Anemones and Alliums {James S...

By panically

65.9K 1.6K 474

"You know, for the son of the Great Harry Potter, you're not that great." "Shut up." Aurora Beliveau is exci... More

\The Invitation/
\Diagon Alley/
\The Train Ride/
\The Arrival/
\The First Day/
\Best Friends/
\Ugly Talk/
\The Quidditch Match/
\The Darkness/
\The infirmary/
\Opposite reactions/
\The Meeting/
Should I update?
\Time well spent/
Toodles Poodles
\ I care /
Should I continue?
\Ideal type/


2.7K 78 2
By panically

Sorry for the delay.  Also major thank you for all the lovely comments! I love reading them. I read every single one. And we hit 2.2k reads! Gosh, I'm so happy. Happy Reading!

When Aurora woke up afterwards, her bedside table was clustered with get well soon cards, chocolates and candies to the point of part of the bedside table might break off from the amount of weight from the items. She picked up a navy card that caught her eye with bright stars shining, looking exactly like a clear bright night. She admired the bright yellows and the dark hues before opening it. That was quite the save. 20 points for Gryffindor! Can't wait to see you on the field again. Hehe. I hope you feel better soon. - Archer Campbell. Her heart skipped a beat. Archer Campbell sent her a note? She felt over the moon because Archer knew who she was. If he knew who she was, that meant that he had payed attention to her! And he was proud of her. She gave a giddy grin. She picked up a chocolate frog and looked at the card. Looking at a picture of Harry Potter, the Wizarding World's savior. All of a sudden she saw James grinning up at her, causing weird butterflies to soar in her stomach. She blinked and the picture was the same. Harry Potter and and him in a battle. Yes, Madam Pomfrey must have put something in her tea.


By the next day, Aurora was up and running to class in the morning. At times like this, she really did wish that she woke up when Noor attempted to wake her up. In her defense, she was too deep into slumber to properly process anything.

"I can't be late to McGonagall's!" She groaned as she hugged her books to her chest until she was outside of the door of Transfiguration. Heaving a heavy sigh, she walked in.

"Timely as always, Ms. Beliveau," Professor McGonagall didn't bother looking up from the board as she was writing a spell. Aurora's face turned twenty shades of red as everyone looked at her. And just her luck, Archer was in that class. "I would give you an award on it but I'm afraid James Potter has already claimed it."

"I don't even need to compete. They just give me the awards. " James beamed. "I really am honored, Professor. I always knew I was your favorite."

"Please," August scoffed. "We all know that Professor McGonagall easily favors me more than you." He pressed his hand against his chest in mock exasperation.

The whole class chuckled and even McGonagall gave a small smile. James and August were easily the dynamic joker duo of the class year.

Seated, Aurora caught a certain grey blue hair her vision. Archer Campbell. He was a metamorphmagus, which he funnily only used his special shape shifting powers for his hair which changed everyday depending on the weather or his mood. Today was a stormy day with a few electrical shocks jumping around, hence, his hair was a mix of light greys, midnight and greyish blues with a faint yellow streak running through his perfectly gelled hair. He didn't alter his face shape for a simple reason. He didn't need it. Everyone knew his family was very attractive family to begin with. He had dark eyes that reflected his mysterious yet light hearted aura. He was Puerto Rican which explained his flawless tan - and dear God Aurora then realized what a fangirl she was of the boy. He was inevitably her crush since he helped her with a difficult potion in Potions in her first year. He was tall, with a broad chin. Like Aurora, many girls were drawn in by his soft yet mysterious persona. Hell, he had girls throwing themselves at his feet. He was probably the only competition that James had. After all, they both literally had fan clubs of their own in the school. Though unlike Archer, James flaunted it.

"Careful," Noor closed Aurora's open mouth. "Don't want any flies flying in, do we?"

"There are no flies in Hogwarts." Aurora stubbornly said before going back to her gazing.

"Fine. We don't want any lacewigs flying in." Noor giving Aurora her 'I win' look.

"Care to add to the the topic Ms. Khan and Ms. Beliveau?" Professor McGonagall asked as she looked in the girls' direction.

"Uh..." Aurora looked helplessly to the board where spells and formulas were written all over to Noor. 'You're on your own for this one.' Noor shrugged. 'Great.' Aurora thought to herself. If she could somehow 'add to the topic' she was saved! If not, she embarrasses herself in class...and in front of Archer.

Looking back to the board, something clicked. All that reading in Transfiguration that Noor made her do-it might actually help her.

"It says on the board that we're going over the spell Vipera Evanesca, right? The only thing I could probably add on is that its main purpose is to get rid of the serpent which would result in a dark cloud of wisps which you've probably already said, but fun fact! The spell could backfire if perfomed incorrectly and would make the snake angrier which could lead to a much more harmful and nasty snake. If the serpent would react in such a way, you shouldn't try the spell again because it for sure will only make the snake angrier and it will jump at you. The correct way to dispose of the serpent would be to use the Serpently spell which would encase it into a bag and transported to the destination of choice by having the caster just thinking of a place to send it off to." Aurora ranted and simultaneously tried to seem nonchalant when internally she was screaming praise at herself for explaining so well. If she had a clone of herself she would do an epic high five. She probably could just recite a cloning spell but now in class was obviously not the right time. Judging by the look on McGonagall's face she was also impressed though McGonagall did a better show of hiding it.

"Good Job. Ms. Beliveau. 15 points to Gryffindor." Now Aurora really wanted to highfive herself, so she did. High fiving her other hand, she turned to Noor. "Not bad, eh?" She said smugly. "Not at all. I'm impressed. And judging by the look of how Archer Campbell is looking at you, I think I can say the same for him too." Noor winked.

Aurora raised her eyebrows as if Noor was lying to her. Taking a quick look behind her, she saw Archer give a thumbs up. Good job. Archer mouthed. Giving a shy smile, she mouthed back thanks.

Her day just seemed 10x better.


/ 2 months later /

As she exited Astronomy with Noor by her side, she was about to open her mouth to talk about the homework assigned when-

"Hey, Aurora!" Aurora turned to see Archer running up to her side. The Hufflepuff had his hair neat and with not a strand out of place.He must have been feeling very brave today because like Gryffindor's house colors, his hair was a colorful pallet of deep reds and golds. Archer and Aurora had grown somewhat closer and messed around with each other during class ever since she had fallen during her quidditch accident.She would consider him a friend though they rarely ever talked outside of class. Aurora couldn't exactly pinpoint why he would talk to her now, though she would be lying if she said her stomach didn't feel like it was being attacked by butterflies.

"Hey, Archer. What do you need?" Aurora said messing with her messenger bag straps.

"Actually," He started before glancing at Noor who was looking at him inquiringly before taking her cue to leave leaving them both alone in the hall with little to none students passing by. At times like this Aurora would appreciate how amazing of a friend Noor was.

"I was wondering if-if you would like to go with me to Hogsmeade this Saturday?" He stammered.

Aurora stood there shocked. Archer wanted to go out with her? "Like a date?" She blurted out before silently reprimanding herself. Archer may have wanted to just go as friends and now she had ruined her shot and-

"Only if you want it to be."

She stood mouth agape. Before she could allow him to think again and counteract his offer, she hastily replied. "I'd love to, Archer."

Now it was Archer's turn to stand shocked. "You- you would?"

Aurora smiled. "That's what I said."

Archer gave a grin the Cheshire Cat would be proud of.

"Do you want to meet up at Madam Puddifoot's? He asked.

Aurora mentally grimaced. Madam Puddifoot's was covered from head to toe in all things pink and frilly. Madam Puddifoot's was the last places she would want to go out to. But if going on a date with Archer meant having to endure that torture, then so be it.

"Perfect." She smiled.


"What did he say??" Noor consistently asked every other ten seconds as they walked to their dorms.

FInally they were in the girl's dorms where all the other girls were out. That meant privacy.
Finally Aurora burst. "He asked me out!!' She squealed, jumping on the bed.

"No way!" Noor sat down at the foot of Aurora's bed.

"Yes way!" Aurora yelled of sheer happiness. "The only thing that could go wrong is that terrible place he wants to meet up at Madam Puddifoot's." She said the name as if it was a curse itself.

"Look at it this way." Noor began. "He said he wants to meet up there. Not necessarily dine there. You two could easily walk out and go to The Three Broomsticks."

"True." Aurora agreed. "Hopefully you're right."

"Please, I'm always right."

"Said the biggest narcissist ever."

"You're just jealous of my intelligence."

"A lot of people are jealous of your intelligence." 

"I know." 


"But you love me."


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