The Outsiders Preferences

By Russianbueller13

513K 7K 3K

Just as the title says... More

The Outsiders Preferences
How You Met
How He Asks You Out
First Kiss
First Fight
How You Make Up
The Walk of Shame ;)
Celebrity He's Jealous of
The Socs Get You
When You're Drunk
You Wear His Clothes
I'm Pregnant...
A Baby Makes Three
He and Your Child Fight
First I Love You
Author's Note
He and Your Child Make Up
A Soc Hits on You
He Hits You
Picking Up the Pieces (He Hits You Pt. 2)
Your Dating Another Member of the Gang
Slipping Away
When He's Sick
Single Mom
What He Calls You
When You're on Your Period
Uptown Girl
Sk8tr Boi
Single Dad
Getting Caught ;)
You're One of the Gang's Sister
King of Wishful Thinking
When He Cheats...
When He Cheats (Part 2)
Your Song
Face Down
His Tears
A1 Dad Moment
Lips of an Angel
Move Along
Coming Home
Marry Me

Another Boy is Your Ex

8.2K 100 45
By Russianbueller13


You had dated Steve in high school but when he dropped out, you two had broken up. You just had different plans for your life than he did. Your plans centered around going to college far away from Tulsa. And that's exactly what you'd done. You were in your advanced english class when you met Pony. The two of you clicked almost immediately. You bonded over classic literature and sunsets. It was perfect. The two of you fell for each other hard. And when you both realized you were from Tulsa, you knew it had to be fate. The pair of you travelled to Tulsa for Christmas break with the intent of meeting each other's families. Pony and your parents hit it off so much so that your mother made it very clear that Pony was the boy you were supposed to marry. You knew Pony didn't have parents but you were eager to meet his brothers and what he often referred to as the gang. When you arrived at his house Darry greeted you with a smile and a hug. You were introduced to Dallas and Two and Johnny. Pony's other brother, Soda, was apparently out but would be back soon. You and Johnny got along swimmingly and it was much to everyone's surprise that you could keep up with Two's jokes. All of you had just sat down to dinner when Soda made an appearance with a very familiar face. 

"(Y/N)?" Steve asked wide eyed. "What are you doing here?"

"Steve?" you said just as surprised. "I...umm... well I'm here." 

"She's here to meet my family," Pony said with furrowed brows. "Do you guys know each other?" 

"Yeah, we dated back in high school," You said, looking down, uncomfortable. Pony stared at you for a moment before excusing himself from the table and storming out to the backyard. 

"I'm just going to say what everyone's thinking," Two started, making everyone look at him. "It's super weird that Pony and Steve have slept with the same girl." 

You pushed out from the table and were about to go follow Pony when Steve caught your arm. 

"You and Pony?" He asked. 

"Yeah. Me and Pony."

"Good," Steve said making you raise an eyebrow at him. "I mean that's good. Pony's the kind of guy you deserve. He'll make you happy." 

"Thanks, Steve," you said and hugged him briefly before going out to the backyard, where your boyfriend was sitting in the grass, smoking like a chimney. You sat beside him. You weren't sure what to say. 

"Did you love him?" Pony asked suddenly making you stare at him. "Tell me (Y/N). Did you love him?" 

After a moment you found what you wanted to say. 

"No. I didn't. We were just a high school fling. Something to pass the time," you said. Pony nodded and seemed to slip into thought. "I love you, though." 

Pony's head snapped back to looking at you. 

"You heard me, Pony. Don't give me that look. I love you. I really do," you said with a small smile. Suddenly you were on your back and Pony's lips were on yours. You were happy to kiss Pony. You were a bit nervous that Pony hadn't said it back but there would be time for that later on. You and Pony kissed for a few more minutes before finally pulling yourself together and going back inside. You two rejoined the table and the gang got to know you better. All the while Pony's hand remained in yours. 


You and Johnny had been a brief item. But it was hard for the two of you to be together. Johnny was just so quiet and you were the exact opposite. You were loud and loved to party. The two of you thought that maybe opposites attract and so you guys would be fine. But as the relationship continued you saw that this was only going to end badly. You were only going yo hurt Johnny. You knew it. No doubt. So you ended it with Johnny. You had hoped that it would be a clean break but you could tell that Johnny was upset about it. You cared for Johnny and were trying to what you felt was best for him. 

After the break up you disappeared. The gang comforted Johnny as they felt they should but oddly enough it never sat right with Dallas that you were just gone. No one had seen hide or tail of you. Dally found himself missing your presence. Your laughter, your attitude, even the scent of your perfumed mixed with cigarettes. He missed it all. So one night Dallas went searching for you. He found you oddly enough at your house. You'd been hiding out ever since the break up. Not wanting to risk running into the gang or worse Johnny. Dallas knocked on the door and charmed your mother into letting him in. You were more than surprised to see Dallas Winston standing in your bed room. 

"What are you doing here?" you asked from where you were seated on your bed. You were trying to make it look like you hadn't been wallowing in self pity. You and Dallas had always gotten along really well. Johnny had commented on how happy he was that his best friend and his girlfriend got along. 

"You disappeared on us," Dallas said as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed. "I wanted to check on you. See how you were fairing." 

"You don't have to act like you care about me Dallas. I hurt Johnny. You don't have to pretend you still like me," you said bitterly. There was a long pause as Dallas played with his fingers. 

"I do like you though," Dallas said finally. He shook his head in disbelief. "That's the crazy thing, (Y/N). When Johnny told me that you two broke up I was happy. I had this stupid crush on you and I couldn't do anything about it. So I pushed it down and ignored it because I didn't want to hurt Johnny. But now, now I have a chance with you." 

"Dallas," you sighed. Dallas reached out to take your hand and you were surprised by how warm his palm was.  You turned his hand over in yours and lightly traced his palm, making him shiver. "Don't you get it? I destroy every guy I'm with. You don't want to be with me. I'll just break you." 

"Oh, Doll Face. Don't you get it? I'm already broken. There's nothing left for you to destroy. There ain't a thing you can do to hurt me more than I've already been," Dallas said. He leaned in and kissed the corner of your mouth. 

"But what about Johnny?" 

"Johnny will be fine. He just wants us both to be happy." 

"That boy was way too good for me," You murmured.

"You and me both." 


You yawned and stretched a bit feeling Darry shift behind you. You and Darry had just started seeing each other and it was your first night staying over. It was still a little early and you could tell Darry just wanted to sleep more. He pulled you into his chest and put some of his weight on top of you to pin you to the bed. 

"Sleep, dear," He muttered as he muzzled into your neck making you giggle. You settled down again and began to run your fingers through Darry's hair. You had almost fallen back asleep when Soda came bursting into the room. 

"Dar have you seen- (Y/N)?" Soda asked confused. You picked your head up at the sound of your name. 

"Soda? What are you doing here?" you asked. Darry grumbled as he rolled over and glared at his younger brother. 

"I could ask you the same thing," Soda replied a little snippy. 

"Don't talk to my girl like that Soda," Darry said, finally sitting up. 

"Your girl?" Soda asked with raised eyebrows. "Does Two know your screwing his sloppy seconds?" 

"You better watch your mouth, boy. I'll end you. Now get out," Darry practically growled. Soda huffed and shot you one last look before leaving, slamming the door behind him.  You fell back on the bed and put a pillow over your head. "(Y/N)?"

"That was so embarrassing!" you said. Darry eventually wrestled the pillow from you so he could look you in the eye. 

"What was all that about?" 

"I might have sort of dated Two for awhile. Nothing serious just a fling really. Only Two didn't really see it that way," you said. Darry seemed to process this information for a moment before a look of understanding passed over his face. 

"You're not the (Y/N), are you? As in the (Y/N) that Two proposed to? The one that rejected him and broke his heart?That (Y/N)?" Darry asked growing more panicked. 

"He proposed on the fourth date! How was I supposed to respond? Say yes?" You said trying to defend yourself. Darry just shook his head. You got out of bed and started to get dressed, wanting to just go home and cry. 

"Where are you going?" 

"I'm going home. Isn't that what you want? I broke your friends heart," you said sounding confused. Darry took a deep breath and flopped back, running his hands over his face. 

"Two's going to kill me," He said to himself before forcing himself up again and looking at you with a smile. "You can't leave. Not without breaking my heart too." 

"Yeah?" you said with a small smile. Darry nodded. So you crawled back into bed and let Darry kiss you. 

And when Darry told Two about you guys, Two offered Darry the ring he'd proposed to you with, wishing him better luck. 


Soda had his hand up your shirt. It was going well. You and Soda. Everything was perfect. At least that's what you thought, anyway. You were ready to go all the way with Soda. The time was right and you were excited to be with Soda. Soda had just slipped off your shirt when the door to the bedroom was thrown open. Darry stood in the room with his eyes wide in surprise. 

"(Y/N)?" he asked, making you freeze. It took you a second to figure out who he was but the moment you did your eyes widened just as much as Darry's had. You and Darry had only dated about a week when you two realized that it just wasn't going to work between you two. 

"You know my brother?" Soda asked you, sitting up and handing you your shirt. There was a long awkward pause before Darry finally spoke. 

"We dated for a little while," he said. 

"Only a week," you interjected feeling uncomfortable. Soda stared at you for a long moment. You couldn't meet his eyes. You felt embarrassed.

"Well I'm going to go start on dinner," Darry finally said. "You're more than welcome to stay (Y/N)."  

Darry closed the door and you and Soda sat in silence for a while. You just didn't know how to explain that you and Soda's older brother had dated. 

"So you dated Darry," Soda finally said. You nodded. 

"I went through an older men phase," you said trying to explain it. "Does that freak you out?" 

"Did you guys break up on good terms?" 

"Yeah. Darry and I realized that our age difference was just way too much for us to make it work. It was just really brief." 

"Oh, okay. So you want to stay for dinner?" Soda asked. 

"Do you want me to?" 

"Of course. I always want you around," Soda said pulling you closer to kiss you. You two couldn't go too far with Darry there but you were more than happy to keep your lips on his. You were just relieved that Soda still wanted to be with you. 


Of fucking course you had to be Pony's ex-girlfriend. Steve was sitting on the couch of the Curtis household while you and Pony screamed at each other. Steve had brought you over to introduce you to Soda and you two had run into Pony. The moment Pony saw you his eyes narrowed and you seemed to tense up. At first you two tried to play but all it took was Pony making one comment under his breath for both of you two be going at each other. Apparently the relationship had not ended well for either of you and you two could hardly be in the same room without there being a huge screaming match. Like the one Steve was currently witnessing. He couldn't even believe that you were the same girl as he saw you call Pony every name in the book. Pony was unleashing even worse on you. It was about to come to blows when Steve forced himself to step in between the two of you. He turned to Pony and pointed his finger at Pony. 

"Listen here you little shit. You keep talking to my girlfriend that way and your gonna be looking pretty black and blue. So I suggest you back off," Steve hissed. 

"Hey Steve, watch the way you talk to my brother," Soda said as he came to stand behind Pony. Steve looked up at Soda and was surprised to find that his best friend was not on his side. In fact Soda stared at him coldly. "You should probably leave and take your little homewrecker with you." 

Steve didn't remember cold cocking Soda. All he knew is all of the sudden you were dragging him out of the house into his car. You drove him to your house before he finally calmed down. As you turned the car off you sat there for a minute before you started to cry. It was a silent, still kind of crying where tears were just dripping down your cheeks. 

"We should probably break up," you said, finally, wiping the tears from your cheeks. Steve turned to you suddenly and looked at you with surprise. 

"What? Why?" Steve asked. 

"Why? You just punched your best friend because of me! You just sat there and watched me scream at his little brother. God, the things I called him. I don't know why but for some reason Pony just brings out the worst in me. I don't want to be responsible for ruining yours and Steve's friendship." 

"Oh, (Y/N)," Steve said pulling you into his chest where you buried your face into the crook of his neck. "Soda and I fight all the time. This will all blow over. And even if it doesn't you're more than worth it. I mean shit (Y/N), I've never felt this way about anyone before. I love you, (Y/N)." You sat up and looked up at him with tears still drying on your cheeks. It was the first time Steve had ever said that. 

"I love you, too, Steve," you said before covering your mouth with his. It was the best kiss you two had ever shared. 


Dallas had been bad for you. Really bad. You tried to stay with him but it was hard. He was angry, and unfaithful. Dally drained you of everything you had. He took everything he could from you and then more. When you found out you were pregnant Dallas bolted. He skipped town and no one could seem to reach him. That was the final straw for you. Or at least so you thought. Johnny had always been around through the good, the bad, and the ugly of you and Dallas' relationship. 

You and Johnny found each other slowly. You were in a dark place when Johnny came and seemed to bring light back to you. You had been so lost when Johnny came to you. He gave you hope, happiness, and eventually love. At first Johnny was just trying to be a good friend to you. He'd come with you to doctor's appointments and bring you food whenever the cravings start to hit. You were about four months along when you kissed Johnny for the first time. Your hormones were running wild and you were desperate for affection. Johnny was hesitant at first but he soon found himself kissing back. You two seemed to slide into place after that. It was like you two had always been together. You moved together like a well oiled machine. It was absolutely utterly perfect. Johnny took care of you and while you didn't realize it right away but you were taking care of him too. He cared for your unborn child like it was his own. He didn't seem to care that it wasn't his. Johnny seemed happiest when he was laying with his head on your round stomach listening to the baby move and kick. You hated it when the baby kicked but Johnny was delighted whenever it happened. 

You and Johnny had been together for five months when Dallas came back to town. You were so pregnant that Johnny insisted you stay in bed all the time. You and Johnny were staying at your house sleeping, when Dallas showed up. Johnny was the one who answered the door, thinking it was the pizza man or something. He wasn't expecting his best friend- well ex-best friend he supposed- to be standing there. 

"Johnny?" Dallas asked, confused. "What are you doing here?" 

"I could ask you the same thing. Where have you been?" Johnny asked.  

"Johnny?" You called from the bedroom. "Who is it, babe?" 

Dallas looked at Johnny for a long moment before he pushed past Johnny. Dallas stormed down the hall and to your bedroom where you were laying on your back rubbing your stomach. You paled when Dallas burst through the door with Johnny hot on his heels. 

"What the hell is this?" Dallas asked, looking around the room. Johnny's stuff was pretty well mingled with your stuff and it was clear Johnny had been living with you for awhile. "I leave for a hot minute and you start shaking up with my best friend?!" 

"I... I..." you stuttered shaking at the sight of Dallas. You were starting to panic. 

"Dallas," Johnny said slipping in between you and Dallas. "You were gone for nine months. You abandoned her. You don't get to throw those accusations out there." 

Dallas was stunned for a few moments. He'd never seen Johnny stand up to him like that. It was a completely different Johnny than the one he was used to. 

"She's my girlfriend, Johnny. You don't really have a say in what goes on in our relationship," Dallas said.  "So how's my baby doing?" 

"Your baby? Since when is this your baby?" you asked as you struggled to sit up. Johnny was by your side in a second helping prop you up on pillows. "You abandoned me you piece of shit. You think you can just come back here like nothing happened? I'm so done with you Dallas. You are a toxic person to be around. I never want to see your face again. Ever. You need to get the hell out and never ever come back." 

"But that's my kid," Dallas argued feebly. 

"This may be your kid but you're not his father. You're just back here because you need something. You don't care about this baby," you hissed.  Dallas went quiet. He looked at the floor and you knew you were right. 

"Can't you see it, Dallas? (Y/N) and I are happy together. These months with her are some of the best I've ever experienced. We're going to be a family. I can give her something you can't. Don't you agree that it would be best if you just left well enough alone?" Johnny pleaded with his big old puppy eyes. After a lone moment Dallas nodded. 

"I guess you're right, Johnnycakes," he said. "I'll just go. But if you two need anything, call me." 

Dallas left after that. Johnny pulled you tight to him. He kissed your cheek and smiled. 

"Now you're all mine," He muttered. He climbed into bed with you and pulled you close, just happy to be cuddling with you. After a few minutes he added, "I'm never going to leave this spot."  

"You're going to have to, though," you said. 

"And why's that?" Johnny asked playfully. 

"My water just broke." 

"Well, shit." 


Two had asked Soda to go visit his bride before the wedding to give her a special surprise. None of the gang had met Two's fiance. Two said he wanted to keep her to himself. But they were all there for the wedding. Two would only introduce her once she was legally obligated to stay with him. Soda hadn't thought twice when Two asked him to go bring her a special bracelet he'd purchased just for the wedding. He was actually eager to do it and be the first one to meet this amazing mystery woman. 

So imagine Soda's surprise when he opened the door and saw you standing there in your gown and veil. To this day you still made Soda's heart beat a bit faster. Especially seeing you all in white looking absolutely stunning. Soda seemed to freeze as he looked at you with wide eyes. You were just as surprised to see him. 

"Soda?" you asked, amazed to see your ex boyfriend standing there in a suit holding a beautiful bracelet. "Please don't tell me you're here to try and get us back together." 

"What?" Soda asked confused before shaking his head. "No. I'm friends with Two. He asked me to bring you this." 

You took the bracelet and looked at it with a smile on your face. Soda remembered the days when you looked at him with smile and felt a small tug in his heart. He was pretty certain that he would always be in love with you. But he also could tell by the look on your face that you were in love with Two and there wasn't anything that could change it. Finally you looked back at Soda. 

"I can't believe you and Keith are friends. That's so odd," you said. 

"I know. It's such a coincidence," Soda said. "Our paths keep crossing." 

"Yeah. It's so weird. Will you help me put this on?" You asked holding out the bracelet. Soda was nervous to touch you as he helped clasp the bracelet onto your wrist. God, you even smelled the same as you did back then. There was a moment of silence. "Well, I guess I should probably get finish getting ready. The ceremony is starting soon." 

"Oh, yeah, sure." Soda turned to leave. 

"Soda?" your voice stopped him. "Would you mind not telling Two about us? He's pretty paranoid about my old boyfriends. It would just cause him pain and I really don't want that." 

"Sure, (Y/N)," Soda replied and he looked you dead in the eye. "I'd do anything for you."

"I love him, Soda. I love Keith."

"I know you do," Soda replied before turning and walking to the door. "You look beautiful by the way."

Soda sat in the audience watching you and Two exchange vows. His heart was heavy as he did so. You would always be the one that got away from him but he was glad that you were so happy with Two. Two gave you everything Soda couldn't. He was happy that you finally got your happy ending. All Soda ever wanted was for you to be happy, even if it wasn't with him. 

A/N: Sorry for the lack of update. Apparently university is really hard and my winter break has been consumed by family. Anyway happy holidays and happy new year. May 2016 burn in hell. Feel free to hit me with some requests and I'll try to get back to updating soon. I might start doing imagines just for shits and giggles. Let me know if you guys would be interested. 

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