Golden Days {Springtrap X Gol...

By CrazyMofo_x3

34.1K 1.1K 293

Ever since then I hadn't seen him anywhere, it was as if he had disappeared. His phone was off and I couldn't... More

☼ Prologue ☼
☼ O N E ~ M E M O R I E S ☼
☼ T W O ~ H O U S E ☼
☼ T H R E E ~ S H O P P I N G ☼
☼ F O U R ~ T A L L M A N ☼
☼ F I V E ~ F R E D D Y ☼
☼ S E V E N ~ L O S T ☼
☼ E I G H T ~ L O S T A N D F O U N D ☼
☼ N I N E ~ M U M ☼
☼ T E N ~ E S C A L A T I O N ☼
☼ E L E V E N ~ R E A L I T Y ☼
☼ T W E L V E ~ P L A N S ☼
☼ T H I R T E E N ~ D E C O R A T I O N ☼
☼ F O U R T E E N ~ R E L A T I O N S H I P S ☼
☼ F I F T E E N ~ C H R I S T M A S ☼
☼ S I X T E E N ~ C O N F E S S I O N ☼
☼ S E N V E N T E E N ~ M O V I N G ☼
☼ E I G H T E E N ~ F E E L I N G S ☼
☼ N I N E T E E N ~ B A B Y ☼
☼ T W E N T Y ~ F I N D I N G O U T ☼
☼ T W E N T Y O N E ~ R E S T A U R A N T ☼
☼ T W E N T Y T W O ~ T H E F I R S T ☼
☼ T W E N T Y T H R E E ~ H E A R D A N D B A C K ☼
☼ T W E N T Y F O U R ~ J E A L O U S ☼
☼ T W E N T Y F I V E ~ P H O N E ☼
☼ T W E N T Y S I X ~ C L Y D E ☼
☼ T W E N T Y S E V E N ~ C H A N G E S ☼
☼ T W E N T Y E I G H T ~ S A V E M E ☼
☼ T W E N T Y N I N E ~ M E E T I N G ☼
☼ T H I R T Y ~ L O N G T I M E N O S E E ☼
☼ T H I R T Y O N E ~ T R U T H O U T ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T W O ~ R E D ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T H R E E ~ T I M E ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T F O U R ~ C A L L ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T F I V E ~ P A R K ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T S I X ~ N E W B E G I N N I N G ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T S E V E N ~ T W O ☼

☼ S I X ~ C H A I N S ☼

1.1K 38 2
By CrazyMofo_x3

Spring's POV

I laid on the sofa after Goldie helped me inside, he was making food while I was drifting between sleep and staying awake. He had turned on the TV, I didn't bother changing the channel, I wasn't bothered what was on though I started watching it.

I was enjoying what was on nonetheless, I didn't really get any memory of this so I guessed I probably hadn't seen this before...As a matter of fact, I didn't have any memories related to television or the shows on it. The programme was fairly interesting, it kept me awake and occupied so that was good enough.

Blankets were wrapped tightly around me as Goldie insisted, so I remained warm until he came out to give my food.

"Hey Spring," Goldie smiled, setting two plates of pizza and chips down in the table, "Sorry if it's not that good, there wasn't much to work with, I need to go shopping for more groceries."

I smiled back at him, "it looks great."

Goldie seemed happy with the response I gave him and began to eat as he watched the television.

I nibbled on my food slowly, it was really enjoyable...Feeling like the best meal I had in ages but I wouldn't really know. The only other things I remember eating was food from the hospital and that was horrible.

The two of us ate in silence, my eyes glued to the TV and every now and then taking a glance at Goldie who seemed to shove down his food as if he were a vacuum. Not that I mind how he ate, it was his house and his food after all.

He must have been hungry, though. As far as I can remember, that wasn't how people eat normally. To be fair, we hadn't eaten anything until now and it was already midday.

The silence was remained throughout the entire thing, though I'm not sure Goldie could say much with a full mouth. Goldie finished before me and leaned back into the chair.

I glanced at my plate, I had half a plate left which I was still eating slowly. For some reason, my appetite was low, it may have been that I hadn't eaten for ages but still...It may be something else?

"Are you okay?", Goldie asked, making me tilt my head slightly as I turned to him.

"I'm good...Something wrong?", I asked back slowly, mentally praying I hadn't done something 'out of character'.

"No, no, it's just you're eating slowly, which isn't a problem...Unless I was eating really quickly," Goldie mumbled to himself though it was still loud enough to be coherent. He wasn't aware of how quick he ate?

"You was pretty quick...But I am eating quite slowly to be fair," I tiredly replied, still feeling quite droopy.

"Oh, sorry, I'm known to eat quickly," Goldie yawned, he was about to curl up but then stopped abruptly and turned to me, "Should I go get the blanket from upstairs? We could sleep top and tail here if you want? We don't have to if you don't want to."

I thought about it for a second, I honestly didn't mind but I wasn't going to say that answer, that may be awkward..."Yeah, that's good."

Goldie nodded and jumped up and skipped upstairs happily. That energy and enthusiasm was familiar. I don't think I'm like that though, I mean, I didn't feel like that now and my personality would have kicked in by now for sure, right?

Either way, his attitude brightened me up but I'm sure that was the effect he gave everyone.

I jumped lightly and let out a slight 'eh' sound when I heard something tumble down the stairs. It wasn't Goldie though. It was the blankets. Goldie came down after the blankets and picked them up, walking back into the living room.

He hopped onto the sofa and smiled at me, giving me my half of the blanket.

I muttered a little, "thanks," out trying not to be awkward.

I laid back as he started curling up on the end of the sofa. The sofa was quite long and we had a nice amount of space.

The two of us lay there for about five minutes of pure silence. We didn't sleep. I was tired but I wasn't doing well with sleeping. I felt like moving but I didn't want to make it awkward or disturb Goldie.

Either way, I picked myself up enough to move but of course, I accidentally moved my foot into Goldie's arm, "uh, oops, sorry."

"Huh? Oh that was you?"


Goldie put his hand on the end of my foot, it was cold, real cold.

"Wow you're warm...Like really warm..."

"You're like really cold," I told him, Goldie took his hand off and shuffled away.

"Sorry," Goldie sighed, pulling the blanket up to his cheeks.


"I'm cold," Goldie pouted at me childishly.


"That's bad."

"I like it," I told him, sort of regretting it but also waiting for the response in hope that it was something good.

"How? Why?", Goldie questioned, pulling the blanket down to his chin.

"I'm too warm, you're a lovely temperature," I whispered. A clear light blush spread on Goldie's cheeks.

"Is hugging me too gay?"

"Well if sleeping with me isn't gay, I think hugging is fine," I smiled, wanting to feel him cold embrace.

"Touché...So...Hug?", Goldie asked me, clearly wanting to hug me as well. I budged up and gave him some space to slide in by me.

"Of course," I replied with a happy sigh as he shifted up by me, cuddling right up to my chest.

"Fuck," Goldie mumbled, whole body shivering. I rested my head down on the pillow slowly.

"Something up?"

"Apart from becoming an icicle, nothing really," Goldie huffed, "hey, um...Can I ask something?"

"Go ahead.."

"Can I-how do u say this?"

"Um...Say it how it is, I'm not one to judge or anythin-"

"Can I hug your arm? It's uh- very warm..."

"Sure," I agreed, having Goldie waste no time in cuddling my arm, "Why is that such a problem?"

"It's a bit...weird, isn't it? I mean, I know you but I'm practically a strange to you and now we're hugging on the sofa...", Goldie pointed out.

"Well, I do remember you...Just not everything we've done...I remember somethings.."



"Exactly...You don't know me, I don't want to make you feel awkward...Actually, I'm doing that now, aren't I?", Goldie sighed, sadly.

"A little...", I admitted, "but I do know you..."


"You think I'm lying?", I suggested, as he glanced at me.

"Well...Yeah...I don't think you're a liar...I just-"

I interrupted him, "I promise I remember!"

"What do you remember then?", Goldie frowned, staring up at me as he clung to my arm.

I stared back at him for a few seconds then looked at myself and then back at him yet again. I noticed the we had something in common. We both had golden chains and then, that's when it hit me.

"I remember the chains."

Goldie raised an eyebrow and picked up the golden chain around his neck, "This?"

"I remember getting them..."

"Tell me then...", Goldie whispered, relaxing back on my chest slowly, still keeping eye contact.

"I remember going into the jewellery store..You held my hand on the way there because you knew I hated people and you told me I'd be okay if I were with you...", I paused, trying to think back more, "We went there for you...After I joked about your name and you loving gold...I remember you knowing that was my favourite colour too..."

"That's right, it is...", Goldie nodded slowly with his jaw dropped slightly.

"You told me that you wanted to get something special for me and you got the chain for my birthday...So I would always remember you...", I started thinking again, I was finally getting somewhere.

Goldie nodded and smiled, "I didn't even remember that until you said..."

"Didn't Freddy tease us about that? Saying that the chain meant more?"

"U-Um...Yep...Yep, Freddy did...", Goldie nodded shyly.

"We played along with it though, didn't we...We said that it did just for the sake of it and we didn't even need to think...", I paused for a minute and then whispered again, "Because it just came to us.."

"Well, you remembered a lot but maybe you need sleep, right?", Goldie asked, trying to change subject.

"But I'm remembering things, isn't that...Good...?"

"Of course but maybe sleep will help remember more, right?"

"I'm not stuck yet, though..."

Goldie stayed quiet, I could tell he was going to stay that way. I was making him awkward.

"Actually, I'm stuck again..", I lied.


"Yeah, I'm tired.."

"Then...We sleep...?", Goldie asked happily, I nodded tiredly and closed my eyes. It was time for sleep. Finally. Just hopefully I would remember tomorrow.

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