The New Kid

By 5sos_is_life21

9.4K 187 42

A girl in Ireland , Faith Johnson, was shy and not outgoing she always stayed away from the crowd , nobody re... More

The New Kid
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 3

932 19 6
By 5sos_is_life21

- Faith's POV-

I woke up warm and snuggly , best sleep I've ever gotten , I opened my eyes and noticed I was alone I got out of the bed and walked to the bathrooms and Niall wasn't in there.

I walked downstairs and checked every where , I looked outside and the car was here so he had to be here. I walked back upstairs and went to my room to find Niall asleep , I walked over and laid down beside him I stayed there for a minute and he turned over facing me and said," this is the best way to wake up"

I smiled and said," sorry I fell asleep last night"

" It's alright , you looked so cute when you fell asleep" he said.

" Thank you , I guess " I laughed ," I just want to thank you again for letting me stay here with you, and being a great friend "I said.

" I love you but you just wanna be friends and I'm totally cool living with that constant pain" he said , I felt bad I didn't want to hurt him I mean of course I like him ,he's hot ,but I just have never been in a relationship before and I was scared.

" Are you excited about today?" he questioned.

I was confused ," what are we doing today?"

"You'll see" he said smiling.

I got up and said," I bet you can't catch me!"

" I bet I can" he said slowly getting up.

I ran to his room then to the hallway and down the stairs , I hid in the desk room behind the desk. I heard him coming down the stairs and say," I need a hint!"

I clapped loudly and I heard him come close , I saw him pass the door he turned around in the hallway looked in and said," I found you!"

He started tickling me I said," ok , ok stop please"

He stopped and said," you hungry?"

I said," are you?"

He nodded his head and I said," I guess so , only if you are"

" Well , how about we go get some breakfast and then go do that surprise" he said smiling at me.

" Are you going to change or stay in pajamas?" I asked.

" Oh good idea i'll be back " he said running down the hall toward the stairs.

I walked in the living room and sat on the couch thinking about what the "surprise" was. He headed down the stairs and stopped to put on his shirt.

"You like that " he said laughing.

"What if I did?" I questioned.

"Then that's a good thing" he said.

I got up and walked toward the door.

" So you ready?" he asked.

" Yea , I'm excited" I said.

He headed towards the door and he stopped and said," I forgot something"

" What did you forget" I asked.

" My phone " he said looking around for it.

"I'll get it where is it?" I said.

" I have no clue , i'll help you look for it" he said following me up the stairs.

We went in my room and looked around on the bed and in the floor , wasn't there so we went to his room , and looked I got down and looked under the bed and he said," I found it"

I got up and he said," it was on the bed, must have fallen out of my pocket last night"

He said," alright let's go , wait one more thing"

He went in his closet and got his jacket and said," alright let's go"

We walked down the stairs and out the door as he locked it, I went to the car and opened the door to get in and he said," alright were gonna get biscuits so when were done we can go straight to where I'm taking you"

" It sounds fine to me , just one question?" I said.

" What is it?" he said before pulling out of the driveway.

" Where are you taking me?" I said.

" I can't say, it's a surprise" he said.

He pulled out of the driveway and onto the road , his phone rang and said," could you answer that for me?"

I said," sure where is it?"

" Here" he pulled it out of his pocket.

" Hello?" I said.

" Um who is this?" a deep voice said.

I put my hand over the phone and said," i'll put it on speaker"

Niall nodded and I pressed the speaker button, " hello?" the deep voice said.

" Hey Harry what's going on?" Niall said.

" Who was on the phone before you?" he asked.

Niall looked at me then back on the road and said," I'll tell you later"

"Ok , I wanted to ask you something?" he said.

Niall said, "Sure what is it"

" Could me, Louis , Liam, and Zayn stay in your new house? we just wanna check it out" he said.

" How long do you guys wanna stay?" Niall said.

" A week?" So we can have guy time" he said.

Niall said," ok that's fine what week"

" What about this week?" he asked.

" Ok that's fine" Niall said.

" Alright thanks Niall bye see you tonight or tomorrow " he said.

" No problem bye" Niall said.

Niall looked at me and said," they don't know your living with me , and they will also be there for you if you need them too"

I smiled and said," I will always love talking to you more, just letting you know"

We arrived at the drive-thru and we got biscuits and parked in the parking lot to eat, Niall looked at me and said,"take your time eating but I'm gonna go ahead and start driving we can't be late" he winked and backed the car up and pulled off.

I finished eating and said," thank you "

" For what?" Niall said.

" Letting me come into your home, buying me food and getting me surprises" I said.

" I don't mind at all I love buying you things and especially letting you stay in my house" Niall said.

" Well just letting you know the surprise or surprises your giving me today , I just want to say thank you" I said.

" Anything for you" he said smiling.




We pulled up at a house and Niall said," were here"

I got out and walked beside Niall up to the house , Niall knocked on the door, after about a minute a lady opened the door and said," your here!"

She hugged Niall and then said," you must be the beautiful girl he was talking about"

She hugged me and said," come in , come in "

Niall said," I just want to thank you again for doing this"

" No problem sweetie " the lady said.

She said," do you like your hair the way it is?"

I thought this was a weird question but I didn't want to ignore her ," not really I like it when it's little past my shoulders"

My hair was down at my lower back, she guided me through her house and to the garage , where she sat me down in front of a mirror. Niall smiled at me as I smiled back, the lady grabbed a brush and brushed my hair , she asked," so how do you want your hair just about right here?"

She had her finger right below my shoulder exactly where I like my hair , I nodded as she started cutting my hair off . When she was done cutting my hair she said," what do you think?"

" I love it , thank you" I said.

I walked up to Niall and I said," so what do you think?"

He said," I love it"

I said," so this was my surprise , because I love it!"

" Part of your surprise, its not all of it" he smiled.

"Alright thank you so much , here you go" Niall said to the lady handing her a $20.

" anytime" she smiled.

Niall walked out behind me and said,"do you think that a man should believe his girlfriend is the most beautiful girl in the world?"

I was thinking in my mind that it was already to late that he is already seeing another girl , I was now disappointed because I loved him even though we had just met. " of course , why?" I said disappointed.

"Then I think you need to be my girlfriend" Niall said smiling.

"Oh my gosh , that is the sweetest thing" I said hugging him.

" I would love too!" I said smiling.

I climbed into the car as he did the same,he cranked the car and we drove off , I couldn't stop smiling , Niall said," so I wonder what the boys are going to think when they find out I have a girlfriend"

" I don't know but I know that it makes me have the best feeling in the world" I said.

" We have to be home at 4:00 so they can turn the cable on , so we can have TV " Niall said.

" Well my next surprise shouldn't take that long should it?" I asked.

" We'll see " he said.

I was looking out the window when I felt Niall's hand grab mine he looked at me as I looked at him then looked down ,Niall said," whats wrong?" I said," I'm just scared because I've never been in a relationship before and I've always seen people get hurt in relationships"

Niall said," I would never hurt you , ever"

" I know you won't , just I have so many things running through my mind" I said.

"Don't think about bad things imagine that you started over, your with me and forget about your parents and the things they have done , I love you and I will take care of you" Niall said, I could tell that he meant it .

"This is the best day ever" I said.

"It is, are you cold because your hands are freezing" Niall asked.

"Yea, but don't worry about it I'm use to it" I said looking back out the window.

We pulled into the mall parking lot and found a parking space, we got out of the car and he locked it and came up to me and put his jacket on me , I said," this is your jacket , aren't you gonna be cold?" I asked.

"I'll be fine " he said looking down at me.

"It smells just like you " I said wrapping it around me.

"Is that a good thing?" he asked.

" Of course , but i'll give it back to you" I said.He grabbed my hand and our fingers locked in together.

We walked in to a clothes store when he said," if you see anything you like pick it up and i'll get it for you"

We walked around when I found a couple of shirts I liked , Niall said," do you like dresses?"

I said," yes, I love dresses"

We walked towards the dresses and I found a pink , purple , and blue dress along with a couple pair of pajamas.

We walked around as I found some shirts, jeans ,perfume and jackets , Niall said," this is all you want?"

" This is a lot of clothes , I don't want you to buy them all" I said.

"Don't worry about it , your gonna look gorgeous in all of it so I'm gonna get it" Niall said carrying them to the register.

We walked to the person at the cash register , he said," hello , how are you?"

Niall said," I'm fine , how are you?"

" Wonderful" he said.

The guys scanned all the clothes and Niall payed the guy and Niall grabbed the bags and I said," let me carry some of them"

Niall said," I want to carry them for you , to show you how much I care for you"

" I know you care for me " I said.

He placed the bags in the back of the car as i got in , Niall got in and cranked the car. Niall said," i can't wait until we get home ,there is gonna be a fashion show"

" I'm excited , thank you so much for buying me clothes and letting me get my hair cut" I said.

" Your welcome " Niall said pulling out of the parking lot.

"I love you so much!" I said.

" I love you too" he said.

Niall reached his right hand over and held my left hand all the way home , which made me feel warm inside.

Niall pulled into the driveway and parked the car, I hopped out if the car and grabbed the bags and said," i'll carry them upstairs , you stay in the livingroom"

I ran to the door and waited for Niall to unlock the door , I ran up the stairs to my room and tried on a shirt with a pair of jeans ,I got a pair of jeans for each shirt. I walked out of my room to Niall's room and into the hallway , I said," you ready ?"

Niall said," yes"

I walked down the stairs and then stopped at the end of the stairs then walked back up.





I was done trying on the clothes that Niall had bought me , I walked around the couch and sat down beside Niall , I said," what time is it?"

Niall said, " 3:42 "

"Oh , here is your jacket" I said handing it to him.

"Keep it , wear it" Niall said.

"Can I give it back when it don't smell like you anymore?" I asked.

"Sure, because when I get it it'll smell like you" Niall said.

-Niall's POV-

I didn't know when the boys were gonna be here , but I was so excited about Faith being my girlfriend. I said," you will love the boys"

She said, " Not as much as I love you "

I said," I love you more"

I smiled at her and she said," where is everyone going to sleep?"

" We'll discuss that when they get here because I don't know who wants to do what" I said.

Faith said," Ok "

I smiled and said, " before I met you I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason"

We sat there for a minute as I started to lean in along with Faith , our lips were about to meet when someone knocked on the door, I said," hold on let me see who it is "

I got up and opened the door to see it was the cable person , he said," hello sir just wanted to let you know that I have your cable hooked up and your ready to watch TV "

" Thank you , have a nice day" I said.

" You too " the guy walked to his van as I shut the door.

I sat down and said," I'm sorry we were interrupted "

I turned on the TV and Faith said," I'm going to go take a shower , i'll be back in a minute"

I said," ok , I'll miss you snuggle bunny"

" I'll miss you too cuddle bear " she said looking down from the top of the stair case.

I was watching TV when I went to the kitchen to get me a snack, I opened the cabinet and got out chips and headed to the desk room.

I got on the computer and went to twitter , I have amazing fans so I wanted to follow some of them while I had time. I followed a good bit of people so I went to Instagram to do the same thing, I was done eating the chips so I rolled the bag up and set them on the desk.

When I was done following people on Instagram I made a sheet for Faith and i was going to print it out it said,



While we watch movies can we cuddle? __ Yes __ No

Are tickle wars alright? __ Yes __No

Pillow fights? __ Yes __ No

Anything else?______________________________________________________________________________

Legible signature:


I walked back to the kitchen where I put the chips back in the cabinet and then I walked back into the desk room to get the paper then i walked in the living room and sat on the couch , I heard Faith walking down the stairs. She sat on the couch and scooted over to me ,I said," how are your pajamas?"

She was wearing fuzzy blue pajama pants with a matching shirt that said sleeping queen on a cloud. she said," there so comfortable"

" Here " I handed her the form with a pen.

" What's this?" she asked.

" Just a form I made" I said.

"Oh , ok " she said while filling it out.



While we watch movies can we cuddle? _• Yes __ No

Are tickle wars alright? _• Yes __ No

Pillow fights? _• Yes __ No

Anything else ?

Kissing under the mistletoe when

Christmas gets here , and also when Christmas is not here ;)

Legible signature:

Faith Johnson

She handed it back and said," hope you like the answers"

I looked down and said," they are all perfect especially the one you added , I wish we weren't interrupted by the cable man"

" No one is interrupting us now" Faith said.

I leaned in and she did to , Harry bursted through the door and she jerked back and Harry said," surprise!"

I said," hey guys" as they all started coming in.

Harry said," wow what a nice place"

Louis said," hello , who are you?" talking to Faith.

" I'm Faith" she said quietly.

Louis said," I'm sorry am I scaring you?"

She shook her head no and stayed quiet, I said," she is shy but once you get to know her she is a really wonderful person"

I walked over to the boys , I said," just place your bags by the stairs we have to discuss where everyone is sleeping"

Harry sat on the couch with me and Faith , Louis sat on the single chair by the couch and Zayn and Liam sat on the other couch, "I have 4 bedrooms but only 3 beds I have to go buy a bed, I would have already bought one if I knew earlier you guys were coming"

" Sorry" Liam said.

" It's ok " I said.

" Me and Louis can sleep together" Harry said.

" And me and Zayn can sleep together" Liam said.

" Faith you can sleep in my bed an i'll sleep on the couch" I said.

The boys looked at me and I said," oh , this is Faith , she lives with me"

"Why does she live with you?" Louis asked.

" I can't say " I said.

" Oh , ok " Louis said.

Harry said," I don't know about you guys but I'm tired from the plane , is it alright if I go to bed?"

" Yea that's fine if you guys want to go to sleep" I said.

I said to Faith," I'll be right back gotta show them the rooms "

She nodded her head as I got up and showed the guys up the stairs to the rooms , Liam said," I don't care what room I get I'm just tired"

Harry said, " Same here "

I got the guys into the rooms and went back downstairs to Faith , I said," Faith I'm so sorry I forgot you were shy , but I promise these guys are amazing they won't hurt you"

Faith said," I know I just get really shy around people I've never met before"

" are you ready to go to bed?" I asked.

" If you are " she said.

" C'mon I wouldn't want you falling asleep on the couch" I said, I could tell she was tired.

I carried her up the stairs with her legs on my right arm and head on my left arm , " Thank you Niall , I could've walked" she said.

" I'd rather carry you " I said smiling.

I placed her on the bed and put a blanket over her , " Where are you going?" she asked.

" To sleep on the couch " I said.

" Don't do that" she said.

" Where else am I suppose to sleep?" I questioned.

She patted the spot beside her and I said," are you sure"

" Yes" she said.

"Ok let me get a blanket" I walked down the stairs and grabbed a blanket.

I walked into the room and laid down and put the blanket over me , she turned to face me and I said," hello beautiful "

" Hello cuddle bear" she said.

I smiled and she said," sorry I haven't kissed you yet it seemed we got interrupted twice haha"

I said," its ok ,at least I know I'll get a kiss from you"

She smiled which made me smile, I said," good night snuggle bunny"

" Good night cuddle bear" she said.

She kissed me on the forehead , before she turned over I said," wait"

She said ," what is it?"

I put my hand behind her neck and pulled her in close to me and we kissed , she backed up and stayed looking at me ," we didn't get interrupted that time" I said, playing with her hair.

" I can't go to sleep now , in a good way" said Faith.

"How about we sit up and watch TV?" I asked.

She sat up and said," I'm cold"

" Scoot over i'll keep you warm" I said.

She scooted over as I placed my arm around her , " How about this Christmas movie?" I asked.

Faith said," Ok "

"Remember when I found you this Morning?" I asked.

" Yea" she said looking at me.

" And I did this..." I tickled her as she started rolling over.

Harry came the ought the door and said," oh , hello "

I stopped and looked up and said," hello"

He said," an I interrupting something?"

" No , but you did earlier" I laughed.

"Oh , I'm sorry" Harry said going to Faith's room to sleep.

"That was awkward" said Faith.

"Yep" Niall said.

"Want some snacks?" I suggested.

" Sure , can I come with?" Faith asked.

" Course" I said.

I paused the movie and we walked towards the stairs holding hands.

"Do you like living with me?" I asked.

" No" she said.

" why not" I said stopping.

She stopped next to me and said," because I love living with you"

" oh " I said , I kissed her cheek and we walked into the kitchen and I said," chips or popcorn , or both?"

" Doesn't matter" she said.

" Ok ,both" I said.

I put the popcorn in the microwave and grabbed the chips out of the cabinet.

She had her arms wrapped around herself and I said," are you cold?"

"Yea , but i'll be fine" said Faith.

I walked behind Faith and wrapped my arms around her , swaying back and forth. "I still feel awkward from Harry walking in , Harry right?" she questioned.

"Yea, and yes it was awkward but I was just tickling you " I said.

The microwave beeped and I walked over and grabbed the popcorn as we headed towards the stairs. Faith ran up the stairs as I followed, she jumped on the bed and got completely under the covers , I set the popcorn and chips on the bed and Faith said,"it's dark under here!"

I said laughing ," your silly"

She got out from the covers and just covered her legs as I did the same, she looked at me and smiled and said," I feel like the luckiest person alive"

" You know many girls want to be in your place right now?" I said raising one eyebrow.

" Yes because your famous , are you big time famous?" she questioned.

" People say that we are , it's all happened so fast our fans are amazing!" I said.

She grabbed some popcorn and said," why did you choose me out of millions of other girls out there , I'm sure there prettier than me" she put a piece of popcorn on her mouth.

I smiled and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and said," because your not like any other girl I've seen or been with"

"your the sweetest person ever " she said putting her hand over mine.

Harry walked in and said," hey Niall...."

He looked at me as I moved my hand and he said," am I bothering you again?"

" No , what is it?" I said.

" If you don't mind can I stay in here I'm bored" Harry said standing in the doorway.

I looked at Faith and said," you don't mind do you?"

She shook her head no, and curled up in a ball. " yea come on in " I said.

I scooted over next to Faith and she curled up and placed her head on my chest and Harry sat beside me. He said," so, are you guys going out , if you don't mind me asking?"

I whispered in Faith's ear and said," can I tell?"

She giggled and said softly," yes"

"Yea were going out , and by the way nothing was going on when you walked in earlier I was just tickling her" I said smiling .

" Sure, anything to cover up" he said nudging me.

I was watching TV when I noticed Faith was looking at me , she poked my stomach and whispered," I'm warm now , thanks to you"

I whispered back ," your welcome lovely"

Harry looked over and said," are you guys talking about me?"

"No " I said laughing silently.

" It's not polite to whisper , share your secrets people " Harry said leaning back with his arms crossed.

Faith laughed as I did too, I said," Faith i'll be right back I'm going to take this stuff back. She said quietly,"ok"

I got up and took the stuff downstairs to put it were it belonged , I headed up the stairs and walked into my room and jumped in between Harry and Faith. When I got comfortable Faith wrapped her arms around me as she laid her head on my chest.

I ran my fingers through her hair and Harry said," I wish I had a cuddle buddy!"

" Be jealous , just kidding , get Louis to be your cuddle buddy" I said.

"But he is asleep" Harry said.

I said," how about we get the guys up and we go get food and bring it back here"

"That's a good idea" Harry said getting up.

He left the room as Faith said," I love wrapping my arms around you!"

I leaned down and kissed her when Liam walked through the door and said," oh wow ok , I thought she was just living with you"

I sighed and said," why does this always happen!"

Liam said," take it easy , what always happens?"

" When I try to kiss Faith somebody walks in!" I said still leaning down.

"Ok sorry i'll give you some privacy" he said backing away slowly.

I said," sorry, I don't really have a girlfriend around the guys we kinda just barge on each other anytime"

" It's ok " Faith said said with her fingers in my hair.

We got up and walked through the door ,Faith was walking in front of me down the stairs , all the guys were sitting on the couch. Zayn said," so I heard that you have a girlfriend, is it true ?"

I said," yes I have a girlfriend , it's the girl who is living with me and her name is Faith"

Faith hid her face in her hands and I said," don't be shy its ok " I hugged her.

I sat on the couch when Louis said," so I thought you were suppose to sleep on the couch"

" I was , but Faith don't like being alone , just wondering but why are you guys so interested in my relationship?" I questioned.

" We're just happy, little Niall got a girlfriend" Louis said.

"So who is going to get breakfast?" I asked.

" I do!" Harry yelled.

" I'll go" Liam said.

"Yea, I will too " Zayn said.

"Anyone else?" I asked.

" Nope , I wanna stay here I'm tired an I know if I go I'm going to have to drive" Louis said rubbing his face with his hands.

Harry, Zayn , and Liam all left and Louis laid on the couch covered in a blanket , Faith was laid up against me covered up. I was running my fingers through her hair and she was holding my other hand.

Louis turned over and said," get a room!"

" We're not doing anything , were just cuddling" I said smiling.

"Sure , ok " Louis said.

Faith got up , stretched and then went upstairs I said," where ya going?"

"Bathroom" she said.

"Oh ok " I said looking back to the TV.

Louis turned back over and said," how long have you guys been going out?"

" We got together today actually" I said.

"And when did you guys meet" Louis asked.

Today was Sunday and I actually talked to her yesterday , but we actually met Friday. "Friday" I said.

"That was quick " Louis said.

"Well it felt like love at first sight I don't know about her but I actually fell in love when I looked at her, something about her that made me scream on the inside to make her mine" I said thinking about Faith.

" Oh wow you must really love her than" Louis said sitting up.

Faith was walking down the stairs and I said," here is my snuggle bunny "

She sat beside me and laid her head back on my chest and wrapped her arms around me , Louis said," you too are cute together"

"Now let me ask you Faith , how do you fell about Niall ?" Louis asked.

She stayed quiet and Louis said," its ok , I understand your shy but you can be normal around me "

"When I saw Niall I knew that I could be comfortable around him , I knew an angel was sent for me " Faith said looking at me.

Louis said," awe , how sweet "

"You know I've never been told that before " I said looking at Faith.

Harry busted through the door again and said," were here , and yes they were busy at 11:00 pm "

I got up off the couch and stretched as Faith did the same , I picked Faith up and carried her to the dining room table , "I don't think I'm going to be able to walk anywhere now" Faith giggled.

"Nope " I laughed.






We got done eating and I was so full, I just wanted to go to sleep. " you sleepy snuggle bunny?" I asked Faith.

"Yea , are you?" she asked.

"Yea , night guys " I said to the boys .

"Night " they all said together.

I held Faith's hand and we walked up the stairs and into my room, Faith laid down and I sat next to her. "aren't you gonna lay down?" She asked.

" Yea, I'm just gonna make sure you go to sleep first so you want stay up alone" I said.

" So sweet " she said sitting up.

She kissed me as I kissed back , "Night my cuddle bear" she said smiling after we kissed.

" Night snuggle bunny " I said pulling the covers up for her.

I sat there watching TV, Harry and Louis walked through the door going to Faith's room ,Louis said," be on your best behavior Niall "

"Yea, Christmas is not far you can still be put in the naughty list" Harry added.

"Haha, I'm not gonna do anything now be quiet she is trying to sleep" I said waving them off.

Faith was asleep so I laid down and played with her hair with my eyes closed trying to sleep, I was so happy and loved being with Faith.



Hey guys how do you like my book ? thank you for reading and thank you for the votes , just letting you know i enjoy writing this book a lot =)

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