
By Austine13

1.7K 142 92

Kira lived in a pound for the majority of her life, or at least the parts that she can remember, and a magic... More

Chapter One: Room six, floor one
Chapter Two: Marked
Chapter three: Defying magicmakers
chapter five: that scrap of fabric
CHAPTER SIX: hackers
chapter seven: invisable man
chapter eight: the room
chapter nine: impromptu visits
Chapter ten: Well?
chapter twelve: Answers
Chapter thrirteen: Poison Olives
Chapter Fourteen: Unfinished buisness
Chapter fifteen: The end of what we know this world to be
Chapter sixteen: Austine?
Chapter seventeen: The Abandoned Pound
Chapter eight teen: Mother?
chapter nineteen: Mourning in white
Chapter twenty: Some explaining to do
Chapter twenty-one: Explaining toast
Chapter twenty-two: Joker face
Chapter twenty-three: Wiggle your eyebrows
Chapter 24: Omg the house is on fire
chapter 25: Well her face is going to be bruised tommorow
I hate parties

Chapter Eleven: Questions

38 6 5
By Austine13

authors note: sorry I havn't updated in a while, my life has been mega busy, church, sports, school, chores, ect. you get the point.  But thank you for being so patient.  So I am going to try to make this kinda long, it is still gonna be a bit short though, ♥ my fans!  Hope you like the chapter, don't forget to vote and comment, thanks a millon!


I'm sure they fought because when I woke up there was a strong smell of blood in the room and a knife, it had dried blood on it.  I hope she wasn't killed, either of them, I like Olive, there is some good in her I can feel it.  While Cassandra on the other hand, absolutly none what so ever.  What ever she was angry about she was having a hard time letting it go.

I was getting up, I didn't ache, I must have been asleep for days.  Oh no, no, no, what if Olive got to Austine.  Stupid, stupid Cassandra forces her to do what she wants. 

I jumped out of bed and threw my clothes on, despite the pain.  I was still not well.  I got up and ran out of the house in my human form in skinny jeans a gray stained shirt and my hair was a mess.  I left the house when I relized I didn' have my swords, I couldn't use magic.  Oh well, too late now, I needed to get there before her attacker did.   I was half way down the block when Jake caught up to me.  He put his hand on my shoulder and made me stop.

"You are not in the shape to fight, you fought Olive yesterday, and-" He looked at me, apparently I was the one who fought Olive... Oh god, please don't tell me I killed her.  I kept walking.  Hiding the pain I was in, I just needed to fool him long enough to fight Austine's attacker.

"I'm fine Jake, I need to get to the house, I need to save Austine" I said it, but I kept pausing.  How could I fight if I couldn't even talk,  maybe Jake was right.


A voice boomed  in to my head, I repeated what the voice said, I had it in me.  Help the ones you care about, that made a lot of sense, I was going to help my owner.

Jake and I walked in silence to the house. On the last block we went behind the bushes and transformed.  We pranced to the house and went in, Austine was just sitting on the couch.  Crying,  I went up to her and nuzzled her.  She looked up and smiled. She must have thought I was lost.  I saw a shadow bolt across the floor, Olive.  I lifted my nose up and ran out side, it wasn't Olive.  I transformed again, sword, I need a sword.  Next thing I knew I had a sword, and I was fully healed. Thank you Flory. 

I ran to the glass door, it opened.  A woman in a mask came up behind Austine she was going to stab her. Jake came in to help me. Austine  was in shock.  She just stood there with her mouth gaping open.

"Honey, close your mouth you will catch flys." I looked right at her, and then slashed behind her, grazing the woman in black.  She cursed, Austine turned around seeing there was multiple people attacking each other at her home.

"How did you know I was coming."  The woman said.

"I saw it in my magical mirror." I was not going to tell her. 

"Fine don't tell me, but when I kill you right before I will make you."  The voice sounded vaguely femilure.  Like some one I knew in the past.  I ran up and snatched off her mask, she looked like me.  No, I don't have a twin.  I grabbed at her face but it was gone, she had no face.  Next was Austine, then Jake, every one I cared about.  No, she was stealing there faces, she couldn't.  I grabbed my sword, and I slashed at her with all my might. I missed, she stabbed me, in the arm.  It was a full out battle.  Finally I threw a punch to the nose and slashed at her, it was a fake, then I stabbed at her.  It stabbed her, square in the chest.  She crumpled, she was down.  Her real face was reveled, Olive, it was Olive.  No, I killed her.  I killed her.  I wept, I didn't mean to.

Her face changed, it was the man, the one she yelled at in the alley.  I stood and stabbed him though the heart, and I hoped he could feel it.  I looked up, she was calling about to call 911. 

"Austine, He's dead, please don't call the police.  He was trying to kill you, we will have all of the blood cleaned up and his body removed.  Any way according to the police we don't exist, neither does he."  I looked at her as she set the phone down.  She was bouldered, I'm sure that sort of thing doesn't happen every day.

She sat back on the couch, and asked us questions. Most of witch we couldn't answer, they were either classifyed or we just didn't know the ancwer.  I scrubbed the floor and I stuffed the body in a bag.  I magically sent it to the mountains and made it get buried so it would never get found, hopefully.

"Who are you?"  Austine looked at me, her stare drilling holes in to my head.

"I really don't know."  That was the truth. I had no idea.  I knew my name, I didn't know who my family was, or my last name.  The one I did have was made up.

"Do you have a family." Another hard one.  My face clouded over.  No, I had no family, but maybe one day that would change.

"Yes, me."  That was Jake, he answered for me.  I didn't know if I had a family, but most likely no, that's why I lived my life in the pound.  When we were done cleaning up we walked out side and jumped the wall.  When we were sure she wasn't looking we jumped back over and transformed.

We walked in to the living room and sat with Austine.  She bawled in to my fur.  A timer went off, and her stomach growled.  Then she lifted her face and went up stairs to eat.  Probably pizza again.

Jake and I ran so fast in to the bath room that it was like we were running a race. We went in to the secret house and went strait to the kitchen.  Real food at last, I could though a party, no more nasty broth.   I went strait to the freezer and took out a popsicle.  I unrapped it and I saw Jake.

Jake was getting down on his knees.  "Jake you will get dirty, what are you doing, looking for something." I got down too.  What was he looking for?  He took a small box out of his pocket.  A small black satin box, hmm, thats an odd thing to lose.

"Kira, I love you, will you marry me."  

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