The Dark Windows

By nandostagram_1d

6.6K 305 94

Ally has been best friends with Charlie all her life. The only problem with Charlie is her obnoxious friend L... More

The Dark Windows
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Another Author's note

Chapter 19

150 7 2
By nandostagram_1d

Ally's POV:

I guess you could say that these past few days have went by nice, actually. Apparently "boss" wasn't up for anything. Either he had wherever he has to go during the day, or he was still freaked out and confused by my "sore."

Either way, it gave me more time to talk to John.

That was his name, John. I had finally learned it, from talking to him for the past few days.

Yes, I talked to him.

Everyone would probably think I was crazy. Losing it. Honestly, it really wasn't like that. He was different from the other two. He actually talked to me, and helped me get through this.

Louis's voice kept cursing at me in my head. He said things like "Allison, you're an A student! Don't act like an idiot with no brain." "He's an ass like the rest of him!" "He's talking shit!" "Allison! Tell him to fuck off now before I do something about it!"

It felt like he was talking to me on the phone, yelling at me. He always called me Allison when he was trying to get a point across. I missed when he did that.

I miss when he would yell at me. Or make me laugh. Or just look at me. I missed him. His hair, and his eyes. I bet he hasn't slept in days. Just like I haven't.

Yes, I have felt more comfortable these past few days, but that doesn't mean I'm ok with this whole situation. I still cry at night, I still miss home. I still imagine Louis and Charlie right next to me. I would get scared at the thought of having to put on a blindfold and dress again.

Then I'd get up in the morning, and talk with John. He told me all about his children, and his wife. Guy wasn't around either. He was gone too.


Right now, I was sitting at the table across from John. I think it's Friday morning, but I don't even know anymore. He was cleaning dishes at the sink, while I piled more food into my mouth.

John set down the dishes, and sat across from me.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Bad, once again."

"Wanna talk about it?" I shrugged. As much as John and I talked, it was mostly him talking. I didn't want to tell him too much information. I did trust him...but a voice in the back of my head said there's still a possibility. "Alright. Let me know if you want too."

"It's just...nothing." I sighed. He gave me a look. I sighed, again. "I just miss someone. A lot." He nodded.

"Me too. But I guess you get used to it." A shiver ran down my spine. I don't want to get used to it. I want to be back home.

"Yeah. I guess." I put more food in my mouth.

"Do you mind if I ask who it is? You don't have to say names. You don't even have to tell me." That's what I liked about John. He was calm, and cool about everything. He didn't care if I didn't tell him. And a lot of the time, I would say no.

"It's...a friend." He nodded.

"Were you guys close?" I shrugged.

"It's complicated..." He laughed.

"I see. So it's a boy then?" I laughed a little myself.

"How'd you know?"

"It's never complicated with girls." We both laughed.

"Well, yeah it's a boy."

"Let me guess, you two dated, and now you want to he friends?"

"No! It's not that."

"Hmm...well that's a little weird."

"Yeah, it's complicated."

"Wait...was it that boy that was with you in the woods." I started to feel uncomfortable, and my heart beat sped up a little. I wasn't sure I wanted to tell this much. But what could it hurt, it was dark that night.

"Um...yes." He nodded.

"Well, I'll leave that at that. Because you're starting to look nauseous." I didn't want to talk about Louis. It made me feel sad, and I didn't like to think about him. Because as of right now, I feel like I'm never getting out of here.

It was silent for a few more minutes, and we both kind of just sat there.

"Can I just warn you about something?" John spoke up. I nodded. "Well, you've had it easy these past few days. I know you don't want to hear this...but it won't be from now on. Because he's back, and you can't keep making excuses." I shut my eyes, and nodded.

"I know." I gulped, just at the thought. A teenage girl shouldn't have to worry about these things. But I am.

John stood up from the table, and stared down at me. "I want you to see something." He exclaimed. I shot him a confused glare. "Trust me, you'll like it. Just follow me."

I stood up from the table, and followed John down a dark hallway. I started to see light, and had to squint my eyes.

We stopped in front of a wooden door, and he smiled at me. I became scared, and I started to think this was a trick, and that the boss was in the room. I gulped, and he gripped the door knob. When he opened it, I couldn't believe my eyes.

I saw a blue sky, and trees, and grass. I stepped down the steps, following John. I stepped on the grass, and looked up at the sky.

It was a small patch of grass, surrounded by talk grass. It was still enough, though. I looked at the trees, that were starting to lose their leaves. The sky was crystal clear, with not a cloud in the sky. I smiled, and I stared at the trees. You could hear birds singing, and the sound of leaves rustling.

I hadn't been outside in what seemed like forever. In reality, it was only 4-5 days. But being a school student and a soccer player, I was used to being outside. Not seeing sun or the sky, has been hard. You wonder if it's raining or the sun is shining. Now I could see it.

The cold air was hitting my cheeks, but I didn't care. I looked over at John, a smile on my face.

"Thank you, so much."

Louis's POV:

It's been two days since my last run in with the principal. Guess where I am again. Yep, sitting in the god damn waiting office.

It happened the day right after the last. This kid bumped into me, and all I did was flip him off and tell him to fuck off. Apparently someone in the hallway told the principal. And just to top it all off, the principal was "too busy to see me that day". What a load of shit. I shouldn't even have to see him at all.

Other than that, the past two days have been hell. I spent a total of 7 hours at the police station, trying to find out information. The first day only lasted 2 hours. It ended with me breaking the glass vase on his desk. It went pretty event less the first hour and a half. Then he said it might take months or years to find her. Then I threw the vase at the wall.

The next day lasted 5 hours. We tried to find them, and search for them. It didn't work. We tried tracking her phone, but apparently the phone "did not exist". Which basically means those little fuckers disabled her phone.

Other than that, we tried to ind more information. We were unsuccessful. We did talk for an hour. Well, I talked for an hour. I talked about her so much, I almost cried in front of him. Then when he asked if I was ok, I cursed at him.

The day that I watched all those home videos, was the hardest fucking 2 hours of my life. I was going to turn it off, but then my sisters wanted to watch it. So I had to sit through another hour an a half of home videos. It was hard, to not get angry, or curse. It was hard not to cry.

I was in front of my sisters, and they would be scarred for life. So I had to sit through two hours of seeing the love of my life's face. Sure that sounds wonderful, unless she's captured by three assholes.

The next day, I went to school, and had to avoid the waves of girls that surrounded me. Basically, it consisted of big sluts wanting to sleep with me. That's not how it works. Luckily, when I curse them out, they don't give a shit.

They'd say, "Oh Louis, we're so sorry about Allison. If you come to the party Friday night, I bet I can make you forget all about her." That made me so fucking pissed. Yeah, you want me to forget all about her?

Now I'm sitting here waiting for the principal to actually come out. No, the other kid isn't in here. Apparently "he didn't need to go in". Now all the attention was on me, and I bet somehow it would turn to Allison. They'd pity me, and let me go for this.

I put my hands in my pockets, and spread my legs out in front of me. My eyes roamed the boring room. A desk with no lady was in front of me. Cases or bookshelves or whatever were scattered along the walls. TV's showed the security camera's every view.

A door opened, and I rolled my eyes. It's him. He motioned for me to come in, and I walked into his office. I sat in the exact same chair that I did the other day. He sighed, after he sat in his chair.

"Before you go all stereotypical principal on me, you can't blame me for this! Kids do it all the time! It just so happens that this time, some douche decided to tell." He sighed, again.

"I'm not here to talk about what happened Louis, you obviously need to talk about what's happened." I fricken knew this would happen.

"Seriously? I'm perfectly fine."

"'re obviously not. You've been acting out- more than usual."

"Oh yeah. It's not like my friend got kidnapped or anything. No big deal."

"That's what I don't understand."

"And what's that?" He tapped his fingers on the desk, and I wanted to rip them all off.

"Why you're even in school." I laughed. Laughed.

"I go here you know."

"Charlie hasn't come to school."

"We deal with things differently." He shook his head.

"But you're obviously taking this harder, and in a more violent way."

"Maybe it's because if I stay locked in my bedroom, I won't realize that the world actually does go on. Because you know what, I lost my whole world." He was silent by my comment. I shook my head at the ceiling. "Maybe I need to see actual human beings breathing, and to see them actually go on with their day. Because currently, a whole part of me is missing. I need to see people treat me the same. I need a normal chat with the lunch lady, and I need a normal game of soccer after school. I need my fucking mind to take a break before it explodes."

"Louis, that's what I don't understand either."

"What the hell is that?"

"You two didn't even seem like close friends, at least from what I saw. Charlie and Allison seemed like closer friends."

"You don't know shit."

"But, I do know what I see Louis. And I see you make rude and sarcastic comments to her."

"You don't see what goes on after school."

"I see enough." I puckered my lips, and looked around the room. I was trying my hardest not to lose it.

"Fine. You fucking got me!" I threw my hands up in the air. He looked baffled. I just laughed like an idiot. "I don't want to be friends with her, ok?! That's never what I wanted. I want to have more than that. And I hide those feelings with my actions. The way I talk or speak. And you don't even realize how much pain is rushing through my head every single fucking second of the day. Imagine waking up, and not being able to see someone, for every single day. Someone who you gave your heart up for, may be gone forever. For all I know she's dead. But what does it fucking matter to anyone in this hell?! She's just another student, and so am I. I can walk around this school with all the pain written all over me, and guess what. No one gives a shit. Because that's how life works! It plays with your emotions and gives you something great, and then takes it away."

By the middle of my rant I was sobbing, my face was all red and my hands were clenched. Tears were running down my face, and I didn't even care.

"I-I-I didn't know you feel that strongly about her." I bit my lip.

"With everything I have, I carry on each day. There's days that I wish I didn't wake up. So that I don't have to live through this. But I try. I run down to that police station, and I search houses at nights. I give everything I have for her, and yet none of you care."

"Aren't her parents searching?"

"No. Of course they fucking aren't. I know you haven't met them because Ally's always good, but there's only one. Her father. And he doesn't give a shit whether she's living or alive." I couldn't control the constant tears streaming down my face. This was probably the last thing I wanted. To have this become a therapy session.

"'re a good kid, you know that Louis?"

"You've never even cared about one bone in my body ever before."

"Because I've never seen you care so much about someone before. You've never committed to a single thing in your whole High School career. But this...this is a whole new page for you, Louis. It's different than whatever else you get yourself into. And yes, I realize that." I wiped my red, swollen eyes, and shrugged.

"Yeah, well she's different from the rest." He smiled.

"I can tell. Now go on and get to class. I know you don't want a therapy session." I rolled my eyes.

"You got that fucking right." He laughed, and shook his head. I stood up, and walked over to the door. When I opened it, I saw the secretary standing outside the door. "What the hell..."

"Sorry. You're just too sweet. I needed to hear." I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Thanks?" She laughed, and walked back over to her seat at the desk. I walked out into the empty hallway, where I felt alone once again. But I can't really lie to myself at this point.

That all felt really fucking good.

Awwwww I love when Louis pours his heart out. <3 Allison is a very lucky girl. Please comment, because I miss my very few commenters. :( but I'm glad that there's 240 reads on this! :D yay!!! So comment what you think, and feel free to say anything on your mind. Aha.

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