Too Late

Por pandora_101

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Sophia Lockhart was in love with Tyler Greene. Those two were never seen anywhere without each other. People... Más

Chapter 1 - Guess Who's Back?
Chapter 2 - Party?!
Chapter 3 - Unexpected Fallouts
Chapter 4 - Awkward Conversations
Chapter 5 - Don't Touch Me
Chapter 7 - Who Brought Me In Last Night?
Chapter 8 - Trying To Move On
Chapter 9 - Date Night... Goes Wrong
Chapter 10 - Truth Be Told
Chapter 11 - Shock
Chapter 12 - Pathetic
Chapter 13 - He Was A Daddy
Chapter 14 - He Can't Let Her Go
Chapter 15 - I Can Do This
Chapter 16 - Wedding Bells A Ringin'
Chapter 17 - Closure
Chapter 18 - His Mistakes and Her Wants
Author's Note

Chapter 6 - Tyena

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Por pandora_101

Chapter 6 - Tyena

I lay in bed, recalling the events on the night before. Basically, Tyler gave me dark ass hickies that will probably last about a week, Nate and I caught up, Beca and Ashley were both engaged, and Andrew asked me out on a date.

Andrew! I totally forgot to call him after Tyler took my phone! I immediately jumped up to grab my phone off the nightstand. Since the battery was dead, I plugged the charger into my phone. I had 4 missed calls, and 6 text messages.

All from Mr. Andrew Bast.

I felt like the biggest bitch. Ever.

I decided to check the messages first.


'Who was that guy?'

'You have a boyfriend?'

'Yo reply,'

'Hello? Msg me back asap'

'You okay?'

I replied back, my fingers rapidly pressing the buttons.

'Omg, I am so sorry! No, I don't have a boyfriend and I'd love to go out with you! Name a day, and I'll be there.'

I set my phone back, and checked the time on the digital clock.


I pushed my pillow back into my face and fell asleep.

"You have to be serious about this honey, once you get there, the rooms aren't going to be filled." My mother was talking to me. "You need to buy all this furniture, refrigerators, beds, everything."

"Mom, I know that." I said to her, sitting crisscrossed on the ground. I was folding clothes into a suitcase in front of me.

"It's going to be a lot of money, sweetie. And unpacking, and you still need to make your books." She told me, then continued. "I think you would be better off in just staying here with us."

When my mom spoke those words, my heart broke. I could tell she wanted me to stay with them. But, I didn't blame her. When all your children have grown up, and moved away, it's obvious that you're going to be upset.

I would be upset if all my kids left me to move away.

"Aw mom, I completely understand that. But it's not like I'm going to be far away. I'm just a 20 minute drive away. And a phone call."

She sat on the bed, not leaning against the doorway anymore.

"But it's not going to be the same. You were gone for four years, and now you're just leaving again."

Now I was beginning to laugh. "Mom, I'm not going back to New York. I'm still here, in Miami, same city."

She sighed in exasperation.
"Fine." She got up and walked out.

Oh great. My mom was a total drama queen and now she's mad.

I'll let her calm down for a bit, then go down and talk to her. Man, she has to understand that it's time for me to grow up. I'm not 16 anymore.

I heard a car door slam, and I jumped. I turned my head to look outside, and it was Tyler in all his glory. He was walking to the front door of his old house.

I stared at him striding to the door, pulling out his keys, and unlocking the door. His body stance was of pure anger. You could tell he was majorly pissed off. He opened the front door, and slammed it. I flinched once again. I don't think I've ever seen him that angry.

Last time I saw him slamming doors was in grade 11, when his soccer team had lost the championships by one point. He wasn't as angry as his was right now though. I had the sudden urge to go over and help him, but decided against it.

'Hes your fucking ex.' My conscious said

'I know, but that doesn't mean that I hate him...'

'He broke your heart, how can you not hate him?'

'Shut up' I told myself.

I'm going crazy. I know it.

I got up from beside my suitcases, and stumbled down the stairs. I was about to call out to my mom, but she was on the phone.

"What happened to him?" My mom asked, and there was a pause as the person was answering.

"Really? You told him now?"

"Oh that wasn't the reason?"

"No, that couldn't be."

"It's true."

"I'll be there in 5."


"What happened?" I asked my mom, and she shook her head.

"Nothing, I'll tell you later. In the meantime, I'm going to be at Aunt Rachel's." She said, running upstairs to get her jacket, I assume.

Now I was very curious. And just a tad bit nosy. What could have happened? But honestly, why did I care in the first place? Oh. That's right. 'Cause I'm nice.

"Mom, can I come too?" I yelled up the stairs.

"Sure but you're going to be with Tyler, me and Rachel have to leave for a bit. An hour or so."

Now I was even more curious. Nothing was making sense. I didn't want to go, knowing I'm going to be alone with Tyler. Leave that, he's probably going to just harass me again, or throw remotes at me.

"Nevermind, I have some packing to do."

"No," my mom said, "Dad isnt home, and you're going to be alone." Her tone of voice was very strict.

"For the hundredth time, I'm not 5 anymore! I can stay home alone." I told her angrily, glaring at her as she walked downstairs. This time with a jacket and scarf put on.

"Fine, I'll just tell Tyler to come over here." She said smugly and I groaned.

"You better not!" I said and stomped up the stairs, like a five year old. Ha, how ironic.

I heard the front door slam, as I slammed my room door.

I was just laying on my bed texting, reminiscing about the old times and listening to songs. My life revolved around music. Music is what helped me through the break up with Tyler.

'Tyler..' I thought to myself, memories of us flooding back to me. My eyes started to well up, while I tried my hardest to hold them back.

He was my everything. My rock. My best friend. I told him everything. I trusted him with my life. He knew me inside and out. No one could compare to him.

The tears were flowing by now. I mentally slapped myself. I promised myself I wouldn't cry over him, and now here I am. Crying.

My eyes puffed up, and eventually I drifted off to sleep.

Two hours later, I heard a door open and close again. I jumped off of my bed and grabbed my phone. I was ready to call 911 if I had to. My heart pounded in my chest, as my eyes stung from my recent crying session.

I grabbed an umbrella from my closet just for protection. I walked down the stairs, scanning the livingroom that was right in front of me. The lights were off completely, and I took a peek at the clock above the fireplace. 10:51pm.

I shuffled along rugs, tiptoed across hardwood, thinking any second could be my last. My brain started to work as I remembered. I abruptly dropped the umbrella. It fell onto the hardwood with a loud clunk.

"Tyler get the fuck out of your hiding spot." I said calmly, but loud enough to be heard around the whole house.

From the distance, I heard loud laughter. He appeared, walking out of the washroom, still laughing his buttocks off.

"Ah you asshole, I'm going to kick your ass!" I screamed, lunging for him. He couldnt hold me off, because he was caught off guard. And because he was laughing like a hyena.

"You-You walked past m-me like 23 times and-and never noticed me." He got out, inbetween laughs.

I pushed him onto the couch and fake spat at him. "Oh shut up, Tyena."

He started laughing even more, his chest shaking with silent laughter. "Tyena?!" He burst out, and started laughing even more.

By now there were tears in his eyes, and I was getting very embarrassed. I glared at him, grabbed a couch pillow and threw it at him. It hit him on his face, and repelled back onto the ground.

"Shut the fuck up!" I said, and he still wouldn't stop laughing. "It wasn't even that funny, you weirdo."

He STILL continued to laugh, and I was more on the lines of annoyed by this point. I walked out of the livingroom and left him to laugh by his pathetic self.

"No Sophia, don't go!" He called out, his laughter abruptly stopping. "I'm lonely in this big ol' house!"

I slammed my room door for the tenth time today, and pulled out my phone from my pocket. I wasted my time worrying that I was about to get murdered by a serial killer, but in reality it was just a hyena.

I heard knocking on my door, and it was obviously Tyler. "Sophia, entertain me, I'm bored." He whined, and I glared at him through the door.

"Go home!" I yelled. Why was he even here? He could have easily not agreed to come over.

"No," he said, then continued. "I don't want to go home. Is that a problem for you?"

"Yes. Huge problem, get out!" I screamed once more, and I could tell her was laughing again.

"Let me in." He said, with humor in his voice.

I knew he would shut up until I opened the door. I got up from my bed, and opened the door a smidge. "I opened it, now leave!" I exclaimed, grabbing the door, about to shut it.

He quickly shoved his foot into the door, stopping it from closing completely. He gave a tiny bit of a shove, and I squeaked. The door was fully open and now he was inside.

He whistled. "Wow, haven't been in here in a long time."

My cheeks heated up, remembering all the times he had spent in here. His eyes took on a faraway look, and I knew he was remembering those times too.

"Soph.." He started, his eyes filing with sorrow. I stopped him abruptly, by putting my hand up.

"Don't, just leave." I said to him. I didn't want him to bring up the past, no matter how much I wanted to talk about it. He was here til after New Years, and after that he'll be leaving for his next soccer season. I'd rather him leave, with how the way things are now, then know his reasons on why he broke up with me.

Basically, what I was saying, was that, if I knew his reasons for breaking up with me, then I would forgive him. Probably will fall for him once again. And that's the last thing I would even want.

"But Sophia.."

"Leave, Tyler. Please." I begged, and he nodded once and walked out.

The downstairs door closed quietly. I looked out the window and there he was walking. His shoulders were sagged in defeat. He didn't even walk into his house, he just got into his car and drove away.

Tears filled my eyes, as I sighed and fell onto my bed. If only I could write a story about my life.

I didn't even know why I was even crying. I was so sad and pathetic. I felt the sudden urge to go downstairs, curl up on the couch, and watch a cute and corny chick flick. I grabbed my blanket, wrapped it around myself, and ran downstairs.

I walked to the kitchen first, grabbing a bag of Sour Cream and Onion chips. I poured myself a glass of coke as well, and decided to eat my life away. I plopped onto the couch, and grabbed the remote. Just my luck, "Just My Luck" starring Lindsay Lohan was on. I laughed to myself. See what I did there?

I looked at the time and saw it was 12:34am. Where could my mom have gone? And what happened? Tyler didn't seem mad when he came over. In fact, by how much he was laughing, to me, he seemed very happy.

Whatever, I shouldn't care. At all.


Sorry it was boring and short. Not edited. Love you all, hope you enjoyed xx

Hyena: to sum it up, its an animal that sounds weird, they laugh a lot. search up videos of them, they're quite entertaining haha.

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