Leave Me Alone { n.s. }

By coffeestainss

34.3K 915 91

Nathan Sykes. He's just your average student at White Chapel High, right? Wrong! Thing is, he's a bloodsuckin... More

Chapter 1 - The New Guy
Chapter 2 - Detention
Chapter 3 - I'm Max, By The Way
Chapter 4 - Friendship Is In Order
Chapter 5 - Anything Is Possible
Chapter 6 - What Are You Doing Here?
Chapter 7 - You Don't Even Know Him
Chapter 8 - Carnival
Chapter 9 - Different
Chapter 10 - The Incident
Chapter 11 - Matchmakers
Chapter 12 - Surprise
Chapter 13 - Soulmate?
Chapter 15 - Lovely
Chapter 16 - Winter Dance
Chapter 17 - Can I Trust You?
Chapter 18 - Will You...
Chapter 19 - Demons In My Head
Chapter 20 - Siva The Diva
Chapter 21 - Two Nathans?
Chapter 22 - Dress Shopping
Chapter 23 - Is He Hiding Something?
Chapter 24 - I Have Something To Tell You
Chapter 25 - I Am a Vampire
Chapter 26 - Panic Attack
Chapter 27 - Blood For The First Time
Chapter 28 - Selfish
Chapter 29 - Nothing To Me
Chapter 30 - Resist
Chapter 31 - Arguments
Chapter 32 - Control
Chapter 33 - Something Isn't Right
Chapter 34 - He's Back

Chapter 14 - Sick Day

967 22 1
By coffeestainss

Skye's POV

I woke up and my head was killing me. I could feel my brain pounding in my head. So was my chest. I felt really warm and I wasn't even under covers or anything.

I tried to swallow. 

Big mistake.

My throat felt like dry sandpaper with salt caked on it.

I checked the time, and it was almost 11. I sat up and looked out the window. Was I asleep for that long?

I coughed. I feel so sick to my stomach. I went to sleep feeling fine and I wake up feeling like shit.

"Mum?" I tried to call her. My voice was extra hoarse from just waking up. Barely any sound came out.

I could hear her footsteps as she walked to my room. "Yeah?"

"I feel sick." I said.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Headache, stomachache, sore throat, i'm warm, and I can barely talk."

"If you wake up tomorrow and you feel too weak, then you don't have to go to school. But if you feel good enough to go, then I want you to go. Take some medicine, have a cup of tea, and lay down. And if you still feel like crap tomorrow, then you don't have to go."

I nodded. "Can you fix me a cup of tea?"

"Sure thing." She smiled and disappeared.

I flipped over and looked at my phone. I had no messages or notifications. 

Mum appeared back in my room with a steaming cuppa. "Thanks." I said as I took it. I turned on the tv to see what was on.

"You're welcome." She said and left my room after that. 

I downed the cuppa in minutes. I loved the sensation as the flavour of the hot liquid slowly woke me up.

I slowly sat up and went to the bathroom to take some medicine. I took a couple of pills and crawled back into bed.

I was barely able to keep my eyes open to watch the TV that I soon found myself dozing off.


The next morning...

Skye's POV

I woke up this morning feeling worse than last night. I can barely break my eyes open.

I went to the bathroom to take my temperature. 

I waited some minutes and when it came, it was 103.5.

"I'm not going anywhere today." I muttered to myself as I walked back into bed. 

I wonder what everyone's gonna do when they find i'm not there.

I've never really missed a day of school before. I've gone home early, sure. But I've always been at school at some point in the day.

"Mum?" I called to see if she was still here or if she went to work already.

"Yes sweetie?" She came in my room.

"I can't go to school." I said and coughed.

"It's that bad?"


"What was the temperature?"

I showed it to her and her eyes widened a bit.

"Okay, you don't have to go. Stay in bed and rest today." She said. She came in and kissed me on the forehead before leaving for work.

I looked at my phone, and I had no new messages.

I guess I don't have to go to school today. 


Nathan's POV

When school started, Skye wasn't there. Where could she be? I thought.

"Hey. Do you know where Skye is?" I asked her friend Jay.

"No..I haven't seen her." He looked confused himself.

I nodded and left him alone after that.

I decided to text her and see where she was at. Yes, I know I shouldn't be texting during class but this is important, and i've mastered the skill of texting without the teacher noticing or getting suspicious.

It's actually pretty easy.

I began texting.

Me - Skye where are you?

Skye - Shouldn't you be in school..?

Me - I am

Skye - Then why are you texting me! You'll get caught you know

Me - Skye. I've mastered the art of texting during class. You've seen me do it. I'm pretty sure I won't get caught

Skye - Looks who's the expert at texting.

Me - I try, I try

Skye - Oh hush

Me - Why aren't you at school

Skye - I'm sick :(

Me - Oh you're sick? You should've told me! I could've came to take care of you

Skye - That's  reallysweet..but I wouldn't want you risking it and getting sick and missing school just for me

Me - Nonsense! I don't care if I got sick or not, long as you're okay

Skye - Thanks..but I don't know if i'm coming tomorrow.

Me - I can miss school to help you

Skye - You don't have to do that

Me - I want to

Skye - Only if you insist

Me - Do you want me to come after school today?

Skye - I guess, if you want.

Me - Okay..well get some rest. I'll see you later. xx

I put my phone back in my pocket and continued to work. 

Today is going to go by super slow.


Skye's POV

I found it surprising, hilarious even, that Nathan was texting me during 1st period. 

It was really sweet of him to offer to help me while I was sick. He's willing to miss school to help me.

He's such a sweet person. I'm surprised that he doesn't have a girlfriend. His personality alone is just amazing. He's the kind of person you could snuggle up with on a winter days and watch films all day long with.

I just wish that I could my feelings in order about him. I think I like him..then I'm not sure..it's all too confusing!

Something in my mind is telling me to not fall for him, that there's something dark to him...but at the same time, there's just this pull. A pull he has on me.

And i'm not sure I want to resist.


I was still sitting at home with nothing to do. My day basically consisted of listening to music, throwing up, watching tv, taking medicine and sleeping.

I soon heard the doorbell ring. I almost didn't want to get out of bed to go see who was there.

But, whoever was ringing the doorbell wouldn't quit, and after about the fifth ring, I decided to drag myself out of bed to go see who it was. I made my face look decent before walking down there.

When I opened the door, I was greeted by Nathan. "Hey." He smiled.

"Hi." I mustered up a smile as well.

"Told you I would come." He stepped in.

"Thank you." I whispered. 

"You look a total mess!" He looked surprised.

"I told you that I was sick." I said and coughed.

"You said you were sick. You didn't say that you had the plague." He laughed.

I gave him a serious look. "Sorry." He said quickly.

I rolled my eyes playfully. I walked up the stairs with him following.

When we made it into my room, I laid down and Nathan laid beside me.

"What made you want to come?" I asked.

"I don't really know. I felt like you needed help while you were ill so I offered." He replied.

"You really don't have to do this." I said for probably the millionth time.

"And you should just let me take of you." He gave me a look.

"Alright, alright I won't protest." I laughed.

"Good." He replied.

But soon, I could feel something coming up in my throat.

I instantly knew what that meant as I shot out of bed and into the bathroom. I could hear Nathan following me.

I was holding the toilet with my hands. I was just waiting for it to come up.

"Are you about to throw up?" He asked, kneeling behind me.

I nodded. The next thing I knew, so many things were coming up and I couldn't control it.

Nathan's POV

I held Skye's hair back as she was throwing up.

"Take your time.." I whispered to her.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this." She paused to say.

"No worries." I replied softly.

If she was going to be throwing up, the least I could do is help her. I'm not gonna sit here and watch her suffer.

I let her get everything out and soon she stood back up. She wiped her mouth and we crawled back into bed.

"I'm sorry." She repeated.

"For what?" I asked.

"For you seeing me like this."

"Please, I've seen sicker." I waved it away. The truth was, I really had seen worse things. I mean, come on. I'm 119 for crying out loud. I've seen some nasty things in my days. A little puking doesn't faze me.

If while I take care of her, she pukes a little, then so be it. Who's gonna get squeamish over something so little like that?

Okay, I shouldn't say that. Some people have weak stomachs.

But my point is, i'd do anything and i'd endure anything help her. No matter what.



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