Twisted games (Michael Jackso...

By MJsGirl1987

40.2K 1.4K 537

After a random meeting backstage before an interview Michael Jackson befriends 17 year old Faith Owens. The d... More

The games begin
Phone call
Interview/kind of
Can't stop thinking of you
It's a date x
Can I trust you?
Home Alone
Just friends
Playing games
Guilty pleasure
Too Close
Happy birthday Pt.1
Happy birthday Pt.2
The girl is mine
Walk Away
The perfect image
Just for show
Prom night
Playing with the press
Double lives
Family tree
Apart of me
Bail out
The truth Pt.1
The truth Pt.2
Other side Pt.1
Other side Pt.2
Meet the family
Special place
Tell her
Real love
Family time
Mind games
Someone's watching
Won't let go
Tip off
The truth
Accept it
Let me go
moving on
Moving on
Precious gift
Change of heart
Secrets and lies
Better off
Let me explain
please Listen
who am I?
Last supper
God's will
New start
lies and secrets
Better late than never
Double crossed
Game over


168 7 0
By MJsGirl1987

Jackie's POV

"So how much longer is all this gonna take?"  Michael asks our lawyer. "Well we have the court hearing next week so it won't  much longer, there's no proof to say that Julie's signature was forged or any other claims she's making. All the court's will see is that she adopted your daughter to you two and is probably just having second thoughts or something" he explains to Faith and Michael.

"But what if they believe her?" I ask. "It's unlikely since everybody the police have spoken to are giving the same story you guys have, even the doctors that delivered the baby are saying it was a home birth and they witnessed Julie willing hand Faith and Michael the baby and, plus I've said I saw Julie physically sign the adoption papers myself and there's no reason to doubt any of you is lying"

"What about the visits? Do we still have to do that?" Michael asks. "If the court's side with you two which they most likely will. Then the two of you will still have full custody and since it was a closed adoption, legally you don't have to allow either Julie or Jackie any kind of access and if you do then you can decide to stop that contact anytime you want"

"What do you mean 'if' the court's side with them?" I cut in "like I said before. You have a really good case and evidence and witnesses to back up everything your saying, but there's always that tiny possibility"

"So would could still lose her?" Faith croaks and Michael puts his arms around her to comfort her. "But it's unlikely?" I continue and he nods. "What if she does win? Would we have to hand her over? Or get to see her again?" Faith asks. "If Julie wins and that's a big IF then she will gain full custody and what I just said to you two will apply to Julie instead"

"So we won't see her again?" Michael croaks. "What about me?" I ask "well.. as Precious's birth father, you will have legal rights to access"

"And would I be allowed to let them see her?" I ask and he nods. "But that's all an unlikely scenario and.. "

"But it's not impossible" Faith cuts in and I swallow a large lump in my throat seeing Faith and Michael sitting there, Trying desperately not to break down.

Once we leave out lawyers office, Faith and Michael still look really worried. "It's gonna be ok. You heard what he said in there. You two have a really good case" I smile slightly through pursed lips. "That doesn't mean we can't still lose Precious" Michael mutters "you won't. He said himself it was an unlikely scenario and if it does happen then we'll find away to get her back for you and you'll get to see her. I'd never let Julie take her away like that"

"We'd never stop you seeing her. You know that right?" Faith cuts in and I nod and smile through pursed lips. "And I'm truly thankful for that"

I know alot of people will think it's strange that after everything I went through not having Faith in my life, I'd hand over and sign away my rights to another child, but this is completely different and I know I'm doing this for all the right reasons and I know Faith and Michael will never stop me being in Precious's life no matter what.

I did try and get full custody of Faith in the beginning, but according to the court's they said that they can't just take a child away from it's mother based on the fact Julie was a nasty person when we're were kids and weren't going to take a baby from one teenager to hand it over to another especially since I had no proof of Julie being a bad mother and as stupid as I was back then, I actually started to believe they were right. From what I'd seen of Julie an Faith on that teen mom show and how she seemed in the media, Faith looked really well looked after and cared for and had two parents that loved her and that's the reason I signed my right over, but when I finally met Faith and heard a completely different story, there's no way I'm gonna let Julie have another one of my children. She never cared about Faith and just used her to make money and get famous and the fact that she was willing to actually sell her baby at the beginning until she realised she could make more money by keeping her shows she clearly doesn't give shit about this on either.

Faith and Michael on the other hand are amazing parents and never use Precious for any kind of media attention and keep her out of the spotlight as much as possible. They love and adore her for being her, not what they can gain from having her around and have kept their promise about letting me see her and even agreed to sign a clause to say that if they ever did anything to harm her or weren't able to care for her in anyway, they'd have to hand her back to me and that's why I know I made the right decision giving her to them.

Faith's POV

After going to see our lawyer, Michael and I dropped Precious at Kathrine's so she could babysit while Michael and I go to do an interview. I really don't like doing interviews, but since I had to cancel on them at the last minute last time, I kinda feel like I have to.

"Maybe should have brought her with us. We could go back and..."

"She's fine. Just try and relax" Michael says softly placing his hand on my thigh. "But it doesn't feel right leaving her. What if the court's think we neglate her or something" I say nervously. "It's not neglectful get a baby sitter. Parents do it all the time when they have to work and stuff. It's not like she's been left alone"

"But what if something happeneds while we're gone?"

"Then my mother will take care of it"

"I forgot to tell her she'll need feeding soon. I should call and.."

"Baby, relax" Michael chuckles slightly. "I understand it's weird for you leaving Precious for the first time and I was the same when I first left you guys, but trust me, she'll be ok" he tries to reassure me. "But I didn't tell her she'll need feeding soon and..."

"Baby, my mother's had 9 kids. I'm sure she knows to feed the baby" he chuckles slightly. "I guess so" I sigh try I to calm myself. It's not that I don't trust Kathrine or think she's not capable of taking care of Precious for an hour or so. Like Michael said, she's had 9 kids and knows what she's doing, but I still feel weird about leaving her with someone else.

Michael's POV

The interview starts and as expected, it doesn't take long for the interviewer to start getting personal.

"You were actually gonna come on and do an interview awhile, but had to cancel because your daughter was sick. I hope it wasn't anything too serious?"

"She's fine she just had a bug" Faith lies, obviously not telling her the real reason we left so quick. "It must be very difficult for you, being and teen parent like your mom was. Your 19 now is that correct?"

"Almost and no it's not difficult at all" she shrugs. "How did you feel when you found out the were expecting?"

"We're were very excited about it" I cut in "So how come all the secretcey around the pregnancy? In fact. Nobody knew a thing until after your daughter was born" she ask confused.

"I had a very difficult and stressful pregnancy and wanted to stay out of the spotlight for awhile" Faith says. "How did your family react when they found out?"

"They were shocked at first, but their fine now" I cut in. "Including Jackie?" She turns to me. "Finding out your daughter is going to be a teen mom must be shocking enough, but then to find out his own brother was the father must have been really hard for him. What was going through his mind when he found out his own brother had been sleeping with his daughter?"

"You'd have to ask him that" Faith says with a slight attitude. "Surly he wasn't happy about the situation"

"All we know is that Jackie has been very supportive and loves and adores his grandaughter very much. As for his thoughts and feelings. Only he can answer that one" I cut in.

After a few more questions, the interview is finally over and Faith and I make our way to the dressing room to get ready to leave.

"Thank God that's over" Faith sighs rolling her eyes. "We already knew she'd go into all that stuff" I point out closing the door. "I know, but it's the way she was asking. She may as well just come right out and said how does it feel fucking your uncle" she scoffs getting her stuff together. "I don't think their allowed say that on a morning show" I chuckle slightly, trying to lighten the mood an walk over and wrap my arms around her from behind. "And you and I both know uncle Michael gives you the best sex you've ever had" I moan onto her neck "Your the only person I had sex with" she points out.

"Exactly. Which mean I'm the best you've ever had" I smirk cockily then turn her round to face me and peck her lips. "And your the best I've ever had"

"I better be" frowns playfully and puts her arms around me an kisses me deeply and I kiss her back the same way, leading us over towards the sofa.

Julie's POV

After watching Faith and Michael's interview and watching them make out to the world like there this perfect, happy family and how much their in love and how people were against them being together (for good reason. In my opnion) and talking about MY kid like it's their own, I switch of the TV feeling more pissed then before.

The only reason I haven't gone to the media about this yet is because I don't want anything messing up for me in court, but the second I get that kid back. Michael and Faith can garantee I will be telling the whole world what kind of fucked up people they really are and I'm gonna make their life a living misery. Michael may have a great career right now and Faith may have a sweet little girl next door image, but once I'm done with them they'll have nothing and nobody to turn to.

Me in the other hand will be back on top. With my new kid and the spotlight will be back on me, while Michael, Faith and Jackie will be left out in the streets with nothing, but a distant memory of how their lives used be and the knowledge that no matter what. I always win one way or another.

Emily's POV

I stand smiling to myself, watching through the gaurded gates behind a bush as Michael and Faith sit on the grass playing with the baby. The 3 of them look like such a happy and loving family and I desperately want to go over and just give them a hug.

Since Julie managed to get to Faith's emails somehow, I needed another way to try and contact them. Kathrine wouldn't give me her details, but luckily I managed to get hold of her address book when she went to the bathroon the day she came to see me.

I know I can't just walk over to them, the way I want to because they'd most likely think I'm just some random crazy woman and have me arrested for trespassing.

"May I help you?" I hear a deep voice bringing me from my thoughts and turn to see a large man who looks like a security guard standing behind me. "I um.. I came to give a message to Faith and..." I pause and see two other security people quickly  taking Faith, Michael and back into the house.

"And?" The man asks and I quickly turn my attention back to him. "Could you give this to them?" I ask handing him a sealed envelope with a letter inside and he looks at it confused. "Please?... It's really important they get this as soon as possible"

Michael's POV

"What's going on?" I ask Dave and Pitt confused why they quickly rushed the three of us back into the house.

"It's probably nothing to worry about, but we just saw someone hanging around behind the gates and.."

"You what!?" Faith panics. "It's nothing to worry about. It was probably just a fan or something and it's been taken care of" he reasures us then Bill walks in holding and envelope.

"What's this?" Faith asks confused as he hands it to her. "Some old lady was hanging around outside and said I needed to give this to you guys. She claims its really important you get this" he says as confused as us and I sit beside Faith as she opens it and there's a picture of a baby with dark skin and a letter inside.

Dear: Faith

You won't remember me, but my name is Emily and I'm your grandmother. The photo inside is a picture of you from when you were first born. I know it's seems strange and this whole letter probably will, but I inclosed this picture to prove I'm not some crazy person and to prove to you I am gueniuin and really did know you as a baby by giving you some information nobody else could possibly know. Just as the birthmark you have behind your right ear and that when you were a baby you were treated for chest problems and the scar you have on the bottom of you foot. I know that's not much information, but it's just a few little things that nobody could have known unless they knew you to prove I am who I say I am.

The reason I'm writing this to you isn't just to talk about what you were like as a baby, but to warn you about your mother. I tried to e-mail you, but unfortunately that devil got to your messages before you had a chance to see it. I need to speak to you desperately and to warn you. I've wrote my number on the back of this letter. Please call me as soon as you read this.

Love: grandma

"This can't be real" I shake my head. "If she's your grandmother then why would she just randomly turn up out of the blue and ask to pass on a letter instead of asking to see you?" I frown confused and Faith stays quiet for a moment, reading the letter over.

"I don't know, but if she's lying then how could she have known that stuff about me? Or that my mother's, mom was called Emily? I didn't even know that until we found that stuff at my grandma's cabin remember?" She says finally looking up. "You don't actually believe her do you?" I frown. "But what if she really is who she says she is? An I wanna know what she means about warning me about my mom"

"I don't know how she'd know that stuff, but if she came to warn you then why wouldn't she say this to your face instead of just leaving a note?" I shrug still sceptical of the whole thing. "There's only one way to find out" she shrugs and takes her phone from her pocket and starts dialling the number and puts it on loud speaker so me and our security can all listen.

"Faith?" The woman answers after the first ring. "Um.. who is this?" She asks nervously. "Thank God you got my letter" she sighs heavily in relief. "Yeah.. What do you mean your my grandmother and you need to warn me about something?"

"It's true I swear"

"So why leave a note?" She frowns confused. "Would you have honestly believed me and let me in, if I just knocked on your door?"

"I guess not" Faith mumbles. "What did you need to tell me about my mom?" She asks again and the line goes silent for a moment. "I can't talk about it over the phone. Could you meet me? It's best we do this in person" she says and I frown shaking my head at Faith. "Um.. no offense, but I'm not gonna come and meet a random stranger I've never met and just left me a note"

"I understand your concerned and you probably think I'm some crazy old lady and..."

"Probably?" Faith cuts her off with a slight attitude. "Please? It's really important I speak to you. You don't have to come alone. This actually concerns Michael too"

"He's not gonna come either"

"Please? Your both in danger and so is your daughter. You can bring one of your security people, bring them all if it makes you feels safer and we can meet in public anywhere you want, but please come and i'll explain everything to you then. This is really important"

Emily's POV

It took awhile to convince Faith to come and meet me and could tell by the tone of her voice she was still pretty skeptical of the whole thing, but the important thing is her and Michael have agreed to meet me in a few days. I would have preferred them to come now, but since it took me awhile to convince them to meet me in the first place. I didn't want to push them and risks them changing their minds about meeting me.

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