Let it begin

101 6 1


Lexi is Alexis



Pov Kie

"Ahhh 5 more minutes." I mumbled *BEEP BEEP BEEP* "Shut the hell up!" I scream as I got up and started to get ready for school. I grabbed a white long sleeve silk shirt, a blue jean vest, and a pair of my ripped blue jeans and took a shower. When I got out I decided to wear my combat boots and a blue fedora. When I started to walk down stairs I heard voices "What the hell....." I whispered as a realized that I live alone. I cast a spell to make my footsteps silent I turn around the corner and see two females going through my fridge. I lift my hand making them levitate in the air " I dont know who you two are but..."

" Its us damn it" one of them yelled. Wait a second that voice sounds familiar. I make them turn around and I see that the two intruders are just my best friends Lexi and Sarah who both are eating my leftover pizza from last night and Sarah also had one of my big mugs which I'm guessing contains blood. "Why are u eating my food. Wait scratch that how did u get in my house?"I asked.

"Super strength." They both say at the same time.

"So you broke in." I stated as I walked over to the open pizza box and started eating. That's when the guys started walking through the door, without knocking I might add.

" Babe why the hell are you on the ceiling? Ohh nevermind is that pizza?" Asked Micheal as he started to fight me over the box."Kie let go of the pizza!"he screamed

"NO its the last slice."I yelled back.

"Your a witch just snap your fingers and make more appear and get my girlfriend off the ceiling!" Asked Micheal as he snatched the pizza box out of my hands

" Fine but if she breaks my doorknob again your paying for it" I say as I snapped my fingers making Sarah and Lexi fall to the floor and make pizza boxes appear on the table.

"Guys we need to get going or we'll be late."piped in Calum.

"Oh please you just want to get to school so you can check out the new chorus instructor."said Ashton as he and Micheal helped Lexi and Sarah off the floor.

"Well she's hot."Calum said as he starred off in space.

"She's what!?"I ask in a warning tone shocking him back into reality.

" She's nothing." He quickly replies.

"Pussy."said Luke as he picked at Calum.

"Whatever but we do need to get to school." says Lexi. As she grabs one of the pizza boxes and starts walking for the door with Luke and Ashton behind her. I grab my keys and and gave Sarah and Micheal one of the pizza boxes and gave Micheal Sarah's left over blood to drink so the smell doesn't stay in my cup. I walk out the door hand and hand with Calum as we got in my Camaro and drove to school.

As we start to walk in school I got this vibe like a shiver through out my body like I walk through a wall of magic.

"Kie what's up with your barriers, they never felt like that."said Sarah

" I dont know its like they have a booster or something." I say as I just shrug of the vibe and go to my locker. As I put everything away in my locker I can still hear the guys whispering about how hot the new teacher is I just sigh knowing that I will hear this all first period. Since we all have first period chorus together. The good thing is that since we are all late one of us can come up with some lie to tell the new instructor. We start to walk to the chorus room when we open the door there was no teacher in sight so we all bolt for our sections but before we could even get to our seats.

"Lunch dentition! Ever single one of you."Says a voice from behind us I start to turn around but when I do I drop everything when I see the new instructor.

"SIS." I scream as I run over and give my sister Alexandria a big hug

"SIS!!!???".The entire class yell as they stair between the both of us and I dont blame them we barely look a like. I have white hair she has red hair ,my eyes are blue her eye are a dark red, darker then Lexi's.

"Well cant you tell." Ask Dria as we both pulled off the same sexy pose, we got a few whistle and one guy even yelled ill do you both, making Calum's fangs come out. I took that as my cue to sit down.

" Kie I have a surprise for you " Dria says as she pulls out her phone and stared to text someone when she's done she just smiles at me and a few minutes later my brothers walk into the room I ran over to them and gave them a hug.

"Who are they and why the hell are you hugging them for so long."Asked a irritated Calum.

"For your information they have names and they're my brothers"I say turning to my friends "Blondie with the gold eyes over here is Wedellus, Dell for short and mister eternal darkness (I call him that on account of his black eyes and shadow black hair) over here is Malik. Guys this is Lexi, Sarah, Micheal, Ashton, Luke, and mister attitude over there is Calum my boyfriend." I say without thinking and before I knew it all three of my siblings had surrounded Calum.

"Listen up kid if you break our baby brother's heart will end you slow and pain. That's what your death will feel like, got it?"said Dell but before Calum could answer the bell rang and he literally zoomed out of class.

"Be back here for lunch dentition!" Dria yelled as everyone walk out of the room. I was a little up set because he left so fast that I didn't git my good bye kiss but ill see him in the hallway or in third period, so whatever but I'm still mad.

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