Another High School Romance

By dontevennnn

20.5K 518 153

Jules Henderson and Brandon Glow. Everyone can see it. They may act like archenemies but all of Shanport High... More

Another High School Romance
"Promise you won't fall for me."
Day One
Scary As Hell
Beautiful Nightmare
Double Date, Double Trouble.
Pink Elephants
Afraid to Love


391 17 2
By dontevennnn

12:38 pm

Hospital Room

"You two are so cute. It sickens me."

Jules stuck her pointer finger down her throat and pretended to gag as Jason continued to french braid his girlfriend's hair.

"It's all in time Juju Bug, you'll find true love." said Jason mockingly as he planted a kiss on Heather's right cheek.

"HA maybe." joked Heather as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Julia Henderson doesn't fall in love with anyone else besides her good grades."

"Funny guys how about-"

The door opened as they all turned their heads to Brandon; the room falling completely silent.

"It's like I'm a psychic. Didn't I say just two minutes ago that you'd find true love? Looks like true love found you!"

"Hilarious,don't make me laugh." said Brandon as he tossed a small cardboard box towards Jason who caught it with shaky hands. "You're welcome by the way. Had to explain to your mom why I had your house keys-again."

Jules shifted in her seat and looked in the opposite direction avoiding eye contact.

"Thanks, best friend. You're so kind!" winked Jason.

"What's in the box?" asked Heather lying back into her pillow.

"All in good time, babe."

The four Shanport High seniors sat in silence until Heather couldn't take it anymore.

"Well...this is all great and awkward."

Jules coughed and looked down at her feet as Brandon scratched the back of his neck and yawned.

"I'm glad someone else is finally addressing the tension in this room."laughed Jason nervously as he rubbed his hands on his black sweats.

"Tension?Why would there be tension?" asked Jules as she finally looked up still avoiding Brandon's gaze.

"No reason, just the fact that I've caught lover boy staring at you like a psycho at least five times now." said Heather.

"I'm not a psycho, Heath." sighed Brandon as he leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

"You look like one."

"I think what we should be addressing is what's in that ugly box that Jase keeps looking at on the table." said Jules trying to swiftly change the subject.

Jason rolled his eyes and laughed nervously rubbing his nose until it was as red as his rosy cheeks.

"You're nervous." said Heather.

"No I'm not."

"You rub your nose when you're nervous, Rudolph." laughed Jules as she turned her head towards Brandon who was already staring at her with a slight grin.

Realizing it was the first time she'd look into those eyes since she'd walked out of his room without saying a word three days ago, she stopped laughing and with a straight face turned back to Heather who was eyeing her boyfriend suspiciously.

"What'sin the box?" pryed Heather sitting up and crossing her arms.

"Is it hot in here?" Jason fanned himself with the sleeves of his red"Shanport Class of 17' " sweatshirt.

"What'sin the box?" she asked again now turning her eyes to the small box on the table next to the many "Get Well Soon" cards and bouquets.

Jason sighed and shifted his legs over the bed as he grabbed the tiny box with shaky hands.

"Okay. I can do this." He took a deep breath as Heather watched him with a confused and slightly fearful look.

"Jason. You're freaking me out."

"Brandon,get the camcorder." Jason instructed, taking another long breath as he moved off of the bed.

Jules stared at Brandon who only had a smile on his face as he documented the moment as told.

"What's going on?" Heather's eyes moved back and forth between Brandon and her boyfriend whose eyes glimmered staring into hers sniffling back anticipated tears.

"Remember our first argument about the automatic sprinklers in your front yard?" asked Jason with a quiet laugh.

"Thought it was the backyard."

"Shut up, I'm trying to be romantic here."

He took both of Heather's hands into his and looked down still holding back his tears.

" eyes are automatic sprinklers right now-"

"You're retarded." laughed Brandon.

"Just keep filming this precious moment between my girlfriend and I,please."

"I got you best friend."

Heather purposely sighed and squeezed Jason's hands.

"Look,what I'm trying to say is we've had a lot of stupid arguments over stupid things like automatic sprinklers and that one time you were pissed when I told you that your perfume smelled too manly."

"I think we all thought it was a little too masculine for Heather."said Jules trying to insert herself into this confusing conversation.

"Shut up please. Let me finish. So we've had these arguments right? And I've let you win most of the time just because you scare me when you're mad. So right now I'm gonna ask you something and you're gonna say yes and let me win this time."

Heather took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay..."

"Cool, so like I know you look like a zombie right now but I think that's pretty hot so you wanna be my zombie forever? That'd be pretty rad....I love you."

"Jason Earl, are you seriously asking me to marry you right now?"

Jason nervously looked at the ceiling for a second then looked back into Heather's eyes that were now glistening with tears. "Um...yes?Please say yes."

Heather looked at Jules who had both hands over her mouth; she too with tear-filled eyes before looking back into Jason's.

"I mean...I guess so. How bad could it be?"

"Can you say yes for the camera, please?" said Brandon zooming in to her face.

Heather rolled her eyes while wiping away the tears running down her cheeks and lazily turned her head towards the camera.

"Yes,"looking back at Jason who heaved a sigh of relief. "That'd be pretty rad."

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