Mission: Find The Girl

By tangerineprince

6.5K 391 532

NaΓ―ve: 1. (of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment. 2. (of a person) natural... More

Take 1 - Find Your Love - ACTION!
Take 3 - His butler - ACTION!
Take 4 - Misunderstood - ACTION!
Take 5 - A fight? I see. - ACTION!
Take 6 - Just Dance - ACTION!
Take 7 - Guilty Conscience - ACTION!
Take 8 - Story of My Life - ACTION!
Take 9 - Word Up! - ACTION!
Take 10 - Unpredictable - ACTION!
Take 11 - Marchin' On - ACTION!
Take 12 - Your Love Is A Lie - ACTION!
Take 13 - Dream Believer - ACTION!
Take 14 - Crush - ACTION!
Take 15 - I found her - ACTION!
Take 16 - Marie Antoinette, they said - ACTION!

Take 2 - I Saw Him Standing There with a GPS - ACTION!

501 42 58
By tangerineprince

//Take 2 - I Saw Him Standing There with a GPS - ACTION!//

Augustine's POV:

It was raining.

Yes, raining.

Screw you, rain.

It's not that I hate the rain so much. It's just that is freaking annoying when I am the one in the rain, which means I should use an umbrella. And I frigging hate it!

Why? Probably because my umbrella is the one with teletubbies on it. I tried to buy a new one but then my three stupid younger sisters would cry. I don't really understand what the problem was if I am the one that bought the umbrella, and they could just use this. But no, they won't. Stupid sisters.

Well, whatever, it is only rain anyway. I folded the umbrella and kept it inside my bag.

Strolling down the street, my eyes got caught on the sight on a boy. A boy with black hair, wearing really old-fashioned clothes, crossing the pedestrian and with a GPS in his hands.

No, I didn't say that wrong. It is a G-P-S.

I couldn't resist bursting into laughter. I laughed and laughed and finally, wiped tears out of my eyes. I am actually crying while laughing? Well, isn't that so rare?! It explains how hilarious it is to find someone holding a GPS while crossing a street.

The sight is just too hilarious!

I slowly opened my eyes to laugh at the sight again when I witnessed a car crashing onto him. Oh wait, allow me to correct myself, almost crashing onto him.

Quickly dashing towards him, within a split of a second I pulled him to the other side of the pavement. That was honestly so dangerous! The car was going at full speed. I don't want someone dying in front of my own eyes! Hello?! Are you out of your mind, stranger?!

"Where the hell were you looking?" I asked angrily, fumes probably steaming out from my head. To a stranger. Yes, a mere stranger, whom I just met. Well, he is the one at fault. Not me.

"At the GPS," He replied, still pressing some buttons on the GPS. What the hell, buddy?!

"How frank you are, pal. That's nice. Honesty is the best policy, and whatsoever. But, you should honestly consider looking around yourself. Be more aware of your surroundings, kiddo," I explained. Hold on a second, why do I sound so much like an old safety fireman guy?

Wait, why a safety fireman? Is there even a term called safety fireman?

"Oh, I humbly apologize for my mistake. It was my first time outside after such a long while," He said to me, finally, looking away from the GPS and to my face.

I stared at his eyes for a moment. Nothing out of the ordinary, I would say. But it's just that his eyes reminds me a new-born opening its eyes for the very first time. This might sound cheesy, but that is exactly what they remind me of.

"First time?" I asked. He seems pretty large to me, so he ain't gonna be a new born. So, why a first time?

"Aren't madam the one laughing your heads off earlier at me?" He asked, as if to finally recognize me.

That quite surprised me. He noticed? He was looking at the GPS the whole freaking time. Does he have eyes secretly attached somewhere else spying on me? He does seems like an alien with an outfit and such a clueless expression, so I won't be surprised if he was an alien for real. Honestly.

But well, who the hell is he anyway?

"Don't answer a question with a question! And for your information, yes, I was," I said to him, while crossing my arms in front of me. My eyebrows furrowed deeply as I cross examine him.

"Oh," He replied. He turned around from me and simply walked away.

This guy is interesting. More often than not, people would get pissed off over me for laughing at them or at least annoyed. . . Why is he acting as if mocking at him is like accepting a universal truth? What the heck, man?

Who cares? Duh, whatever.

Whoa, hold up. Did I just sound like that cheerleader I saw last night in that chick flick Valentina was watching?

I don't want to sound as annoying like that. Not that cheerleaders are bad or anything, it's just in that chick flick, they were honestly much squeakier than a mouse. Really.

Wait, how did I reach thinking about mice?

My eyes followed him and noticed the raindrops drenching him all over. Hastily, I followed him to stop him from getting completely drenched from the rain.

"Hey, you are making yourself get wet. See? You are sneezing already. You will get a fever, or at least a cold. Here take my umbrella. And um, your...GPS is going to get broken too," I said to him, glad to give that freaking umbrella. "Why are you out without anything to cover yourself with anyway? Isn't all over the news today that there's gonna be a heavy rain? Don't read news, buddy?"

"Oh, thank you very much," He replied. "I had the raincoat with me but there was a three-feet human getting soaked so I handed over my raincoat. Since this is a pretty large umbrella, please get under it too or you will be ill instead."

"Three-feet human?" I echoed, unconsciously getting under the umbrella. This guy must be seriously an alien—Oh, he must have implied about the height. "You mean, a kid," I murmured quietly.

He paused and gawked at me for a while and then asked, "What's the beautiful name of madam?"

"Augustine Capello. How about yours?" I asked. Wait, why am I giving away my name so easily? Well, it is not like I care much about giving away my identity. I'm not some celebrity. Like what is he going to do? Kidnap me?

I snorted. Yeah, right.

If someone did kidnap me, they would probably return me in five minutes and even give the ransom back with interest. That's probably the height of how much I could annoy people more than anyone else.

"Roland Conan," He answered.

Conan....Conan....Wait, I've heard that name somewhere. Where was it again? It seems so familiar. For some reason the image of Sherlock Homes keep popping into my mind.

That's it! Conan as in Arthur Conan Doyle!

Nice name you got there, kid!

"Oh, nice to meet you," I said to him, trying to keep my cool. I was fangirling internally about his name, but no way am I going to let him know about that.

"Glad to meet madam," He replied back. What's with that madam? Such a weirdo. The overly distant and formal feel he gave off makes me feel like he must have been a descendant of a royal family or something like that.

Nah, just kidding.

"So, why are you fiddling with the GPS again?" I asked him.

"I am trying to find an academy called Camio Academy," He said looking at the GPS.

"Oh, that's the academy where I am attending." I never knew he was in Camio. Maybe he's new. Then again, it is not like I remember anyone's names anyway. But hey, at least I tried.

"Oh," He replied and that's it.

There was an awkward moment of silence along with a staring contest between me and him. Well... Isn't he going to ask me where is Camio like normal people typically do?

Come to think of it, boys of these age would most likely to hit on me. I didn't mean that literally. Well, it did happen sometime literally too. Right, back to the point, I am actually quite popular at the academy.

Kind of.

We all call 'popular' to those people that almost everyone knows, right? I find it quite a hassle though. I mean, it is like people watching every one of your moves and you feel so uncomfortable that you feel like you can't really do anything. They are like the CCTVs that are alive and kicking.

Oh and another bother. Love confessions.

I don't really have interest in the opposite gender. Wait, don't misunderstand, it's not that lesbian. Well, actually, I don't know. It is just that, they are ... normal? Boring? Well, something like that. I can't just get myself to like those beings.

And the most scariest things about these confessions are that mostly they are confessing things like 'I wanna be beaten up by you!', 'Please hurt me!' and such making me feel like some kind of overly sadistic thug. Well, I'm pretty violent I guess, but not that way. Belch.

Maybe I am asexual or aromantic. Urgh, nevermind. Why bother finding out what I am anyway?

Wait, Tina. You are losing your mind. Focus.

"Aren't you going to ask me the way or directions to school?" I asked...which was exactly on my mind. I can't just keep talking to myself like a mentally damaged person, can I?

"Huh? I should ask?" He replied with a bewildered look in his face as if I just told him to make a time machine right now. Is he from this era or what? Talk about weirdness.

"Er, when were you born?" I asked. What? I am just asking. I really wonder whether he really is from this century. I mean, look, he is so weird. He might be transported to the future from the past or anything surreal of the like that usually happens in books or movies.

"Eleventh of April," He replied, looking into my eyes, as if he was analysing them. Please don't tell me next that he is actually a robot in disguise. If he does, then I am going to bring him home and make him my slave till the end.

Finally, my French homework would be completed!

Wait a minute.

"Gods of Olympus, it's today?! Oh, Happy Birthday! Um, what's your age?" I asked him. Hold up, Tina. Why on Earth are you talking to this stranger? Well, on the bright side, he is a school mate. Correction, going to be.

But still.

"Sixteen now. Thank you," He replied bowing slightly. Why the formalities, stranger? Wait, he is a stranger. That makes sense.

"Oh. Umm..."

I can't think of anything to talk. I took a step back, not even realizing I stepped out of the umbrella, so surprised form the fact he is like the same age as me. Well, almost. Which means we are most likely in the same year... Wait, no he said his birthday is in April, right? Then, for sure, he would be in the same grade as me!

Strange. Wait... Strange? Holy macaroni, that's right! Stranger! He is just a stranger! Why should I search for a topic? But-

"Ms. Capello, madam is getting wet," He said looking at me, up and down, as if he is examining me from head to toe.

"Hold on a second...What?! What the hell did you just say?!" I sneered at him. Holy shit, no! I was talking to a pervert. Now, I got to kill him or something, before handing him over to the police station.

"Here let me help, Ms. Capello," He offered. Why is he calling me a miss?

Wait. Wait. What the hell did he just said to me?

Wordlessly, he took off his top. I flustered and tried to stop him from doing anything to me when I realized that there was another top underneath what he just removed. Strange, indeed.

Maybe he was trying to do a Taylor Lautner move. Not gonna work on me, pal.

"There this will do. This will keep madam warm." He said. "Nice meeting you, madam. I need to find the academy. Thank you for your company and goodbye. Hope to meet you in the near future."

He walked away. Wait, that was so sudden! I mean, it was just so ...sudden. Hmm.... What am I supposed to do again?

"Wait!" I shouted and ran after him. Why am I running after him? This is getting nowhere.

"Yes?" he stopped and turned back at me.

As I was running towards him, I tried to put on a brake on my speed. Unable to control my speed, my foot skidded on the wet and slippery floor. I lost my balance and crashed onto his chest. Urgh, my head hurts!


My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a painful moan. I know, you might be wondering what on Earth was that sound? It was the sound of me hitting my head against the soft floor.

Hold on a second. A soft floor?

That was when I noticed that I was on the top of Mr. Weirdo. He probably tried to avoid me falling brutally onto the pavement. I was going to thank him when I realized where his hands were placed on.

"You perverted stranger!" I screamed, as I quickly got off him. "I'm thankful that you guarded me but why did you touch my frickin' tits?! I'm so disgraced!"

"Tits?" He echoed, rubbing his head. "As in the bird?"

"Bird? Bird?!" I echoed in anger. "Are you talking about sticking your dick into--"

"I'm sorry, madam. But will you please slow down?" He asked, with genuine confusion portrayed in his eyes. "I honestly don't quite understand the language you're using. It's still English, right?"

Now, I feel rather disgraced. I completely mistook him as a pervert when he was genuinely naïve and innocent. Guiltily feeling that I have to make it up to him, I heaved out a loud sigh and invited him, "Let's go."

"Erm... Where?" He asked me, confused. What a confused person he is.

Grabbing his hands along while rolling my eyes in response, I answered, "To Camio Academy, of course!"

ൠ ൠ ൠ

In the multimedia section, there is "I Saw Him Standing There" by Tiffany. There is also Ariana's scene during Victorious. Oh, how I love her! :3

I would be not updating for like...two weeks? I am visiting my family who are living overseas. Just for Christmas.

To everyone! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2014!

Thus, I am really late in updating these chapters. Sorry to disappoint you guys! (Although, truth to be said, I am disappointing no one, right? T_T)


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