The Frosted Fire Alchemist

By FantasyNinja26

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Athena's life was never perfect. It wasn't the life you wanted. It consisted of a Father losing his mind, a M... More

The Frosted Fire Alchemist
Train Disaster!
Big Sister
Rain of Sorrows
Road of Hope
Hidden Truths
5th Laboratory
Created Feelings
Separate Destinations
Miracle at Rush Valley
One is all, All is one
Beast of Dublith
Those who Lurk Underground
Envoy from the East
Savior Flavored Kiss
Footsteps of a Comrade-in-arms
Cold Flame
The Arrogant Palm of a Small Human
Death of the Undying
Father Before the Grave
Advance of the Fool
Backs in the Distance
Girls on the Battlefield
Inside the Belly
Doorway to Darkness
The Tragedy's Tale
Struggle of the Fool
Ishvalan War of Extermination
520 Cens Promise
The Fuhrer's Son
Northern Wall of Briggs
Ice Queen
The Shape of this Country
Family Portrait
The First Homunculus
Conflict at Baschool
Homunculus (Dwarf in a Flask)
The Abyss
Signs of Counteroffensive
Bite of the Ant
Revving at Full Throttle
The Promised Day
Looming Shadows
Emissary of Darkness
Oath in the Tunnel
Filial Affection
Lost in you
Halloween Insanity
Upheaval in Central
The Immortal Legion
Combined Strength
Flame of Vengeance
Beyond the Inferno
The Adult's Way of Life
The Return of the Fuhrer
Eternal Leave
Lost Light
He Would Swallow God
A Fierce Counterattack
The Other Side of the Gateway
Journey's End
Sneak Peek

Eyeway of Heaven, Gateway to Earth

436 10 0
By FantasyNinja26

This Chapter is dedicated to my friend Sarah Dream and Jenna.

Thank you for your amazing ideas and helping me find my new found goals.

Oh and thanks for making Hate/Red! Such a fun character! :)

More shoutouts to come!

Rain SID

Chapter 60- Eyeway of Heaven, Gateway to Earth

Radio Capital


Two soldiers from Central Forces were walking forward to the doors while holding shields. Behind them was Brosh. Rebecca stood at the glass doors holding her gun up just in case anything happened. As this happened Ross and Fuery ran over to see what was going on with them. “They said they wanted to negotiate.” Rebecca stated before turning back to the scene.

A soldier waved his hand to call out to them. “It’s just one man! He’s unarmed and he’s coming now!” He called out.

The call made Brosh step out with his hands over his head. He walked over with caution as everyone inside rose their guns. “Keep your hands up! Make one wrong move and we will shoot!” Rebecca called out keeping her gun pointed right at him.

Ross did the same but stopped when she remembered him. Her eyes widen softly and her jaw dropped for a small second. Then she set her hand on Rebecca’s shoulder for comfort. “It’s okay, let him through, I know we can trust him.” She replied. Brosh stepped in with a gulp and then his green eyes met Ross’s blue ones. The woman smiled brightly and waved but Brosh came up with arms wide open engulfing her in a monstrous hug. It had been obvious that he’s been hanging out with Major Armstrong too much.

Athena’s POV

Alright, let’s recap with what has happened when I was knocked out shall we? It turns out that Kaley killed the whole Chimera army on her own, Hohenhiem is in whatever that black thing is, and to top it all off we have the fact that Roy has been forced into Human Transmutation. Yeah, join that club Colonel. Now he has my sympathy. “So, you mean to tell me that you're just going to reject the truth?” The thing questioned.

Okay, I missed this part. This is what happens when I leave it to Kaley to tell me what’s happened and stuff. “Yeah!” Ed called out hiding me behind him. “Listen here! Don’t think that you won just cause you got us all here! We’re not gonna sit back and let you sacrifice us!”

“Your words will do nothing to change your fate!” The thing, which I’m guess is the Father stated.

Izumi was trying to calm Roy down after the turama. I’ve been in that boat, it’s HELL. People crying everywhere you look. Well in his case hearing it. He gets half the package, but I get the whole thing. I don’t know which one is worse. Hearing people wail over you, or seeing it for your own eyes. “Let’s get out of here.” Izumi reassured softly. “Can you stand?”

“No~ None of you will be leaving!” Father sang making all glares on him. “Escaping is futile, you're already deep in my stomach!”

May and Kaley then stepped in front of us and held a determined yet scary look on their faces. I haven’t seen May’s poker face but Kaley’s, it was a stronger poker face than the one she held when she left her mom to live with Smith and me. That day is one I could never forget. They both said bad things to each other that day. I gasped and tried to step forward. “What are you two doing?” I called out only to have Ed and my Father hold me back. Why must these two men do this to me? Ed, I can understand, but my Dad?! He’s the one who’s taught me to not hold people back and be stubborn 24/7. When he says 24/7 he means that. Trust me…

The little girl rose her shoulders while Kaley just sat there and glared her eyes out. “I’ve come a long way to talk to him!” She exclaimed in her high pitched voice. “Envy told me that you were immortal!” My head lowered and my shoulders slouched. Was that girl still dreaming about that!? She should know by now that seeking immortality is like signing a deed to a neverending hell that can’t be escaped even after it’s put down. There was silence in the air but was soon broken by May’s voice again. “So you're NOT denying it?! That’s all I needed to know!”

Kaley pulled out her seed bombs and clawed gloves stained with animal’s blood. Her eyes were fierce and emotionless. “Al, we’ll deal with him.” She snarled lowering her head.

Al jolted in shock with a gasp. “What?! You two can’t fight him on your own! It’s too dangerous!”

“We’ll be fine Al!” Kaley reassured loudly. “He can’t control May’s alkehysrtry! I might be new at it but I can do it as well!”

Al shook his helmet in rejection to the idea. “Even if he toys with our alchemy, you two still shouldn’t fight him! We can help.”

I stepped forward getting out of my Dad’s grasp but staying in Ed’s. “Kaley! Al’s right, you take May and-”

“We’ll be fine!” May yelled interrupting me. Wow, that was rude. “Just keep the smaller homunculus out of my way!”

A small and annoyed scoff escaped from me as I whipped my head over to Pride. Words can never describe how much I hate this little bastard! I mean, come on! He tortured my friend, kidnapped my brother in law, almost chopped off one of my limbs, and scared us all for life when he ate Gluttony! I want him dead. “Well, gee, thanks May, you make it sound SO easy.” I sarcastically remarked glaring at Pride. However I did notice he was holding his cheek. Did something happen to him that’s making this so? But something is in my mind now, how would they force the Colonel and me to open our own portal? Ultimate made sure I was bounded before he could get pulled in, but what about Roy? What happened to him?

Then Roy’s weak voice summoned my attention along with Ed’s. Our heads perked up and we snapped our heads to him. “Before I was deconstructed, he said that it was their last resort and they had no other options.”

I looked down and rubbed my chin thoughtfully. “That must mean it holds a threat to them as well.” I whispered. It almost made me wish that Ultimate got hurt forcing me to go through that. Oh wait, he had his stone ripped out. That hurt. Ha! Take that you bastard!

“Then we might have a shot.” Ed whispered glaring at Pride. It was a stare that he returned emotionless. There was a gaping hole in his cheek which got bigger only by a little. Ed and I remained still for a few seconds before we clapped our hands and set them on the ground. “Well look at that! We can use our alchemy!” Waves of the floor started to rush to Pride but he… Ran away? This was a comforting sight.

Dad, Ed, Al, and I sprinted for him as the child continued to run off. “He’s running off, he didn’t bother to use his shadows!” Al pointed out.

My father just smirked and ran forward quicker. “Now that is a nice sign” He yelled now clapping his hands and throwing his hands up making a mini tornado chase after Pride while destroying anything in it’s path.

Kaley’s POV

Father just stared at chunks of ground flying in the air in annoyance and glared darkly at it. He also sighed and kept his eyes totally off of May and me. Nimrod. “Why must you children ruin my home? Why don’t you behave like proper guests.” He grunted.

He glared at this until a dagger thrown by May hit him right on the side of his head. The blackened creature looked over to us and glared with his multiple eyes on us. This blade sunk into his skin making me shudder mentally. “Enough talk!” May yelled now charging to him. “Now give me your stone!”

I’m gonna stay back on this. Now I’ve been taught to not charge head on. That would just be a way to get yourself, oh I don’t know, killed! Then he threw a dagger that resembled her’s but only bigger. And scarier. That huge blade charged at us making me jump back dodging all the earth that flew towards me. I landed on my feet but May wasn’t so lucky. The thing pointed at us and glared darkly. “I did not request neither of your presences and do not need it! Leave now!”

I scoffed and carved a circle in the ground with my foot. Sammie, thank you for the quick tips on this! I transmuted the circle as May used her Xingese Alchemy to bound him down. She had spikes stab into his arms while I made stone vines that held him down by his feet. Now was my chance! May and I stood up and started to charge on him. I walked on some nearby rubble like a wall and raised my clawed fists ready for attack. Hohenhiem’s head then popped out making me confused for a second but quickly shrugging it off. “No! Young lady! Kaley! He’s not actually trapped!” He warned. However I ignored that and still continued my attack. Believing him or not there was no turning back. My fist connected to his face and May’s foot hit the top of his head. Red sparks appeared and threw us back making me scream in pain and get thrown back. My whole body was pulsing with pain as old wounds and newer ones opened up even deeper than before. The noise that came out of my vocal cords was so loud that my throat already felt the burn. My back then hit the huge blade that Father had made and stayed in there. Tears filled my wide green eyes as even more pain filled within me. Then I heard Al’s voice calling for me and May with Athena and Marcus’s following shortly after.


The eclipse was already starting as the moon was halfway past the sun. The bright blue sky was already getting dark as more work was given. A commander stood in front of a warehouse with a soldier standing in front of him. “What the hell is going on around here?” He questioned in slight annoyance in his voice.

“No idea sir!” The soldier stated. “We still have been unable to contact the Command Center.”

Another soldier appeared with a serious yet panicked expression. “Reporting, sir! The city has been overrun by Ishvalan Terrorists!” He stated in a calm tone. Speak of the devil and he shall come. For there was an Ishvalan standing on the building right over the commander in front of the big door. “They’ve been attacking MP’-” He continued only to be stopped by the Ishvalan jumping behind him and knocking right out.

Two soldiers gasped starting to pull out their guns only to be hit right in the back of the neck by another Ishvalan. “Pardon me.” He sighed now returning to his peaceful position. “We do not have time to explain. We apologize.” Then he signaled two other Ishvalans to appear with one holding a rolled up paper in his hands.

In Some random home

A woman was screaming her head off and holding her child close to her. She was screaming bloody murder because there were two Ishvalans in her home. Thanks. Tears were in her eyes as she helplessly begged for her to remain unharmed. One of the men tried to calm her down quietly. “We’re sorry for the intrusion, we won’t harm you. But we need you to answer this question.”

The Ishvalan next to him pulled out a map and showed her a spot on there with an ‘X’ on it. “Please tell us, is this your home right here?” He asked softly. The woman stopped her blubbering and nodded tearfully.

In a Warehouse

Three Ishvalans stood on the roof of a worn down warehouse now staring at the darkened sky with the eclipsing sun and moon. One of them gasped in shock and took a step backwards. “Whoa… I can’t believe how dark it’s gotten…” He whispered in shock.

“I hope everyone is doing alright out there…” Another sighed with a hopeful tone in his voice as he spoke. “Is this the right place?”

An Ishvalan was standing at a desk with a rolled up paper sitting at the lit up desk surface. “It sure is.” He answered now unrolling the paper to reveal the transmutation circle that Al, Kaley, May, Scar, Winry, Smith, Zampano, Jerso, Yoki, and Marcoh discovered after the flee from Baschool. “Now we just wait…”

“Alright Scar… It’s up to you…”

Sam’s POV

The Fuhrer and Scar were each in a stance with a fearsome stare in their eyes. Even I felt intimidated. But it was nice seeing blood drip from the Fuhrer’s wounds. It was comforting somehow. Oh, it’s comforting because I don’t feel like dying today. Sounds like too much work! “There’s something comforting about facing death like this wouldn’t you agree? It’s all that matters. Nothing seems to exist outside the pure instinct to staying alive. Rank, history, birth, race, sex, the name given to you, it’s all meaningless. This is the only thing that’s real, a fight behalf on my own life and nothing else! I’ve never felt so complete!” The Fuhrer lectured. This was all true. Yeah, I’ve had fights to the death. Not on this level of extreme but I’ve had them so I know where he’s going with that one. “I guess you can say I’ve finally arrived.” There was a silence that filled the air with tensity. Bradley pulled his blades back and started to charge forward to his opponent. He then lunged in the air and raised one blade to attack. Scar jumped out of the way now deconstructing the floor underneath which shot pebbles at the higher ranked man. But he just dodged them as if they were nothing. He then came forward and started to thrust his blade into Scar’s face in hopes of stabbing him. Unfortunately for him Scar was quick and dodged all moves. Bradley then rammed his forehead on Scar’s. “Don’t tell me that’s all you got!” He yelled in his face now kicking him in the stomach. “The only chance you have is to destroy me! Now fight nameless human!” He ordered pointing his blade at Scar. The Ishvalan gritted his teeth and charged straight for him.

He punched the blade’s handle making the Fuhrer stagger backwards. Trying to get another punch on him Bradley swinged his blades and cut into both of Scar’s shoulders. Before Bradley could attack again he then threw up great amounts of blood which gave Scar an upper hand. Scar cut Bradley’s blades in half but that gave Bradley something else. He grabbed the blade and stabbed it right into Scar’s wrist sending them both down to the ground.

My eyes went wide knowing I might have to do something. I raised my hands into a snapping position but finding myself hesitating. But why am I? Oh yeah, I could hit Scar. Now that would suck. Then Bradley let out a battle cry now raising his blade for an attack making me close my eyes only to hear the sounds of transmutations. My eyes opened wide to see spikes right next to Scar and Bradley staggering backwards. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands. Did Scar just…? He transmuted. Not deconstruction, but reconstruction. How? Scar sat up with a smug expression. “You look surprised, I’d even say shocked. I’m still surprised myself.” He stated now removing the blade and his jacket. “It’s against my beliefs and I promised myself I’d never use it.” When I could see his arms I gasped along with Bradley. Both of his arms were covered in alchemical tattoos. “But when I consider what was at stake and what I could do, I relented. I accepted my choice! My brother’s circle of reconstruction! I’ve taken in both hands of alchemy!”

Bradley smirked and scoffed in annoyance. “You humans never give up, I’ll give ya that.”

Athena’s POV

A scream echoed in my ears which made my eyes widen and be taken away from the fight. I saw May and Kaley being flung back by red sparks and tossed aside. May landed safely but Kaley didn’t. She landed on a huge kuani and cut a gash into her back. I gasped and stared at my friend in horror. “Kaley! May!” Al gasped tearing himself from the battle.

“Dad! Al! Go help them!” I called out to the two.

My dad darted his head to me with a smirk on his face. It was funny. I was ordering my father around, looks like roles have changed after all. “We’ve switched haven’t we?” He asked in a sly tone in his voice. “But what about Pride?”

Ed smirked and nodded at me. I returned the smirk and nodded in response. “Don’t worry about him Marcus.” Ed reassured now running over to the brat child with me. “Athena and I can take care of him!”

“Alright, if you say so…” Al sighed.

“A simple, ‘I’ll be okay ‘DAD’, would be fine!” Marcus snorted now running,

I rolled my eyes slightly and threw my next attack at Pride. That man will never be serious even if the situation is life threatening. I guess that’s what I like about my old man. He’s not so uptight all the time. My only hope is that it doesn’t get him in trouble later on. Shadows then started to dart towards us making me dodge or block all the attacks that were coming each and every time for me.

Kaley’s POV

Marcus totally ran past me and helped out May. My shoulders slumped in disappointment until a strong hold picked me up bridal style. I gasped and looked up to see Al. “A-Al?” I managed to stutter out of my mouth. He then started to cooe to me softly and ran forward to block May and Marcus from upcoming bullets that Father had made. Marcus was crouched over holding May while Al was laying down on his side facing us and holding me closer to him.

Athena’s POV

These moves, I could dodge them all day if I wanted to. But I don’t have all day. This also isn’t the time to be so arrogant. He-he… Arrogant, pride. Dumb jokes. I smirked after the shadows stopped coming for Ed and me. “What’s wrong Pride? Your attacks are half ass!” I yelled cocking my head to brush out some of my bangs from my face.

His eyes were still glaring at they narrowed at me. “Try not to get too cocky. You haven’t fulfilled your purpose yet so-”

“So you can’t kill us quite yet!” I reminded running forward and charging for him. “That means that I can still beat you until you're nothing but shadows!”

The attack I was dodged making my eyes widen slightly. Time seemed to slow down as I was passing Pride. “Really, is that your plan?” Pride asked in a low tone. “You and Edward Elric are used to fighting ones who are bigger than you! So you don’t have much experience fighting ones who are smaller than you!”

I then recovered and looked over only to have shadows grab my wrists to hold me down. My eyes went wide until an avalanche of black blade like shadows charged right at me. Cuts crowded around me and one shadow dug into my cheek and another barely cut into my shoulder where the skin met my automail. “Athena!” Ed called out but I could barely hear a signal thing.

Kaley’s POV

Al had finally helped us out again and Marcus healed the wounds quicker than I could say ‘ow’. It was a miracle actually. The armored boy I grew to love transmuted the ground making a circle of pillars charge right at Father. “Well Dad, sorry if I hit you!” He called out apologetically. These had no effect what’s so ever and were only shattered at contact. This bastard is gonna be hard to beat.

Athena’s POV

The shadows then disappeared making me jump back and touch my bleeding right cheek. Ed then ran forward to attack Pride quickly. “Damn brat!” He yelled now grabbing him by his tiny shoulder. “You overlooked one simple fact, Athena and I have always been small we know exactly how a runt is going to win!” With that simple statement Ed rammed his forehead into Pride’s making his whole entire cheek crumble into many pieces.

Kaley’s POV

I had save my seed bombs for the final showdown so I basically carved circles into the ground as quick as I could and activated each and every one. I owe this people so much. All of a sudden a huge arrow appeared and shot right through Father. My eyes widen and I whipped my head to where it came from which was from behind. I saw the black haired woman standing at the handle of a huge crossbow with Roy behind her. A joyous look spread onto my face and I squealed in slight glee of the moment. “His hands free alchemy doesn’t make this a fair fight!” The woman stated now throwing another arrow at him.

This arrow did that same thing and went straight through him. Will this guy just lay down and let us kill him!? And then I noticed a new factor. There was huge purple eye right over him. I gasped at this. “It appears to be time! Hands then went all over the room grabbing Al from me first.

We both gasped as he reached for me as I reached for him. “ALPHONSE!!” I called out as he was yanked away from me. Marcus then grabbed me and pulled me away as I wailed and tried to grab him. Then the black haired woman along with Roy. I whispered to myself and prayed that he wouldn’t take Ed and Athena. Too bad for us but he took them too. There was a huge BAM and a dust cloud appeared along with two yells. Out of the cloud Ed and Athena were yanked out and they were both tied to together. “ED, ATHENA NO!!!” I cried out trying  to get out of Mr.Black’s grasp. They were all placed in a circle which made me go silent quickly.

“I’m done with this.” Father started. “It’s time to put you to work my sacrifices.”


The eclipse was now starting which made the moon cross paths with the sun which made an almost pleasant silver lining. Gracia and Elysia Hughes looked up to the sky while looking through a darkened shade.

Father then gained a happy looked and traveled his head upwards. “It’s finally upon us!” He stated in an excited tone. All of Amestris pounded which made birds fly into the air fleeing from this scene. “This planet of ours, have you ever considered the possibility of it being a life form? Actually, it’s better to think of it as a vas nervous system. One that has obtained it’s memories since it’s first inception, and has witnessed the universe unfold.  Just think of the knowledge such a system would hold! An even better question, how much power would one gain if he opened the system’s gateway. Have you consider that? Think about it!” Ed and Athena gasped in shock now realizing what he gaining from all of this. “Now that I have you gathered, I shall use you to open the planet’s gateway!”

All of Central shook again but two people were sneaking behind him. Hate and Greed. “That’s a good plan daddy!” Hate replied with a smirk in her voice.

Pride gasped in shock while holding the missing part of his face. “Where did they come from?!”

Hate and Greed both struck at their creator with a wide grin on their face. “Hope you don’t mind me using it for myself!” Greed stated with a maddened look on his face. “The world will finally belong to me!”

Ed and Athena stared at this jaw dropped. They glanced at each other and then back to the the two homunculi. “They got him…” The two gasped in unison.

“I was expecting you two to make an appearance.” A voice appeared from the black pool at their feet. Greed and Hate’s eyes widen in shock now staring at the pool underneath them. “I know you two too well, my son and daughter.” Eyes then appeared around them. Hate glared at them with hatred in her eyes. “Did you forget that you were born from my avarice and you were born from my rage? Anything that you two desired or hated I probably wanted them or hated them first.” Greed stared in shock while Hate was ten seconds away from crushing him under her feet. Marcus held Kaley close and made wall where the two could be safe while watching in horror. Ed and Athena stared at the crawling shadows in devastation. The pool then started to move away dragging all the sacrifices along with them. Roy gasped at the sudden movement.

Hate watched Ed, Al, and Athena being dragged off and her eyes went wide in saddened disgust. “Ed! Al! Athena!” She called off. All she wanted to do was help but she didn’t dare to move. “Don’t hurt them!”

The sacrifices were set in the circle again but this Hohenhiem was placed within the circle as well. He coughed from the new return of air. The rest of the pool morphed over to the chair where his usual book and placement was. Hohenhiem glared at him which made a explosion hit the creature dead on. However that did no damage on him. Father just transformed back into the figure of a human and laughed evilly. “The very center of this world is right here!” He stated referring to the circle on his side table with all the pieces on it. Then he slammed his hand onto it making red sparks gush out of the surface of it. He gasped at the power and also mixed in laughter at the end. An eye then appeared in Hohenheim's stomach, then Izumi’s stomach, Roy’s stomach, Al’s chest piece, and finally Ed and Athena’s chest.

A black liquid started to pour out of the hole Scar made engulfing Jerso, Zampano, Darius and Riza first. Then Scar, Bradley, and Sammie. Central Command soon fell under the dark pool, with the streets and homes following not to shortly behind. Screamed echoed in the air as the black thick liquid filled the streets.

Ed yelled out as black hands came out of his the eye on his stomach with Athena’s doing the same. In fact they all did that same and these eyes climbed onto the Father making him laugh evilly. “Fight for me! Let your gateways fight for my soul! Shed your energy for me! What truly amazing power! I can barely contain it! Now that I’ve obtained enough power, I can open this planets gateway!”

Now in red the human transmutation circle that could have been found has the 5th lab was now covering Central. Red sparks traveled down the tunnels that Sloth made and flowed right under the land of Amestris. North to South. East to West. Soon the circle just didn’t go over just Central, but over the whole country. Everything within this circle became purple. A deadly and toxic looking purple. Hands climbed out of the ground which made the people on Centra’s streets scream in horror and confusion. They questioned this until all the breath they held within was stripped away. People of young and old fell over gasping for air soon growing limp. The Amestrians were all dying. Everyone in Amestris was dying. People inside buildings perished and the last to go in Central Command was Brigadier General Clemin. People in Liore died as well. Rush Valley, the people in Radio Capital, in the East where the train accident happened, and yes, even dear Risembool.


Wrenches fell off the table with Smith, Winry, and Pinako soon following in the collapse. The older woman reached for Winry and Smith weakly while holding her neck with her other hand. “W-Winry… Smith…” She called out in a breathy tone.

Smith held onto his neck while he coughed and gasped for air. “W-what the hell? Why can’t… I… Move?” He managed to get out while laying down on his back.

The two Briggs men got the door open and held their chests. “Miss.Pinako! What’s happening!?”One of the men asked.

The male teen then stared up at the ceiling and glared at the wall above him. “I’ll… Beat you with… wire cutters… Next time I see you… Dad…” He stuttered. “Athena… Y-you… You were right…” Then he let death take over his body.

“Hohenhiem… The next time I see you… I’m gonna… Slug you…” Pinako swore to herself before letting silence wash over her much like how Smith allowed it too.

Winry held her neck gasping for air helplessly. “Ed… Please…” She whispered before collapsing and dying as well.


A white line then appeared across the sky and made the circle’s diameter. Over the circle appeared a huge glass door. Seconds passed and that door opened wide which made shadows climb over the fragile opening. Then a black creature appeared using the door’s edges to help him up his feet. This thing was so big that he could touch the sky without standing on his tippy toes. This thing was the Father of the Homunculi. He let out a loud yell and reached out for the solar eclipse. “Hear me god! Come to me!!” He exclaimed. Then a light appeared and a grey covered the solar eclipse. It opened and there appeared the Truth’s eye. Hands flooded from both Father’s side and the Truth’s side and mingled. Grabbed and tied onto each other. “Join me!” Father ordered while trying to pull the Gateway closer to his monster sized body. “I will no longer be bound by you nor your consequences! I will pull you into this earth and into my mound! You have no choice but to be absorbed!” He then let out a loud yell as the two doors collided and bright light burst through the darkened skies. Father. Dwarf in a Flask. He had finally gained his ultimate and greedy wish.

You are the night time fear

You are the morning when it's clear

When it's over you're the start

You're my head

You're my heart

No light, no light

In your bright blue eyes

I never knew daylight could be so violent

A revelation in the light of day

You can't choose what stays and what fades away

And I'd do anything to make you stay

No light, no light (No light)

Tell me what you want me to say

You want a revelation

You want to get it right

But it's a conversation

I just can't have tonight

You want a revelation

Some kind of resolution

Tell me what you want me to say

Florence and The Machine- No Light, No Light

Chapter 61- He would swallow God

Smith: FANTASY!! You have explaining to do!!!

FantasyNinja26/Me: Actually I don’t. I never have explaining to do. Well most of the time…

Smith: Sorry about that! Hi there! We have three more chapters until this fun little story of ours is done and over with! Here is your fun fact! Pairing me up with Winry as actually a very last minute project. FantasyNinja debated about adding a love triangle between Ed, Winry, and Athena.

FantasyNinja26/Me: I’m not good at love triangles. But I’m willing to do them at times. It just depends on my mood!

Smith: Riiiight. Anyway, the author said that would be hard on you guys so she decided to pair me up with Winry because it was A. Logical. B. Smart. C. Easier. And D. Too freaking cute. No I would say handsome~ Anyway! Our next guest person is… Dad… FANTASY!!

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