Today a Millionaire, Tomorrow...

By itsyarzz

196K 7.6K 1.9K

This story is under major editing, a spin-off is to be published soon, please follow me to stay updated if yo... More

•thirteen I•
•thirteen II•
•twenty one•
•twenty two•
•twenty three•
•twenty four•
•twenty five•
•twenty six•
•twenty seven•
•twenty eight•
•twenty nine•
•thirty one•
•thirty two•
•thirty three•
•thirty four•
•thirty five•
•thirty six•
•thirty seven•
•thirty nine•
•fourty one•
•fourty two• The Final Chapter
Spin Off? Book Two? Final Chapter Comments
Sequel Sneak Peek

•thirty eight•

2.8K 123 13
By itsyarzz

*to re jog your memory I wrote a lil part of chapter 37... because it's been a long while, if you still don't remember what happened skim chapter 37*

~chapter 37...
"Now, I'm going to leave you with these" he turned to the suitcase and took out papers

"These are the contracts signed by your mom, the company contract, the one regarding you, and everything else, and you can listen to our conversation" he got up and I was speechless, I honestly couldn't muster one word.

I was shocked beyond belief, this was too much to take in.

"Guys release her and leave her here alone" Noah ordered and one of the guards complied and they released my hands

"I'll be back in half an hour" he said and then he left

Everyone left

Leaving me alone with evidence that my own mother despised my existence, that the guy I thought was my hero was the villain

That my entire life was just a lie

And that I was such a gullible person.

I took a deep breath and started shuffling through the papers

Not knowing where to start and wether this too was scam. Wether I was being deceived right now too.

I've never felt lowly of myself like this
Tears clouded my vision as I started reading
No f*cking way

Adriana's POV;

Empty. Void. Vacant.

I felt empty so deep inside
There was a void that needed to be filled with love and hope again
My heart was vacant

I guess I should have expected that from my own mother right? Ha ha mother... I mean I knew her best, how was I so damn blinded by my feelings and how much I needed someone, a mother figure, in my life that I actually forgot how she was like before, how she was like my entire life.

Maybe if I wasn't so focused on hurting Noah like he hurt me I wouldn't have believed her, I mean I wasn't supposed to hate him either, he said he doesn't love me back, he never said he did then lied. It just hurt so much back then because I expected highly, and that's on me.

Noah regardless of everything, was still looking out for me, is still though. He saved my ass, saved my life. Saved me from marrying and tying the knot with a selfish heartless deceiving snake, I fell for his looks and was completely oblivious to what was behind.

But now I am determined, and I have figured out that everything I felt was false, I just wanted to believe that I hate Noah and love Luca when it's the complete opposite, and right now I owe Noah an apology. Everything he said about my mother was true, although he did work with her but he didn't know how he was saving me from her.

I looked down on the papers in front of me and in one swift motion from me they flew off the table, each paper landing somewhere around the room, I stood up and headed to the door, it was unlocked, I opened it and didn't find anyone outside, all the guards have left, and the hallway was so dim but at the end I saw light creeping from a door, I ran and jumped up the stairs reaching the door, I twisted the handle and got out, only to find myself somewhere very familiar.

Noah's basement...

What the heck? Noah's basement has a basement? The hell is wrong with this guy, his house is more confusing than the f*cking maze in the maze runner movie

Thank GOD i know my way out from here

I rushed towards the door and right before I reached it my face decided to hug the floor.


I winced in pain and supported my body with my hands and got up, ughhhhhh for the first time ever there's no one fucking here

Where did they all disappear?!

I opened the damn door and was finally out, I could hear distant voices and could smell the aroma of food being cooked, my stomach made the loudest growl and I was so ready to attack the food, but first I needed to attack something, more specifically someone else.

Right as I reached the first floor I heard my name being wailed, I looked up and saw no one other than Lola.

Oh my goodness. She's so grown up now??? When tf did that happen?

"Lolaaaaa!!!! It's soooo good to see you!" I squealed and she ran towards me giving me the biggest hug ever

"There were rumours you were brought here and being held down but nobody dared to ask or even go down to check! Omg Adriana we missed you so much! How are you? What happened to you? Wait why are you in a wedding dress? OMG is Noah forcing you into a marriage? You sweet soul... holy shit did you just escape? Omg I need to help you get out! Let's goooooo" she screamed and started pulling towards the main door

Grown up? Yeah cross that.

"Woah woah woah Lola Lola Lola!" I said making a halt


"Listen, I missed you more and i swear I'm fine! It's nothing like what you're thinking, I just really need to find Noah and talk to him, I promise I'll tell you everything after that, but right now I need him, can you help me with that?" I said sweetly

"Ohhhh Im SO sorryyyyy, I always assume, silly me! I'm glad you're fine and you're back, uhm yes I think I know where he is, follow me! Ahhh viola will be so happy when she comes back and finds out you're back!" She chimed and started jumping around

"When she comes back? What do you mean? Where did she go?" I asked

"OH didn't you know? She's getting married!" She exclaimed and I almost spit out my own bile

"Whaaaaaaaaaat?????? What the f*ck has happened here, Noah actually allowed this... who is the guy? Is it someone I know? Is she nice? Is he a millionaire? Omg is SHE being forced into a marriage?"

"Hahahhaha no silly! I don't know if it's someone you know but his name is Paolo, he used-" she was saying but I cut her right off when I started screaming


Wow. Ok. Guess life has been so good to everyone I know, except for me...

I honestly forgot for a moment there that I just found out something so horrible and that Luca might probably be coming for me, and that my life is in actual danger

Life is just so beautiful.

"Okay Lola I'll catch up on everything later, I need Noah now okay? Where is he?" I said and she just nodded

"Uhmmm in his office I assume"
"Okay thank you!" I said and rushed upstairs, of course on my way up I tripped once or twice.

Fuck this f*cking dress
Grrrrrrrr I'm so done

I was so ready to take it off right here right now, I mean I was wearing a pretty nice body lingerie.... it's not like I haven't worn worse around here?

But right as I reached out to the zipper I felt a cold touch on my skin that made all the hairs pop up and butterflies to erupt. Butterflies? More like the whole damn zoo

Because my body recognised this touch, ached for this touch.

I turned around and met his beautiful eyes

"Carina, what do you think you're doing?"

"I... I.." I stuttered
"Ugh do you know how many damn times I tripped in the past 10 minutes because of this damn dress? YOU DONT"

"I didn't say I don't want you out of it, but I'm not fond of letting every male in this house get a share of your beautiful bod"

Ok snap out of it Adriana
Why was I here again?

"You aren't getting a share either" I stepped away and he pouted

"I need to talk to you, you can't just leave me in that f*cking death hole all alone, with so many questions, yet when I find you you're acting SO normally like nothing is wrong when Luca might possibly be after me, not possibly, HE IS. And you know where he's going to look first? OF COURSE HE'LL COME TO YOU, and you know he might be on his way here as we speak" I huffed, being extra frustrated and kind of turned on wasn't helping my situation at ALL.

"Why are you blaming me? I found you at the top of the stairs right outside my office ready to get naked. Now get inside we do have a lot of things to discuss, now that you can actually look at me again." He said in all seriousness, nothing playful about this tone then he grabbed me and pushed me inside the office and closed the door behind us

"Sit" he ordered
"Woof woof!" I barked yet didn't move a muscle

"No time for your dirty games carina, we'll have time for that later, now go sit down or would you rather we have this chat like this? Or maybe naked?"

"Yeah you should delete that third option because it's never going to happen, and I'm being serious, quit being the perv you are and answer some shit I have" It was my turn to go all serious, i went and took a seat

He didn't say anything just took his regular seat

"Go ahead"

"Okay, first off. I just wanted to thank you, you probably didn't do this based on a good deed but you did me the biggest favour, you saved me from my own mother, although you "bought" me from her, and even tho you sold me to Luca but you helped me again. And I guess I blamed you for some things that I shouldn't have blamed you for, so that's all... I just have one question actually nothing more" I spoke so purely and truthfully, my words were coming right out of my heart, and I was for once happy about myself, as for him? He looked quite satisfied himself

"I know I put you through tough sh*t myself, and I'm not a good person, it's clear, but I know these people more than you, and I admit Adriana Lockwood I couldn't just leave you out there, you are mine after all, paid high shit on you" I could tell he was joking when he said the last part but what he said made me feel even better

My face dropped when I thought about my feelings for him, and what I had thought before, my expectations, I mean they're kind of getting back at me again
AND now what will happen to me? Where will I go? Will I stay hiding? I can't stay here... I have no home, no mother, no signification other.

"You said you have a question" he said pulling me out of my thoughts

"Yeah.. never mind" my voice was barely audible but surprisingly he heard me

"No. tell me what's bothering you? It's your right to know everything" he said softly and I held back tears

I mean if I ask him I know I will only get myself hurt

But at the same time I have developed a liking to the feeling of pain, because I actually don't feel it anymore. Been through too much that I now feel numb instead, nothing could be worse

"You were honest about everything today, you have told me everything I never knew, but there's one more thing I need you to be honest about, just one thing that I need to know that you were honest about at least" I said, a sudden feeling of confidence and determination taking over me

"And that is? Go ahead"

"Noah. Did you also lie that night? I mean the night I told you how I feel about you, did you lie about the reason why you pushed me away that night or was it because you actually don't have the same feelings? Was it because Luca pressured you or because you don't.. you don't love me back? You didn't say anything about that night other than the fact that Luca was there and he made you push me away, but how? How did he convince you to do that? Why? Just TELL me. THAT NIGHT STILL HAUNTS ME, YOUR WORDS STILL HAUNT ME, for f*cking once be a damn man and tell me Noah Massarotti, tell me the truth. Why do you care so much about me?" I blurted and I didn't realise that actually got up from my seat and was so close to Noah now, standing right above him, looking him straight in the eye

If eyes could speak I would've gotten my answers already, because what his eyes were saying right now had me feeling so thrilled, so excited, ecstatic, nervous and relieved, but what made me fear was what was below his eyes, his mouth. The words that were about to leave his mouth were either going to destroy me all over again or stitch me the f*ck up to perfection

And what he said next made my heart sink





guess you'll have to wait to find out ;))

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Finally things are moving to the better again..... probably.

Sorry for the long wait, I'll try not to make y'all wait a month next time

I love you.

Bye bye

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