By smartwhitefang26

327 1 7

Jasmine Serna is a successful e intelligent tigrilla, who came of the half high class of his city, and with... More

PART 2, Broken Dreams
PART 3, Children's Pleasure
PART 4, The Night Club
PART 5, The Charming Prince


161 1 7
By smartwhitefang26

A celebration, a moment of madness, which may take a picture showing breasts?. That was what that thought Valeria, the daughter of Jasmine

(Jasmine) - think this is beautiful, sexy or fun?

(Valeria) - do you not have the right to claim me, just in case you think? i already know about your... movies, with all those men.

(Jasmine) - its not you're thinking

(Valeria) - do not have the right to tell me what to do with my life, just follow the steps of my mother, eh!. Also lied to me about it, my father and about who you really are. As you think that I felt when friends of the College, made fun of me, watching your movies?

(Jasmine) - take a seat, it's time you know the truth. After this chat, you can do whatever you want, however you must comply with a condition, I want all your attention, because I will only tell this once:

Part 1: Stolen life

Still remember with nostalgia when I was an important work, with its own office, a car of the year, a small apartment in the city, bank account with credit card, but above all and most important, a good relationship with my parents and friends; the only thing I do not miss, is the waste of my boyfriend at that time, who was already engaged to marry the son of Wak group general manager, the company where I worked.

In those times, my life was accommodated and happy, but that happiness came to end by the stupidity of my boyfriend, who had the great idea of making a holiday abroad, "in a great foreign country" according to his words. However he not was taking a vacation with me, he was doing one of the murky missions of the company from his father, washed drug money. That's what said the Prosecutor when we were processed, after many hours without eating or drinking, inside a police station, after having been arrested in the restaurant where he was declaring me for marriage.

I thought that they would release me, because there was no hard evidence against me, and the worst part was that I was extremely worried about my boyfriend, like I not had enough troubles then. However, the waste of the lawyer that my family payment, cannot avoid the trial, where the judge, looking at me in a derogatory manner, sentenced to me 30 years in prison for laundering of money from drug trafficking. At that time the concern for my boyfriend disappeared and became a sense of fear spiced with impotence, feel are going to be swallowed up in life and cannot do anything about, just stay there standing, paralyzed from the podium, while i felt as if a sword have been through my chest, I felt that I was dying in life. I don't know who fainted first, my mother or me. I just know that upon awakening, it going on the back of a patrol, heading to a prison that had the name of a private corporation in the door.

Once inside, i was no longer a furry person, I was just a bag of flesh. They robbed of my Executive type clothes, forced me to get wet under a shower of cold water front view of male guards. After that wear an ugly Orange overalls dress, make a parade against all these cells, where the women there, animals larger than me, was yelling me expletives; at that moment I knew that my life in prison, it would be a hell.

During my first month I lived with heavy loss pain over my heart, loss of my freedom and my dreams. With only 22 years of age and a bright future, I am obliged to live here until the 52 birthday, I wanted to sleep and never wake up, to stop crying every day, to stop living in fear of abuse when I goes out to the yard, it was already enough with my cell mates, who was obligating me to clean them the mess every day.

As you can have guessed, also I was afraid by my colleagues, even i could not sleep. Those partners of whom I am speaking are Rhonda and Kayla, couple intimate then. Another reason why i could not sleep was when they had sex in the cell. However I must say have them as roommates, it wasn't all bad, they both did afforded me them protection, especially Kayla, against the other girls and sometimes, by the guards, infamous for choosing once girl at month, some of the most beautiful girls, for rape her in group. "Nobody will harm our waitress," they said.

It is at this point when I must speak of which concerns us, my first sexual experience, outside alcove, out of what is socially accepted, according to your words. My first rape did not occur by guards, took place by hand, or I should say vagina of Kayla and Rhonda force. One of those nights when Kayla was playing below her pants, I was finishing cleaning, and Rhonda was lying in her cot, reading a magazine, it all started when I hear the groan of Kayla said:

- "Come on honey, I'm so hot..."

But Rhonda responded:

- "Go and fuck yourself!, I'm tired."

Is when Kayla told me:

- "Hey, Jasmine, come, come and give me some licks, after all, you're a cat."

- "But... but I am not lesbian"

- "i was not asking you, better come here, believe me, you don't want to me go toward you"

I could forget they was giving me protection, if I lose them protection, then I would be raped by the guards, I found myself paralyzed at a crossroads

- "What are you waiting for?"

Kayla made me wake up, and without think walked towards me while she was removing her pants, I don't know if it was fear or lust, but few seconds later I was kneeling front her wet and odorous pussy, felt sick to see a damp pussy of another woman, closed my eyes to remove the image, but was useless because I could feel its smell. As much as it is, I could not lick it, it was unpleasant to me, but the strong hands of Rhonda grabbed my head to push my snout against the vagina of Kayla, I felt like my nose was introduced while her juices prevented my breath, try to get out but my arms weren't strong enough.

After a while, these hands did released me, dropping off my buttocks against the floor, i was coughing trying to breathe, while above me, Rhonda was delight with my suffering, however for her that was not enough.

-"Oh my little kitty come here with MOM!"

She said round while I went back to be grabbed from my head with the purpose to push me again, but this time slowly, against odorous and wet Kayla Cone, I didn't, and I was trying to shake my head, but it was useless, only open my eyes to see Kayla, while she was looking at me, panting in pleasure and telling:

- "Go girl, don't be shy, did you never played with your friends?"

I resisted, pursing and growling while tears they soaked my cheeks, but not as much as Kayla cone damped my snout.

- "Come on, I want to feel that tongue"

Rhonda started twisting my arm with one hand and while using the other to push my head, I had no choice but to start to lick, taste was not the most unpleasant, was the fact of having obliged to devalue me, i was testing the taste of humiliation.

However, I must confess that was much better than being raped by a bunch of men, anyway, back to the case, Rhonda was not at all satisfied with she was witnessing, so did not occur better idea that boot me pants, pulling up to break the fabric, while it pressed against my crotch. I yelled by pain, I could feel fabric insert it between my pussy lips, also I was trying to cover me, but Kayla took my hands to pull me back her crotch while Rhonda forced me to lift my butt by feel the Rhonda snout exploring my pussy.

I was crying, but that was my broken pride, however won't lie you, a part of me enjoyed that huge dog tongue thrusting inside me. To scour my butt so skillful way from my vagina to the bottom of my tail, and not to mention when I found that I moistened, feel that tongue inside me made me scream a muffled groan of pleasure , at the same time that I felt miserable. Two opposite feelings mixed in my mind and heart, it was a strange feeling, it was uncomfortable but exciting, it is like eating spicy that makes you cry but make you enjoy the food. The difference in this case, the "spicy" forced me to take her. A sore pride hurts more.

Then I was there licking the pussy of Kayla, the initial feeling of disgust had been overcome, my tongue was introduced deep in Kayla, making her moan, such as Rhonda with me making me moans while I was drowned in the juices of Kayla. Meanwhile I was feeling her long tongue exploring my interior, perhaps by the pleasure gave by Rhonda and the caress of the hands of Kayla over my hair, I was feeling even for a second, that i was being included in her group; which was not now a point and apart, was part of her herd, that gave me some peace and quiet, despite the fact that technically I was been rape, however that feeling no lasted beyond that same night.

After the oral pleasure, we shared a muzzle kiss between the three, as I told you; I was feeling included and YOLO, why not? However I've pushed without warning to lean over the cot, even without knowing what happened, Rhonda pose above the mouth and Kaila above my crotch, rubbing her pussy against mine while she grabbed my thigh against her chest, did not resistance because I thought that we were doing another position as team, then while I was licking the Rhonda's pussy, which I did with without hesitation, but I never expect the stream of urine from Rhonda that was introduced directly into my throat, that was too disgusting by me and I tried to push off Rhonda over me, but she pressed all her weight against me, I couldn't avoid swallow a little, in that moment I wanted to resist, kicking to Kayla, but i couldn't move me by the weight of these two big females over me. The truth, I felt humiliated than before, because I knew that Rhonda did that's with only purpose of humiliating me, remind me that I will never be part of them group, that I just was them pet.

- "Kayla, why not are doing pee?"

Rhonda asked Kayla just before feeling the Kaila effluents, wet my lower abdomen. When I stopped fighting, Rhonda began to laugh loudly.

- "You are a dirty whore, nor bother you to clean you"

When finally the both women leave me, I was there, just sitting in the corner, making me ball, to weep, I felt dirty, I was naked with my proud broken as my clothes

- "shut up, or I'm going to hit your belly!"

Says Rhonda tired by my cry, while she was there lying down next to Kayla embracing her. Kayla just look away from my while I had to cry silently, covering my face, while my tears fell down my cheeks until falling asleep.

The next morning I wake up sitting at the same corner, however with the t-shirt of Kaila covering me. In these times I not explained why Kayla did this, I only use it for cover my body and go to the baths. Once there, Kaila was already there, while Rhonda was outside in the playground gym. When I got there, the other women began to see me and doing gestures of displeasure while I was covering my chest with my arms, trying to not cry, however the sex and urine odors are calling them attention while them was yelling me:

-"Oh, look there, is the small baby weeping."

-"Ha, it is only a weeping whore!"

-"To that you smell? Whore"

-"I want a piece of that kitty, someone told me that it is good to eat vaginas"

Suddenly, the girls in the bathroom are grabbing me from my hair to force me to lick their pussy, or use me as piss bucket. The guards from the upper catwalk, was seeing everything, but they didn't do anything, they just watched while I was screaming for help, during my struggle i saw Rhonda approaching through the door, but instead of helping me she was there watching and smiling. However it was sudden released, while I was over the floor I could hear the roaring and the cry of pain of the girl, even saw the water onto the bathroom floor turned in red, like the snout of Kayla who had bitten with her powerful JAWS to one of the girls who writhed in pain on the floor, the others girls walked away leaving us three alone at the Center of the baths. Suddenly someone yells:

- "Catch Her!"

And the fight in bath started, Kayla was beating several on her snout but she is very strong, and fought back against them while i ran to a corner to protect me, until the guards acted, coming with their batons and gas masks, because the first thing they did was shoot tear gas inside the bathrooms. That is the most horrible thing to experience, I felt that I could not see or breathe, I dragged to find the exit, where I was captured by the guards who used unnecessary force for undergo to me, when i was already on the floor.

After the bout, the guards kept us in solitary confinement, I had lost the T-shirt of Kayla, i was naked there and this place was smelling bad, and as if that weren't bad enough, handcuffed behind my back. I don't know how many hours passed, but I was numb, until a guard came and made me walk to the administration offices.

That was the most humiliate experience, the prison was administered by a private company, after pass the security zone, the guards made me enter inside an similar office like the one where I worked, a place with confortable accommodation, staff with formal wear, working in cubicles, but everybody, even the woman gave me the most cruel indifference while I was walking through them offices; all they saw me parading naked, together this deadpan guard, none of them did or said anything, only to continue working as if the most normal thing in the world was happening before them. I felt like an animal, no one of these people saw straight my eyes, while I was walking toward the office of the Director.

In a corporate prison, the Director has more power than the warden, who was a fictional figure in this prison. The Director took care of everything. Then just before entering his office, I saw Kayla exit, with wound and also naked heading to another door, then the guards made me enter to a very elegant office which contrast with the same prison and even the General Office outside. The guards made me sit on a solitary Chair before the large desk, behind this desk was a small and slim dog with large ears, who not did anything when I was before him, even see my eyes; he just was there cleaning his huge glasses, with almost perfectionist mode. The dog made me waits there sitting without told me nothing, or see, at least my naked body until I say:

- "Good afternoon"

- "Shut up, I did not told you that you have permission to speak, be quiet".

Type not even let me just talk about continued cleaning his glasses, using exotic products for cleaning and polishing of crystals.

- "Excuse me, but..."

Then, the dog hit the table with force, his expression of anger, his deep eyes and cold glance, caused me a shivering, it felt like he could scrutinize my soul with his eyes.

- "Silence, awaits until I tell you that you can speak"

His pedantic attitude made me got angry, and as the straw that shed the vessel, this time neither fear can't prevent that my fury was appeased, and replied:

- "Hear to me... I have rights, although I'm a prisoner, you cannot let the guards go doing abusing the girls, or allowing the abuse of other prisoners to us...

He fastened it motioned the guard behind me, and he punched me in the stomach, I fell to the ground trying to get air, then I was lifted by the guard over the chair with his hands, I arched my body as i wept again while the Director says:

- "Well, as you didn't want to shut up, I'll tell why I've call for you, truthful in this institution are trying to make the criminals become in people who can be productive for the society, so we have this program of talent, and of course, one of the girls who I have already assigned a new job, she have been said to me that you have "hidden talents".

I did not understand what was referring, even tried to get air,

- "You are here to make a choice about your life, on this side, you have 30 years in this prison and the likelihood of being raped, on the other hand you can participate in our program, and achieve a significant reduction of your sentence, only five years, of course, that the offer expires, in five minutes."

- "and... tell me... what would my work..."

- "I thought that you would never ask, you will be a sleek, Lady-in-waiting."

- "WHAT?, I will never be prostitute, I have a college title, a career"

- "Look little kitty, I already told you my offer, nobody cares your damn career, there are already four minutes"

- "This must be illegal, you are the real criminals"

- "Three minutes"

- "By... Please... must be something more"

- "Two minutes"

Then I understood that this could be my only chance to escape, get out of this prison is virtually impossible, but escape from a night club, it should be much easier.

- "Okay, okay... I do accept!"

- "Just in time my dear, time is money and you already made me lose much, please, go out from here, now you have a new job.

The director called to someone from his speaker, Then, from the main door is entering a woman, I thought she would be a Secretary or a female guard, but never thought that the "beloved" was nothing more and nothing less than Rhonda

- "Hello stupid kitty"

I was pulling out the chair, by Rhonda who was grabbing me from my hands behind my back, I yelled by pain while the Director acted indifferent to seeing some papers

- "We are going to take a little walk"

Then while I was walking toward the garage of the administrative area, in the middle way Rhonda tells me

- "You think that you avoid being raped, so let me tell you, you're wrong"

Rhonda laughs out loud, when of a sudden, just before arrived to the parking area, I saw something that still makes me bristle hairs when I remember, Kayla was being tortured in a room, where it was tied from her hands and feet, so that their weight was supported directly on her vagina, over a kind of v-edged wooden stool while from her breasts was hanging bags of water, tied to her nipples piercing, Kayla was crying and screaming in pain, her cheeks were soaked of tears, while a guard was laughing by being introducing his dick through her ass. I keep terrified, thought that something you would touch me live, but Rhonda not let me see more, I only take and force got me inside the trunk of a car.

Finally i came out of prison, but locked in a car, while I only could hear some voices in the cockpit of the car, and the engine noise, before falling asleep, in what seemed an endless journey.

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