Guardians of Olympus

By Shadowedmoon13

10.4K 360 154

The demigods are still children, and the mystery as to why they are kids is still.....well.........a mystery... More

The Crazy Lady
Nico's Birthday
Deja Vu
The New Nebula

Guardians Of The Galaxy

1.3K 47 34
By Shadowedmoon13

" Guys, the facial recognition scan came back, and we've got some very........interesting finds as to who that crazy blue lady was," Tony called over the intercom.
The demigods and the avengers stopped whatever training they were doing, and filed out to meet in the conference room. When everyone was seated, a picture of the crazy lady form the park filled the projected screen in the room.
" That's her all right," Percy commented dryly, remembering the woman clearly, as he sat down next to Annabeth.
A small bit of information in white lettering appeared below it.
" Okay, so it turns out that this woman isn't so much a woman as we thought! The blue isn't face paint, it's actually her skin. At first I thought she was some Avatar wannabe, but no, she's an intergalactic warrior, daughter of a mysterious alien named Thanos. All scans on him are non existent, but she has status up in the Galaxy from what we can tell. She doesn't seem to come to earth, like ever, but with a name like Nebula, it'd be pretty hard to be incognito. From what the scans show, she's not fighting the good fight, and clearly has dark intentions on our planet," Leo explained, every now and then gesturing to the cruel expressioned picture of ' Nebula '.
" How'd you come by this info?" Steve asked curiously.
" Ran it by some of the Chitauri technology you guys picked up after the war in New York," Leo explained matter of factory.
" She doesn't look like Chiaturi to me, and if they've got her on record, then she's dangerous not only to us, but to others," Jason murmured, thinking hard and peering at the woman through his glasses.
The Avengers agreed, nodding consent to his thought.
" Thor, is this...Nebula a name familiar on Asgard?" Frank asked his mentor hopefully.
Thor seemed to ponder this for a moment before answering confidently.
" No, alas, my people know not of this woman," Thor murmured.

For the next hour, they ran through information, making sure that the scanners couldn't pick up any more information about Nebula, or her intent on earth. They came to the decision that she would be after them soon, as she didn't seem like the type to be idle. They were halfway through scanning for the tenth time, to no avail, when the sound of a large crash made them jolt upright in their seats.
" What was that?" Annabeth asked nervously.
Tony checked with a screen on the wall, and noted he flashing red light on the landing bay for the quinjet.
" There's an unidentified aerial vehicle on the roof!" Tony informed angrily.
" English, Stark!" Natasha and Hazel protested at the same time.
" He means that a plane has crashed on our roof, and it isn't supposed to be there," Leo explained with a smirk.
Everyone stood up, drawing weapons and checking their suits.
" Steve, Tony, Leo, Jason, Percy, you boys want the honours?" Natasha offered, an eyebrow raised.
" Sure, lets go and greet our uninvited guest," Jason growled.

The ship had crashed, plain and simple. It had smoke spiralling out of its engines, which were clearly not straying ho any time soon. The chosen greeters stood outside the ship, where the hatch was, and waited weapons ready and in a fighting stance.
" Come out now! Resist and we will blow your ship to bits!" Tony yelled, knowing the intruders would hear.
Nothing happened and after a while, Tony let the repulsed beams at his hands light up, and told Leo to catch fire.
" If you won't come now, we will deliver on our threat," Steve backed him up, glaring at the hatch.
With a hissing sound the hatch slid open and a guy in a long  brown leather coat leapt out, his coppery red and brown hair slick with oil and sweat.
" Woah, woah, woah, no one blows up my ship!" He yelled in an annoyed voice.
Coming out behind him emerged the four most strange partners.
The first was a woman with green skin and scarlet highlights in her hair, she walked out confidently and stood next to him defensively. Steve noted that she sure reminded him of Natasha with her clothing choice and obvious physical strength.
Next came the strangest couple that he'd ever seen, a huge tree with actual eyes and a mouth that had an almost humanoid shape, with a larger than average raccoon standing on his shoulder. The raccoon had guns in his paws! What the heck were these intruders playing at?!
Last was a tall, very strong man with bulging muscles, greenish yellow skin and red tattoos all over. He glared at them, folding his arms and taking a casual stance.
" This is the avengers tower, you are trespassing!" Percy growled, letting Riptide spring to life.
" Actually, pipsqueak, we are crashing, not trespassing! And you will surrender to us before we take our rightful prize by force," The raccoon said in a surprisingly deep voice.
Leo did a double take hen the animal spoke and pointed a shaky, still burning finger at him.
" Okay....who messed with my Fonzzies this morning? Cause is it just me, or did that raccoon just speak," Leo asked, glancing at his friends imploringly.
Instantly the raccoon puffed up his fur and bared his tiny teeth.
" Raccoon?! Seriously man, Raccoon?! I'm no rodent, and you're one to talk since you're currently on fire!" The raccoon chattered furiously.
Leo just stared dumbly at the animal, clearly very confused.
" Our prize awaits us, step aside from the weapon you hide or there will be bloodshed," The woman snarled angrily, hefting a small firearm.
" Prize? Weapon? What are you even talking about?!" Jason yelled in frustration, waving his hands around in annoyance.
" Don't play coy with us, you terran filth! You possess the Orb, and it is ours to protect!" The giant of a man grumbled, balling his hands in to a fist.
The avengers and their students glanced at each other in confusion, the Orb? What were the aliens talking about?!
They were stopped in their thoughts by a bang.
The woman had shot her firearm, and Steve quickly deflected it with his shield.
And so the battle began.
Tony fired at the man in the lead, with the brown leather coat, his repulsters firing mercilessly at the man who was now firing back with guns that emitted strange blue energy.
Leo blasted fire at the raccoon who just happened to be firing a gun at him.
Steve and the green woman were currently engaging hand to hand, and while he felt bad about fighting a woman, this was different.
Jason called down lightning and blasted it at the tree, that was snaking roots and vines towards him.
Percy strayed swordplay with the giant of a man, who just happened to have a much large blade that he was wielding easily.
" Who are you?!" Tony hissed as he fought the man in the lead.
" I'm Starlord, and we are The Guardians Of The Galaxy!" The man answered proudly between punches.

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