adopted by Jacksepticeye or...

By brokendollxjeff

142 8 3

The description might not be correct but here we go This will be going back and forth first it will be jack t... More

Adoption day (Jacksepticeye)
Adoption (markiplier)
recording videos (Jacksepticeye)
Recording videos (markiplier)
Birthday (Jack)
I got tagged

Birthday (Mark)Not what i wanted

16 1 0
By brokendollxjeff

Mark's pov
It was about 4:00.
Me,Chika, and Diamond were sitting in the couch watching trolls. It was the part when Princess Poppy had to go save her friends. Poppy had just got her guitar thrown into the fire by Branch.
Me and Diamond laughed.
I Hurd a ding come from my phone. I peeked at it to see I got an Email from the orphanage. I unlocked my phone and opened it. I scanned threw it. It was her Birth certificate that said Diamond was my official my daughter. I smiled at it till I looked down at the date of birth. October 4, 2000. That was tomorrow. How could I forget Diamonds birthday!!!! I tried to keep cool so Diamond didn't know I forgot. "So Diamond what do you wanna do for your birthday tomorrow?" I asked while pausing the Movie. "I don't know I just wanna chill. Maybe invite my friends over before I go back to school next week. Maybe go to the movies with you I don't know." She told me.
"But it's your 16th birthday. It has to be big. We can have fireworks,your friends ,my friends, a giant cake, a bounce house because yes I am still a giant man child. Maybe you can ride into the party on a horse drawn carriage in a beautiful dress......" That's were Diamond interrupted me.
"Wowwowwow. Mark it's just a birthday I'll have plenty of others. I just want a chill small party.""But I want you to have the best 16th birthday ever. Please just let me do this for you." I looked deep into her eyes.
"Fine." She said with a smile on her face.

Diamonds pov
I don't want a big party. I haven't liked big gatherings since I was young. It didn't make it any better when my parents died. It was just a big party for my sisters 15 birthday,so when mark started talking about all of these ideas I started to freak out. Just something small is all I wanted. I took a deep breath. Mark seamed like he really wanted to do this for me. "Fine." I said. "But I'm not wearing a big dress." "Yeeeeeeessssss" he whined. "But I don't like dresses." "Please Diamond. Do it for your dear old dad." "Your not old your 27." I said to him. "Pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeee Diiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaammmmmmooooooonnnnnnnd." He whined giving me puppy dog eyes." But I want you to have the best 16th birthday ever. Just let me do this for you." I took a deep breath "fffffiiinne." YEAY" he yelled. "Kill me now." I whispered to myself. "What was that?" Dad asked. "Nothing". Ok then Let's go dress shopping." "Can't it wait till after the movie." I whined. "No. Now meet me outside at the car." He said walking out the door. "This is gonna be just grate." I said before walking outside. When we got to the mall we walking into a store that had a lot of poofy girly dresses. "What's your favorite color?" Mark asked me. "Purple." I replied. "Alright." Mark looked around for a little bit until he saw one he liked. "How about this one?" He asked. I looked over to his direction. The dress was a big poofy and to the ground. It had a lot of sparkle on the top and wasn't my style. "It's nice. I like it dad" I lied. Marks face looked so happy and excited as he held the dress up. "Great." He said as he paid for it. It took him a while cause the Saleslady knew him and wanted his autograph and picture. After he finally got done we walked to the car and headed back home. It was a long drive as Mark kept talking about these ideas he wanted to do. I just agreed with everything not wanting any of it. After we got home I ran to my room. I went onto my laptop and started watching some of Jacksepticeye's videos. And I found out something. He has a son now named Ash. I stayed up till 6 am, I would have stayed up longer but I was interrupted by sleep overtaking me. I was woken up by mark looking so happy and excited. "I have everything planned out and ready for later. My friend is going to come over and do you hair,makeup,nails and get you ready for the party at 8:00." Mark said to me. "What friend?" I asked. "It better not be Bob,Wade,or Matthias." I said. "No it's not It's Amy." Now hury up and get up lazy butt. It already 3:15. Amy will be here in 15 minutes." It's already 3 in the afternoon?!?!?" Yeah that's why I'm telling you to wake up. Come up quickly we are on a tight schedule." "Fine". I never thought I would Despise my birthday even more. I walked Downstairs and got a bowl of cereal. I couldn't even finish it cause Amy got here and Mark was rushing. "Fine Bridezilla." I said laughing. "This isn't the time for jokes now go with Amy and get ready now." I listened as Amy started doing my hair,makeup, and nails. I was ready by 7:45 and I was starving. I walked downstairs to grab an apple but was denied. "No you can't eat right now you can when your at you party. " " but I'm Starving daddy. " "I don't care." I hugged and tried to stomp off but couldn't cause of this stupid dress. There was a knock at the door and I walked to it answering the mdoor to find Brent my old foster brother.
"Hey." He said to me. "You look nice." "T-thanks." We just stared at each other. It felt like an eternity but was actually 20 seconds. "Hey Brent." Mark said to him. "Hello Mr.F." He said politely. Then me and Brent walked to the living room sitting in the couch. Brent can I tell you something?" I asked. "Yeah anything." He said. "I didn't want this big party. I just wanted something small with my friends Shane and Ryland. Eating a bunch of shit and watching movies. My dad only approves of me hanging out with them cause their Gay. I haven't liked big events like this since my parents died. I hate the idea of wearing dresses and this dress especially. I feel my chest tightening and I don't know what to do. TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!!" I was freaking out hard core. "Tell your dad. I'm sure he'll understand." "no I can't. He spent so much money on me since he remembered my birthday yesterday. I don't want to hurt his feelings." "He's your dad he'll understand." After about25 minutes a hole lot of people were here. Some of Marks friends were here and a dj. The house was crowded. I started to feel even more uncomfortable but took a deep breath. 'You can handle this. It's to make dad happy.' I said to myself. That helped a little bit but not much. "I feel like I'm dying." I said to Brent. He was about to say something but my dad walked in. "Come on Diamond you said you were hungry  let's go eat. " when we got outside there was a huge buffet with all my favorite things. Mac and cheese, burgers, popcorn, soda, pizza and so much more. I grabbed a burger and started eating it. I started to calm down until I was taken to a table for me to stand on. Did I mention I hate being the center of attention so my life became 10 times worse when my cake was brought out and everyone was staring at me singing happy birthday. The feeling in my chest became tighter and I stared to feel dizzy. The next thing i knew i was on the ground hearing gasps and Mark was by my side ten everything went black.

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