Splatoon: The Power of Art

By PsiSquidKid06

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Note: Splatoon is owned by Nintendo, I have no property of the game series or its creators. This is a story... More

Chapter 1: A New Dawn
Chapter 2: a newb learning new tricks
Chapter 3: unclear stuff
Chapter 4: Twincoming
Chapter 5: the girl from another mode
Chapter 6: the mysterious Lil youth
Chapter 7: The other side
Chapter 8: Squids vs Squids?
Chapter 9: interesting things
Chapter 10: Get ready!
Chapter 11: Squidbeak Splatoon, Assemble!
Splatoon 12: Splatfest will have to wait
Chapter 13: Rescue Operation
Chapter 14: The Cube
Chapter 15: Sisters...
Chapter 16: Thats the signal
Chapter 17: Clash of Tentacles
Chapter 18: The Calm
Chapter 19: Rainy Games
Chapter 20: Your Thoughts
Chapter 22: Date To Die For
Chapter 23: Ladder to Leader
Chapter 24: Merry Squidmas
Chapter 25: Bring it, Sister!
Chapter 26: Fates Cross Paths
Chapter 27: Against All Odds (I)
Chapter 28: Lost in the Cold (II)
Chapter 29: Blood that Stains (III)
Chapter 30: All is Fair... (IV)
What now?

Chapter 21: Blizzard of Ink

15 1 0
By PsiSquidKid06

-image above is from Nintendo

It is December 2nd and finally the beginning of Winter. Snow has hit the town already and every inkling and jellyfish is excited. Mostly because of no school but also because they get to do other fun activities than turf wars. Snowball fights, skiing, and building igloos. Lil D is seen still training Jared with the L-3 Nozzlenose regardless of the weather.

"Ahhh i still didn't expect the snow to hit so soon. Its so cold..."

"Jared focus. You need to practice your aim a little more. Even in cold weather, now hit the dummy!"

"Ok ok sheesh your worse than my dad."

Jared manages to hit two of the three training dummies Lil D set up.

"Hmm impressive. Now lets see how you do while standing further away."

"Umm this is nice and all but I've been meaning to ask you a question."

"Which is?"

"Why did you never want to leave Inkopolis after escaping from the Octarians? there are loads of other places like Calamari County or....when i think of something else ill tell you."

"I have some unfinished business here."

"Wait really?...what is it?"

"Oh its nothing too important. You've also given me a reason to stay. I had nothing to do for the past months, then i find you in a match and here we are."

"Yeah well i can be super interesting and awesome." Jared jokingly comments as he practices with the L-3 Nozzlenose more

"Hey Jared. Thought you two would be here again." Carter said as he, Amethyst, and Xavier enter the training yard with news

"Hey guys whats up?"

"Cuttlefish wants us again. Something about the octarians disappearance being a little too suspicious."

"I still don't know whats going on but you three have the coolest part-time job ever."

"Um actually Xavier its...uhm never mind will explain it better later. Cmon Jared your training will have to wait."

"Wait I'm coming too." The others question why Lil D would want to come but then he explained that his unfinished business lies there.

"Hmm ok then, he's joining team Squidbeak Splatoon!"

The others didn't agree with that name and look at him in annoyance. The 5 of them then leave the training yard through the snowy inkopolis. Loads of inklings & jellyfish are playing.

"This is the most fun I've ever seen inkopolis today. Last year's winter doesn't come close to this!" Jared yelled as Amethyst pelts him with a snowball. They both then run ahead while throwing a bunch of snowballs

"Hmph they seem to be having fun."

"What are you jealous, Xavier?"

"Im not jealous....i just don't like snow thats all. seriously its cold and the ice is so slippery, its just so irritating!!"

"Well I actually think it's really fun. You should have fun with Amethyst regardless of hating it though."

"Hmmm meh I'm just gonna go in solo ranked battle. Fill me in on all that...agent stuff or whatever when you all get back." Xavier then heads in the icy lobby in ranked battle.

Jared, Amethyst, Carter, and Lil D proceed in the entrance to cuttlefish's base.

"Cap'n this place is pretty iccyyyyyy!" Carter said as he slips a lot."

"Yeah it gets like that every year, probably because of all the excess ink from your drains."

"DISGUSTING!" Amethyst yells while climbing on Cuttlefish's table, totally grossed out by the floor.

"Hehe im just pulling your shin, sweety." Cuttlefish then notices Lil D is here as well. "Ah! What brings you here? Its always a delight!"

"Thanks but i want to join them on this mission this time."

"Fantastic! The more the merrier, now ill see if i have any extra uniforms or hero weapons in the back for ya."

"No thanks, I don't need any of those upgrades."

"Ok then grandsonny, let me just give you the rundown for tonights mission. As you know after the huge invasion a couple weeks back the octarians have been rather quiet, taking the zapfishes back has gotten way easier. I need you four to gather the remaining zapfishes and investigate where the octolings have gone."

"Got any idea of where to look first?"

"The squid sisters say that might've seen an octoling or two headed up the mountain top." Cuttlefish shows them a picture they took.

"Ohhh so thats why it's called Octo Valley!" Jared replied as the others give him complete duh expressions.

"Uhhh anyways we're on it cap'n we'll be out before you say L-3 Nozzlenose." Jared tells him as the three of them suit up and look for a new entrance into Octo Valley.

"I think we've been through all of them."

"Not this one." Lil D points down at a hidden entrance and they fire at it, making it visible again.

"How'd you know that was right there?" Amethyst questioned him for a second.

"Just a gut feeling I suppose. Now lets get going."

The four of them head down the kettle into an octo valley amusement park. Lucky for them, no one was there. They walk around the place while looking confused and impressed.

"Whoaaa this place looks cool! Can't believe no ones out here."

"I can't believe people as cruel as the octarians have a fun and light-hearted place like this." Amethyst says.

"This just goes to show that even they have good in them."

"Jared why do you even try? They aren't just going to give up on petty revenge that happened over centuries ago yet they don't have the common sense to get over it and move on. Welcome to the 21st century."

"Well..yeah but~"

"Hey guys check this out." Lil D shows them a strange device on the ground and shoots ink at it. A line of ink comes out almost like a zip line. "This goes straight up the mountain. Maybe this'll lead us to where they're hiding."

"What is this!? It looks so cool!!"

"Its called an Inkrail. They mostly use it for transportation."

"Why doesn't inkopolis have these!? It would be so fun and chaotic in turf wars."

"So no ones gonna question how convenient this was?"

Amethyst points out as they all turn into their squid forms and ride the rail all the way up into the mountain as it gets incredibly colder the higher they go. They then get off, shivering really badly.

"Ugh i wish these suits we're thicker.."

"yeah that would've been nice but dont be such a baby squid."

"Hang on i think i heard something."

The four of them hide behind a rock and overhear two octarians that look a lot like Erika and Ava.

"Hey i know those two, they kidnapped me at Splatfest!"

"Keep your voice down, dummy! They could be talking about what they're up too." Amethyst said while slapping him and pulling him down.

"Ava be honest, does Karl have a crush on me?."

"YES! Literally everyone knew! Why bring that up so randomly?"

"I kinda always knew but he's been acting very different lately. Like a lot more than usual."

"Its this damn inkling war thats changing him. I noticed it too but I LIKE THE NEW KARL!"

"Of course you would...but i just wish he could go back to the way he was...before becoming obsessed with the inklings."

Ava's phone begins ringing.
"Uh huh....uh huh.....yeah yeah okay." She then hangs up and says Octavio needs them.

"Okay but don't tell Karl i know he likes me." They head higher up the valley and the inkling squad begins to follow too. They then find a whole army of octarians gathered around waiting on Octavio's next orders

"Holy crap.... there's thousands of them..." Carter said while shivering a little but not from the snow.

"My fellow Octarians." DJ Octavio begins his speech to the army. "We may have suffered a gruesome loss against our enemies, the inklings! But fear not, for I have finally come up with a way to defeat them once and for all. Behold!"

Octavio pulls a lever that reveals Octo Valley's mountain top turn into a huge and strange looking robot.

"Check out this sick contraption the octolings made. We put a lot of work into it. With this we will spray all of inkopolis with gallons of high pressured scalding liquid!!!" The octolings then begin cheering and chanting his name with praise and glee.

Jared, Amethyst, Carter, and Lil D are haunted by this discovery

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing...the entire Octo Valley Mountain just turned into...THAT."

"Its bigger than the last mech Octavio had. Who knew the octolings were so inventive....they're just full of surprises." Lil D comments on how clever the octarians get.

"THEIR GONNA BLAST US WITH WATER!" Jared begins freaking out and stressing immensely while the others try calming him down.

"I...i know...hang on he's not done yet."

"In one month the machine will be at full capacity to wipe out all of inkopolis and we shall make Octopulis! We will finally take back the land that should've been ours! We will finally make the inkling species extinct and CONQUER ALL LIFE AS WE KNOW IT! BECAUSE WE ARE THE OCTARIANS! A PRIDE RACE THAT SHALL NEVER DIE AND BE VICTORIOUS!!!" Every octoling becomes overjoyed by his speech and begin chanting even louder

"So Jared, still think we can make nice with them!?" Lil D angrily scolds as Jared then comes to a decision.

"We should get out of here and warn everyone before we get~"

"Caught!? Oh how unfortunate for you." Karl said as he, Erika, Ava, and Frosty shows up with their weapons aimed at the inklings heads

"Oh great, you again. the bamboobler."

"Grr I'm gonna enjoy killing you." As Karl is about to fire, D then throws burst bombs at the mountain top causing an avalanche to fall towards the octos.

"C'mon we gotta go!"

The four of them get back on the inkrail and leave the mountain. Ending up back at the park.

"Thanks back there, D, i owe you one!"

"Ugh don't thank me yet."

Karl's team and a small battalion of Octolings managed to beat them here.

"H-how did you beat us."

"You idiot. There are plenty of inkrails in this joint. We use them to get everywhere."

"Plus they know this place like the back of their heads, genius."

"We aren't asking again." And Frosty chimes in

"Looks like we're fighting. Oh yes time to see if my L-3 skills improved!"

Everyone begins fighting and using the amusement park like a turf war zone. Amethyst has snipping battle with Frosty on a roller coaster and Carter & Lil D try fighting Ava, Erika, & some octolings  near a few snack/toy booths. Jared proceeds to battle Karl one on one near a ferris wheel.

"Remember. Kill the others but Jared & the kid with the legendary cap."

"Oh so we're irrelevant huh?" Amethyst said while shooting Frosty in the cheek causing him to fall off the ride. As reinforcements climb up the ride. "Ugh ill call for backup, we gotta go."

"Ugh their long range is making it impossible to hit them. Do ya think you can do something about it?" Carter asked Lil D as he rolled his eyes and takes out all the Octolings but Erika & Ava get away

"Happy now?"

"Remind me not to piss you off. Lets get to amethyst she looks like she needs help." They head over to back up Amethyst. Meanwhile with Jared fighting Karl.

"Sit still so you can die." Karl said while trying to snipe Jared.

"What is with you guys and inklings! Why can't we just coexist."

"Ha work with you guys! Thats rich, your all the ones who brought this on yourself. We should've had inkopolis all those years ago. We should've won it fair and square."

"More like lost it."

Karl begins chasing Jared up the ferris wheel while shooting each other.

"It doesn't even matter because we can share inkopolis together if you just give us a chance."

"Give you a chance?? We don't exactly trust any of you anymore! This second great turf war will decide who gets inkopolis once and for all."

"Ugh its like he's consumed by rage." Jared thinks to himself while trying to convince him more. 

"You guys won't even share your main power source with us! Thats why we always steal them! We're left in the dark in this place!"

"No things can be different now..we can make it work trust me." Jared then puts down his weapon "I don't wanna fight you anymore. I wanna help the octarians, we can definitely share the land, there's plenty of room for you all."

"What the...why won't you fight...i mean....ugh you inklings are so dumb! We're only doing this for the future of our people! You wouldn't know what we're going through."

"I do know that revenge isn't the answer. And if you care about the future of your people you'd accept this offer...please take my hand." Jared holds out his hand up but Karl ultimately declines and shots him right off the ride.


"Chill, D, Callie & Marie's got this." Amethyst said while pulling him back and watching.

"How do you know!?"

"Just a gut feeling I suppose." She said sarcastically as she winks.

Screaming in terror free falling, Jared is rescued on a helicopter by Callie and Marie.

"Whoa thanks guys.."

"Don't mention it, Jared. Now lets get your friends down there."

Amethyst, Carter, and Lil D are chased out of the park and jump in the helicopter escaping.


"Chill Ava." Karl said while climbing down the ferris wheel. "Trust me not everyone on Jared's team is closer than he thinks...and sheesh what happened to Frosty?"

"That inkling girl shot me in the face...i need first aid."

"Don't worry we'll get you ready for the war in no time. Now lets prepare some more." All the octolings head back up the mountain while carrying Frosty. Meanwhile back with Jared and the gang on the plane.

"Ugh that was too close. Jared your hurt." Amethyst noticing a shot wound in Jared's shoulder.

"Ugh im fine...just feel a little betrayed...i know i can still help them they just think we're the bad guys.......when we win the war that'll get their heads straight."

"WAR?!? The heck happened to you guys!?" Marie wondered as they all get silent for a moment to catch their breaths

"Uh its a long story we'll fill you in back at the base."

"I just noticed we didn't even find any zapfishes." D said as Carter reveals he found one while they were fighting at the park

"Ha looks like I actually came through."

"Btw D did you ever get your unfinished business?" Jared asked as he replied with

"Trust me...i did. But what are we going to do? They got thousands of octarians and idk if Inkopolis comes close."

"Don't forget most of the squids are really skilled like us." Carter reminded D

"Btw Jared, back there what you said to that octoling was risky and stupid..but it just shows how far you'd go to help even the most hurt people. I kinda respect that."

"Heh thanks D. My sister always wanted me to see the good in people.

"Well then i bet she'd be proud."

"We still need to get ready. We need to assemble everyone for this. It'll will be our biggest and greatest Turf War ever....a 2nd Great Turf War."

The others then give faces of determination and readiness as they fly back to inkopolis with the snowfall.

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