The Bad Boy Type

By LillyinSnappe

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Meet Lucian Light. Newest member of the Host Club. 16. Sweet. Kind. Bisexual. Bad boy. Cross-dresser. Emotion... More

Chapter 1: The Start
Chapter 2: Wait! What?
Chapter 3: Day two
Chapter 4: Time With Kaoru
Chapter 5: A Bad Day at the Beach
Chapter 6: A Sad Story
Chapter 8: Mask-makers
Chapter 9: Yakuza
Chapter 10: The Dance
Chapter 11: Seto
Chapter 12: Within Two Minutes
Chapter 13: Yakuza Meeting
Chapter 14: Bullies at the Beach
Chapter 15: The Beach House
Chapter 16: Saturday
Chapter 17: The Final Concert
Chapter 18: Dancing

Chapter 7: A Valentine

122 1 0
By LillyinSnappe

It was the day before Valentine's Day but this year it fell on a Saturday. I absolutely dreaded this day for one reason and one reason only. The fact that I felt like someone wouldn't care enough to ask me to be theirs, or that people just didn't like me. Plus the girls added to me not liking Valentine's Day. I stood by the door of the host club as thousands of girls piled in, ready to share Valentine's Day celebrations with the host of their choice. I got customer after customer, each more timid and shy then the last. At least they're able to pull off giving me treats and candy.

As soon as all the girls had left and the host club closed, I sighed and glumly slumped in my chair. I listened to the host club members talk amongst themselves, nothing but boring conversations that about put me to sleep. I rolled my eyes and fell face forward on the table. My forehead hit the table with a very soft thud. I saw one of the host member's feet from under the table. I quickly lifted my head and found Kyoya staring at me. I stared at him as he pulled out the chair in front of you and gently sat down, placing his clip board in format of him. "Sempai, what's up?" I asked nonchalantly, curious as to why he so explicitly decided to sit in front of me.

"I need to have a talk with you before you leave." He stated bluntly but in a hushed tone.

"W-what? Did I do something wrong?" I asked frightened and a bit curious.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." He smiled as he stood and walked away.

I gulped and sighed. He's scarier than the Father! I hit my head on the table once more. Making the tea set shake slightly. I groaned and thought about what I could have possibly done to get in trouble with Kyoya this time. Did I say something to him? Did he see me do something wrong. Did I say something inappropriate? I'm sure that's not it. What did I do to offend Kyoya? Crap! That's right! I ate his sandwich! Suddenly I saw another pair of shoes from underneath the table. Thinking it was Kyoya it the split second I saw them and raised my head and prepared to apologize. "I'm sorry Kyoya-sempai! I promise I won't do it again! I swear I didn't know the sandwich in the fridge was yours!" I said as I clasped my hands together and bowed slightly.

"Huh? Silly Lucian! I'm not Kyoya, I'm Honey!" He said giggling slightly.

I quickly looked up from my hands and found the short adorable blonde boy standing in front of me. "H-honey-sempai! You didn't hear that right?" I asked as I felt a bead of sweat drop.

"Huh? Oh yes I did. Usa-chan and I heard the whole thing!" Honey announced.

"Ugh!" I groaned as I slammed my head lightly back on the table.

"Don't worry I won't tell Kyoya! And neither will Usa-chan!" He said smiling happily. I looked up from the table and smiled thankfully as Honey-sempai asked excitedly, "Hey Lucian-chan! Do you want to play a game?"

"Huh? A game?" I asked a bit confused.

"Yep! It's called the question game!" Honey-sempai announced.

"The question game?" I asked, still confused.

"Yep, we ask each other questions, and we have to answer honestly." Honey-sempai explained.

"Oh- I suppose we could play," I stated unsurely.

"Yay! Alright!" Honey-sempai jumped for joy. "First question! What's your favorite animal?"

"Well, my favorite animal would have to be Snow Leopards," I answered. "What about you Honey-sempai?"

"It's a bunny!" He stated enthusiastically. "What's your favorite candy?" He asked as he clutched Usa-chan tightly in his arms.

"I think it would have to be caramel squares... but only the soft ones," I announced. "What's your favorite-" I began.

"Next question." He cut me off. "What kind of flowers do you like?"

I guess it's just me answering the questions then. "Flowers. Um, I like Tiger Lilies."

"Alright then." Honey stated smiling brightly. "Thank you Lucian-chan!" Honey smiled all bubbly as he hopped off the chair and walked away.

I sighed and stared at the empty seat confused. "Why did he even want to play that dumb game with me if he wasn't going to play right?" I began to grow a bit suspicious but then I remembered who it was and shrugged it off. I stared at the window my hand placed under my chin.

Somehow Tamaki had managed to slither into the seat in front of me without my notice. "So, my delicate little flower..." He began.

"S-sempai!" I yelled, startled.

"Yep that's me!" He said as he winked and pointed a thumb at himself.

I rolled my eyes and went back to putting my hand under my chin. "What do you want sempai?" I asked a bit aggravated.

"You like to play piano, am I right?" He asked.

"Of course. I loved it ever since I was little. Why do you ask?" I asked curiously.

"Well, the other hosts and I were thinking that you could become the Host Club's musician." He stated.

"Really? So you mean I get to play music? Like, all the time?" I asked excitedly.

"Yup, but you still have to fulfill your duties as a host. So you play piano, but you still need to tend to your guests. Is that a deal?" He asked as he placed his hand underneath his chin, mimicking me.

I thought about it a second and finally agreed happily. He smiled widely and left without another word. Finally, deciding it was time, I grabbed my things and prepared to leave.

"Hey Lucian!" Haruhi called after me.

I stopped in my tracks and waited for Haruhi. "Hi, Haruhi!"

"Lucian, would you mind if I walked home with you?" She asked.

"Of course I don't mind. We live rather close to each other anyway." I smiled happily.

Haruhi smiled a big and bright smile. "Alright, I'll walk with you then!"

"For sure." This is getting weird. After we took what felt like not even one step, Kyoya had motioned for me to meet him quickly. I sighed and followed swiftly making sure Haruhi knew I'd be back. "Y-yes sempai?" I asked a bit frightened.

"Ah yes, Lucian. As I've stated before I need to talk to you." He began, his cold hard stare breaking into my very soul.

I gulped and bowed deeply before him. "I'm sorry sempai I didn't mean to eat your sandwich! I honestly didn't know it was yours! The twins told me it was for me and that I could eat it and after I did they said it was yours! I didn't mean to-"

"We'll talk about the sandwich incident later. This is about a different matter." He stated.

H-he knew! I thought a bit frightened.

"Now, Lucian, besides the piano you play other instruments correct?" He asked smoothly.

"Yeah actually, guitar... and I sing."

"Alright then, that's all I needed, thank you." He left back inside.

"A-alright." I stuttered as I watched him walk away. I ran back to Haruhi who was still waiting for me and we walked home together.

"Hey Lucian?" Haruhi began.

"Yeah what is it?" I asked.

"Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?" She asked.

"Sure I'm not busy or anything."

~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~

The next morning, I met Haruhi at the park. We sat on a bench, the temperature was warmer then you'd expected it to be for February. I just stared at the clouds in complete silence, until I heard something all too familiar.

"LUCIAN-CHAN!" I heard a boy call to me. I turned to see Honey-Sempai, along with all of the other members of the host club. They all had something in their hands, well all except Tamaki-Sempai. They all walked up to us gleefully and stood before me smiling, even Kyoya and Mori-Sempai were smiling.

"Okay guys, what's with the stuff?" I asked curiously.

"They're for you Lucian-Chan!" Honey-Sempai exclaimed.

"F-for me?" I asked surprised.

They all smiled and stared at me as I took the presents. I opened them one by one. Hikaru and Kaoru gave me some Tiger Lilies. Kyoya gave me a new acoustic guitar. Honey-Sempai brought me a large stuffed Snow Leopard, Mori-Sempai brought me a giant thing of caramel squares, and Haruhi gave me a bracelet with a ring attached like an Egyptian slave bracelet.

I looked at them, astonished that they had done this for me. This must've been why Honey-sempai and Kyoya-sempai wanted to ask me those questions. "Wow guys, I don't know what to say. You didn't have to do this all for me."

"But we wanted to do this for you, Lucian-Chan!" Honey-Sempai announced gleefully.

"Yeah, you mean a lot to us, so we decided to get you these things for Valentine's Day." Kaoru smiled.

"Yeah, you're our friend, Lucian. Besides, this was Haruhi's idea, so you should be thanking her," Hikaru announced.

"You did this all for me Haruhi?" I asked.

She just replied with a smile and nodded. I smiled as my eyes began to tear up with joy. I quickly wiped them away and thanked everyone.

"So, Lucian..." Tamaki began.

"Will you be our valentine?" they all asked.

I laughed at how ridiculous this was, but I couldn't help but say yes. For the rest of the day, the host club hung out with me. I enjoyed their company and they enjoyed mine. I guess this Valentine's Day wasn't so bad. I mean, I have people who care for me. People who I guess I consider my friends. They all smiled at me as I played a short song my new guitar making it up as I went. They group hugged me and they all laughed as some of them bumped heads with each other. Yeah, my best friends.

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