Accidental love

By nochillmad

125K 3.9K 1.8K

Some times love is accidental literally More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chappter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 34 part 2
Chapter 34 part two and a half
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
39 part two
Chaper 40
40 fuckin5
The end
Youve been blessedโ€ผ๏ธ
And it begins, sequel out now

Chapter 4

3.4K 130 48
By nochillmad

I leaned in about to connect our lips,resting my hand on her waist, slowly sliding it down to her ass almost made it before the front door slammed she opened her eyes realizing what she was doing, she hoped off of me not making eye contact with me,

fucking Camila I thought, I'm going to kill that pint sized churo. I sat up clearing my thought, she pulled me around her shoulder helping me too the stairs, I went for it again letting my hand roam lower than her shoulder, "don't even try it" she said aggressively slapping my hand away.

We reached the bottom of the stairs, Camila was quickly putting groceries away, she bought a lot, "score" I said taking a bag of hot cheatos off the counter, I Normani snatched them from me, "you can't eat these", "damn she sounds just like Alex" Camila said still putting up groceries, "who's Alex?" She asked. I cleared my throat trying to tell her to stop talking.

"Oh that's Lauren's-" I cut her off, "oh my god is that a spider on you?" I said pointing at Normani's leg, "what?" She said before she started freaking out, I grabbed the bag of hot cheatos and chucked them at Camilas head she moved just before it could hit her, She sat back down so close we we're touching, "so who is she?"

Normani asked again, "oh, she's Lauren's", I cleared my thought, "shut up" I said in between coughs, Camila didn't hear me conveniently. "Like I was saying Alex is Lauren's", I breathed out, "for god sakes Camila shut the hell up" I said loud and clear, "oh sorry" she said putting the last grocery away.

Normani crossed her arms scooting from me, great now she's mad at me, "well friends I have a date with my baby, so I won't be back for a while" she said winking, I creaked a smile, she gets so much play I thought. She opened the door about to walk out, "freeze" I said sternly,

she froze in motion, "keys " I said, "damn" she said under her breath, she through me my keys before walking out the door. I turned on the tv, I looked over at her, she had her arms around legs crossed looking at the tv angrily as she tapped her foot rapidly. "Are you mad at me?" I asked In a baby voice.

She shook her head "nope" she said popping the p, I moved closer yawning then putting my arm around her, she pushed me off facing the other way from me, "really" I shook my head at her pettiness and games, "I felt like you're mad at me"

I said leaning down on my arm, she shook her head no, I shrugged and picked up my phone I ordered us some chicken nuggets and fries from McDonald's Donald's, "and your not mad at me?", "no Miss jauregui" I threw my hand up back to this bull shit again.

"Can we finish were we left off?", "no I have a girlfriend miss jauregui". "Number one, no you don't, number two stop calling me that", "what would you like me to call you miss jauregui?", I  clenched my fist then released blowing my deep breath out,

"I don't care what you call me, just don't call me Miss jauregui", "yes miss Lauren", this girl is going to be the death of me, making me mad was obviously satisfying her very much.

"You know what screw that" I said picking up my phone, I started texting a long paragraph texting myself back and forth, I could tell it was really pissing her off. She did that huffing thing girls do when they want your attention, I waited until the 3rd one before looking up, "are you okay?"

I asked, she shook her head yes, "Go back to texting your little girlfriend". I turned the other way trying to contain my smile, "she's nobody girl chill". "I mean obviously she's somebody because you felt the need to cut into our time together".

I looked away trying to contain my smile again I licked my lips, "she's not important", she looked away mumbling under her breath, "what?" I said in a threatening way, "nothing" she said lowly, I looked back down at my phone, "I just think it's funny how,

you got all these girls texting you and hitting on you in real life and you actually have the nerve to text them back right now". I listened to her go on sitting there taking it all in, i couldn't get over how jealous she is, I looked at her with a big smile on my face, "is there something funny?" She said with an attitude, "no but it's cute how mad and jealous you are".

"I'm not jealous" she said lowly picking at her nails, "so you're mad?", "no" she said lowly, "then your jealous" she didn't respond just stared at the tv, I left her alone for a few minutes, i got a text from post mates,

"would you still be mad if I bought you some chicken nuggets?" She turned too me then shook her head  no like a child. I smiled at how cute this girl is, she distracts me from being mad and angry.

The door bell rang, she hoped up running to it, she opened the door and her eyes lit up, she snatched the bags from the man then slammed the door before dancing her way back to the couch, I chuckled before getting into my chair, I payed the man,

when I turned around she had about five chicken nuggets in her mouth, I couldn't help but laugh as she shoved fries into her mouth, it's sexy how most girls are afraid to eat in front of there significant other, but not this one, she could eat.

I wheeled over to the couch, "you forgot the drinks" I said putting the cup holder on the table, she grabbed her drink sucking it down, she was finished in record time. "Time" I said looking at my imaginary watch, two minutes three seconds let's give it up for the new champ".

She clapped for self wiping her mouth. She looked at her phone, "its time for your medicine", she slapped the chicken nugget from my hand pulling me over to her bag she keeps all of her stuff in.

She went and grabbed a water bottle handing it to me with a big ass red pill, "the fuck is this King Kong ass pill?", she chuckled "it's a chew able"," then what's the water for?","the taste" I just popped it in my mouth without hesitation, I chewed it at first it tasted like a hot tamale then It got worse.

I opened my water chugging the whole thing as Normani laughed at me, "what's it taste like?" She asked eagerly, "the blood of my fallen enemies,bitter" she started laughing "I've heard a lot of different things but that one was the best by far".

I looked at her with a scowl, "what do you mean you've heard a lot of things?", "you seeing other patients now?" I asked a little hurt, ", you're my one and only" she said going over to sit on couch, "when does this kick in?" She started to count down, "now". My whole world flipped upside down,

Normanis pov:
Lauren was looking like daddy asf getting out that shower, when she ran her fingers over her and bitting her lip, I just wanted to sit on her face right there, I got caught up in the moment and almost kissed her, the door slammed shut.

I was snapped back to reality that I had only known Lauren for four days and were craving her lips badly. I gave Lauren her medicine she was so calm she's obviously been high as shit before, it's funny because she does what I tell her, she has never once asked me a medical question.

"Lauren", she snatched her head from the wall she had been staring at for the last ten minutes, "what?" She said her eyes were droopy as hell, "come here", she was going to cuddle with me, she wheeled over to me, I opened her eyes checking her pupils,

she smacked my hand away, "are you trying to take my eyes out of my head", "don't hit me"I said slapping her leg back lightly, "oh my god, "are those chicken nuggets?" She sounded emotional "yes they are" she grabbed one, "can I have this?" I nodded laughing at her "sure Lauren".

She put a huge smile on her face then ate the chicken nugget, "bud da da da dum I'm loving it", I started laughing as she sang with every chicken nugget she ate, all of a sudden she stopped, "oh shit I got go walk my giraffe",

"you know a funny word, gingivitis". I could help but laugh at the way her speech slurred, she how are you going to clean out the swimming pool but you didn't even cut the neighbors yard". I couldn't stop laughing, "shut up and watch tv"

She hoped on the couch she laid her head on my lap throwing a plush ball up then catching it, all of a sudden she stopped, "can I touch your but?" I chuckled "that depends do you want to keep your hands?", "would I grow new ones?"

I shook my no laughing at her, "would I get someone else's hands?", "yes Lauren.","stop calling me that", "what do you want me to call you then?", "I don't know, give me a nickname, like nickel or quarter zone". I laughed, "how about Lo Lo?", she gave me a thumbs up. My phone started ringing, Lauren quickly picked it up, "hello?", I didn't know who was on the other line or hear what they were saying so I just listened to Lauren's reactions. "Who the fuck am I, you called me", I was about to snatch the phone from her but she sat up out of my reach.

"Um she's a little busy right now", she said looking at me smirking, "sorry I don't fuck and tell" she said hanging up the phone, I snatched the phone from her seeing who it was, I pinch the skin between my eyes, "out of anyone you could have possibly said that too, you chose Cara", she sent me a text, English muffin: while your busy fucking some random chick, I thought you should know that issac got hurt in school today, he has a sprained arm but he's fine carry on. "Oh shit, Lolo I've gotta go", "what why?" She whined like a toddler.

I ignored her question scrambling to get all my stuff, "is it because of English muffin?", she said with an attitude, "maybe" I said opening the door, "I'll be back some time to cheek on you, don't do anything stupid", she chuckled, "no promises" before I shut the door. I ran down to my car hoping inside, I had this handa accord for 10 years, it is my first car my parents bought me, it's a piece of shit. I speed to my house breaking every traffic law posible.

I ran in opening the door, Isaac and Cara were sitting on the couch watching cartoons, when Cara saw me she rolled her eyes getting up walking passed me, "hi baby" I said opening my arms for him to run into them, he got up and ran into them, him running with this huge ace bandage wrapping on his arms had to be the funniest thing in the world. "Mommy, Mommy, bo bo" he said pointing at the bandages, "I know baby", I pulled him into a bear hug, her tapped my back, "dying" he said unable to breathe. I pulled away from him, "sorry".

"Are you hungry?" He shook his head no as he rubbed his eyes, "you sleepy?" I asked in awe at his cuteness, He nodded yes holding up his arms. I reached down picking him up, he laid his head on my shoulder yawning. I rubbed his back carrying him up to his room. I set him down then tucked him in before kissing his forehead, "good night buddy", he was already fast asleep snoring and all I sat in the chair across from him watching him sleep.

I woke up and picked up my phone  checking the Time 2am, I walked back down stairs, Dinah was on the couch on the phone with Camila, I walked too Cara's door hesitating to knock, I grew a pair and lightly knocked, she opened the door, when she saw me she rolled her eyes attempting to shut the door on me, I put my hand out forcing my way inside, she went back to being on her laptop, "can we talk?"I asked innocently fiddling my thumbs, "about?" She asked harshly never taking her eyes off the screen. "About the brief phone conversation you had with my patient". "You mean Your fuck buddy" she said pissed.

"Cara she was just joking", she chuckled, "yea and I'm best friends with Oprah". I twisted my lips, "I'm sorry" I said lowly, "are you sorry about not being there for Isaac or because you keep leading me on?", "what are you talking about?"

I asked cluelessly, "cut the act Normani, you flirt with every single thing living, you lead people on just for the fun of it, does it give you power or authority or something?", she didn't give me a chance to answer before cutting me off again, "you know what don't answer that, I just want to know am I the only one you're not opening your legs too every chance you get or is it ruby too?".

I sat there feeling bad about myself, I hadn't had sex in a while but it still hurt I sat at the edge of her bed feeling like complete shit, "don't answer that either, "I mean I know you get around a lot but could you at least take the time out of your day for Isaac?", "I mean not o tus what your doing highly dishonest but it's also immature, i mean how the hell can a child take care of a child?" I had hot tears running down my face, I sniffled before walking out, I put my hood on walking to the couch bringing my knees too my chest rocking back and forth,

"what's wrong?" I just broke down and started crying harder, Dinah became upset she got up angrily walking into Cara's room, they started screaming at each other, it was too much for me so I just grabbed my keys and left.

I pulled into Lauren's drive way still crying and shaking, I sat in the car for a minute attempting to compose my self, I managed to stop the tear flow but my eyes were still watery and I was still shaky, I knocked on Lauren's door lightly,

she immediately opened the door, "She remembered me" she said giggling, I gave her a fake smile putting my nursing bag down. I sat down on her couch with my hands on my head as my mind raced, I put my hood on before wiping my face, "are you okay?" Lauren asked concerned.

I nodded getting up quickly, "um yea, can I get some water or something?" She nodded, I walked into the kitchen looking around for a second before guessing which one was the cup cabinet, some how I was correct, I grabbed a cup walking over too her sink, she all of a sudden there was loud banging on the door coming from the tv I dropped the cup Making it shatter across the floor,

I quickly bent down and started picking broken glass shards, Lauren rolled into the kitchen grabbing me a broom, I set it to the side as I cleared all the the big pieces off the floor into the trash, I swept up the rest into the dustpan throwing that in the trash, I noticed a piece on the counter, when I went to grab it it sliced my hand down the middle.

"Shit" I said loudly holding my hand, Lauren handed me a towel, I wrapped my hand applying pressure, I stood at the kitchen sink with my head down as the tears started to flow, I was drowning in my thoughts I felt a warm presence press again me,

Lauren wrapped her hands around my me securely "it's okay, relax" I she said into my ear, it felt so good to have someone holding me again. I started crying harder not even paying attention to the fact she's standing, I turned around wrapping my arms around her neck, she pulled me closer tightening her grip around my waist, she was taller than I thought, I had too stand on my tippy toes to reach her neck.

She rubbed my back as I sobbed into her chest, she picked me up wrapping my legs around her waist, swiftly limping to the couch, I was completely oblivious to her walking. She laid down on the couch pulling the blanket over us, she held me there rocking back and forth rubbing my back stroking my hair, "telling me that everything Is okay". The only reason every thing is okay is because I'm in her arms.

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