My Brothers Best Friend Is My...

By buddersisbae

126K 2.4K 190

17 year old Ashley Greening lives a very complicated life. Her mother AKA Luna died from a rogue attack when... More

1:Meet Ashlen
2: The Start of A Distaster
3: Never Have I Ever
4: The Ugly Truth
5: Clubs, Sex and Condoms
6: Hot and Bothered
9: The plan
10: My Mates A Perv
11: Lemme Dive In
12: Our day full of shockers
13: Explanations
14: Forgive us
Sorry A/N
15: Thoughts, Jealousy, Fun In Bed
16: What the Moon Goddess
18: Boys are stupid
19: My babies
Maturity changed me.

17: Accomplished

3.9K 83 13
By buddersisbae


I ran to my bathroom in a rush to vomit. I threw up in the toilet, i felt someone lift my hair out of the way. I didn't care who it was. I just wanted to feel better again. Why does this keep happening to me?

After a good 10 minutes of just sitting there and vomiting. I got up and rinsed my mouth out with the mouthwash.

"Babe are you okay?" Jai reached out to  touch my face. I slapped his hand away. I don't want him to touch me. He hid it from  me. We're mates, you're not supposed to keep things like this from them.

"Ash i know i shouldn't have kept it from you, but it wasn't my story to tell." Of course he was listening to my thoughts. Typical. I blocked him out.

"I don't care. You're still my mate, you weren't supposed to keep things from me. This was a huge thing." I was fed up with everyone at this point. I felt like crying. So that's what i did. I cried, and i cried, and i cried.

So here i was, walking away from my lying mate, sobbing like a baby. Jai went to grab me and pull me closer but i pushed him away and walked away again. He didn't like that...

Jai ran up behind me and hugged my waist, his neck buried in my neck. I struggled to get out of his grip, but i couldn't. I was to weak to even try anymore. I just leaned my back into his chest and cried.
"im sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. im sorry..." Jai kissed up and down my neck as he whispered i'm sorry over, and over again.

I sat there crying for what seemed like forever.

"I don't know why i'm still crying. I can't stop, i have no reason to cry. My body just wants to cry." i tried explaining through hiccups. Jai's eyes lit up when i told him that, i can't understand why. He just pulled me even closer, and smiled.

"Why are you smiling." i questioned, this is weird. He's smiling as i cry. That's not fucking creepy at all. I started glaring.

He raised his eyebrows and smiled even wider. Great he's keeping more things from me. Fuck this shit. I stood and walked to wherever jai wasn't gonna be.

I guess i was being slow, because jai pulled me back down. He pinned my arms above my head and sat on my chest to prevent me from going anywhere. I sighed.

"I swear i'll tell you later. But promise you won't think i'm stupid or something when i tell you?"

"I promise."

"Good." Jai smiled and kissed my neck.
"Now we should go talk to your brother and uncle to see if they have anything else to tell us." I nodded my head in agreement and began walking back downstairs.

We went back into his office and sat down. But of course my seat was jai's lap.😏😂😂

"Now can you please explain what this prophecy is?" Jai started off the rest of the conversation.

"Um yes, of course." Jerry - Uncle jerry, seemed nervous. But so am i.

"Okay so, i'll try and make this short. Basically the prophecy says something about the moon goddesses granddaughter, In that case it would be you...
It says the moon goddesses granddaughter- offspring of venus, is going to be one of the most powerful wolf and goddess in humanity. She will even rule the gods and goddesses. Her love with her mate will be the most strongest, passionate and erotic bond ever existed. And she will have many powers." Jerry read off of a notebook. Okay woah.. But it's probably not about me. I don't even have powers. I'm a regular wolf.
"I don't think that's right. It's probably about Jai and I's future daughter. I don't have powers. But- but my names not venus..." I couldn't understand anything. I'm so confused. Who's venus? I know she's a goddess, but like who is she really?

"Offspring of venus hmm." i mumbled as i looked down at my lap.

"Moms a moon goddess, and i'm not venus." i explained. "This isn't about us."

"I'm sorry darling, but it is. Your bloodline is the only line that can be goddesses. We just have to figure it out. Who is venus?" Uncle rubbed his chin and pursed his lips. I yawned, all this shit taking a toll on me.

"Uh we can figure this out tomorrow. I think we all need rest." Jai rubbed my back and thighs soothingly.

"I agree, but i'll stay up and try to figure this out. You kids go get some rest." Uncle reassured.

"You sure?" He nodded his head.

"Okay then. Goodnight." Both jai and i said in unison. We both just walked up to my room. Jai got the bed ready while i went and took a tylenol for my headache.

I walked back to my dresser, grabbing a pair of booty shorts and a tight tank top, i changed into them while jai just got naked. Nah jk he just wears boxers to bed.

Once we were both done we laid down in bed. Jai was the big spoon while i was the little.
"God i love you." Jai kissed my neck and started rubbing my hips and butt. (That sounds really dirty but it's in a soothing way.) I spun around so i was facing him.

"And i love you." I started kissing his neck as i rubbed my hands down his chest, going lower and lower each time. I heard him groan.

Ugh so much for sleeping.
But whatever, i'm surprisingly in the mood.

So that's what we did. For minutes, well mostly hours. I wasn't keeping track.

(I took out the smut scene because it was really awkward for me😂 plus me and my friend wrote it together so that makes it weirder...)

"I really really do love you. You're my world." He looked me in the eyes as he said that. I did a silent 'aww' in my head.

"You're my everything jai, i can't imagine myself with anyone else but you. I love you." He smiled widely and kissed me.

"Marry me." My eyes widened at his sudden comment.

"what?" I asked.

"Marry me." Jai smiled.

"Like really? for real?" He nodded his head.
"Marry me." I looked at him with love and adoration.
"Okay." I started smiling widely, he just gave me a cute grin.
"Do you really want to marry me?"

"Of course." i giggled.

"Good. Cause you're adorable." Jai laughed. I shook my head when he kissed my nose.

"You and your nose kisses."

"Mhmm, well you should get used to them."

"I guess i should."

"Hahaha babe wanna know what i just realized?" Jai nervously laughed.

"Sure." I should be scared haha.

"Promise you won't hate me?" I hesitated at first but agreed.

"I promise."

"Um. Okay first of all: Were gonna have to get a house move in together" He laughed.

"Oh yeah i understand that." I don't get why he's nervous about this. We already basically live together.

"But it's not just because we're engaged." i'm confused.

"Babe i'm sorry if you hate me. But um"
"You're most likely pregnant..." He finally explained.

"Oh? Actually that's probably true. But still, how would you know?" I laughed nervously. I don't think i'm gonna be a good mom. I don't know if i'm ready, oh god.

"Uh i don't know if you were pregnant or not before. But it seemed like it and i just thought of it this morning. Plus if you weren't pregnant before you're most likely pregnant now."

"That's true. I could already be pregnant but i don't know. I don't feel pregnant. And Btw no shit Sherlock. You came like 10 inches deep inside of me. There's like a 90% chance of me being pregnant now if i already wasn't before." I playfully glared.

"Oh yeah babe. We all know you enjoyed it. What's not to love about me?" He smirked.
"Pffft your ego?" I said.

"Ha ha ha. Good one babygirl."
"Btw is it weird that i feel accomplished right now." He questioned.

"Why do you feel accomplished first of all?" I don't get what he has accomplished.

"For getting you knocked up." He struggled to hide his laugh. What's so funny? Douche

"Are you for real? You're feeling accomplished for possibly getting me pregnant?" My mouth dropped open. Omg. He nodded his head. My eyes widened, i grabbed the sheet and started walking to the bathroom.

"First of all. Thanks. Fuck you. You're a douche. How is a that a fucking accomplishment?"

"Oh fuck. Definitely pregnant." He mumbled under his breath, i could still hear him. I gasped.

"Fuck you then. i'm not gonna get married to a douche. Goodbye." I started walking to the bathroom.

"babe babe babe babe. Oh please don't do this. I'm sorry. Im sorry. Forgive me? please, I don't want you to hate me." He was basically begging me, like literally on the ground begging. When i didn't reply, he actually started crying. I immediately felt bad. He never cries, and i mean never.

He looked down at the ground and cried even more. His hands fell to his sides. I invaded his head without him noticing.

Oh god. I just lost my mate.
she hates me
i don't want her to leave me
i love her
what if she is pregnant and she won't let me see our baby
please don't leave me
she's gonna leave me now
she's my everything

I started crying at his thoughts. I crouched down to my knees . We both sat on the floor at this point.

He was too busy crying to notice.

I cried even more, i felt horrible, now he thinks i'm leaving him. I hugged him   and rubbed his back as he cried. I ran my hands through his hair to calm him down.
"Baby i'm not leaving you." I cried. Jai kept crying but was relieved. He hugged me back. We both sat there in each other's embrace just crying together.

"You promise you won't leave me." He hugged me tighter.

"I promise babe." I broke out of the embrace and pulled him back to the bed. We both laid under the covers.

"Why'd you think i'd leave you." This triggered him again, he started crying a little bit more again.

"Because you said you didn't want to marry me so i thought you'd leave me and not want anything to do with me." I felt horrible, so i cried.

"Awww i'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I promise. I wouldn't ever leave you and you should know that. You're literally my everything. I love you too much." I reassured. He pulled me closer when i said that.

"You're my world. My future. My everything. I don't wanna lose you." He ran his hand down my side.

"And you won't. I just over reacted."

"Usually it's hot when you're mad but this time it scared me." Jai explained.

"Really? omg." i giggled.

"What it's true! not funny." He pouted.

"Aww i'm sorry." I kissed his cheek.

"So am i. But you really really scared me when you said that. You were literally like "I'm not gonna marry a douche. Goodbye" i thought you were running away and leaving me." He buried his face into the pillow.

"I don't know why i said that exactly or why i was mad. But i'm sorry." I frowned and rubbed his back.

"Wait.So your still gonna marry me?" I peeked his head above the pillow a bit. I nodded my head. He smiled goofily and kissed me.

"Good. Oh wait." He reached over to the nightstand beside him and opened the drawer. He pulled out a black velvet box and grabbed a ring out of it.

He grabbed my hand and softly placed the ring on my marriage finger, when it was on he kissed it.

"How did i not notice that." He laughed

"You never go through your drawers here so i thought 'why not' and it worked." I giggled.

"Oh god i love you."

"i love you too babe." He kissed my nose again.

"Shit what time is it?" I totally forgot about bed.

"I don't know. Like 3am? It's funny because we basically conceived a baby, got engaged, fought, and cried all in one night." We both laughed at this.

"How are we supposed to tell our future kids we got engaged. What are we supposed to say 'Oh yeah your father and i got engaged right after sex'" He smirked so i hit his arm.

"Or we could just say that i asked you to marry me before we fell asleep? I don't know babe. We can save that for later." He said.

"Thank god." I laughed.

"But hey!"


"We're getting married." Jai smiled. Woah Déjà vù.


Sorry for the cringey love scene and crying scene, well basically this whole chapter. lmao





INSTA: absaremybitch
SNAP: sheawanda


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