The Infernal Devices Rewritten

By LilacPotterhead

68.6K 1.9K 380

When Evan DeLuca finds herself at the gates of the great London Institute in Victorian England, something is... More

Table of Contents
Clockwork Angel - Awful Wonder
Clockwork Prince - The Council Chamber
Chapter 2 - Reparations
Chapter 3 - Unjustifiable Death
Chapter 4 - A Journey
Chapter 5 - Shades of the Past
Chapter 6 - In Silence Sealed
Chapter 7 - The Curse
Chapter 8 - A Shadow on the Soul
Chapter 9 - Fierce Midnight
Chapter 10 -The Virtue of Angels
Chapter 11 - Wild Unrest
Chapter 14 - The Silent City
Chapter 15 - Thousands More
Chapter 17 - In Dreams
Chapter 18 - Until I Die
Chapter 19 - If I Doth Prosper
Chapter 19 - If I Doth Prosper
Chapter 20 - The Bitter Root
Chapter 21 - Coals of Fire
Clockwork Prophetess - For What We Are
Chapter 2 - Sixty Days Until Hope
Chapter 3 - For True Love Shall Reign
Chapter 4 - Parts in Our Play
Chapter 6 - To Hide from Death
Clockwork Princess - A Dreadful Row
Chapter 2 - The Conqueror Worm
Chapter 3 - To the Last Hour
Chapter 4 - To Be Wise and Love
Chapter 6 - Let Darkness
Chapter 7 - Dare to Wish
Chapter 8 - That Fire of Fire
Chapter 9 - Graven in Metal
Chapter 10 - Like Water Upon Sand
Chapter 11 - Fearful of the Night
Chapter 12 - Ghosts on the Road
Chapter 16 - The Clockwork Princess
Chapter 17 - Only Noble to Be Good
Chapter 18 - For This Alone
Chapter 19 - To Lie and Burn
Chapter 20 - The Infernal Devices
Chapter 21 - Burning Gold
Chapter 22 - Thunder in the Trumpet
Chapter 24 - The Measure of Love
Author's Note
Big News

Chapter 5 - Forever or Longer

1K 37 1
By LilacPotterhead

Chapter 5

Forever or Longer

As Magnus readied the spell, using Tessa's necklace as the main source of power, Brother Enoch was present to help aid with Jem's curing. The resistance of the London Institute were all gathered in the Sanctuary as Magnus worked, silent as he worked until...

"I had a thought last night," Magnus said. "About Mortmain and the drug trade."

"And that was?" Charlotte asked, refocusing on Magnus.

"Perhaps you ought to keep Mr. Carstair's healthy turn a secret until Mortmain is stopped." Magnus said nonchalantly. "Allow Mortmain to believe that he still has a stronghold over you."

Charlotte and Jem shared a glance before Charlotte said "Thank you, Mr. Bane, we will keep that in our minds."

"Of course," Magnus nodded, returning to his work. Soon enough, it was done. Magnus stood back, the the spell book in Will's hands as Magnus chanted the spell, the scrawls on the floor glowed and Tessa's grip on Jem's hand tightened in anticipation.

With finality, the clockwork Angel seemed to shudder before there a glowing deity so bright that the summoners had to shield their eyes.

"I graciously thank you, son of Lilith," An echoing voice made them look up at the angel, "For freeing me from that infernal clockwork prison."

"Host of Heaven," Magnus bowed gallantly. The others, even Brother Enoch, followed in suit. "It it such an honor to be in the presence of thee."

"There is something you seek, warlock," The angel said mildly. "Do not be afraid to speak your request."

"James Carstairs, Nephilim," Magnus said, gesturing for Jem to step next to him, "Had been tortured to the point that his body is dependent on the demonic drug yin fen. His parabatai, William Herondale, has been seeking for a cure. His searches led us to the Heavenly Fire, which in turn led us to you, Angel."

"I am not your pardon angel, James Carstairs." The angel's voice rumbled kindly. "I should not be the one you summon."

"Excuse me, Angel," Magnus bowed his head respectfully. "We did not summon you, we freed you - no Heavenly thing should be imprisoned."

There was silence.

"I will help you," The angel said at last, "If you can name me."

Everyone froze, looking to each other. Will looked helplessly to Evan, who was frowning at the angel in turn.

"You need not be Shadowhunter."

"Ithuriel," Evan said quietly to Will. He looked down at her again, and she nodded in encouragement.

"I name you," Will said more loudly, cautiously, "Ithuriel."

"Correct," Ithuriel nodded, turning to Jem once more. "Step forward, James Carstairs."

With his hands shaking, Jem cast one more look to Will before stepping towards Ithuriel, immediately being engulfed in flames.

Tessa gave a small scream and Will caught her in a brotherly hug, watching stoney-faced as Jem's silhouette fell to his knees. Charlotte clung to Henry, who in turn wrapped his arms around Charlotte. Gideon stood aside, near Evan and Cecily, who looked back at him. Surprisingly, he sent her a small smile of reassurance. Will let go of Tessa with one hand, taking Evan's hand in his own, his grip hand-crushing.

No one could tell if it was minutes or hours, but the flames dimmed slightly and Evan pulled Tessa out of Will's grasp as the flames diminished completely - Ithuriel gone with it. Will was already sprinting past Magnus, catching Jem as he slumped forward - his clothes smoking and his hair dark.

Charlotte gave a squeak of excitement and Brother Enoch moved forward to assess Will with Jem. "Take him to his room," Brother Enoch instructed. Will lifted him with Gideon's help, carrying him out of the room.

Charlotte left with Brother Enoch as Henry promised he'd assist Magnus. The two men slipped into conversation, Magnus insisting that he did not want payment - only to work with Henry if need be.

Evan took Tessa by the hand gently, Cecily standing feeling slightly awkwardly off to the side. "Come on," Evan spoke softly, "He's going to want to speak to you when he wakes up."

Huddled in the drawing room hours after the encounter with Ithuriel, Charlotte, Henry, Cecily, Gideon, Evan and Will awaited news of Jem. Tessa was with him now, as Brother Enoch was able to determine that Jem was not in pain. He had awoken long enough to call for Tessa and Will graciously stepped aside to let them be. Sophie was stoking the fire, Bridget brought in tea and sandwiches, everyone was silent.

Finally, Charlotte looked to Will, "How did you know the name of the angel, Will?"

Will just shook his head, "I am not sure. It was just a feeling."

No one commented after that. Evan sat against Will's legs on the floor, staring at the flames licking the wood. Slowly, almost as if it'd become a habit, Will twisted his fingers through her hair. When Jem woke, there would be a celebration, everyone knew there would be.

There would be.

"He will be okay...." Cecily said, not directed to anyone, "Won't he be?"

"Of course he will." Will said bluntly. "He's cured. Magnus warned us that the Heavenly Fire would make him weak for a little while. Jem knew that."

Brother Enoch was at the door without warning. Everyone sat up, looking at him expectantly. "He is cured. He will be awake in a few hours."

When Jem woke, he felt stronger. He couldn't remember what happened earlier that day; at first he wondered if he'd had an attack; if the yin fen was what made him feel stronger. Tessa was in the chair next to his bed, fingers lace with his. He looked down at their hands and his skin was darker.

Then he remembered.

Jem lept out of bed, suddenly uncaring if he'd woke Tessa. In the mirror, a dark head and dark eyes, delicately curved, with a darker complexion met him. He smiled even more broadly. Behind him, Tessa was just stirring. "Jem?" She said softly.

He strode to her easily, lifting her just as easily and spinning her, laughing. Her hands were around his neck, threading through his dark hair. "It's real, isn't it?" Jem laughed. "Will and Evan - they found the cure!"

"You don't remember?" Tessa's smile was slipping slightly.

"I just don't want it to be a dream." Jem reassured her, cupping her face. "It's real, isn't it?"

"It's real," Tessa promised. "You're cured." They kissed, Jem's arms slipping around her waist, pressing her to him. As they pulled back, Jem's eyes slid to the box on his bed side table. Tessa followed his gaze. "After Brother Enoch told everyone you were cured, Will emptied it - he burned all of it. There's nothing left."

"Like it was never a burden," Jem smiled. "Of course Will knew I'd never want to see it again."

Tessa touched his cheek. "You won't have to."

Jem spun her around again, both of them laughing. "And I will stay with you." Jem added, grinning more broadly - if that was possible. "No more deadlines."

"There isn't a trace of it!" Will announced barging into Evan's room after he'd gone to see Jem. It was in the ungodly hours of the morning, and most the Institute was asleep now. "Not in what he'd kept in the box, no trace he'd ever been sick - nothing!"

Evan, although sleepy and wanting to be grouchy, sat up, a smile spreading on her face and slipping out of bed to keep herself awake. In Will's hand was a witchlight, illuminating the room. "That's fantastic!"

Will swept her up in his arms, making her suck in a delighted breath. "Thank you," Will breathed, looking up at her. "Thank you so much. You saved him. You saved me."

Evan's smile softened, her arms wrapping around his neck like a toddler, kissing his cheek in response as she put her head on his shoulder. "Thank you for trusting me."

"Trusting you," Will laughed softly. "Evan, trust is a part of love."

Evan grinned wider, moving her head to look at him properly. "Thank you for loving me, William."

"It it I who should be thanking you for your love, Charlotte-Evangeline," Will said softly, pressing his lips to hers. "You saved me."

Evan smiled against his lips, "You're the only one."

The only one of the people she loved that she could save, Will knew the meaning behind it. He kissed her again, setting her down on her bed. She pecked his lips once more as he sat beside her on her bed. Evan wrapped her blanket around them both as Will kicked off his boots, his arm encircling her as she laid her head on his chest.  

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