Immortal story

By Bluechaosrose

872 83 10

It has been thousands of years since the last war the world has evolved and advanced. The supernatural still... More

Meet the characters
Let it begin
Tell them
The broken past
Helping out a freind
Old ways
Get it together
Our savior or our destroyer
Turn of tides
Save them
Date with an ex-assassin
Now you know
Do they know?
They lied
Blood of mine


29 6 0
By Bluechaosrose

A/N for my RWBY family

Pov Kie

"Guys can you calm down" laughed Kie as he watch everyone running around ,flipping in the air, and smiling their asses off.

" No we're having fun, what did you do to us anyway?" asked Micheal as everyone stopped and stared at Kie

"It a ritual called the right of birth, back in the old days every supernatural creature would aline their selves with a certain group of gods. When the supernatural creatures would come to age a god of magic would come down and perform the ritual but over the ages the gods started to see the hatred the creatures had for each other and soon after they-we turned our backs on the supernatural.

" Answered Kie but he was looking away from us as if he was lost in memories.

"Well I think its time for everyone to go home" announced Calum

"Yuh we need our beauty rest." Said Sarah as she grabbed Micheal and dragged him away

"cough cough vamp sex cough cough" laughed out Louis as he and the other witches came closer to Kie. Kie kissed Calum bye

" Where you going?" Asked Calum as Kie and the others where about to walk away. Before Kie could answer Lexi and the others came speeding toward them. Calum looked at them and sow the look of shock on Sarah's and Micheal's faces

"Kie your house... Its gone" said Luke as he and bailey stared at Kie

. " I know I'm the one who burned it down" answered Kie he looked up at the sky the moon was at its apex

" Follow me there's something I need to do" said Kie as he opened a portal

Pov Everyone

As everybody walked through the portal they froze at the sight in front of them. Where Kie's house use to stand Dria, Dell,and Malik floated in the air knocked out inside of a three rings of blue fire

" What's going on" asked Liam and Harry

" I need all of you to understand Teamora is older and stronger then me and she's not even at full power yet so I did the best thing I could I made everyone stronger" said Kie as he stood facing everyone

" That's why you did the ritual so we wouldn't loss to her army." Said Calum

" But what's going on with your siblings?" Asked Lexi

"They need to awaken. right now they are under a spell its forcing them to remember the past...their past. The spell is drawing its energy from the four sources of magical energy, like hot spots." Informed Kie as he watched the flames under his siblings change color Dria's flames turned blood red, Malik's turned pitch black, and lastly Dell's turned gold.

" It wont be long before they now" answered Liam as he and the rest of the witches walked closer to the Kie's siblings.

" Wait the hot spots your siblings where talking about that before." Said Ashton

"Yuh the mystic tree , the north crystal where many died , the lake where many of us where resurrected,and..."

"the ritual Right of birth" said Bailey as she finished for Kie.

"Yes it was all so that we could get stronger" answered Kie

" Then why didn't you tell us" Calum asked but some spoke up before Kie

" Because I could get in your heads" everyone whipped the head to see who had spoken and to their horror it was Teamora Kie quickly stepped in front of the group pushing them back

" Did you think I would know what you were up to" asked Teamora as she stepped closer to Kie

"I dont know to be honest I really under estimated your intelligents" Kie said and Teamora's face hardened with anger

" It seems that you r at most as smart as a dog, to be able to sniff us out and think that I wouldn't be prepared for your arrival" mocked Kie as he send a wave of energy towards his friends knocking them into a circle of black powder that Kie's witch already stood in.

" So you where able to protect your friends,but what about yourself." She said as she send dark energy flying towards him Kie was about to be hit when he turn his body into a flock of ravens that screech and clawed at Teamora's body. The birds picked her up and threw her a cross the yard.

The women hit the ground with a hard thud she got up quickly but kie was already back into his normal form and slashed at her with his magic cutting down into her flesh but she stood send a ball of fire at him he caught it in a vortex of magic

" if my magic alone wont hurt u let see about your and mine combined" said Kie as blue flames mixed with the fire and shot out of his hands at the speed of light hitting Teamora right In the chest sending her flying once again. The dark witch rose off the ground her eyes darker than ever black smock started to surround her body as her form disappeared into a twist creature it slashed out at Kie sending him flying back hitting the ground with a bone shattering thud he rose up stumbling but he looked up at the dark creature as his eyes burned with Blue fire and soon his form was lost with in a bright flames in the shape of a giant bird, a phoenix.

They flew to the sky striking each other with fierce attacks but it semf that Teamora was winning

" Kie's losing" stated Calum with a worried look

"We have to help him" said Liam as he look to the other

" I don't think we need to... Look" Sarah pointed to Kie's siblings their bodies where shaking and the flames had gone wild then there bodies exploded into Red, gold ,and black flame forming into three more birds that went screeching towards the sky

They clawed at Teamora prying her claws out of Kie ripping her to bloody pieces Teamora swiftly spread her wings knocking them back but they surround her so she released black smoky tentacles that rapped around all four of them but the four birds glowed bright, burning away the tentacles

The glow of there fires filled the sky and when the fire was gone there was no sign of Teamora and the four gods had turned back into there normal form and where now on the ground

" What the hell was that?" asked Sarah as she looked between the siblings

" That was one of the many forms our magic allows us to turn into" answered Dria with a bright smile on her face

"Okay I'm going home now my mind is to sleep deprived for this " said Lexi as she grabbed Ashton's hand and started to zoomed off into the woods

" You all should go home to because I might me a god but I need my beauty sleep" said Kie as he kissed Calum good bye

" Wait where are u going to sleep your house is gone" Calum asked and Kie just smiled

" Dont worry about that go home and get some sleep"said Dell as he and the siblings waved their friends off

" What are we going to do" asked Malik in a worried voice

" It was only out of luck that Teamora lost, we cant go up against her again" said Dria

" We will have to just fight it out" answered Kie

" Even if it kills us."stated Dell

" If that is the case then the question isn't what are we going to do the question is how do we stop them from fight Teamora at our side"

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