The Frosted Fire Alchemist

By FantasyNinja26

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Athena's life was never perfect. It wasn't the life you wanted. It consisted of a Father losing his mind, a M... More

The Frosted Fire Alchemist
Train Disaster!
Big Sister
Rain of Sorrows
Road of Hope
Hidden Truths
5th Laboratory
Created Feelings
Separate Destinations
Miracle at Rush Valley
One is all, All is one
Beast of Dublith
Those who Lurk Underground
Envoy from the East
Savior Flavored Kiss
Footsteps of a Comrade-in-arms
Cold Flame
The Arrogant Palm of a Small Human
Death of the Undying
Father Before the Grave
Advance of the Fool
Backs in the Distance
Girls on the Battlefield
Inside the Belly
Doorway to Darkness
The Tragedy's Tale
Struggle of the Fool
Ishvalan War of Extermination
520 Cens Promise
The Fuhrer's Son
Northern Wall of Briggs
Ice Queen
The Shape of this Country
Family Portrait
The First Homunculus
Conflict at Baschool
Homunculus (Dwarf in a Flask)
The Abyss
Signs of Counteroffensive
Bite of the Ant
Revving at Full Throttle
The Promised Day
Looming Shadows
Emissary of Darkness
Oath in the Tunnel
Filial Affection
Lost in you
Halloween Insanity
Upheaval in Central
The Immortal Legion
Combined Strength
Flame of Vengeance
Beyond the Inferno
The Adult's Way of Life
The Return of the Fuhrer
Eternal Leave
Lost Light
Eyeway of Heaven, Gateway to Earth
A Fierce Counterattack
The Other Side of the Gateway
Journey's End
Sneak Peek

He Would Swallow God

508 11 0
By FantasyNinja26

This Chapter is dedicated to my friend Hetalia_OHSHC_ and Welcome to Exiled Life!

Thank you for your nice comments and endless support! It really means a lot to me!

By the way OHSHC, Ed is still mine~~ Hahahahahaha

More shoutouts to come!



The Elric brothers sat in their father’s office reading a huge and thick book on the wooden desk inside. “The sun is male, representing masculinity.” Ed read off the page.

“The moon is female, representing femininity.” Al continued while sitting right beside his older brother.

Ed then continued the reading. “When both cross then the two genders become one.”

Al sat up with his head lifting up. “So that means that union means perfect being. So what does that mean, do they mean immortality?”

The older brother leaned back in his chair and hummed in thought. His golden eyes opened up with slight curiosity. “Or maybe something greater…”

“But what’s greater than that?” Al asked still looking at the book.

Ed shrugged in response. “I dunno… Maybe… Maybe god or something”



Hands flooded from both Father’s side and the Truth’s side and mingled. Grabbed and tied onto each other. “Join me!” Father ordered while trying to pull the Gateway closer to his monster sized body. “I will no longer be bound by you nor your consequences! I will pull you into this earth and into my mound! You have no choice but to be absorbed!” He then let out a loud yell as the two doors collided and bright light burst through the darkened skies. Father. Dwarf in a Flask. He had finally gained his ultimate and greedy wish.

Frosted Fire Alchemist

Chapter 61- He would swallow God

Everyone who even stood in Amestris was no more. Their souls had left their body and all that remained was nothing. Absolutely nothing. The dark skies the eclipse gave off made everything look darker. Bodies of people and animals were littering the streets of Central, Rush Valley, Liore, everywhere. And another odd thing about this, there was no sound. Just dead silence.

Athena’s POV

I stirred and slowly started to come too after the transmutation I was forced into. Well, all of us were forced into it. A loud and deadly cough escaped from my throat and I surely expected some blood. To my joyful surprise that wasn’t the case. A hand was pulled into my sight which made me follow this. My eyes met with Ed’s and I gladly took his hand in mine and allowing him to help me up on my feet. “Is everyone alright?” I heard Roy ask from another side of the room. “What happened?”

“You have done well, my faithful sacrifices.” A new voice stated. My whole body jolted and froze at the new sound. I lead my eyes over to the throne and saw a very… Weird sight. The blue orbs I held widen at this very thing sitting before me. The Father looked young, with blonde hair, a well built body, and only wearing a towel.

I glared at him and stood forward. “So you actually did it?” I questioned darkly.

His expression was unchanging as he rested his cheek onto his hoisted hand. “Yes, I had done what I have set out to do.” He spoke. Another thing, he voice was thick now. “Acquire god.”

Ed stepped forward with a glare in his eyes. “Acquire god! That’s impossible!!”

“It is…”Hohenheim stated while giving Father the same expression Ed had given him. “Given a great enough energy.”

I looked down softly and took a deep breath. “A great deal of energy…” I whispered to myself. My eyes then went wide in shock. “A Philosopher Stone?!”

Al had finally sat upwards and stared at the new ‘god’. If he made a stone using all of Amestris then that means… Oh no… All those people. Within those souls, is Smith, Sam and Winry screaming out for us? My jaw remained opened in horror at my own realization. The people that I care for that are outside of this very room is in that stone in that… In that bastard! “It can’t be! Does that mean that everyone has been turned into a Philosopher Stone?” Al gasped.

Dad, Kaley, and May finally walked forward from their shield from the harsh winds while holding their shoulders. “How many lives were sacrificed for this?” May asked past her sore body.

The Colonel kept his blind glare at where he thought the Father was. “Amestris is a large country. At least fifty million people.”

This made me slam my hands together and start to storm to him. “YOU BASTARD!!!” I screamed loudly. Before I could even do a thing the ‘god’ tapped his finger on the armrest turning off my alchemy. Well everyone’s really. I lifted my head and glared at him darkly. “Damn you!”

“Your alchemy will do you no good. Farewell, gentlemen and young lady.” He stated opening  out his hand. Doing this created a ball of fire that hurt my eyes just looking at it. Much like the sun.

Ed started to pull me aside and leaned close to my ear. “Listen Athena, I want you to May, Kaley, and Colonel somewhere safe.”

I shook my head quickly and gained a serious expression on her face. “No, I’m not leaving. Not this fight or you.” My voice came out as hard and solid as a rock. “But one question, what’s that thing?”

The Father just held the same expression on his face that made me want to punch him in his face and then his stomach. However I will not do that because that is a form of suicide. “A power of god is in my control, with that I can do anything. For example I can create a sun in the palm of my hand.” He stated simply. Well that explains why my eyes hurt. Right. “Shall I turn it’s flames loose in here? What do you think?” His eyes then widen quickly and then turned over to the burning sun in his hands.

It was Hohenheim's turn to talk now. “Your plans too get godhood was a flawed one. We were against you since the moment you put it into motion!” His eyes widen again and I could notice he was shaking in a weird way. Hohenheim and the Father had a unbreakable stare off. “Over the years I have performed calculation after calculation. I have arranged my Philosopher Stones and the friends who have long resided within me to prepare for this very day!"


‘The time has come.’ An older voice stated.

‘He regret performing the ultimate transmutation.'

‘We no longer have bodies to return to, but Amestris still has their chance.’

‘Yes, we know what we must do. Let us return their souls back to their bodies.’

‘It’s what Hohenheim asks of us!’ The childish voice yelled as a red light appeared from under a boulder in the middle of nowhere.

Father shook again making his eyes widen yet again. He glared at the group of people that he gathered darkly. “So you planted your Philosopher Stones! Big deal!” The man yelled while leaning forward. “They’re just points! They will not activate without a circle! That is a basic rule to alchemy!”

Hohenheim nodded. “But we do have a circle! It’s one of enormous power and it can be self activated! Even if something happened to overpower me! The moon’s shadow cast over the earth by the eclipse!”

‘We’re starting now Hohenheim!’ The voice called out as the red light in the boulder glowed brightly starting the activation.

Five points making a circle sparked red and was on the circumference of the shadow shaped like a circle. Father held his pulsing and beating heart while glaring daggers at Hohenheim. “Even now you think you can stop me?! YOUR A FOOL HOHENHEIM!!” He yelled with his voice booming and echoing around him.

“That’s the reason why I came back!” Hohenheim stated in a venomous tone. “It’s time you remembered your place, Dwarf in a Flask!”

The red light zapped over to Central while the designs of this complicated circle came to the human eye. Father gritted his teeth as the sparks struck at him. He closed his fist on the sun he had made while grunting in pain. Red sparks jumped off of him as the groans and grunts became louder in volume. Ed and Athena’s expression was in shock and a mixture of awe but was then turned into a glare set on the man. Then souls erupted from his body and swarmed out into the open. Each one of them returning to their original bodies. The screaming and whines of souls were flying in the air like a tornado before each one parted it’s ways and zoomed right into the empty human shells.

Everything remained silent for only a few seconds until one thing brought it all up again. The crying of a baby in Central.

-Rain by SID-


Everyone in the household recovered with waking up last. He sat up and started to cough because of the lack of air rubbed his neck. A voice then called for him and then tackled him into a hug. He gasped slightly and looked down seeing it was Winry holding onto him. His eyes were wide at first but then got soft as he hugged her back and giving her small kisses on the top of her head. “It’s okay… I’m alright now…” He cooed now looking around. “We’re all okay.”

“W-what was that?” Winry questioned while resting her face in his chest.

The Briggs men stood up with one of them holding his chest for breathing support. “Is it just me or did we all pass out at the same time?”

Pinako recovered and tried her very best to stand. “So it would seem.”

“What the hell happened?” One of the men questioned.

The other man looked down to the floor grimmly. “I don’t know how to describe it… It was like…”

Winry looked up and allowed Smith to hold her in his lap. “It was like being trapped, trapped in a vortex of anguish.”

Underneath Central Command

Father was clutching his armrest again while groaning in pain and sparks flying off of his quaking body. Ed and Athena turned to Hohenheim. “Did it work?” Ed asked quickly.

The original golden haired man nodded now tearing his gaze away from the Father. “Yes, everyone’s souls have been. And with just the souls from Xerxes I highly doubt he can control the powers that he calls God.”

His grip on the armrest became so tight that it shattered from the contact. Father’s breathing became heavy and deep with weight. “I can always create another stone!” He argued tiredly. “I’m not through! There’s more! A billion humans that I can draw energy from!” A ball of light dark purple and shot right at the group of humans. Hohenheim grabbed this light and pushed it upwards. Father yelled again sending a dangerous wave of light shooting towards the group.

Before it could hit them May activated a transmutation circle with Kaley shortly following afterwards. Al gasped at the both of them but the two girls continued their new goal. “Using the flow of the earth’s ground is what we do!” May reminded. “The greater the other side has the greater the power I can use becomes!”

Kaley looked up tiredly not used to this form of alchemy and gasped. “Behind you!!” She screamed loudly.

Hohenheim then turned around to see a wave of harsh and burning air firing towards them quickly. In the nick of time he held this power back while grunting at the force. “Damn! I don’t have enough power to fight off his energy!” He yelled.

One of the kuanis that was poking out of the ground making the two younger girl’s gasp. “Just keep trying!!” She yelled over the harsh wind. “We can’t hold on much longer!”

The man’s huge hands started to burn off and the skin started to peel away only for the red flesh. “It’s no use!” He groaned slowly starting to give in to the energy.

Al, Ed, and Athena came up and held him up by pushing his back upwards. “Come on Dad! Hang on!” Al called out.

“Stay focused!” Ed ordered.

“You can do this!!” Athena loudly reassured closing her eyes tightly.

Hohenheim’s eyes widen at the sight of these three teens holding him nice and tall. Soon a grin reached his lips and looked forward. “I can only so much, I’m just an old man! I’ll give out all these old bones can do!!”

Other than what he said to the three they knew it had to end. End now and quick. Because if not, the stone within Hohenheim would burn out. “This needs to stop or Dad’s Philosopher Stone will die out!” Al pointed out.

Athena nodded and looked up to Ed. “What do you suppose we do?” She asked.

Ed shook his head. “We can’t do a thing right now! Are you done yet Scar?”

Sam’s POV

After finally recovering from what happened I stood up and continued to eye at the fight between the man who was once my enemy and the man who was against us the whole entire time. The spikes Scar had made were cut off with a single swipe of Wrath’s blade. “Ishvalla!” He yelled now jumping up and charging at Scar. “I thought alchemy was a sin in the eyes of Ishval! One to be the creator of all things!” Scar ducked from the attack that was given and transmuted a part of the ground that flung Wrath backwards in the air. The Homunculus had returned and slashed through the transmutation sending it into nothing but rocks. “Have you abandoned your god!?” He asked now cutting into Scar’s shoulder again making him let out howl of pain. Scar kicked him backwards making Wrath jump back and stick his sword into the ground. He started to charge for the black haired man as he continued to ramble on. “You would just abandon him so easily!?” Then he grabbed Scar’s wrist and flipped him over his head sending Scar on his back. “Is your god so lost to your people!? Is he?!” Scar then transmuted the floor making pillars fly to Wrath at quick speed. Wrath ran forward and started to cut at the pillars. He had finally escaped the sea of rocks only to have another pillar ram right into his chest sending him back. I could not believe my own eyes. This fight was chaos! Who would win? Who would lose? Ugh! What should I do dammit!? Wrath then cut through the tip of the pillar and slid down the rest so he could reach Scar. “You're surrounded by nothing but despair!” Scar raised his hand ready to transmute the man only to be brought down by Wrath’s foot and he was laying on his back again. “Surely somewhere in the darkest depth of your heart you began to believe there was no god at all!” As he spoke his blade was raised to stab Scar right in the head.

Fear jumped into my throat as I found myself running closer. “Scar!” I snapped finally and electrocuted Wrath slightly. At the same time the moon started to shift making the sun slowly return brightly. He jumped and shielded his eye. Then turning to me he glared darkly and I knew I was probably in trouble now. I started to take steps back ready for my death to come for me.

Scar then let out a yell as he transmuted Wrath’s arms off. Literally. I gasped knowing that I helped in that. Also doing that made the blade split in half. Bradley then grabbed the blade by his teeth and stabbed Scar in the stomach. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands. Who was going to die? The man who was about to kill me, or the man who could turn against me? Scar coughed up great amounts of blood onto the blade. Silence filled the air and my breath was caught in place that would be hard to find. The two fell over making blood pour out of both of them. Wrath because of the wounds before and the removal of his arms, and Scar because of the stabbing. The dying homunculus chuckled while staring at the sky. “I myself don’t believe in god or faith. But if they do exist, I guess this is their divine justice.” Then footsteps appeared making me look over to see a girl in a dark green attire and a mask on her face. “It seems they sent a visitor to do the deed.” He sighed. She then removed the hood and the mask to show off a black haired girl I know vaguely. Lan-Fan.

I gasped softly and walked forward to her. “L-Lan-Fan.”

“Are you here to avenge your Grandfather?” Bradley asked her in a raspy voice.

The girl stared daggers into Wrath as she kept her feet and gaze firm. “Any last words?” She questioned in a growl. He shook his head in response. “Such a sad life, tell me Bradley. Was there anyone who you loved? Any friends? Your wife?”

The man’s voice was broken and beaten down tirelessly. “My wife…” He answered.

“You have nothing!? No message for her?” I asked enraged by this response he gave to her. He was cold hearted, uncaring and I hate that! “When she finds out what you are-!”

He only laid there emotionless and  stared up at the sky above him. “Your words mean nothing to me.” Then before speaking again he turned his head to me. “My wife understands, she is the one I chose to be by my side. There are no more words that need to be spoken between us. That’s what it means to be the wife of the Fuhrer.” His hair started to turn grey and his green eye started to lose the life in it. My eyes widen and my jaw dropped. He laughed making me slowly back up. “Now you’ve wasted both of your time for vengeance by asking me meaningless questions. Such a shame.” Then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I lived my life by the path that was made for me. And I’ve had a life worth living for… Maybe a life worth dying for.” A second later his head fell to the side and he perished.

My eyes were drenched in slight pity. I couldn’t help that, what can I say? But maybe I don’t feel pity for Wrath, but for his wife. If anyone should have told her about himself it should have been him. Now, someone who knows the truth must. Same goes for Pride. Lan-Fan knelt next to him and then gasped. “I sense something!” Then reaching into his pocket she pulled out the Philosopher Stone. My eyes widen and I lowered my gaze.

Scar sat up now holding his wounds. Lifting his head he tried to get a better look of this liquid stone. “A Philosopher Stone…”

Lan-Fan gasped and looked down onto the red substance. “This?” She asked breathlessly while eyeing the powerful alchemical creation. If anyone needed it, it was probably her. I was gonna use it for Roy when I see him again, and… And well Havoc. Her emperor is dying and I need to for something else. My thoughts were cut off by Scar coughing and hacking from the wound given to him. The two of us gasped and ran over to him. “Are you alright?” She asked sternly.

He started to breath heavy while holding the wound on his side. Then he trailed his eyes to the circle I was in a while back ago. “I need you two to take me over there.” Scar stated now pointing to the circle.

I looked over to him seriously and then back to the circle. “The circle is broken though…” Was my only response.

The sound of him groaning and grunting made my gaze snap to him quickly. His eyes were squeezed shut and pain covered his face like a mask. “I know! But over there is the center!” I blinked at that as Lan-Fan applied and stood him up with one arm on her shoulders. The act made me stand as well and lend him a hand as well.

When arriving to circle Scar towered over it with his hands shaking over transmutation circle as if he was deep in thought. Either that or pain. His fists clenched and I watched the man from behind glancing at Wrath every once and a while. Then Scar set his man hands onto the circle and untensed. Blue sparks went into five different directions but his figure remained.


The reverse transmutation circle wrapped around Amestris in blue comforting light with each of the tiny dots connecting into place. “It’s coming!!” Hohenheim called out to the alchemists within the protected barrier. Ed, Al, Athena, and Izumi clapped their hands and set them onto the circle they stood upon with great force. Spikes from the floor shot all around with no control making Father jump out of his throne and Pride jump away from another.

Pride and Father stood in a rubble with their eyes on the group in a darkly glare. “How do you like them apples?” Athena questioned in a cocky tone as she removed her jacket and tossing it aside. “Your throne is nothing but rubble now.”

“I think it’s about time someone puts an end to your damn posturing!” Ed exclaimed also removing his red coat in the same way while tossing that aside as well. He smirked and raised his fist proudly. “So I’m gonna take you down and the Truth along with you!”


The two black haired girls whipped their heads around in shock. Lan-Fan had a feeling about what this was but Sam had no clue. All she knew is that this alchemy was new and different from the the type she was around 24/7. “What was that?” Lan-Fan asked looking over to Scar. “Did you use Alkehestry?”

Sam blinked at the questioned and tilted her head like a child. “Alka-what?” She half repeated in a childlike tone.

Scar shook his head in response to this while keeping his eyes on the ground. “No. Something my brother made. My brother studied the science of alchemy from there he started his interest of Alkahestry. Alkahestry is an art that uses the flow chi, in contrast, this country’s alchemy uses the tectonics. But he realized something. Alchemists were never able use their full power. There was a force disconnecting this.” He stated now drawing a stick figure on top of three layers of the earth.

Lan-Fan gasped and her eyes widened. “I sensed that when I came to this country! Like a mass of people crawling underneath the earth!”

He nodded in response to the recall firmly making her eyes only widen more. “Yes, what you sensed was a Philosopher Stone that stretches underneath this land.” Scar conformed now referring to The Father of the Homunculi.

Athena’s POV

Ed fired cannons at Father and Pride madly making me only smile in that response. “How do ya like this huh?!” He called out over the booms and pounds of cannons hitting the force field that Father put around him. I couldn’t help but shake my head at him. Oh Ed, this is why I love you so. Dad looked over to the smile I had before snapping his gloves making the air thicken around Father. A smirk played my lips now as I clapped my hands and set them on the ground. A huge spiked iron fist sped to him only to have it disintegrate from the touch of those red sparks. This made me pout and close my eyes.

“Hey Dad, think you might be able to amplify my alchemy using yours?” I said in a question now turning my gaze to him.

He just smirked and nodded. “Ready when you are sweet pea!” My dad yelled now pulling his gloves closer to him. I nodded as I made another iron fist and he made the air around it lighter so it could travel faster.

Kaley’s POV

The burns on Hohenheim’s hands and wrists healed in an instant making me gasp in shock of the sight. If I could do that I wouldn’t be as injured as I am. Damn that Pride. When I get my hands on him there will be hell to pay! Back to this guy. In all seriousness, he’s cool. “So is it true? You made a circle that could return everyone’s souls?” May asked looking up to the tall man. I was growing over him but he’s still taller than me. Why are people so tall all the freaking time! Ed’s almost as tall as me! Either he’s grown or I’ve shrunk!

He rubbed his fingertips together while giving us a nice response. “Yes, and it worked perfectly. After that Scar made a reverse circle to correct the corrupt alchemy of this country.” He answered simply. “It was Scar’s brother, through tireless research, he found a secret that was long kept. The Nation Wide Transmutation Circle. Using that as a base he made a reverse transmutation circle using Alkahestry. This circle would render the Philosopher Stone within Amestris to be uneffective.” I nodded in response to this. I think I get it? When this is over I seriously need a long nap.

Athena’s POV

Al transmuted a long blade from the ground and fired it straight at the Father of the Homunculi while letting out a battle cry. Dad and I stopped what we were doing and watched as this shot right at the immortal being. Well, soon to be dead immortal being. Noxy morons. They’re godlike. The red sparks from the touch of the blade made the endless pillars around him and Ed’s large cannons burst. Also our launching area was blown away which made Dad jump out of the way and I did a backflip to dodge the deadly blast. I was surround with red sparks as I rose my head revealing a deadly glare.

Then I heard Hohenheim’s voice nearby making me snap to it’s direction. He was shielding Ed from a blast as he spoke. “Give it with everything you got! Make him use his Philosopher Stone! He’ll run out of energy!”

I gave him a firm nod and turning back to our enemy. This guy was gonna be tricky to beat, how can someone beat  one who can’t get hit or injured? I guess we need to find out pretty soon then! “Easier said than done!” I called out now clapping my hands. Before I could start a transmutation I felt a thin but sharp object cut a gash where the skin met my automail. I let out a yell now holding my now bleeding cut and turning to my attacker. Pride stood there with a glare in his eyes. “Not you again!” I groaned now trying my best to dodge any attacks. “I don’t have time for you and your damn distractions!” Then I clapped my hands and set them on the floor now trapping him in a box for a few. “Dad! Distract Pride for me!”

“On it!” Dad responded now fighting the brat as soon as he let himself out.

I looked over to Izumi as she started to make a pipe on the ground become like jelly and fling itself at Father. That attack was reflected making it smack into the wall. A sound of chains entered  my ears as I whipped my head over to the sound. We all met our gazes to a pool of a steaming substance which is from what I can guess is lava. Hate and Greed ran up with poles in hand and grinned like mad men. “This brings back memories Pops!” Greed started. “This was the tub I took a bath in!”

Hate slammed the pole she held right into the back of her dad’s neck. “Now it’s your turn Daddy!” This pole was melted right in half sending her staggering backwards.

Ed clapped his hands and started a transmutation. “Get out of the way you two!” He ordered as blue sparks traveled to the tub of lava. Now a huge stone hand appeared and tipped over the tub sending the red and orange substance onto the Father. Another smirk came onto my face at this. He might have actually fixed this! If so that would be a nice weight off my shoulders.

Silence filled the air as we waited for the next move. Did Ed finally end this madness or not? It was up to him. Then Father popped out of the lava and shot right into the sky. My face heated up in anger as I watched this bastard fly up. That’s it, I’m gonna kill him. Next time I’ll make sure of it!

Sam’s POV

Footsteps echoed into the room which made my head perk upwards. I was met with a gun pointed at my face by men in white. Briggs men are here. Since I wasn’t used to this I awkwardly sat while eyeing the guns within their hands. Then General Armstrong, Major Armstrong, more Briggs men, a big tan skinned man,  and girl with blonde hair and red eyes ran inside following the men already in here. Can’t have the Briggs men without the leader herself. The Major gasped and stared at Riza and me. “Lieutenant Hawkeye! Lieutenant Mustang!”

I awkwardly laughed and raised my hand with embarrassment on my face. “Hehehehe… Hi Major…” Then a flame like rod shot through the hole making me blink and try and look farther upwards without burning my head off. Literally. To be honest I don’t feel like dying a brutal flaming death now. “What the hell was that?!” I loudly asked rhetorically.

Athena’s POV

I stared up at the sky with a slight twitch as the flames started to fade away from sight. At this point I swear to whatever I’m supposed to believe in now that I’m going to kill him! In fact I wouldn’t be shocked if everyone else was thinking the same thing. “Damn!” Hohenheim hissed staring at his path. “He’s going to try and make another Philosopher Stone!” He then clapped his hands and made a pillar that lifted him up to the sky above. Greed and Hate then started to climb up the walls making look up with a sigh.

Izumi turned to Al and continued to help Roy in his recovery. “Go after him!””

“Right!” Kaley and Al responded with a nod.

The woman turned back to Roy and gave him a serious look. Seeing Roy like this made me feel sorry for him and what has happened to him. Knowing what he went through I think that now we can actually talk about stuff like that and we can all support him. “Let’s get you somewhere safe.”

Roy had his hands on the bridge of his nose still while holding a pitiful look on his facial features. It almost made me wonder, was that how I looked? In Kaley’s eyes? Ling’s? Hell, even Ed’s? “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to be so useless.”

Suddenly something slithered onto my wrist and yanked me forward with full force. I gritted my teeth and pulled back while looking at the person who was doing such an act on me. Pride. Of course. Why am I NOT surprised?! I whipped my head around now looking for Ed or Dad. Ed was in the same boat as me and Dad was just now turning around. “Edward! Athena!” He gasped loudly now gaining an evil expression when seeing Pride. “You… Let go of them!”

“We’ll be fine!” Ed reassured while doing the same as me. “You guys go on ahead! Seems our friend wants us to stick around!”

Kaley ran over with a desperate look on her face. She wanted to help yet she was scared of what would come out of it. It’s all written in her face. “B-but…”

I shook my head and shot her a serious look. “Like Ed said! We’ll be fine! The two of us against him, we can be unstoppable if we want! Just leave it to us and we’ll meet you there!” I instructed feeling him tug on me a little more. When I felt that I gritted my teeth tighter together and pulled my hand back closer to my body. Her look was pleading and tears might fall from her eyes. “Kaley… You have to trust us. Just take the others and go!” She didn’t move an inch as a shadow whipped towards her. My eyes went wide when she didn’t move so Dad grabbed her and kicked the shadow away. “GO NOW!!” I loudly screamed pretty much having a game of tug of war with Pride.

Izumi looked over to us and nodded firmly. “Let’s move!” She called out before turning to the both of us. “Don’t let that thing beat you Ed, Athena!”

“Right!” The both of us answered as the group left us behind. But to be honest I wanted at least one of them to with us just in case went wrong and Ed and I had to leave. No more of that now! It’s up to us and only us now.

Claire’s POV

After that weirdo guy zoomed past us we something else coming from the darkness. This made me place my gloves onto my hands and transmute a weapon. I glared at the upcoming object and then saw Teacher rising up. My eyes widen and I gasped. “Teacher!!” I squealed as the hand that lifted her and this man up stopped in front of us. Tossing the blade aside I hugged her tightly with Sig soon following in the hug.

She then parted the hug and gave us a stone hard expression. “This is no time for happy reunions. Sig, can you look after Mustang?” Teacher asked. “Claire, I need your help with this fight.”

I nodded solidly and gained a determined look. “I’m ready.” Two gasps filled the air as I turned to the direction and saw Kaley and Al. My eyes seemed to light up as I waved happily at them. “Hey you two! You guys are looking sharp!”

“How are you doing Claire?” Al asked happily.

My hand waved in a joyous way as a grin smeared itself onto my face. “Hehehe I doing good! And you two?”

Kaley laughed and scratched the back of her head. “Hehehe ya know. We’re busy with stuff. Homunculi, Father, Athena’s dad, he’s a problem all on it’s own,” In the distance I could hear a different voice that I remembered trying to object the girl making me chuckle slightly. “And then we have to make sure that the love birds down there don’t get caught in a nest.”

This comment made me blink furiously. So many names filled my head now trying to think of who she could be talking about. When figuring it out I chuckled slightly and smiled. “Saw that coming! By the way, are you two together already?” The blonde blushed and looked down with a flustered look on her face. As her first word came out in a jumbled mess a little girl in pink jumped on Al’s chest piece and shot a glare at the both of us. My look became almost disgusted at the sight. “Who the hell is this brat?” I muttered under my breath.

Sam’s POV

I lifted my head and saw Roy being carefully pulled off a stone hand which made my eyes glow with relief, joy, and worry. “B-Brother!!!” I screamed happily now running up and hugging him tightly. As I laughed and cried in his chest I lightly hit his shoulder. “Y-you… You damn bastard…. I thought… I thought I wouldn’t see you again….” He stroked my hair softly and rested his head on mine in a nice brotherly way. My eyes widen now lifting up my head to get a good look of him. “Are you okay? Are you injured?”

“My eyesight is gone.” He answered. Riza and I gasped and tears poured out of my eyes almost instantly. My brother… He can’t see anymore… But how will he…. Oh god…. Why him? Why not me? No. That would be considered giving up and I made a promise to Roy, Riza, and Havoc about that. I can never give up! “Lieutenant? Samantha? How are your injuries?”

Riza shook her head with a sorrowful expression covering her face. “Don’t worry about me… Worry about yourself for once!”

My eyes met the ones that used to my shade of dark brown. The brown that almost reached black. I raised my hands hesitantly as my chin quivered. “Y-your eyes brother…”

“Lieutenant, Samantha? Can you still fight?” Roy asked cutting my weeping fest short.

Our eyes widen and the upcoming tears left me quicker than I can even think. My eyes were soft on him until they grew heavy and serious with a pounding wind in them. “Yes sir.” We both answered in unison.

Hate’s POV

I jumped and settled myself onto the first platform I could find which was one that was probably the floor above Daddy’s throne room. Well that room is nothing but rubble, lava, and soon a dead Pride. At least I hope so! But we got this. Turning my head I saw Lan-Fan looking over to Greed and me. “Young lord! Hate!”

Greed just rolled his eyes and gained an annoyed look. “The name is Greed, how many times do I have to tell ya?” He complained.

My eyes then trailed off until I saw Wrath laying down with his arms removed, beaten up, and dead. Just, dead. I gasped softly and kept my eyes on the body. Wrath was dead. But the sad thing was I don’t know if I should be happy or not. The only reason why I’d be mad is because I didn’t get to kill him. “So good ol’ death got him huh?” I asked keeping my eyes on him. “The damn asshole dies looking peaceful, that makes me hate him so much. Do not rest in peace you murderous asswipe.”

Athena’s POV

Pride continued to hold his injured face while still managing to give us a freaky looking death stare. The kid is intimidating, I just choose not to be intimidated. “Damn you Greed, Hate! Have you two forgotten that YOU'RE BOTH are homunculi? Where is your honor?” The kid cursed.

I scoffed and tried to pull my wrist closer to body again. As much as I hate to admit it he’s starting to overpower me. “So does that mean they have to be good kids and follow everything their dad says, is that it?!” My voice came out as low and threatening.

Suddenly a swift and unexpecting tug threw me aside and the shadow on my wrist slammed me into the same wall twice. Each time the wind was kicked right out of me. A pained sound came out of my throat as I was laid down so I could either lay there until I die or until I dare to stand again. “Isn’t that obvious? Why do you ask such ridiculous questions? It’s only natural that we obey Father no matter the orders. Then again you don’t know what that’s like do you?” He taunted devilishly. I snapped my head to him with a glare and now standing up.

“Your the one who sounds ridiculous! Only natural huh? So is it natural to be a brainwashed punk who doesn’t try to think for himself!?” Ed interrogated as I started to get onto my own feet again. Just as this happened and I finally caught my breath I saw Ed get tossed around like a rag doll by his hand. Before I could make another move I was yanked back and slammed into the wall. My hands were tied behind my back with another pair of shadows tugging on my hair which made my scalp burn at the touch. I winced and tried my best to look at the scene. “Explain something to us? Why are you so eager to be his willing lapdog? He’s wearing you ragged and breaking you down and he doesn’t even care!”

His eyes widen for a second before becoming filled with hate and anger at this comment. It must have hit him hard because I was scared for our safety now more than ever. “Why should I care if Father doesn’t?! I am not a weak human like you two! I am one of the homunculi! WHAT DO YOU TWO HUMANS KNOW?!” He screamed. His hand uncovered the hole in his face which made shadows with eyes and teeth pop out. When seeing this I knew we were in trouble now. Which one is he going to go for? Ed or me? For my sanity not him. I would allow him to do whatever to me but not Ed. Not ever.

Shadows gathered around Ed and he let out a gut wrenching scream. My instincts started to kick in at this current moment. I started to struggle and throw my head forward which only made the top of my head burn even more. “ED NO!!!” I screamed trying to break out. “DON’T YOU DARE HURT HIM!! I will break out of here and kill you. I don’t care what I have to do I will-” My threat was cut off short as the shadow that took my hair yanked it farther down making me let out a small scream.

“Silence, if you continue to talk I’ll make it worse for you and him.” Pride threatened in a low growl. If I don’t get out of here then Ed could get killed. No! I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if that were to happen. We’ve given each other so much and that is one of the many reasons why I just can’t quit now! “This container won’t last long. But like Father is your are of Hohenheim’s blood lines, so we’re technically brothers. Which means Edward Elric I can use your container, after that I’ll get rid of this pathetic girl slowly and painfully. Your body belongs to ME!” My eyes widen at the statement. I have to get to work and now! When realizing what needed to be done I started to try and weasel my way out of these shadowy chains. Pride gasped as those shadows sucked right back into the hole on his face.

Perfect, now I need to come up with something to get out while he’s distracted. Trying to squeeze my hands out is a no go so I have to cut my way out. I looked over to Ed who was just holding himself in pain. “Ed…” I whispered softly as I tried to find a way to cut myself free without Pride seeing. I hit a certain angle to where I saw a glimmer. Looking over I saw a pipe close by. But trying to reach it would be too time consuming right now. This is Ed’s life on the line. If I can’t find a way out to save him then who am I? In the best way I could I got my palms as far away from each other as possible and clapped my hands together. I then placed my left hand on top of my right one which made my arm flash into a blade. Luck was on my side because the blade cut this shadow like butter. With my left hand I felt where the shadow was wrapped around my hair and found it around to upper back length. I closed my eyes now letting out a battle cry as I brought my blade to my silver hair and cut off my silver locks all the way to my shoulders. I stood up now breaking Ed out quickly. “You rest here! I’ll take care for him!” I yelled now charging to Pride. I threw an attack at him which he barely dodged and he kicked at my ankle. “Nice try but that’s not happening!” I countered now raising my hand to try and hit him the only thing I got was a shadow wrapping around me and tossing me aside.

When I landed against the wall a loud crack came from my head and I hit the ground. I started to weakly sit up when I saw Pride walking to me. Fear started to boil in me as I backed up to the wall as best as I could. I held the blade as close to me as I could in hopes that would be my line of defense. “You just won’t stay still will you? I guess I have no choice but to kill you now then.” My hands were then pinned and shadows wrapped around my neck and head. The placement made my eyes widen in shock. “Goodbye Athena Black.”

His hands started to slowly push my head to the side making me realize what’s in store for me now. If he moves any faster or harder than I’m gonna die. He’ll snap my neck like a twig. Then a battle cry I didn’t expect to hear echoed into head. My eyes snapped open as I looked up to blue sparks slamming into Pride’s face. What brought the blue to Pride was an arm made out of metal.

There is a hope beyond this night

There is a Savior in the sky

Giving His life to set this world on fire


‘He’ll kill me!’ Pride gasped to himself mentally.

‘If you think that! You still don’t understand Edward Elric!’

Ed let out his loud battle cry as his body left and entered into the body of Pride. Pride then yelled now holding his head in fear and shock.  ‘SELIEM!!!!!’ He screamed loudly now reaching to him.

Pride gasped and stared at the human who only grew closer. “Impossible… He turned himself into a Philosopher Stone and now he’s forcing his way inside of me?!”

The golden haired teen then grabbed the Homunculus’s face. His look became purely horrified as Ed glared at him and spoke. “I caught you! Your mine!’

A image of the Fuhrer and Mrs.Bradley appeared which made Pride’s eyes widen in shock and remembrance. “Stop this…” The image became larger in sight and power. “Please STOOOOPPPPP!!!!!”

Athena’s POV

Pride’s face became grey with ashes as Ed closed his fist which made his head and body break away into nothing. Along with this the shadows disappeared as well which made my hands and head droop. “Athena…” A voice softly called out for me. I forced myself to look up and when I saw Ed that melting feeling inside returned and I felt happy again. “I’m okay… We’re both okay.” He reassured softly. At this point I couldn’t help but let myself cry. I jumped into his arms and started to sob into his shoulder.

“Y-you idiot… I thought I was going to lose you…” I whimpered sadly as I punched his other shoulder.

I felt him shake his head in response and pull his head away from my shoulder. His flesh fingers wiped away my tears softly and his forehead rested against mine. “You shouldn’t have worried about me. But when I saw you I was scared for you… I don’t ever want to lose you, and if I did I wouldn’t be able to handle that… You should know that by now…” He whispered to me as he cupped my cheek and his lips brushing mine as he spoke. Then his lips was against mine for a few minutes before parting softly and left me wanting more. “I’m so proud of your bravery and it makes me so honored to be spending this life with you.”

I gave him a smile and poked his chest softly. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Then he opened his automail hand to reveal a fetus I believe with a red circle on it’s forehead. A gasp escaped my lips for a second before a firm stare. “This is who you really are then.” I whispered now grabbing Ed’s jacket and folding it neatly. Ed then placed Pride into the center of it and stood up and helping me up. “When this is over you owe Mrs.Bradley an apology.” I muttered to baby while walking off with Ed.

Ed then stopped and turned to Pride with a calm stare. “You can wait there you foolish boy.” He ordered now walking with me by his side. The sun was shining brightly on our skin as we looked upwards. “Ready Athena?”

“Always.” I answered turning to him with a smile.

He smirked and raised his fist. I rose an eyebrow at this until he spoke. “Till death do us part.”

A small laugh escaped from this move but I regained my composure and lightly fist pumped him with a smile. “Till death do us part.”

You are the night time fear

You are the morning when it's clear

When it's over you're the start

You're my head

You're my heart

No light, no light

In your bright blue eyes

I never knew daylight could be so violent

A revelation in the light of day

You can't choose what stays and what fades away

And I'd do anything to make you stay

No light, no light (No light)

Tell me what you want me to say

You want a revelation

You want to get it right

But it's a conversation

I just can't have tonight

You want a revelation

Some kind of resolution

Tell me what you want me to say

Florence and The Machine- No Light, No Light

Chapter 62- A Fierce Counterattack

Marcus: Hello fans this story is slowly coming close to it’s ending but here is your fun fact for the chapter. The fight with Pride that was seen in this chapter is a part that was planned out the 2nd most when it comes to fights. The fight that was planned the most was the final fight that starts next! However it was not planned for this fight to stray from the original but it still has the main aspects so don’t complain please! We thank you for the support and the next person to give off information for the rest of this story is Athena. Bye! *Waves*

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