18 Months

By Stiles_The_Runner

13.1K 555 185

"Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest. It's about who came and never left your side." ... More

Chapter 1 : Jerks, Tears, and a Contract
Chapter 2 : Shorts and Thongs
Chapter 4 : Reunited Hugs
Chapter 5 : Black is the New Orange
Chapter 6 : Dating?
Chapter 7: Not my Type!
Should I continue? (Will be deleted)
Update + Honest Opinion

Chapter 3 : 18 Months Later

1.6K 79 28
By Stiles_The_Runner

CHAPTER 3 : 18 Months Later

~~~Stiles's POV~~~

It's been 18 months since I moved to Australia, and I can honestly say that it has been the best 18 months of my life.

Zara is still the same fashionista that I met on my first day. I've learned so much from her about cooking, design and she's helped me with my wardrobe and room. Her blonde hair is still that but only goes up to her chest now. She hasn't grown so she is 5'5, so is quite small compared to me and Sophia. We tend to take the mickey out of her for that. She has become one of my good friends.

Sophia is my little Australiano. She still has her red tipped hair, and to be honest, I feel like she will die with it. She is really funny and sarcastic like me. She also is really smart and geeky. She is just a bit shorter than me as she's 5'8 which she is happy about. She is my best friend, and I'm not sure where I would be today without her.

And I finally hit puberty! It was an embarrassing time, and Sophia and Zara made the most of it as well. I'm now 5'10 and have got some muscle on me. My hair has grown out, and my baby face has gone. I look back at photos of when I first arrived and laugh at how much I've changed. I started doing cross-country here, and despite the first week being absolute torture, I'm now best at my school. Who would ever think Stiles Stilinski would be good at running! I certainly didn't.

I haven't spoken to the pack in over a year. I rang every week for the first two months but I was always sent to voicemail. I tried again a few months ago but the number was no long available.

Anyways my friends and I have just finished school and are going to the ice-cream shop making the most of the last days of Autumn.

"Okay, I'll get a strawberry, a choc-mint, and a vanilla with milo on top, please," I say, paying the cashier. I grab the ice-creams and head over where the girls are.

"A strawberry for the queen of shopping and a vanilla milo for the Australiano," I say using a very posh English accent.

"Why thank you kind, sir, I was hoping for some tea with that, but I have been told this place does not sell it," Sophia says playing along, while taking her ice-cream, holding her pinky finger up.

I hand Zara her ice-cream and sit down taking a bite into mine.

"So are you guys excited for winter?" I ask, licking the ice cream that had melted onto my fingers. It's May here, the end of Autumn and it's still hot enough to melt my ice-cream.

"So excited. The fashion in winter is so nice, not as good as summer, but amazing still." Zara says, not surprising me at all.

"Yeah well as you experienced last year, it just goes from this to absolutely freezing cold. Me no likey." Sophia says.

She has her ice-cream right near her face giving me an idea.

"Hey Soph, you've got something on your nose," I say reaching forward.

She goes cross-eyed trying to see what's on her nose. I quickly push her ice-cream into her nose.

"Don't worry it's all gone now," I say eating the last bit of my cone.

Sophia just looks at me, mouth wide open, with milo and ice-cream on her nose.

Before I can even laugh she has put the last bit of ice-cream she has on my forehead.

I gasp, as it's quite cold.

Zara is just sitting there watching and laughing. I give Sophia a look, and she seems to get the same idea. We wipe off the ice-cream and put it on Zara's cheeks.

The look on her face makes me crack up. Soon we are all laughing hysterically.


"DAD I'M HOME" I yell while closing the door. I have just got home from the shops. We ended up walking around for another hour or so.

I walk down the hallway to see my Dad sitting at the table looking at me.

I rush to sit down in the seat next to him.

"OMG is everything okay? Someone didn't die did they?" I ask my face becoming red.

"No Stiles." My Dad says looking down at his hands.

"What is it?" I ask, finally calming down.

"Think about what month it is Stiles." He says. I look at him confused.

"It's May dad, what could that possi..." I start before realizing what this was about.

"No, it can't be Dad..." I say, my voice going weak at the thought of having to leave my friends.

"I'm sorry son, I tried to see if I could extend the contract and they were more than happy to, but the big CEO of Beacon Hills Police isn't budging. You know he was really hesitant for me to come here anyways." He says, tears coming to his eyes as well.

You see, this move hasn't only affected me. My Dad has never been happier. He loves his job, he doesn't do the long stressful hours that he did in Beacon Hills. He has also made really good friends here, including Zara and Sophia's parents.

"God, I never liked that man," I say making him chuckle slightly.

"Don't worry nobody does." He says.

"When do we leave?" I ask, wiping a tear from my face.

"On Saturday. I bit more notice than last time." He says sending me a smile. I chuckle briefly remember us leaving Beacon Hills to come live here. My home.

It's funny how at the start of this all Beacon Hills was my home, but now it's here.

I run my hands through my hair, comforting me a bit. Okay, so I have two full days to pack and say goodbye.

"Okay, I'll start packing then," I say getting up, not before giving my Dad a huge hug.

I make my way to my room and start looking at my room. I love it so much, more than my one at Beacon Hills. I loved how the afternoon sun would shine through it making my room light up. I start to cry softly thinking about leaving my two best-friends.

I hear a knock on the front door making me stop for a second. I hear my Dad walking down the corridor to open it. I return to looking out the window, watching the sun slowly go down.

I am once again interrupted by the sounds of heels and heavy footsteps.

My door flies open to Zara all dressed up and Sophia in her Pyjamas. That would explain the footsteps.

"We came as soon as we heard Stiles," Zara says, tears in her eyes. I look between the two of them.

"Oh, Sti," Sophia says tears rushing down her face. I stand up and walk towards the two of them tears making their way out my eyes.

I hug them both as the three of us cry our hearts out, not processing the thought that we would ever be apart.


I wake up on my bed with Sophia laying on my right and Zara on my left. We must have fallen asleep on the floor, and Dad must have put us in bed. I smile at the thought. Although it's not the first time he's done that.

I sit up and look at the clock on my bedside table.

10:34 AM

My eyes widen. I jump up and look around frantically for a t-shirt when I see a note on my desk.

I pick it up and read it.

I've gone to work today to say goodbye and pack my stuff. I'll be having tomorrow off, although I will be meeting up with some friends outside of work.

I've ringed the school so you've got the next few days free. Also, the girl's parents rang saying that they could have the next two days off as well. Zara's parents and Sophia's dad will be coming for dinner Friday night as well.

Love you lots,

Dad xx

I put the note back on my desk and turn around to see that Sophia was up. Zara was out like a light. She could sleep through anything.

"Hey," I say sitting down next to her on the end of the bed.

She looks me in the eyes and starts tearing up again.

"I just can't believe you're leaving Sti, I mean I don't know how I am going to survive without seeing your face every day." She says eventually sobbing. I bring her into a hug, letting her cry into my shoulder.

I feel another pair of arms hugging me from behind, meaning Zara has woken up. We just sit there for a few minutes, enjoying each others company.

I pull away on wipe the tears off both their cheeks.

"I don't know how I'm going to survive without my two favorite girls," I say.

They both chuckle at that.

"If some stranger walking in on this now, they would think that we were having a threesome," Zara says, making us all crack up laughing.

"Well, we all know that is never going to happen." I say, wiping happy tears out of my eyes now.

"Yes, I mean come on. You are as gay as it gets mate." Sophia says, punching me in the arm.

I put my hands on my heart, gasping for effect.

"I am greatly offended Asterworth," I say.

"Well, she can't help but state the truth Stilinski," Zara says.

I chuckle again.

"Right you guys can help me pack this morning, then we can have the rest of this time to talk and make the most of Mr. Americano," I say.

"Hey, that's MY nickname for you," Sophia says, doing that watching you thing with your fingers.

We all start laughing. I put on some music and we all start packing....with a few breaks for singing and dance offs.


I stand at the airport waiting for the lady to call our flight. The past few days have been amazing. I've had a ball with Zara and Sophia, making the most of the time we had. They are currently sitting either side of me. Their parents are here as well. Dad has gotten really close to them, especially Sophia's dad, Robert. Her mum isn't in the picture anymore.

"Flight 4589, to Los Angeles with the connecting flight to California please make your way to the gates, your flight is ready to board."

I stand up along with everyone else. I make my way over to Robert and Zara's parents and say goodbye to them. They each give me a hug. They are like my second/third parents.

I turn around and pull Zara into a hug. She hugs back, tighter than she ever has before.

She pulls away kissing me on the cheek. I turn to Sophia who jumps straight into my arms.

I love Zara with all my heart, but everyone knows that I am closer to Sophia. I hug her back, not being able to hold the tears, anyone. By the feeling of a wet patch on my shoulder, I'm assuming the same is for Sophia.

We stay like that for a while before I pull away and wipe the tears off my face. I pull them both in for a group hug before I get my carry on.

"I'll call as soon as I land," I say. They both nod.

"See you later Stiles," Zara says blowing an air kiss.

"Don't forget about me Americano," Sophia says.

"I won't even if I tried," I say throwing them both a smile. They both smiled back before I start walking to the boarding line, not bringing myself to look back. Just as I'm about to get on the plane I look back to see my friends for what will be that last time in a while.

I smile my biggest smile, while a tear runs down, meeting my lips. They smile and wave to me. I give a small wave back, before going on the plane.

As I try to find my seat I think about them and all the great moments we have had.

I find my seat and sit down, Dad right next to me. He grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. I look up and give him a small smile. He lets go and starts to get ready for taking off.

I look out the window thinking about Beacon Hills and if it will be the same.

And with that I close my eyes, drifting off, exhausted from the emotional goodbye.


This is honestly one of my favourite chapters that I have written. It's just so cute and AWWW

Anyways, keep reading and let me know what you think!

Keep voting of you want more xx

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