I Fell In Love With A Cullen

By TwilightCullenFamily

1.3M 23.8K 2.6K

Britt Swan is Bella's adopted sister. She's been living in Forks for 4 years with Charlie but after Bella com... More



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By TwilightCullenFamily

I slipped through the dark forest, being unnoticed to the human eye. I reached the familiar building, walking over to the side of the house. I looked up into the window, staring into my old room. Everything was just as how I left it. I climbed up the tree that was right next to my window and up into my room. 
    I sat down on the bed, running my finger delicately over the soft blankets. I didn't know what to do other than just sit here and think.
    I just want to curl into a pit of darkness and sleep. For eternity. I love Jasper, but this is getting way to hard. I have to push both my mind reading and emotion controlling powers against both Edward and Jasper so that they can't read me. I have to pretend like everything is just fine when really I'm falling apart.
     This all just so hard right now, like everything is all coming down at once. I haven't talked to Jacob in over three months, my dad thinks I'm dead, my sister hates me and thinks I'm dead and is happy with it.
    I pull myself up with a sigh and walk over to the door, exiting my room. I quietly speed down to the second floor, peaking into my dad's room. The entire house is completely trashed, his room tore apart. He has bags under his eyes and his eyes are red and puffy from crying.
    As I looked at how broken my dad looks, I feel something snap inside of me. A whole other wave of sadness hit. My whole body started to tremble as all the emotions were drained from me.
    My whole body went numb and I could do was stare off into space. I ran out of the house, making sure to close all the doors and window leaving no evidence of me being here. I ran through the trees of the forest at a human pace before dropping to the ground. My knees buckled underneath me as I landed on my butt.

    I held my head in my hands as I started to dry sob. My whole body was soon racking with sobs, my chest heaving up and down. The tears stung in my eyes, threatening to spill over even though they never will anymore. I just sat on the forest floor, crying in the middle of the night. The scene around me started to fade as a new scenery came into view.

         My older sister laid on the couch in our living room, with a swollen stomach looking paler than usual. "I can't see the fetus's future," Alice told my family. "Say the word Alice, BABY! IT'S JUST A BABY!" Rosalie yelled.

     My sister is pregnant. My sister is pregnant! The sobs came faster and faster as I started choking on them. I couldn't control myself. What is even happening! I tried to calm myself down as quickly as I could with my powers which were slowly leaving my body. Eventually I had calmed myself down and started towards the house.

    When I got there, the sun was starting to rise and all the lights were on in the house. I walked in through the back door which was unlocked and walked inside hoping to go unnoticeable. "Britt. Is that you?" Alice's soft voice came from the kitchen. "Yeah, I'm back," I replied trying to avoid conversation and just head on up to my room.

  "I just went hunting," I smoothly lied being glad that Edward or Jasper wasn't hear to read me and know that I am lying. "Oh, okay. Carlisle just called, they should be back any minute now," She informed me. She must have not gotten the vision yet or else she would have told me. "Okay, thanks." I said and continued on my way back upstairs.

   I sat on my bed, staring at my phone debating on whether or not to call Jacob. The sound of the door clicking into a lock broke me out of my trance as suddenly the house was filled with familiar voices. The boys are home.

     The door to our room opened and Jasper ran over to me. His strong pale arms wrapped around me, lifting me into the air. He swung me around planting a long passionate kiss on my lips. "I missed you so damn much," He whispered against me.

    "I missed you too," I smiled as he gently set me down, pulling back into him again. I stood on my tippy-toes on his feet since I was so short and cupped his face with my hands kissing him softly.

   Nerves bubbled in my stomach as Jasper calmed me down. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked me pulling away from the kiss. "Let's go downstairs, I have something to tell everyone," I whispered. Now that I lost my powers, I don't have the ability to hide my feelings and thoughts anymore.

    The two of us walked downstairs into the living room, hand in hand. "BOO!" Emmett screamed my nickname that we gave each other based off our favorite movie. "Kitty!" I faked happiness as he ran over and picked me up, spinning me around like Jasper but Emmett actually threw me and then caught me. He set me back down over by Jasper once he saw the seriousness written all over my face.

    Jasper's arms snaked around my waist as he pulled me into his chest. "Go ahead, it's okay," He whispered into my ear sending chills down my spine. "Well..." I begin.

    "I was out just hunting this morning and I was just going along when I was sucked into a vision. It was Bella and she was here laying on the couch in this living room, except she was different-" "I didn't have a vision," Alice butted in. "Shh, let her finish Alice," Carlisle shushed her and then motioned on for me to continue with the story.

   "She was still human but she was paler than normal and she had dark circles under her eyes. What I'm-" I was cut off again by the phone ringing this time. Alice then left the little circle of which my family was all in crowding around me.

    "What I'm trying to say is that she looked like she was sick almost. Very sick," I restated as then Alice walked back into the room, holding the house phone to her chest. "Carlisle, It's Bella," She told him. Carlisle then rushed over to Alice at supernatural speed, taking the phone from her.

   I stopped telling the story, not being able to get to the main point. Everyone stopped to turn to Carlisle, listening to what he was saying. A brief few minutes later, he hung up the phone and turned back around to face us. "As I was trying to say-" "Bella's pregnant," We both said in union.

Hey lovies! So IFLWC has hit over 50,000 reads! I can't tell you how ecstatic I am! As promised, I have a surprise for you all. So during my time off I planed out the rest of the story. For the next few days I will be writing and posting a chapter a day until I finish the book! I am so excited for this! Thank you for all your help and support through this book. It means the world to me. Don't forget to comment and vote. Let's try and get to 1 million!!! Love you all!😘

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