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Pov Calum

'I've been avoiding Kie since first period, when his siblings decided to play bad cop. After that I could tell that they are related to Kie. There's only one person that I know who's beautiful face can turn into the face of a psychopath in seconds, an that's Kie. But what made things worse is that in my second period the new PE coaches were Malik and Dell. They were giving me the evil eye the entire class period, but now I'm going to third period and I sit right next to Kie he kinda looks upset about something.

"Babe what's wrong?"I ask him.

"You." He mumbled while glaring at me and I start to wonder if he's mad because I avoided him or is it something else

"What do you mean me"I asked

"Do you think Im stupid Calum? I can tell when someone's avoiding me."He states. I could hear that he was a little hurt. Maybe I shouldn't avoid him over something this stupid.

"I'm sorry" I say with a smile on my face

"Kiss my ass"

"Turn around and I'll do something better." I whisper in his ear and his whole face literally starts to glow red.

"Ewww get a room you two." say the strawberry blonde sitting behind Kie.

"Bailey dont be grumpy its not our fault that your relationship is boring." said Kie

"Whatever I dumped that loser two weeks ago, now I have my sights on Luke" says Bailey

"Poor Luke" I whisper as I feel a slight tingle in my head 'How about you follow me to one of the empty class rooms so you can make up for avoiding me all day' Kie tell me telepathically. I told him after you and he gets up and quickly tells the teacher that he needs to go to the guidance counselor and walk out the door. After a few minutes I walk out to and walk down the hall and into the empty class room, when I go in I see Kie sitting on one of the tables I walk over to him and the door closed behind me.

"New tricks huh."I said as I raise my eye brow.

"You have no idea he says as he pulls me into him and locks our lips together, next thing I know my shirt was gone and out of nowhere the buttons on my pants hand flew off. I pulled Kie off the table and he wrapped his legs around my waist and I walk to the blinds and pulled them shut.

Pov Sarah

'Kie wasn't in fourth period today, I asked Bailey if he was in third and she told me that they left at the beginning and never came back. Knowing them they're shagging in the bathroom. I sigh and grab my food and walk to the music room too get lunch dentition over with. When I walk in I see that Kie's siblings are all in here and so is everyone else except for Calum and Kie.

"Babe over here." Someone yells I turn and see Micheal waving me over with Lexi, Ashton, and Luke beside him. I walk over to him and give him a kiss and sit on his lap and start to eat my food. After I was done guess who came running in the room. Kie's fedora was missing and his hair was everywhere and I was pretty sure that Calum's pants was missing the button

"Look who finally made it." Dria said as she looked them up and down.

"Sorry we where just...... um"

" Oh we know what you two where doing!" yelled Dell cutting Kie off.

"But we are going to let it slide... for now. Take your seats" says Malik as they walk over to the seat next to me and set down.

Pov Kie

We have only been in here for five minutes yet I can feel something wrong. My brothers and sister have been arguing for the last few minutes.

"So are you going to tell us why your really here and why you wanted all of us in one place" I say snapping everyone to attention. My siblings just stared at each other as we hear a loud thump come from one of the closets.

"This is why." Dell says as he opens the closet and a man came out running toward us. Before I knew it my hand went up and it ran right into the barrier I placed around it we just stared at it. Its face was twisted and corrupt. Black smoke seeped from his mouth like foam.

"It smells like a wolf but rotten.. dead inside." Said Lexi in horror of the twisted creature in front of us.

"Well its not wolf any more its been twisted by dark magic but we don't know the source. The three of us cant get into it head. We can open it up be whenever we try to dive in, his mind closes in on us so...."

" You need my help, well lets git started" says Kie. He snapped his fingers and a pentagram appeared around the creature and everything started to feel weird. I looked out the window and saw that everything had stopped the bird where stuck in mid air.

"I did it to make sure no one just walks in on this" Kie said. At times like this I remember how powerful he really is. Before I knew it Kie was standing in the middle of the pentagram with the creature that was now on its knees kneeling in front of Kie as his siblings started to chant. I saw Lexi and the other wolves cover their ears and I knew why. The words that they spoke sounded like bones crackling inside a fire Kie placed his hands on the creatures head.

"Let me in." he said as the creature started to shake and the pentagram on the floor started to burn in multi colored flame. A horrible screech escaped the creatures mouth and Kie eyes flew open and the creature turn to dust on the floor. But no one pay attention to the black dust we all stared at Kie who had a look of horror on his face it

"I-It ca-nt be her" he said



"But it is me."

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