The Epilogue: 19 years later

By hellbornbrat

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R/Hr story The gang is back Hermione,Ron,Harry and Ginny face new decisions on the future but what will... More

Chapter 1: Beginnings
Chapter 2: That's a nice twist
Chapter 3: Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 4: The Plan
Chapter 5: Planing the Wedding
Chapter 6: Pinch me I must be dreaming
Chapter 7: Announcements
Chapter 8: Problem and Solution
Chapter 9: something bothering you?
Chapter 10: I have to tell you something....
Chapter 11: Wedding Bells
Chapter 12: Bloody Hell!
Chapter 13: 3 Words 8 Letters 1 Beautiful meaning
Chapter 14: Homecoming
Chapter 15: An Enchanted Miracle part 1
Chapter 16: An Enchanted Miracle part 2
Chapter 17: History Repeats Itself
Chapter 18: Fighting or Fleeting?
Chapter 19: Grocery Store
Chapter 20: Waiting...Waiting....Waiting....
Chapter 21: Positive or Negative?
Chapter 22: Muggle London
Chapter 23: Where to start?
Chapter 24: Hannah Abbott
Chapter 25: Katie Bell
Chapter 26: Susan Bones & A day off
Chapter 27: What did you get yourselves into?
Chapter 29: Cho Chang
Chapter 30: Michael Corner & Dean Thomas
Chapter 31: The Wrath of a Weasley
Chapter 32: Alicia Spinnet part 1
Chapter 33: Alicia Spinnet part 2
Chapter 34: Luna Lovegood
Chapter 35: Fast Approaching
Chapter 36: Finale
Chapter 37: Breathe
Chapter 38

Chapter 28: Lavender Brown

1.4K 20 13
By hellbornbrat

Hermione got up from a long night and went into the small kitchen to prepare breakfast for the long day ahead of them. She looked around the kitchen and quickly decided on making eggs. She bewitched the spatula and sat down with the daily prophet that Mr.Weasley sent over this morning the headline read: 2 Wizards Killed in tragic "accident"? for full story turn to page 4 Hermione sighed and thought here it goes again; she quickly turned to page 4 and read the article

Yesterday at 10:37 pm William and Victoria Gatehound were killed by a terrible fire. The Muggle police (like Auror's) have no explanation as to how it started. But was this really an accident? William and Victoria were ministry workers that worked in the auror apartment and helped capture many known Death Eaters from this years past war. Auror's are now checking the premise for any evidence of magic. 

"It would have been easy to cast incendio and made it look like a tragic accident. This was starting out like the other two times there was a war coming on, Hopefully we will be able to stop this uprising before it would become an out right war." Hermione thought. There were sounds of foot steps coming down the stairs, she whipped her head around and saw Harry coming down.

"Hello Harry." Hermione said sipping her coffee

"Hey Hermione." He said grabbing a plate and putting some eggs on it. "Thanks for the eggs."

"Oh Your welcome Look at the prophet Mr.Weasley sent over today." She said while pushing it towrds him. Harry took it and frowned at the front page then opened it to page 4.

"You'd think they might do something more original." Harry smiled

"You'd think" Hermione laughed

"Well at least this time it won't turn into a fulll blown war."


"I haven't talked to you alone in forever 'Mione. How are you? How's the baby?"

"I'm great really and so is the baby. Me and Ron are going to a muggle doctor to find out what gender the baby is after all this is over."

"That's Awesome Hermione really thats fantastic"

"Yeah i know we're really excited." Hermione said smiling

"I can't wait after this me and Ginny are going to move in here and clean it up. Then we'll really start our lives." Harry said proudly and Hermione couldn't help but smile. 

"Hey 'mione." Ron said grogily

"Hello Ron." 

"Thanks for the eggs." He said giving her a kiss on the cheek

"Oh your welcome. Well i'm going to get ready we need to leave by 10 if we want to be at Lavender's shop by 10:45." She sighed while getting up

"Uggg. Do we have to?" Ron grumbled

"Yes Ronald you have to what are you 5?"

"Bloody hell this going to be a rough day." 

"Ron language!."

"Sorry Hermione." He sighed in defeat. Hermione Dashed upstairs and into the shower scrubing all of the dirt off of her. She let the warm water run down her whole body in hopes of relieving some of her stress.  It's going to be a long day she just knew it already with ron's attitude they'll bound be fighting all day.

Hermione turned of the water, wrapped her towel around her, and steped out of the shower then walked into their room to pick out a muggle outfit. Deciding to put on a red top with black jeans she went back down stairs to see the boys in the same position they were in when she left them with the addition of ginny now sitting next to Harry.

"Are all you going to get changed at some point?" she said standing with one hand on her hip

"Hermione it's only 9:50 it only takes 5 minutes to change we're not getting there until 10:30." Ron stated 

"Yeah but we have use to muggle transportation we can't disaperating into muggle london."

"Oh yeah! i forgot about that damn i better get changed!" Ginny said while going to her room.

"we should probably get changed to mate."

"Good idea Harry." 10 minutes later they were all heading out the door to the subway right on time thanks to Hermione. 

"What are we using to get to muggle london 'mione?" Ron asked

"We'll be using the subway. They're kind of like trains underground."

"How is that even possible?"

"They go through tunnels underground."

"Awesome!" Ron exclaimed. Hermione went to get their tickets and returned with 4 tickets for 10:20.

"How are you feeling today Hermione?" Asked ginny

"Much better than i have the past few days, not as nauseas how have you been? How are your bruises?" 

"They're Fading to yellowish green they don't really hurt unless you touch them." She winced as she accidently brushed one

"That's good they'll be gone by tomorrow."

"Good i'm already sick of them. How muggles stand them for so long beats me." Ginny said while they both laughed. They all boarded the subway for the 10 minute ride. As she looked out the window into the darkness with an occasional light hermione felt a hand clenching on her shoulder, Ron's hand. He was clenching his jaw so hard she thought his teeth were going to brake off.

"Relax, nothing's going to happen just take a deep breath."

Ron chuckled "Easy for you to say your use to these things." 

"Trust me in 7 minutes you'll be off it and on the ground again." Hermione said brushing back some of his hair behind his ear. 

"Hopefully." He mumbled. The rest of the train ride went smoothly with some whimpering from Ron. They all steped off the train and made their way into London. As they passed all sorts of colorful shops seeling silly trinkets one tiny place seemed to jump out it was Lavander & Parvati's fortune telling botique.

"Very original name." Ron snickered

"Yes must of took them ages." Added Ginny. They went through the door and what seemed to be a small little both turned out to be a very large shop. The walls were decorated with pinks and purples with an occasional flower. 

"Is that Ronald I see?" Lavender yelled making them all jump. Hermione instantly grabbed Ron's arm and Ron cringed into Hermione.

"Errr...Hi Lavender." Ron said awkwardly 

"What are you guys doing here? this is such a good surprise parvati come see whos just come in!" She yelled to the back of the store. Parvati Looked out of the shelf she was stalking and came runnign over to them.

"Harry! what are you guys doing here?"

"Well it's not for a good occasion sorry but the Death Eaters are planning on starting another war so we've been asking all the D.A. members if they'd come and help us stop it before it gets out of hand."

"Oh my goodness that's awful!" Parvati said with Lavender nodding in agreement.

"Dreadful if that happened! We'd all fall apart again, Count me in!" Lavender said 

"Me too." Parvati added

"Great we're meeting october 3rd at the weasley's and we'll go from there." Lavender and Parvati both nodded 

"Oh and parvati can you tell Pansy?" Hermione asked

"Yes of course." She smiled

"Thank you both for helping us." 

"No problem Harry." Lavender grinned 

"Well we better get going then." Ginny observed

"Alright we'll see you october 3rd then bye." Lavender and Pavarti waved as the four walked out the door and back towards the subway.

"Well that went better than i thought it would." Ron let out a breath he'd been holding in.

"Yeah surprisingly." Hermione stated. They ended up getting home at 12 which was earlier than they  had excpected. 

"What do you all want to do for the rest of the day?" Hermione asked. They all looked at one another and shrugged.

" I don't know." They answered

"Well i'm going to the library. Do you want come Ron?"

"Hmm? Oh uh sure." Ron and Hermione got up and made their way to the library trying to be as             quiet as possible which failed miserably.

"Ron at least try not to wake up Mrs.Black!" She whisper scolded him

"Sorry 'Mione but it's not my fault this house a billion years old." He replied smiling as they finally reached the library. They made thier way to the counch and sat down. Hermione began to read her book while ron stroked her hair when suddenly a loud bang sounded in the room.

"Hello?" Ron yelled out "Harry? Ginny? This isn't Funny." No one answered Ron looked around the side of the book case and saw a tall shadow then jumed back. "Oh great" he muttered...


Hello!!!! I am SOOOOOOOO sorry i didn't upload i know it's been like two months (Bad Author) and i'm not going to make any excuses. Soo like it? hate it? i really don't know about this chapter i'm going to edit it later but i just wanted to upload because i felt so bad.

I'm trying to get a beta but it's not going to well so i guess you'll have to deal with bad grammar and spelling sorry. Please Comment, Vote, or Fan it would be most appreciated =)


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