The Exchange Student

By BunchofDaisys

1.6K 67 2


'Jariana Or Jastin'
'Back To School'
'What Have I done'
'Party Time'
'5 Seconds of Summer'
'3 years Later'
'Regret and Alone'


450 5 2
By BunchofDaisys

I was starting a new school. I wasn't happy about this but i had no choice. I walked through the black gates into the schools office,to face a old lady who smelt like lavender. She wore a Pant suit and had grey hair. "Morning" I said trying to get her attention. "Morning, You must be the exchange student from England, is that correct?" She asked in her American accent, then again I'm the one with the accent round here and then she took out a form. "Yes, I'm May Ann" I told her my name as I filled in the for  she handed me. "Take a seat and a student will come and collect you to show you around the school" She told me and I took a seat. This place looked formal, like a prison. Then again this was a boarding school for the rich, I wasn't rich quite the opposite actually. I was the exchange student from England, the only reason I was the exchange was because I had the highest IQ in my old school. Don't get me wrong I was a trouble maker but I was the smartest trouble maker.

A very chiseled boy was walking over to me, "Hello, you must be May, I'm Justin, Justin Bieber" He told me "Hello, are you my guidance" I asked and he nodded. He told me to follow and started to speak "I will be with you for a few weeks until 7 o'clock and then a girl guidance will be with you to show you your room" He carried on talking when a blonde girl bumped into me "Watch were your going" She snapped at me, I wouldn't normally take that but since it was my first day all I said was "Sorry" but she carried on "I think you need new glasses" She scoffed at me, I was about to say something I wouldn't regret but Justin spoke instead "Taylor, she said sorry just leave it " and with that we were walking away but I felt like someone was burning holes into the back of my head because she was staring. We got outside and Justin spoke "Sorry about Taylor, just because she goes out with the most popular guy at this school she thinks shes a queen" He told me as we sat on a bench.

 "Can you tell me about the student here" I asked and he looked delighted probably because of the gossip. We walked over to the football field, sorry soccer field. There were two gangs standing one either side on the pitch "The ones on the left are 'The Wanted' and the ones on the right is 'One Direction' I don't know why they call them self's that it's probably because their both British, They have a feud going on I don't know why" Justin told me. We decided to walk away when I noticed a curly haired one from 'One Direction' was staring at me, My curiosity got the best of me and I asked Justin "Who the curly haired one from 'One Direction'" He turned around and faced me "That's Harry Styles, Taylor's boyfriend. You shouldn't get to know any of them, They're bad news" He warned me as we  walked away. "And over there is Taylor's group, You have Taylor,Selena and Miley" He started to say "Selena and I use to have a thing until Taylor showed up and she left" He looked down at his feet and all I said was "Sorry". We carried on walking until we got to a bench. "And here, is where you will meet the greatest people of your life, This is Austin,Ariana,Jai and Demi" I looked up at them and said  "Hey My names May" I was interrupted by Jai "Your British, My brother loves British accents" He carried on "Yes she's the exchange student babe" Ariana spoke and kissed him on his cheek.

We decided to walk into the sports hall because we had P.E. I got changed into my P.E kit. I had an alright figure, Not to fat but not too skinny, curvy I guess. But I had huge boobs and they always got in the way and it didn't help that I just wore a Sports bra but so did Ariana, Demi didn't it seemed she was afraid about her body. I started to run round the pitch, I loved to exercise, I felt someone come up behind me, it was Harry, wow he must be fast. "Your new" he asked "Yes i am" I answered "and British, were from Britain are you from?" he asked "Cheshire, Holmes chapel" I answered him back and he looked shocked "That's were i'm from well my mum lives their" he said and I new I had seen him from some where "I new i'd seen you before, my older sister Gabbie was friends with your sister Gemma" I said shocked. "Ah I thought i'd seen you before as well" He seemed really nice but when his friends caught up with us he said this "Anyway, I just thought i'd tell you, I think you have lovely tits" and he winked at me, I was so disgusted I just caught up with my pace and headed straight off until I couldn't see them anymore.

That was out of order, I kept saying to myself, so he changes when he's with his friends. I kept running getting my anger out. Until I ran into someone. "Um sorry" I said as he turned around. "Hi, I'm Nathan" he said as I took a sip of water. "Hey, i'm May" I said trying to catch my breath. He was British, he didn't look like anyone from 'One Direction' so he must be one of 'the wanted'. "So how do you like the school so far" He asked me so I decided to give my truthful opinion "Well you have a group of dickheads" I said pointing to 'One Direction' "You also have a group of Bitches" pointing to Taylor's group "And Justin's group is alright and I haven't met yours get but apparently your bad news" I stared staring into his eyes. "Well come on meet us" He said grabbing my hand and taking me over to the group. "Guy's I'd like you to meet May" Nathan said. "They all turned round and looked me up and down, that's when I felt really uncomfortable, I forgot I still had my sports bra on. "This is, Max,Tom,Jay and Siva" Nathan told me as I shook their hands. I noticed one thing Max's eyes were fixed on my lady lumps. "My eyes are up here. babe" I said to him, while the others laughed and Max shook his head like he was day dreaming. I saw at the corner of my eye, that 'One Direction' were staring at me and the boys laugh, were they jealous, No, why would they? "I think 'One Direction'have a staring problem" I said turning around looking at them, "It's ok, they always stare, we don't like each other very much" Tom said. "why not" I asked. "To be honest We don't know" Siva said. "Well nice meeting you, I better keep running" I said and ran. I turned around and Max was staring at my arse. Well their gang was just 'horny' well one of them was.

 I got back to the P.E  corridor and Justin's group was their. "were were you?" Demi asked. "I ran around the whole school" I said as I took a sip of water. "Okay, let's head to the shower" Ariana said. We headed to the shower and their was another group of girls in their, "Who are they?" I asked Demi. "There the group 'Little Mix', bad news, you see Perrie the blonde one, she goes out with Zayn from 'One Direction'" She said and I went to the shower and I got in and washed my long hair. I heard snickering outside and Perrie grabbed my clothes away from the bench. I just laughed. I wasn't really boverd. I had a towel in the shower with me and I wasn't boverd about people seeing me naked. I got out of the shower and my clothes weren't there. "Oh no were did my clothes go" I said sarcastically. I got changed in the toilet in my underwear.

I walked out and walked out of the changing room. Everyone was standing outside, Perrie was stood there holding my clothes. I walked past her and went out of the corridor heading to my room, they all had shocked faces, they probably thought that I would of cried and begged them for my clothes back. I heard running behind me, of course it was Harry. "Cover yourself up" He said giving me a pair of joggers. "Why, I didn't choose to come out wearing this, I did have my own clothes" I snapped at him. "Will you just please cover yourself up" He said and I grabbed the joggers, so now I had my bra on and joggers. "Why do you care, you have Taylor bet she had a shocked face when you ran after me" I laughed. I was so glad that he laughed too. He suddenly stopped laughing when someone ran after us. It was one of his group. He came up to my and said "Hey, I'm Liam" I shook his hand and said "I'm May" He quickly then said "I really like your underwear, Batman is the best film ever" I knew he was telling the truth about batman but I didn't know if he was just saying that to look at my underwear "I know, I really like it and when I saw these, I really wanted them so I bought them" I said and then Harrys face look angry, his eye colour change from Emerald green to a dark hunter green, It was quite scary how they just changed. He was staring at Liam like he did something wrong, all Liam was doing was flirting. No, He can't be, can he, no he has Taylor but the way his eyes changed he was - Harry was jealous.

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