King's Cage- A Fabulous Fanfi...

By pamsam101

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King's Cage the official release by the one and only Victoria Aveyard comes out February 2, 2017. Which In my... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Three
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight


1K 12 47
By pamsam101

Cal, Archeon

They were eating dinner together?" What kind of twisted story is this? I thought glaring at the monitors. It was a couple hours after Maven had returned from his expedition, and Kilorn and I were still on duty, the rest of the sentinels were savaging through Archeon looking for rebels that had caused the ruckus during his torture event.

They were just sitting there conversing if you could even call it that. Maven would speak almost issuing an order for her to respond, and Mare would murmur something back, barely audible. What really bothered me was the utter look of defeat in Mare's eyes and the happiness in Maven's, he looked as if he'd won a war. Then he placed a hand atop of her's, his fingers roaming her's. 

Ugh, I couldn't watch anymore, we had to get her out of there and quick. Kilorn had to see for himself. It was just about time to give him a look. I thought before exiting the door, one of us had to keep watch if the king's room was completely unprotected they would have our heads. Kilorn gave a slight nod walking into the room.

I probably stood out there before Evangeline Samos walked by looking confused as she surveyed the door "Where's officer Killagan?" She asked mildly confused and frustrated 

I shrugged "Break," I said in a gurgled voice, I prayed God she didn't recognize my voice 

She didn't seem to instead she seemed a bit disappointed but that quickly switched to anger "But he was supposed to be here, I just checked his schedule!" Her face flashed Sliver "Do you know where I could find him?" 

I shrugged once again, not risking the voice. Evangeline's face flushed then crumbled, as she turned.  She really was a mess, she didn't even look decent, and as far as I could see she was covered in blankets, not a bit of metal on her. I could end her at this moment, just like her brother, I should end her just like her brother but she seemed to helpless I wasn't one to murder anyone helpless.  Evangeline turned disappearing around a corner.

I glanced down at my watch or shift was almost over, apparently there was an emergency meeting half the sentinels would be attending. The other half was still tracking down the red rebels, which they wouldn't find. We had about five more minutes in our position, just then Kilorn slipped from the room, his eyes glum. "You could've warned me, it was that bad," Kilorn muttered his eyes on his shoes. 

"Didn't know allot of things were that bad," and I wasn't just talking about Mare's mental state I was talking about a lot of things, Maven's jealousy sure I knew he was bitter about a few things but I had never guessed it was enough to murder dad, the stupidy of my court, they believed such a far-fetched story without any evidence, there wasn't even video evidence plus wasn't Maven spotted with the Scarlet guard moments before the incident that left me fatherless, and most of all how intense my feelings for Mare was, It practically broke me when she told me no to  touch her anymore, all the other girls in the world seemed to fade into black and white, then Mare came along and bright streaming colors to change my perspective on everything. 

Kilorn and I stood in silence until the end of our shift, then tumbled down to the sentinel wing. Everyone was sitting around tables and such but Kilorn and I stood next to the door in case someone had sent the castle a tip.

The door opened to reveal the king himself, Maven. The near sight of him was enough to piss me off, with his smug smile, my blood boiled at the sight of my medals on his suit. He carried himself with a confident grace as if the world had bowed to him, the world had bowed to him, his world had bowed to him, my world had bowed to him. Mare

"Attention Brave Sentinels, I'm sure your all wondering why you've been called to an emergency meeting, but I assure you it's quite a positive thing," Maven says his eyes meeting each of ours, they linger on me as his eyebrows furrow then thankfully slip to Kilorn. "You've all been selected for a trip tomorrow to the front, our war efforts have been foiled by our own, red rebels have been coordinating a rebellion against their esteemed generals, this attack would've been taken by surprised if not for my our very own eyes," Maven said his eyes flashing back to mine, my contacts should've not attracted any attention, then fanned away with a slight smile marking his face "This is not a request but an order, you have been specifically chosen based on your status lower for a chance to improve your rank. You've all been assigned a station, We will be departing in about four hours those of you selected to transport our esteemed guests will report to the dining room in approximately one hour." He ordered already getting board of us, then stalking out of the room. Then slamming the door open "Why are their sporks all over the hallway!" He shouted. His face was flushed. Everyone in the room seemed confused following him into the hallway, it was so incredibly odd sporks of all colors and sized laced the floor of the hallway then spray painted on the wall, Lil Eve.

Maven seemed fuming, screaming at the staff to clean up the mess, and question everyone little and or named Eve.


And that was how I ended up on an aircraft with absolutely no friendly faces, we've been flying for about eight hours, we weren't allowed to sleep or anything, and we still had another two hours to kill. 

"Rumor has it, a prince was sniffing around town square today" A follow sentinel whispered

"Lies" Another one whispers "He's probably lying at whatever trashcan the Scarlet guard has named its base weeping over the loss of his owner, doesn't know what to do with his life anymore," Another one laughs 

I clench my fist as another one intercepts "I don't know, Tiberias his quite the firecracker, he doesn't seem the type to watch something gets taken away from him without fighting back," Another one tuts 

"He didn't seem to fight back once his title was handled to his brother," the first one snorts

"He probably knew he didn't deserve that title anymore, even if he didn't kill his father considering all the trouble he's caused, he might as well move as far away from Norta as possible for any chance of having a normal life" The second on observers 

Move far away?  I thought Maybe one day, hopefully carrying Mare in my arms, I've read of lands far from here, maybe start a family or something I wonder what a new blood silver hybrid would be like. Now wasn't the time to be thinking of the stuff we were surprising minutes from landing, the sun was dawning on the battlefield I've spent so many years watching. An array of slivers stood waiting for the King's arrival.Maven was the first one out, immediately conversing with the generals. It took me a while to work my way out of the aircraft but I did, Kilorn was surprisingly already out there trailing Evangeline her face stone cold halfway concealed in her black hood.  

I'd gotten about two steps towards Kilorn before a mini explosion erupted at the far side of the landing ground, and shots ran out, one person had fallen but there was already a healer on that. Maven keeping his calm smiled and motioned towards the ship as a box was wheeled onto the top of the ramp. The Sentinels scattered across the field as reds arose from the surrounding woods guns in hand "The reign of slivers has come to an end, your red dawn is on the horizon. You slivers have united reds from both Lake lands and those of Norta." I terrifying familiar voice screams from the woods.

Maven chuckles "You know the dawn isn't red right? It's more of an orange" see he said motioning towards the sun rising "How could you expect to overcome the golden age of this fine country with an education like that? Apples are red to be devoured, Reds are the color of animals. Iron is silver to create and provide strength for to make great things. Slivers have spent years cowering in the shadows because we were something different you treated us like animals now we return the favor." Maven's voice has never been more strong 

"A king most of all should know that two wrongs don't make a right, take your parents for example," The voice says back. Muffled laughs come from the forest around.

"Hillarious, it's minds like yours that prove de-evolution is possible," Maven says his eyes fixed on the box before him. 

The door probs open and Maven takes a step inside. Coward hiding from a heating battle.

More shots ring out across the dawn, from the amount of blood that's stained the woods it would be a very red dawn, I'm not even sure why they brought along silencers there was no one to silence, as far as I could see there were no newbloods on the front.

I tried not to exaggerate my burning too much I didn't need to burn away my uniform. The reds had finally come out of the forest charging straight forward. I was strangely impressed the reds were making a stand determination shined in their eyes as they charged. I took aim and missed shooting a general in the head. 

I was having fun with it until I actually messed up and shot a red in the legs. "If I didn't know better I'd think your extremely undertrained," Sad that familiar voice yelling earlier, I turned to see a friendly smile on Bree's face.

"You have no idea" I muttered back

"How's my sister?" Bree said taking aim 

I looked down glumly "She's ah, holdin on," I said as positively as possible,   Mare's condition wasn't my favorite topic of late.

"That's....Good," Bree released a breath "Listen take care of her okay? I already lost one sibling to this damn rebellion I don't think we could afford to lose Dad's favorite" Bree muttered reloading 

"Trust me no one want's to take better care of her than yours truly," My voice quivered a bit at that statement it was painstakingly true, but it was soo hard trying to with someone as arrogant as yourself. 

"I feel ya," Bree said grunting a flash of ice had barely missed his head

Then suddenly a PHHHHHSSSSH sound bloomed on the battlefield, turns out Maven had finally manned up and left the box, for some odd reason fog came out of the box this time when opening it blocked my entire view of the aircraft.  

Beams of Light rain from the heavens some beams blue, others white, purple. I'd recognize it anywhere it was her signature ability. Bree's eyes widened at the figures that came out of the fog. Mare and Maven stood side to side, Mare's collar attached to a leash in Maven's hand as he smiled at the surprised faces at the battlefield.

I couldn't contain it fire erupted from my body, blazing and hot. It got everywhere, even Bree who knew what was coming was burned. It took me a microsecond to realize the surprised faces had turned towards to me because my mask had burned off.

Maven smiled "Hello Brother"

I promised and delivered ends on a battle scence. Just not the situation you expected huh? Honestly, I'm starting to understand why authors leave off on cliffhangers it's fun. Not fun for you guys but fun for them. Anyway I found this really amazing fanfiction A Slivers Throne: A kings cage fan fiction, by booklover4lifes honestly her writing styles light years better than mine and that's coming from a ninth grade English honors student and the amazing thing is she's only 13, she's just starting out on Wattpad so an awesome story like her's has gone unnoticed, so while you wait for next part of this fanfiction you should so go check it out, She's got four parts uploaded so far, and you'll probably binge read them in one night, I promise you ;you won't regret it.


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