kinds Of Heat (4 months later) (Lemon Warning)
The Game (7 months later)
This Is War (2 days later)

The Truth (8 years later)

515 12 6
By Starblaster2000

Plutia P.O.V.

     Things have changed a lot since Neptune and Nepgear showed up. Thanks to the Histy from the other dimension, we have a permanent pathway in between the two dimensions. It took a while but I managed to explain the situation about Mike and I to them both. We've managed to encounter Mike 7 times throughout the years to try and make him remember but all of our attempts so far have been in vain. But we have to keep trying. I was playing video games with Neppy when my Histy flew in the room.

-"Plutia! There's something you might want to see!" She said, panicking.

-"What happened this time Histy?" I asked.

-"Our scouts have reported a massive army of soldiers and weaponized tech! We believe that a war is going to start soon!"

     My eyes widened as I imagined the destruction that Mike will reap! Neppy, Nepgear, Anna and myself transformed and flew towards the site of the report. I saw Iffy at one of the paths leading into Planeptune. All of our forces were at risk on this day. I went down next to Iffy and she told me what was going on. All of us waited. Eventually, after a couple hours of waiting, I heard the distant roar of engines slowly getting closer through the trees. I pulled out my weapon and stood ready. For a moment, the engines stopped...then I saw a whole line of Humvees roll through the trees, followed by footmen, followed by tanks, followed by robotic walkers and finally, the command vessel, Mike standing on top of it.

     He did a hand signal and everyone stopped. Mike spoke up.

-"Planeptune, I would strongly suggest that you lower your weapons and hand over your nation." He said.

-"And why would we do that?" Anna asked, annoyed.

     There was a pause before he spoke again.

-"If not, than I can personally guarantee that you will be treated to a much more different fate." He said as he pulled out his dual swords.

-"If my decision results in my life being taken, then so be it, but I will never endanger our nation." I said firmly standing my ground.

-"Than it's decided." He turned to his army. "EDEN! BEGIN OUR ASSAULT!" He yelled.

     They fired every single gun they had at us. Tanks, mini-guns, turrets, assault rifles and more could be heard firing their shells at us. I looked back at Mike to see him charging towards me. I barely had enough time to block his attack. Once our swords met, he spoke to me.

-"I bested you in a fight once, and I shall do it again!" He yelled.

-"Not this time Mike! I've got more backup now!" I said as I looked to Neptune, Nepgear and Anna behind me.

-"Well then, if a fight is what you want, you'll get it." He said as he teleported somewhere.

     I helped fend off the shells firing towards the men for a bit before I felt the ground shaking. I looked over to the command vessel to see that it was transforming into something that resembled a giant mech! I saw Mike standing on top of it, giving it commands. All four of us went up to him to fight. He seemed to know what we were doing and swung at us with his swords, sending a wave of plasma our way. We managed to dodge it but Mike was getting closer every second. For a while, we all fought against him. Somehow, he was managing to fend us all off! I don't know how, but we'll have to try to keep him at bay for as long as we can!


     Slowly, their numbers started thinning out, they had powerful guns, but not so powerful armor or defense. We watched as Mike issued the retreat command. I only wonder what was going through Mike's head.

Mike P.O.V.

     It was a shameful defeat, we had them outnumbered and outgunned but they still managed to fend us off. Hesitantly, I walked into the command center where dad was. I went on one knee as I called to him.

-"Dad. I-" I was cut off by him turning around and slapping me in the face.

-"Get up!" He yelled.

     I stood up in front of him.

-"What happened!? I send out my son, who I thought would be capable of something like this, only to have him return with 2 million dollars wasted and 750 troops dead!!" He said with rage.

-"I'm sorry dad." I said.

-"UNBELIEVABLE!!! RAH!!!!!" He said as he punched me across the room.

     I looked back up to see him standing in front of me.

-"I've been impressed by how well you've handled combat situations, it became something that amused me. But now, after all these years, you've finally become tiresome, predictable. You've hit rock bottom." He said as he aimed his cannon for my face.

-"No! Wait! Dad! Please! Give me one more chance! I beg of you!" I begged.

-"NO NO NO!!! RAH!!!" He yelled as he threw me across the room and smashed me through the door.

     I only groaned as I looked up again. He was standing there, looking down at me with disappointment. Then he stepped over me and walked down the hall.

-"I will give one last chance for redemption. If you screw it up, don't even bother coming back here again..." he said as he walked away.

     I felt myself lose consciousness in the hall.




      I felt myself wake up on a hard floor. I looked up but my vision was blurry. I saw the sign on the door that said: "Command Center". I went inside to see that it was empty. I looked at the time. It was 1:32 AM, no wonder why it's empty. I decided just to go on a console and see what was new. I sat down and activated one. Looks like someone had left a file open...I'll just that......huh? What is this? The file is labeled: "Secret Protocol". I scrolled through it to see my anatomy on blueprints. I'd need some time to decipher this. That's when I heard multiple footsteps walking down the hall. Shit! I downloaded a copy of the file onto a USB drive quickly before disconnecting and walking towards the door. The door opened to reveal terminal operators here for the night shift. One of them spoke up once they saw me.

-"Greetings sir! What are you doing here at this hour?" He asked.

     I tried to act as normal as possible and replied.

-"I was just checking up on the terminals, making sure everything is in working order." I said.

-"Thanks sir! I'll see you later, gotta get to work now." He said.

-"Remember, hard work is happy work!" I said as I walked away.

     I went to my quarters and locked the door. I quickly put the USB key into the computer and reviewed the file. The more I read, the more I realized...the truth. I stood up and took a second to process everything.


     She was right all this time...I can't believe this. I started to devise a plan to get my revenge. I went through the systems logs trying to find a suitable transformation mode. I saw one that caught my eye. It was a robot mode that could turn into a dragon from then. I'll have to try this out.

    I would have to transform twice to get to the dragon mode, but that wasn't important. I connected with the system and felt the new power flow through me. The screen displayed 100% on the synchronization and I went out into the halls. I met some soldiers on my way out.

-"Hey sir! How are you?" One of them asked.

     I didn't even look at them as I slaughtered them. I'm severing all ties with Anonydeath and the army. Other soldiers turned the corner to investigate the commotion and saw what I had done.

-"Y-you...YOU TRAITOR!!! ANONYDEATH WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS!!!" One of them said as they ran off.

     The rest started firing their weapons at me. I looked at my chest where my CPU core was.

-"I hope this works." I said as I activated the new mode.

     Once my transformation was complete, the men looked on in fear.

-"Do you feel...defenseless, men...Good, now you know what my people of Planeptune endured, RIGHT BEFORE YOU MASSACRED THEM!!!" I said as I charged towards them.

Anonydeath P.O.V.

     I was in the command center when an emergency broadcast came up on the radio.

-"Lord Anonydeath, Bronze Soul is on a rampage and moving rapidly toward the-AAHHH!!!" The transmission stopped there.

-"What? What happened?" I asked myself.

-"Don't you see you idiot?" I turned to see Rei walking towards me. "He found out the truth, I told you this was a bad idea from the start!" She yelled at me.

-"Rei, my dear. I assure you that I will handle this situation myself. And I will make sure he forgets about his past...permanently." I said, walking out of the command center.


I was walking towards our weapons depot when I heard a loud explosion to my right. I looked over to see Mike standing there with rage in his eyes and tossing two soldiers aside.

     He looked me in the eye before speaking.


-"Indeed, my only mistake was not seeing the extermination through." I said as I pulled out my blade.


     I saw him transform into one of our prototypes.

-"Alright then...this should be interesting." I said.


Mike P.O.V.

     I gave him one final smash on the ground that sent him flying across the room. I did a victory roar.

     I walked up to him and de-transformed before pointing my weapon to his face.

-"It was nice knowing you but, I think I'll use this opportunity to finish you, it would make Plutia's job so much easier." I said to him as I charged up to max capacity.

-"If this is how it be it...I've never been one to judge fate. Go on, do it." He said.

-"As if I needed convincing." I said as my finger approached the trigger.


     I was just about to blow off his head when I felt something hit my back and send me flying down the hall. I looked up to see Rei leading a squad of rocket troopers. I couldn't stand my ground with these guys. Plan B. I fired my weapon at the ceiling instead, went into my dragon mode and flew out of the base. My only safe haven, was Planeptune. It's going to be hard to do, but I'm going to have to retake Iris Heart's favor. I flew as fast as my wings would carry me to the Basilicom. Hopefully, Plutia doesn't hate me yet.

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