The Dark Windows

By nandostagram_1d

6.6K 305 94

Ally has been best friends with Charlie all her life. The only problem with Charlie is her obnoxious friend L... More

The Dark Windows
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Another Author's note

Chapter 20

148 6 2
By nandostagram_1d

Louis's POV:

The bell for my final class rang, and I picked up my backpack and started walking to my locker. I felt a bit refreshed after my talk with the principal earlier today. As much as I hated him, it felt good to yell at his face and tell him how I was feeling.

We have a project in AP Science. Usually I would pair up with Ally, but I can't. The teacher said "You can work alone, Louis". I was fucking done with all this pity crap. They don't realize that when they do that, it just makes it much worse. They might as well just shoot me now.

I reached my locker, and placed all of my books in there. I didn't feel like doing any homework, because I really had no motivation to. Usually, Ally would yell at me to do it, but I just really wasn't up for it.

I grabbed my backpack and my phone, and slammed my locker shut. Some kid was standing at my locker. Who the hell is this kid, and why is he standing at my locker just staring at my every move.

"Can I help you?"

"I'm Roger."

"Ok, good for you?"

"I just wanted to say, I'm sorry about what happened. Allison was such a nice girl."

"You don't even fucking know her."

"I was her partner the day she got taken..." Oh. Fucking oh. It was this kid. He was on my soccer team. I think?

"Oh. Well um...thanks."

"Are you coming to soccer practice today?"

"No...I really don't want too. I'll probably just end up fucking everything up anyways." He nodded.

"Well...I hope you find her. Like I said, Ally's a nice girl."

"Don't fucking," I took a deep breath, "please don't call her Ally if you don't know her well enough." He nodded.

"Bye Louis." Well that was just plain weird. He comes to have a 20 second conversation with me, and that's it?

He walked away, and I started walking through the hallways of school. No one cared anymore about what happened. No one went on the sides to get out of my way. They didn't have to worry about her. Or me.

Only teacher's pitied me anymore. I didn't want them to.

As I entered my car, I was afraid that I would see Ally again sitting next to me. I swear if I ever would again, I would probably lose it. Luckily, I didn't see her, and I took a sigh of relief.

I was planning to go straight to the police station, because he wanted to see me. This obviously made me want to go even more, because he probably had more information about where Ally was and how to get her out.


I entered my key in the car, and pulled out of the parking lot. My eyes were focused on the road, as I drove down the road away from school.

I have been debating these past few days on whether to make sure Charlie's ok or not. I could either text her, or physically go up to her house and see how she is. Either way was iffy. I decided I might as well wait until she comes back to school. When even will that happen?

In retrospect, I shouldn't even be going to school. But in a way, it keeps me more grounded. If I didn't go to school, I could almost bet that somehow I would end up in jail.

It was about a week or so until Thanksgiving. That meant we were off from school...I can't even fathom that. Wait...Ally's birthday.

Her birthday is December 10th. That's so fucking close. Then there's Christmas. Will she even be home for Christmas? I don't want to think about that...

I pulled into the police station parking lot, and turned off the car. Paul was already standing outside. What?

"What the hell are you doing?" I said.

"We're going somewhere?"

"And where might that be? It is my car so I should know."

"To Allison's dad's house."

"Hell no. He'll be home."

"That's the point."

"And you couldn't warn me before?"

"You wouldn't have come otherwise." That was true. I most definitely wouldn't have come. "She is her dad, and I feel I should talk to him."

"I fucking told you that he doesn't care!"

"Louis, that may just be you're opinion."

"Even she hates him!"

"Just get into the car." I huffed, and got in the the driver's seat. Paul sat right next to me, and I started the car. "You know where it is?"

"Of fucking course. This isn't a good idea." He shook his head, as I started driving.

The whole car ride was filled with nonsense small talk. 'How was your day' 'How are your classes?' 'How's soccer going?'. Seriously all shit that I couldn't care less about.

When we finally arrived at the house, I parked in the driveway and we both got out. "Keep calm in there."

"Not likely." We walked up to the door, as I slammed my fists on it. Paul told me to lower my fierceness, which I obviously wasn't going to do.

The door opened to the sleazy bastard I knew as Ally's father. He smiled, then his smiled was lost when he saw Paul.

"Can I help you?" He said calmly.

"Yes. I'm just the police officer on the case for your daughter Allison. I just thought you might want to get to know me a little bit and what we've been working on." I looked in the house, a shadow on the couch. What the hell?

"I think he has guests. Lets go." I said.

"No no. It's just my friend Rob. Come on in." I sighed, as we both entered the house. A man with a long gray beard was sitting on the couch, a beer in his hand. I rolled my eyes. "Rob, this is Paul and Louis."

"Hello!" Liquor was evident on his breath.

"Would you two like something to drink?"

"No thank you." Paul said. I shook my head. We both sat down across from Rob and Ally's father.

"So how are you two?" Ally's father said.

"Well...we really did come to talk about Allison." Paul said.

"Allison?" Rob questioned. He looked even sleazier and gross than her father.

"My daughter."

"Oh! Yes I met her. She's lovely, and quite beautiful too." God fucking dammit.

"Ok ok," Paul must've read my face, "well do you have any questions about her?"

"No not really." You're fucking kidding.

"What happened?" Rob asked. Shut up...god.

"She got kidnapped." Paul said. Rob raised his eyebrows.

"Any idea of where she is?"

"No." I said.

"Ah Louis! You talked!" Ally's father said.

"I have fucking vocal chords ya know." I rolled my eyes. This is all shit.

"Well...I hope you find her. I know that Tom is very upset about it I'm sure." Tom was Ally's father's name. Upset my ass! I can't fucking take this. I got up.

"Where are you going?" Paul said.

"Bathroom." I walked into the bathroom, and looked in the mirror. Large bags were under my eyes, and my hair was all messy.

I reached in my pocket for my phone. Where the hell is my phone? must be out there. I rolled my eyes. I can't take this shit anymore. If he fucking doesn't care, he doesn't deserve knowing information. I've been doing all the work, and he just sits on his lazy ass and does nothing about it.

I looked once again in the mirror, seeing that I looked like complete crap. I sighed and walked out of the bathroom.

They were talking, and talking. Mostly Rob. "So my friends, they always say that now because of that!" Tom laughed, and Paul sighed.

"We really should get going, right Louis?" Paul nudged me on.

"Yeah." Tom and Rob stood up, along with Paul.

"It was nice meeting you. I hope you find Ally."

"It's Allison." I said harshly. Rob just laughed. Paul said goodbye, and we walked out of this awful house with these god damn awful people.

When we both got into the car, Paul laughed, and shook his head. "You were right...he's an ass." I laughed.

"You got that right. Shall I drive you back?" He nodded. I started up the car, and started driving away from that house.

"Has he always been like that?"

"Yeah. I told you, he doesn't give two shits about her. At all. So that's why I punched him."

"You what?! Louis you never told me that!"

"The day she got kidnapped, I ran to his house first. He didn't give a flying shit. So I punched him, right in the face. Don't yell at me...he deserved it." Paul just laughed, and didn't respond.

When we got to the police station, Paul climbed out of the car. He closed the door, and I opened the window.

"See you tomorrow."

"Don't get into too much trouble, Louis." I wave goodbye to Paul. As I started rolling up the window, he stopped me. "One more thing. Let me be there to see you punch him next time." I laughed and waved goodbye to Paul, who I was growing fonder of by the minute.

Ally's POV:

I sat on the bed, staring at the lone picture frame on the wall. I sighed at my boredom. John was busy, and I had nothing to do. He put a clock in my room, so I knew the time was 6 at night.

That was nice to know. Otherwise I would've thought it was 2 in the afternoon or something.

I ran my fingers through my hair, just like Louis always used to do. I wonder what he's doing. He's probably eating dinner with his mom and sisters. Wait...

When is Thanksgiving? Isn't it soon? I need a calendar in here too. Maybe if these people are nice enough, I'll get some turkey or-

The door handle jiggled, and I was pretty sure it was John. I was wrong.

It was John and Guy. Guy walked in, threw something at me. "Blindfold, on." He said. Shit. My heart beat sped up, as I looked at John for help. He gave me a sympathetic look, and turned back to Guy. "He'll be in shortly."

Guy walked out first, followed by John. As John left, he mouthed 'I'm sorry' and closed the door. My heart beat was speeding up. I should've known this was all going to well.

I placed the blindfold around my eyes, and sat on my bed. I looked at blackness for what seemed like forever. I was so scared, because I couldn't get out of it this time.

The door handle clicking echoed through the room, and I bit my tongue. I heard a sigh escape the boss's mouth, and then silence.

I was so scared. John, please say you need him for something. Louis bust through the door. Just something...please happen. Nothing. Just complete silence.

I heard someone sit next to me on the bed, but they still weren't saying anything. I was so tired, yet so awake at this moment. This is going to happen one way or another. He cleared his throat, and I gulped.

"I had a lovely talk with your friend Louis today." He said. The air sucked out of my lungs.


Louis's POV:

It was about 5:55 at night, and I was laying on my bed, doing nothing. I should've been doing homework or texting Charlie, but I wasn't. I was tempted to , but I probably shouldn't.

My phone vibrated next to me. "Blocked number" was read along the screen. But it wasn't a was a text message. Is that even possible?

I entered my pass code and clicked the message icon on my home screen.

My heart shattered, and all the life inside of me vanished when I read the text that appeared on the screen.

"Hope you've enjoyed Ally's innocence while it lasted."

Yeah, it's kind of a longer chapter. But ahhhhh what?!?! I don't even know...wait...yes I do! Aha a lot happened in this chapter. :| but was it good? Cause things are going to start to happen. Vote and comment! Update soon. <3

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