The Infernal Devices Rewritten

By LilacPotterhead

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When Evan DeLuca finds herself at the gates of the great London Institute in Victorian England, something is... More

Table of Contents
Clockwork Angel - Awful Wonder
Clockwork Prince - The Council Chamber
Chapter 2 - Reparations
Chapter 3 - Unjustifiable Death
Chapter 4 - A Journey
Chapter 5 - Shades of the Past
Chapter 6 - In Silence Sealed
Chapter 7 - The Curse
Chapter 8 - A Shadow on the Soul
Chapter 9 - Fierce Midnight
Chapter 10 -The Virtue of Angels
Chapter 11 - Wild Unrest
Chapter 14 - The Silent City
Chapter 15 - Thousands More
Chapter 17 - In Dreams
Chapter 18 - Until I Die
Chapter 19 - If I Doth Prosper
Chapter 19 - If I Doth Prosper
Chapter 20 - The Bitter Root
Chapter 21 - Coals of Fire
Clockwork Prophetess - For What We Are
Chapter 2 - Sixty Days Until Hope
Chapter 3 - For True Love Shall Reign
Chapter 4 - Parts in Our Play
Chapter 5 - Forever or Longer
Chapter 6 - To Hide from Death
Clockwork Princess - A Dreadful Row
Chapter 2 - The Conqueror Worm
Chapter 3 - To the Last Hour
Chapter 4 - To Be Wise and Love
Chapter 6 - Let Darkness
Chapter 8 - That Fire of Fire
Chapter 9 - Graven in Metal
Chapter 10 - Like Water Upon Sand
Chapter 11 - Fearful of the Night
Chapter 12 - Ghosts on the Road
Chapter 16 - The Clockwork Princess
Chapter 17 - Only Noble to Be Good
Chapter 18 - For This Alone
Chapter 19 - To Lie and Burn
Chapter 20 - The Infernal Devices
Chapter 21 - Burning Gold
Chapter 22 - Thunder in the Trumpet
Chapter 24 - The Measure of Love
Author's Note
Big News

Chapter 7 - Dare to Wish

914 32 3
By LilacPotterhead

Chapter 7

Dare to Wish

When Will returned, Evan was on the floor, sitting like she was on the bed, marking things from one map of Wales to another with such precision that Will feared to enter, lest he break her concentration. When she was done, Will sat next to her, reviewing her work. "You were right about Gabriel."

"You doubted me?" Evan laughed, but Will did not. "If we don't mess up the books so much, they might end up together."

"Cecily and Gabriel?" Will was appalled. "We must change it!"

Eva turned to face him, her dark blue eyes still misty from the tears of her panic attack. "As someone who hated Gabriel for the first two and a half books, I suggest we leave them be. Besides, if we try to stop it, you know that Cecy will fight back harder." Evan moved his shirt collar so the ruby pendant that Magnus gave him was more visible. "You know, that pendant might help your sister more than you."

Will relaxed, catching her hand in his own. "It is not time, yet, to give it to her."

Evan smiled again. "So you have been paying attention to my rants."

"It's rather hard not to," Will rolled his eyes, "Seeing as it's all you had talked about."

Evan matched his eye roll, "It's rather hard not to," She mocked, "When you're trying to make sure it ends up where it's supposed to."

"Then perhaps I should give it to you," Will said leaning closer.

"I'll lose it," Evan snorted. "Give it to your sister, Will."

"Magnus did say it was mine to do with what I will," Will reminded her.

Evan tipped her head back to catch his lips with hers. It wasn't the first time she wondered what her parents would have thought of Will - in fact, between planning and sleeping, it's all she thought about. Their kisses were never long; only brief, but capturing. Evan always found herself smiling as they pulled back.

"Whatever happens tomorrow," Will said softly making Evan's heart drop, "You must know that I love you."

"I know," Evan said, "And you know that I love you, too."

"I do."

Evan's lazy mood swung in the opposite direction when she smacked her own forehead, cursing herself. She began cursing herself in every language she knew, startling Will when she scrambled out of his arms to where the Shadowhunter Chronicle books were hidden. Without bothering to close the door, Evan began prying them up - leaving WIll to shut the door hastily.

"I am an idiot!" Evan said, pulling out Clockwork Princess. "God - I hate myself."

Will, who use to the self-loathing that was the twenty-first century teenage girl, just kissed her temple.

"We can tell them today!"

"What?" Will sat back. "About the books -?"

"No, no," Evan flipped through the worn book, scanning the pages. "Pages one-sixty-one to one-seventy-three."

"This, ironically, isn't the book, fy nghariad." Wil's eyebrow arched in a mocking amusement.

Evan shot him a look and rolled her eyes. "Fine, urgent meeting about a letter from Mortmain. It's about trading Tessa for yin fen."

Will recognize what she was talking about almost immediately. "And you are going to plant the idea that Idris isn't the Idris Mortmain was talking about?"

Evan shrugged vexingly. "Maybe."

Charlotte's urgent call for a meeting left everyone in the drawing room, yet again. Cecily and Evan were sure that they'd need to add a second couch or more armchairs soon. Nevertheless, Cecily and Evan sat in the love seat, across from Jem and Tessa - who sat on the couch. Gideon made himself comfortable in an armchair, with Gabriel standing behind him. Charlotte, of course, sat at her desk, and Henry leaned against the desk, without any trinkets in his hands. Will leaned against the mantel and Cecily quietly whispered to Evan "Do you suppose he does that because he's cold or because he thinks he looks dashing in front of the flames?"

Evan rolled her eyes and said "To look impressive, duh, Cecy, how well do you know him?"

Cecily shrugged, her lips quirking in a smile. "Not as well as you do, I think." Evan shot her a look and elbowed her as Charlotte began the meeting in a strained voice. Though as Evan remembered what the meeting was about, she couldn't tell if it was because Charlotte was truly worried or if she was trying not to smile. Evan almost wanted to squeal with excitement - this was always one of the most heart-wrenching parts of the series.

"I'm glad you're all here." Charlotte's voice was strained - she, too, Evan noticed, was a perfect actor. "I have received a disturbing piece of correspondence. From the Magister."

"From Mortmain?" Tessa asked, leaning forward; her clockwork necklace and jade pendant swung around her neck, glittering in the light. "He wrote to you."

"Not to inquire your health, one presumes," Will said, his face drawn. "What does he want?"

"I will read you the letter," Charlotte said.

My Dear Mrs. Branwell.

Forgive me for troubling you at what must be a distressing time for your household. I was grieved, though I must confess not shocked, to hear of Mr. Carstair's grave indisposition.

I believe you are aware that I am the happy possessor of a large - I might say exclusively large - portion of the medicine that Mr. Carstairs requires for his continued well-being. Thus we find ourselves in a most interesting situation, which I am eager to resolve to the satisfaction of us both. I would be very glad to make an exchange: If you are willing to confide Miss Gray to my keeping, I will place a large portion of yin fen in yours.

I send a token of my goodwill. Pray let me know your decision by writing to me. If the correct sequence of numbers that are printed at the bottom of this letter, are spoke to my automaton, I am sure to receive it.

Yours sincerely,

Axel Mortmain

"That is all," Charlotte said. "There are instructions on how to summon the automaton to which he wishes us to give out answer, and there are the numbers he speaks of, but they give no clue as to his location."

Looking around the room, Evan saw that Jem was smiling rather superiorly. Gabriel was the only one out of the Londoners who was fretting; Gideon looked to Charlotte expectantly, Will had a taunting smile on his face, Tessa was composed, and Henry looked as if he had just heard a very amusing joke told from a toddler. Charlotte remained neutral; Cecily seemed to be bored now but Evan sat forward.

"I wonder how many drafts of that letter he wrote." Evan said mildly.

"That's all you have to say?" Gabriel said, horrified.

"Well the letter was hardly necessary," Jem said, "Seeing as we do know that he has taken control of the yin fen."

".... And you have taken precautions?" Gabriel asked.

"Oh yes," Henry said delightedly. "Charlotte dear, do you suppose we tell him now?"

"Tell me what?" Gabriel demanded, looking to Gideon. "Gideon?"

"I'm cured." Jem said, smiling very widely now. Gabriel blinked, looking at him. "Will and Evan found a cure for me just over a month ago. I've been dying my hair to keep Mortmain from knowing."

"You're... cured...." Gabriel repeated, dumbfounded. "Uh, congratulations."

"Thank you," Jem said mildly, still smiling. "Charlotte, the letter said he sent some?"

"I threw it in the fire." Charlotte said. "No reason to keep it."

"I couldn't agree more," Will said. "Charlotte, you don't suppose we should write him back to thank him for his concern but we have prepared for Jem's illness accordingly?"

"I don't think it would be wise to taunt him, Will," Charlotte said, although she was smiling.

"No, but it would be humorous," Will said, sending a slight grin in his parabatai's direction. But then grew serious, "We still have no idea where he is."

The mood dampened considerably. Charlotte's smile slipped into a frown that aged her, "No. No we do not know where he is."

"Would there be a possibility that Mortmain was telling the truth about Idris" Evan asked without looking to Will, who still had no idea if Evan's maybe was going to become a yes or a no.

"The Clave has searched Idris," Charlotte reminded Evan. "There was no trace of him near or in Idris. Though, I have no idea how he would get there anyway - with the wardings."

"No," Evan said. "Would there be more than one place with the name Idris? A mundane place? Mortmain seems like the kind of person to enjoy dark irony."

With everyone who were unbeknown to their idea, they left the drawing room with something to ponder - was there someplace with the same name?

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