Drowning In River (BoyXBoy)

By vannie1357

2.5K 112 26

Somewhere within the ocean of labels and stereotypes at Lincoln High is a very awkward, very invisible, and v... More

1: Fighting with the Current
2: You Need Trouble
3: Let it Out
4: Sporks and Lazy People Heaven
5: His Sister, My Secret
6: Heroine Addict with a Thirst For Blood
7: Peanut Butterflies
8: Would You Rather
9: Two Days and I'm Drowning
Reality Check: The Reason For My Writing (Author's Note)
10: Brotherly Love
11: Hallway Track
12: Drunken Haze
13: This Is Our Family
14: Who Else Knows?
15: Kissing Wounds
16: So Carter
17: For Now
19: Deteriorate
20. Walking Away
21: Runaway
22: The River Inside Me

18: That's My Best Friend

78 5 1
By vannie1357

I take a deep breath as my eyes open slowly, I take a look around my bedroom. My bedroom. In my house. I look at the clock, it's twenty minutes until five. School is over now. I remember what happened. I remember being punched. I remember seeing the red letters on my locker. I remember the stares. I remember crying and falling asleep on the hallway floor in River's arms. River. Where is he?

"Hey sleepy head." I hear Taylor's voice from somewhere around my room. I turn my head and she is standing by the door with a jar of peanut butter and a spoon. I sit up and grimace, lifting up my shirt and looking down at the bruises.

"Ouchy." She says before handing me the jar and looking down at my stomach. "Damn Carter."

"Damn is right." Is all I can say before taking the peanut butter from her grasp. I take a bite and groan, looking down into the jar and the light brown creamy goodness. "How did my life turn into some cliche high school story?" Taylor just shrugs her thin shoulders before crawling in bed beside me.

"To much Degrassi?" She jokes, attempting to lighten the mood. I glare at her, taking another spoon full of peanut butter into my mouth. She just shrugs again and pulls her blonde locks up into a high bun to mute the awkwardness.

"Where is River?" I ask, swallowing the thick substance. She looks around the room, playing with her hands and ignoring my question. "Where is River?" I repeat myself. She sighs.

"He may or may not have went looking for Jakob after I got here. He looks really good by the way. He reminds me of Eli..."

"Shut up." I hiss, grabbing my phone and attempting to call him. No answer. I try again. No answer. Third time. Nothing. I groan, sticking the spoon in my mouth once again as I stand up and pull my shoes on. Taylor stands up as well.

"I was told to not let you leave the house." She states, determined. "I even have permission to tie you up and gag you."

"Good luck with that." The annoyance is clear in my voice, but that does not stop her tiny frame from attacking my body. "Taylor, I'm only going to ask you once to please remove yourself from me. You are my best friend and I would truly hate to have to hurt you. The guilt would be mortifying, but in this moment, I can most definitely take the guilt."

"Never!!!" She yells, making me groan again. I carry her down the stairs on my back while she attempts to punch at me, and once I reach the living room I force her off me and onto the couch. I walk to the kitchen and grab the car keys, walking back only to be ambushed by my best friend.

She wraps herself around me, growling like animal, because that is Taylor. Over-dramatic. I groan in frustration and decide to do the only thing I can do.

I tickle her.

"No! No no no! Carter!" She laughs and screams, trying to wiggle away from me, but I keep going. Working my fingers at her sides as she attempts to swat me away. We are both laughing by now, and I have her hunched in the corner as she tries her best to escape my torturous grasp. She heaves, laughs, screams, laughs, heaves, kicks, swats, hits, heaves, laughs, and so on. "Carter! Please!" And I finally stop, both of us out of breath, and for a split second I forget what I was going to do. Then I remember the keys in my pocket, and River. I need to find him.

I turn to walk out the door, hearing my best friend speak breathlessly. "If.. He... Asks.... You t-tortured me in-into caving." I smirk as I shut the door. I love my best friend, I really do. But, dear god, she is a handful at times. I shake my head, climbing into my mom's old dirty Kia, and driving of to find my... Uh? Boyfriend? I don't even know.

Little did I know, that me leaving my best friend in my house alone, would be the biggest, most haunting, mistake of my life.

Hey you guys! Yeah yeah, I know. Where have I been? Was I dead? Did a fairy god mother bring me back to life? Haha, yeah no. Let's just say, it's been a bit insane lately. I pretty much had my heart ripped out my chest, which was fantabulous as always. And I found out I'm failing Algebra! Isn't that exceptional? Anywho, this is a short chapter, and for that I am sorry, but at least I updated. Oh and Happy thanksgiving you guys! I am very thankful for all of you! And I'd be so very thankful if you, you know, left me some comments? Maybe a vote?

Yeah I'm just a very bitter and lonely human being. But I love you darklings so very very much! XOXO.

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