The Infernal Devices Rewritten

By LilacPotterhead

68.6K 1.9K 380

When Evan DeLuca finds herself at the gates of the great London Institute in Victorian England, something is... More

Table of Contents
Clockwork Angel - Awful Wonder
Clockwork Prince - The Council Chamber
Chapter 2 - Reparations
Chapter 3 - Unjustifiable Death
Chapter 4 - A Journey
Chapter 5 - Shades of the Past
Chapter 6 - In Silence Sealed
Chapter 7 - The Curse
Chapter 8 - A Shadow on the Soul
Chapter 9 - Fierce Midnight
Chapter 10 -The Virtue of Angels
Chapter 11 - Wild Unrest
Chapter 14 - The Silent City
Chapter 15 - Thousands More
Chapter 17 - In Dreams
Chapter 18 - Until I Die
Chapter 19 - If I Doth Prosper
Chapter 20 - The Bitter Root
Chapter 21 - Coals of Fire
Clockwork Prophetess - For What We Are
Chapter 2 - Sixty Days Until Hope
Chapter 3 - For True Love Shall Reign
Chapter 4 - Parts in Our Play
Chapter 5 - Forever or Longer
Chapter 6 - To Hide from Death
Clockwork Princess - A Dreadful Row
Chapter 2 - The Conqueror Worm
Chapter 3 - To the Last Hour
Chapter 4 - To Be Wise and Love
Chapter 6 - Let Darkness
Chapter 7 - Dare to Wish
Chapter 8 - That Fire of Fire
Chapter 9 - Graven in Metal
Chapter 10 - Like Water Upon Sand
Chapter 11 - Fearful of the Night
Chapter 12 - Ghosts on the Road
Chapter 16 - The Clockwork Princess
Chapter 17 - Only Noble to Be Good
Chapter 18 - For This Alone
Chapter 19 - To Lie and Burn
Chapter 20 - The Infernal Devices
Chapter 21 - Burning Gold
Chapter 22 - Thunder in the Trumpet
Chapter 24 - The Measure of Love
Author's Note
Big News

Chapter 19 - If I Doth Prosper

1.6K 43 3
By LilacPotterhead

Chapter 19

If I Doth Prosper

As Evan predicted, Jem and Tessa appeared ten minutes later. Jem shot Will a wide, very happy smile before sitting next to Tessa on the couch. Will and Evan occupied the two armchairs by the fire, Will's arm dangling over the side and twisted Evan's hair around his slender fingers. Evan had sent Tessa a small, apologetic, and understanding smile as they sat down. In the book, Evan recalled, Will had sat up so abruptly when Tessa entered that he spilled tea on himself. This was not the case, however, for Will sent Jem a happy smile in return before Charlotte started her brisk speech.

"We are all here, then," Charlotte started. "As you probably know, we are near the end of the two-week period granted to us by Consul Wayland. We have not discovered the whereabouts of Mortmain. According to Enoch, the Silent Brothers have examined Nathaniel Gray's body and learned nothing from it, and as he is dead, we can learn nothing from him." Charlotte paused, glancing around the room at all the serious, too young faces looking grimly up at her. "We can certainly report what we know about Benedict to the Clave. It would be the sensible course of action."

Tessa swallowed. "What about what Jessamine said? That we'd be playing into Mortmain's hands by doing so."

"If it's a bluff," Evan started slowly, carefully choosing each word. "And that's what he'd want us to think, then of course we should report him. But if Mortmain is telling the truth - then keep it to ourselves. There isn't really a way to tell anymore."

"But we cannot do nothing." Will said. "We cannot sit back and hand over the keys to the Institute to Benedict Lightwood and his lamentable offsprings. They are Mortmain. Benedict is his puppet. We must try. By the Angel, haven't we enough evidence? Enough to earn him a trail by the Sword, at least."

"When we tried the Sword on Jessamine, there were blocks in her mind put there by Mortmain. Do you think Mortmain would be so unwise as to not take the same precaution with Benedict? We will look like fools if the Sword can get nothing out of him." Charlotte sighed.

"Mortmain expects us to go to the Clave." Will said. "It would be his first assumption. He is also used to cutting free associates for whom he no longer has a use. De Quincey, for instance. Lightwood is not irreplaceable to him, and he knows it. I think that if we went to the Clave, we could certainly get Benedict taken out of the running for leadership of the Institute. But there is a segment of the Clave that follows his lead; some are known to us, but others are not. It is a sad fact, but we do not know whom we can trust beyond ourselves. The Institute is secure with us, and we cannot allow it to be taken away. Where else will Tessa be safe? And Evan - for that matter?"

Tessa blinked, giving Will as a shocked look as Evan wore. "Me?"

Will almost looked startled that he said it, for he was looking at Jem when he did. "Well, you are an integral part of Mortmain's plan. He has always wanted you. He has always needed you. And as for Evan, there's no telling what she knows about the future that could possibly benefit Mortmain. We must not let him have either of you. Clearly you both would be a powerful weapon in his hands."

"All of that is true, Will, and of course I will go to the Consul." Charlotte said. "But as an ordinary Shadowhunter, not as the head of the Institute."

"But why, Charlotte?" Jem demanded. "You excel at your work -"

"Do I?" Charlotte demanded. "For the second time I have not noted a spy under my own roof; I falsely accused Evan of being a spy; Will and Tessa easily evaded my guardianship to attend Benedict's party; our plan to capture Nate, which we never shared with the Consul, went awry, leaving us with a potentially important witness dead -"

"Lottie!" Henry put his hand on his wife's arm.

"I am not fit to run this place," Charlotte concluded. "Benedict was right... I will of course try to convince the Clave of his guilt. Someone else will run the Institute. It will not be Benedict, I hope, but it will not be me either -"

There was a clatter and Evan fought the small hopeful smile that was starting to blossom on her face when she remembered how much power Sophie's words contained. Sophie had dropped the poker and turned to face Charlotte. "You can't resign, ma'am. You - you simply can't."

"Sophie," Charlotte said kindly. "Wherever we go after this, wherever Henry and I set up our household we will bring you -"

"It isn't that," Sophie said in a small voice. "Miss Jessamine - she were - I mean, she was telling the truth. If you go to the Clave like this, you'll be playing into Mortmain's plans."

Charlotte was perplexed. "What makes you say that?"

"I don't - I don't know exactly." Sophie's eyes lowered to the ground. "But I know it's true."

Evan could see the fear rise in Charlotte and Henry's eyes. It was almost as if they were begging her to not be what they think she is. "Sophie?"

"She's not lying," Tessa said abruptly. "She knows because - because we overheard Gideon and Gabriel speaking in the training room."

"And you only now decided to mention it?" Will arched his eyebrow.

Tessa opened her mouth to snap at Will, but Evan cut in with "It just sounded like they were just convincing themselves that their father would run the Institute -"

"I've been stepping out with him," Sophie interrupted loudly, looking like she very much wanted this over with. "With Gideon Lightwood. Seeing him on my days off. He told me. He heard his father laughing about it. They knew Jessamine was found out. They were hoping you'd go to the Clave. I should have said something, but it seemed like you didn't want to go to them anyways, so I..."

"Stepping out?" Henry repeated, incredulously. "With Gideon Lightwood?" Charlotte was just as surprised, her brown eyes wide.

"I know what Mortmain is holding over Mr. Lightwood, too." Sophie said. "Gideon only just found out. His father doesn't know he knows."

"Well, dear God, girl, don't just stand there," Henry said. "Tell us."

"Demon pox." Sophie said rushed. "Mr. Lightwood's got it, has had it for years, and it'll kill him in a right couple months if he doesn't get the cure. And Mortmain said he can get it for him."

The room exploded into chaos. Charlotte raced over to Sophie, Henry right on her tail; Will jumped up, pulling Evan with him, dancing in a circle. Tessa sat, stunned, next to Jem. Meanwhile, Will burst into song;

"Demon pox, oh, demon pox,

Just how is it acquired?

One must go down to the bad part of town

Until one is very tired.

Demon pox, oh, demon pox

I had it all along -

No, not the pox you foolish blocks,

I mean this very song -

For I was right and you were wrong!"

"Will!" Charlotte shouted over the noise. "Have you LOST YOUR MIND? CEASE THAT INFERNAL RACKET! Jem -"

Jem stood up, calmly, clamping his hand over Will's mouth, shooting an apologetic smile at Evan - who looked amused, confused and very excited all at once. "Do you promise to be quiet?"

Will nodded, his blue eyes ablaze with delight. It was strange, seeing Will giddy - it was almost impossible to picture. Tessa looked dumbfounded, just as everyone else seemed looking at Will.

Jem released him. "All right, then."

Will also released Evan, letting her fall into the armchair behind her. Will slid to the ground in front of the armchair, leaning against Evan's legs. "A demon pox on all your houses!" Will announced, before yawning. Evan flicked his ear.

"Oh God, weeks of pox jokes." Jem sighed. "We're in for it now."

"It can't be true," Charlotte said, "It's simply - demon pox?"

"How do we know Gideon did not lie to Sophie?" Jem asked mildly. "I am sorry, Sophie. I hate to have to say it, but the Lightwoods are not trustworthy...."

"I've seen Gideon's face when he looks at Sophie," Will said, sharing a look with Jem that seemed to persuade him. "It was Tessa who told me that Gideon fancied our Miss Collins, and I thought back, and I realized it was true. And a man in love - a man in love will tell anything. Betray anyone." He was staring up at Evan as he said it, who had looked back at him before her cheeks flushed slightly and she looked deliberately away. Oddly enough, Jem and Tessa couldn't help but share a glance, too. Then Will added, not without humor; "Besides, Benedict was holding a demon woman on his lap at the party of his, kissing her. She had snakes for eyes. Each man to his own, I suppose. Anyway, the only way you can contract demon pox is by having improper relations with a demon, so..."

"Nate told me Mr. Lightwood preferred demon women." Tessa added. "I don't suppose his wife ever knew about that."

"Wait," Jem said after a moment. "Will - what are the symptoms of demon pox?"

"Quite nasty," Will said almost as if he were telling them of a beloved childhood memory. "It begins with a shield-shaped rash on one's back, and spreads over the body, creating cracks and fissures in the skin -"

Jem let out a gasp like he was punched. "I - I shall return in just a moment. By the Angel -" He sprinted out of the drawing room.

"You don't think he has demon pox, do you?" Henry said to no one in particular.

"Jem having improper relations with a demon?" Evan said incredulously.

"Oh, shut up, Henry, Evan." Will said not without affection. It was strange to hear from Will, but also strangely endearing.

Jem was back in the room, panting, and holding a piece of parchment. "I got this from the Silent Brothers - when Tessa and I went to see Jessamine. It is a report on Barbra Lightwood's death. After Charlotte told us that her father had never turned Silas Pangborn over to the Clave, I thought I would inquire of the Silent Brothers if there was another manner in which Mrs. Lightwood had died. To see if Benedict had also lied that she had died of grief."

"She killed herself, didn't she?" Evan guessed, none-too surprised.

"Yes. In fact, she cut her own wrists. But there was more." Jem looked down to read off of the paper; "A shield-shaped rash, indicative of the heraldic marks of astriola, upon the left shoulder." He held out the paper for Will to read.

"Astriola," Will breathed. "That is demon pox. You had evidence that demon pox existed and you didn't mention it to me! Et tu, Brute!" Will rolled up the paper and hit Jem over the head with it.

"Ouch!" Jem rubbed his head ruefully.

Will sat upright against Evan's legs. "You decided on my plan, then?"

"It's my plan now." Charlotte gave him a firm look. "You may accompany me, Will, but you will follow my lead, and there will be no talk of demon pox until I say so."

"But - but..." Will sputtered, looking helplessly from Jem to Tessa to Evan and back again.

"Oh, leave it." Jem lightly kicked Will's ankle, not without affection.

"She's annexed my plan!"

"Will," Tessa said firmly, as if speaking to an older, annoying brother. With closer inspection, Evan noticed that that was how Will and Tessa regarded each other - like siblings. "Do you care more about the plan being enacted or about getting credit for it?"

Will pointed a finger at her. "That. The second one."

Evan tapped his shoulder absentmindedly and he leaned back to look at her. "Stop trying to show-off and go with it."

Charlotte rolled her eyes, "William, this will be either on my terms or not at all."

Will heaved a heavy, defeated sigh. "All right, then, Charlotte. Do you intend for all of us to go?"

"You and Tessa, certainly. We need you as witnesses regarding the party. Jem, Henry, there is no need for you to go, and we require at least one of you to remain and guard the Institute."

"Darling..." Henry touched Charlotte's arm, looking quizzical.


"You're sure you don't want me to come with you?"

Charlotte smiled at him, "Quite sure, Henry; Jem isn't technically an adult, and to leave him here alone - not that he isn't capable - will only add fuel to Benedict's fire of complaints. But thank you." Then her eyes slid to Evan and something that seemed like slyness passed through them - an idea.  

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