Ready or Not


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"Your mine," I tell her, trying to control my breathing. "As your mine." She whispers back, her sweet breath... More

Ready or Not (Unedited)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chater 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 12

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Camille’s POV

         How did I get into this position? I am currently on my back beneath my mate as he towers over me whining and nuzzling my neck. Ugg. This is the last place I wanna be. Ok who am I kidding my body is practically purring at his nearness, which is quite frustrating considering I’m extremely hurt and pissed at him. I muster up a growl, wiggling a little trying to get this lug off me. The nuzzling stops and a rumbling warning growl travels through my body from the beast above me. I freeze. Ok maybe wiggling around wasn’t the best idea. Lets try a new tactic. I whimper slightly, pawing at his chest. That seems to do the trick. He backs off slowly, warily like I’ll run away. Ha, fat chance. I’m not about to be tackled again. I right myself into a sitting position and shake my coat free of dust and dirt. I can feel his eyes on me but I’m not in the mood to face him yet. I know as soon as I look into his expressive green eyes I’ll be well on my way to forgiving him, and I just can’t do that yet. I still can’t get the picture of him and that naked blonde out of my head. Every time I close my eyes I see them and it cracks away at my heart knowing that he can just do that. If he expects me to just be a side girl he’s sorely mistaken.

I steel myself, still refusing to look at him but suddenly he walks over into my line of vision. I stare at his nose instead of his eyes. He drops something on the forest floor, and I snap my gaze to it. A white shirt. Ah, so he wants me to shift. Fan-flipping-tastic. He turns his back to me before retreating behind a thick tree. Minutes later, he emerges wearing nothing but jeans. I trail my eyes up his chest, to his amused smile and finally those eyes of his, that seem to sparkle in the moonlight. I hate that his body affects me like this when I’m so upset with him. I hate that he knows how much he affects me. I let out a huff before retreating behind another tree to shift and change. I slowly slip out from behind the tree in his long white t-shirt, wishing I had a hair tie for my tangled mess of chocolate hair.

“You have to let me explain Camille. It was-

“I don’t HAVE to do anything.” I interrupt him, still not looking at him but knowing his eyes have never left me.

“Ok, yes, I know baby I’m sorry is just- please…if you would just…Camille just please hear me out.”

“As of right now, I am not your baby.” I flash my baby blues at him, and internally flinch at the sudden hurt in his eyes. “However I will allow you to explain your side of the story.” Its difficult to keep strong knowing I’m hurting him, but he doesn’t understand how much it hurt me to see him like that, and I will never be just another notch on his belt. I deserve more.

“Ok,” He sighs, “I understand you’re mad, but please just listen. It wasn’t what It looked like.” I roll my eyes and huff in disbelief. He doesn’t seriously think that will wok on me does he? “No really Camille, it wasn’t.” he insists.

“Ok, just get on with it Austin.” I gesture for him to continue. The sooner I get this over with the sooner I can leave it in the past and not have to relive the pain. I hear him take a big breath and begin.

“I was just in my office working after I told my friend Jeff I wasn’t in the mood to go out tonight because I had found my mate, and was missing her.” He pauses and I feel him looking at me but can’t force myself to look back. He sighs again and continues, “I didn’t realize that I had worked through lunch and dinner, trying to finish up so I could come back to get you. Someone knocked on my door and I wasn’t paying attention and before I knew it Patty had come in with food and hot chocolate acting all concerned.” I flinched. So they were on first name basis? She was concerned about him? “Yes, Camille, Patty and I have a history but that was so long ago and I honestly don’t know what I ever saw in her. To be honest no one compares to you now.” I hear a smile in his voice but just bite my lip in thought, trying not to let him sweet talk his way back in.

“That doesn’t explain why she was, was n-naked on your lap and your pants were on the g-ground.” I whisper, trying to conceal my pain as best I could. I sense him taking a step closer to me, and stiffen, thus halting his advance.

“I wasn’t paying her any attention. I was trying to get her to leave but she accidentally spilled hot chocolate on me and was trying to clean up. She got sneaky and whipped my pants off in her attempts to help me clean up. I got flustered and angry and dismissed her help, but she was persistent and stripped off her coat. I had no idea she was naked or that she was out to get me into bed. Honestly I didn’t. Then I smelled your scent and got so excited, but then I saw the hurt look on your face and my heart broke.” He paused again. I could hear the pain in his voice and finally turned to look at him. “I never wanted to hurt you Camille.” He hesitantly steps forward again, and this time I let him. “I commanded her to never step foot in the house again unless summoned, and made it very clear whatever we had before is over.” He tries assuring me. I sniff trying to maintain control of my emotions. My eyes snap to his at the feel of his knuckles brushing my cheek. I hadn’t realized I’d let a tear escape. “Please don’t cry kitten.” I suppress a smile at his nickname for me, and wipe at my eyes.

“I don’t mean to, but it’s just so painful. I keep seeing the two of you together, and it hurts.” I whimper. I hate being weak in front of him but my chest aches. I need the reassurance that I’m his one and only.

“I know it does, and I will do whatever it takes to make you not hurt anymore.” He promises, bringing my head in-between his big hands. “Look at me kitten.” I give him my full attention, allowing him to witness all the pain in my eyes. “Whatever you want and need, you got it. I’m right here and from now on, I’m all yours ok?” I nod in understanding. I’m still hurting and upset. I know it will take a while for me to completely trust him again, but I can tell that he’s hurting too. I hope that we will be ok, and get through this though.

“Ok Austin. I know you’re sorry. Lets just be done talking about it for right now ok?” he opens his mouth to say something but I hold a hand up to stop him, “I’ve had enough for today. I’m exhausted after the trip up here and just want to go to bed ok?” he snaps his mouth shut and nods in agreement.

“Ok Kitten let’s get you to bed. I’ll walk you to your room.” We start to head back towards the house hand in hand. “What made you change your mind and come down here?” he asks.

“Oh, it’s a long story, I’ll tell you later. Just Jamie and I decided to come down. I hope you don’t mind.” I look up at him in question.

“Of course I don’t mind, you’re my mate Camille. This is your pack too you know. Besides any friends of yours are friends of mine and are welcome here for as long as they want.”

“Thank you.” I whisper, as we reach the porch door and come to a stop.

“No need to thank me.” He shrugs.

“Still, it means a lot.” I reach up on my tiptoes and peck him on the cheek. He shivers and I giggle before making my way inside. “Good night Austin!” I call over my shoulder.

“I don’t know where you think your going kitten, our bedroom is this way.” I spin around to face my mischievous mate, who’s grinning from ear to ear and pointing down the hall. As tempting as snuggling up to him sounds, I need some time to myself, but that doesn’t mean I can’t have a little fun. I stalk over to him and trail a hand up his chest.

“Oh, really? You want to go up to our room?” He swallows, putty in my hands, “That’s cute Austin, really cute.” I continue in my bedroom voice. “Too bad you’ll be sleeping there alone.” I wink and back away. He shakes his head before flashing dangerously sexy eyes at me. “Down boy.” I smile suggestively before turning and heading for the stairs with an extra sway to my hips.

“Camille…” he playfully warns me, a growl rumbling his chest, giving me Goosebumps.

“Not gonna happen Austin. Keep dreaming.” I smirk to myself. “Good night!” All I receive in response is a huff and a door slam. Oopsie I got the big bad wolf mad. Well he deserves it.


         “You can’t seriously think that. That idea is totally sexist!”


          “Its true though. You can’t argue the truth!”


        “It isn’t the truth at all! What made you believe something like that?! I can’t believe you even-Ugg!”

         I roll over, still buried deep in the soft silky sheets and snuggle deeper into the pillow. Nothing like waking up to Jamie’s yelling from downstairs. I wonder who got on her bad side this time.

         “You have to look at this logically! You can’t just hold a biased opinion!”

         “Damn right I can!”

         Guess there’s no way I can really sleep in. I groan, reluctantly slipping out from in-between the covers and stretch out like a kitten. Kitten. Austin. Yum. Oh yeah I’m at his house. Suddenly last night’s events come flooding back. I flop back dramatically on the bed, tossing an arm over my eyes. The last thing I want to deal with is relationship drama. Maybe a nice hot shower will help sooth my mood and wounded heart. I snag a pair of jeans and a black V-neck t from my suitcase along with black panties and a matching bra. After a few long minutes of soaking up the scorching water and steam, I lather my hair with lavender shampoo and conditioner, before scrubbing away last night with my oatmeal body butter.

         “There she is!” Jamie’s voice sing songs as I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen, adjusting my shirt and fluffing my slightly damp hair.

         “Yup, here I am.” I deadpan. “You know I wasn’t aware I had a new Jamie alarm clock.” I fix a playful glare in her direction.

         “Oopsie.” She smiles back, shrugging and looking a little sheepish.

         “Yeah ok. What do you have to say for yourself?” I place my hands on my hips.

         “Sorry?” she looks at me hopefully, I raise a brow at her as if to say ‘really’, “Ok, ok well its not really my fault!” She defends herself.

         “Ha, ok. Explain missy.” I tell her, reaching to snag an apple from the bowl on the counter.

         “This stupid irksome dumb-ass over here started it!” I raise a brow at her and turn, noticing the other person in the kitchen for the first time. He’s standing in the far corner leaning against the counter, in black jeans and shirt sipping his coffee, trying, and failing, to look innocent.

         “And you are?” I inquire of him.

         “Jeff. Austin’s Beta.” He adjusts his coffee so he has a free hand to offer me. I shake it, slightly alarmed to be meeting Austin’s pack members already, especially someone as important as his Beta.

         “Camille.” I tell him. “Is this one bothering you?” I gesture to Jamie. He chuckles.

         “I wouldn’t go as far to say she’s bothering me, however the little fire cracker is entertaining alright.” He tosses Jamie a wink.

         “You sexist dog, I outta-

         “Jamie whoa calm down.” I step in-between them. So Jeff is the lucky one who got on her bad side. “Jamie why don’t you go grabs something to eat and sit over at the table to calm down.” Jamie relents after sending one final glare towards Jeff. Once she’s out of the kitchen I turn to Jeff. “Was that last comment really necessary? Clearly you can see she’s a little wound up.” I put my hands on my hips and raise a brow.

         “We were just having a conversation and things got a little heated is all.” He tells me, shrugging his shoulders.

         “Something tells me you figured out all the right buttons to push.”

         “Something like that.” He responds, smirking and looking like trouble.

         “Is he bothering you, kitten?” I feel strong arms wrap around me from behind, and immediately know who has entered the kitchen.

         “No, not yet.” I respond, smiling at Jeff’s surprised face. “However, I can’t say the same for poor Jamie.”

         “Ha good luck handling that one Jeff.” Austin chuckles, sending vibrations throughout my body. “Have you gotten something to eat yet?” he turns me around to face him.

         “Just this.” I show him my half-eaten apple.

         “Perfect. Let me make you something to eat then.” He presses a gentle kiss to my forehead.

         “Austin, you don’t have to-

         “Camille let me start making things up to you ok?” He tells me, his hands still pressed to my shoulders holding me in place. “Now go sit at the table with Jamie and I’ll make you both my specialty.” He spins me around, and with a quick nibble at my ear, sends me off.

         “So how are things with you and Alpha man?” Jamie asks me after I plop down at the table next to her.

         “I don’t really know. I mean we kind of talked things out. He tried to explain everything, and I could tell he was upset that he hurt me, but I just can’t jump back into the way things were before. I realize I don’t really know him all that well, and this pack here, its his world, I’m just living in it now.” I explain, fiddling with the salt and pepper shakers.

         “Well I for one am glad you didn’t just hop back into his arms. I would have had to hit you up side the head.” Jamie tells me, making me smile and look up from the salt and pepper.

         “Yeah its just now he’s being all sweet, and I’m really confused right now, and don’t really know where I stand in our relationship after last night.”

         “Ugg. Men can’t live with them, can’t live without them.” Jamie huffs.

         “Speaking of men, what’s up with you and Jeff?” I inquire, wiggling my brows at her. She grunts and rolls her eyes.

         “Nothing. Absolutely nothing is up with me and that sexist nutcase.” She grits out. “You should have heard what he said to me this morning. He utterly disgusts me and gets on my last nerve.” She squeezes her hands in little fists, and I can practically see steam come out of her ears.

         “Whoa there chica. “ I smile patting her hands, “Calm down. He’s not here you know.” she slowly begins breathing again and un-fisting her hands. “Lets just talk about something else.” She nods in agreement. “So have you heard from-

         “Here you are ladies! Eat up!” Austin places two plates before us filled with syrupy yumminess.

         “Wow, Austin this looks great. I didn’t know you could cook?!” I look up at him surprised.

         “Well, not really, these pancakes are pretty much were my talent gets me.” He shrugs, smiling. I laugh, cutting a piece to plop in my watering mouth.

         “Mm.” I find myself moaning around my fork. “Wis is willy wood.” I try talking with my mouth full. Not cute. Oops. “I mean this is really good Austin.” I try again after swallowing the enormous bite.

         “Good, I’m glad.” He chuckles, “Now I’m gonna leave you ladies to it. I have some things to discuss with Jeff.” He stands up, oblivious to Jamie’s reaction to his mention of Jeff. I nod in acknowledgement and return to my pancakes, only to cough in surprise when Austin swoops in to peck my cheek before leaving the room.

         “I know as your best friend I’m supposed to be mad at him right now, but damn that boy knows how to make pancakes.” I laugh watching Jamie stuff her face.

         “Yeah, I hate to admit it, but your right. These are pretty darn good.” I shovel in another bite.

         “So what were you gonna ask me before Austin came in? You were saying something about if I’d heard something.”

         “Oh well, I still haven’t heard anything from my dad about…the…incident…and I was wondering if you had. I mean usually he has things taken care of by now and has informed me or something.” I ramble on.

         “Oh. Um. Well…” Jamie trails off, suddenly looking uncomfortable.

         “What is it? Have you heard something?” I pester her.

         “I don’t think I should-

         “Jamie I have a right to know.” I point out.

         “Ok fine.” She gives in. “Its more of what I haven’t heard.” I wait for more but there isn’t any.

         “What do you mean, what you haven’t heard? That doesn’t make sense.”

         “That’s just it. They can’t find him Camille. Jeremy’s gone missing.”

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