Take Me

By Uncovered_hits

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By Uncovered_hits

"Sean get up for school"
I heard my mom say.

I got up from my bed only in my polo boxers stretching in the process.
I really didn't feel like going to hell today but I know graduation is around the corner....I wish

I finished my hygiene and picked out my outfit for the day. Something relaxing yet stylish.

Once I was finished I walked down the stairs to see my mother cooking bacon and eggs. Surprisingly she was still here since her job requires her to be gone most of the day.

"How did you sleep my prince" my mother asked making our plates.

"I slept good I guess" I replied.

"That's good" she sat down at the table plopping a piece of bacon in her mouth.

"Im shocked your still here mother" I said taking some eggs in.

"I'm about to leave in five minutes today I'll be getting home late like around 11 your dad should be back from his business trip by 10"

"Ok" I got up from the table putting the plate in the sink.

"Bye mother"

"Bye Sean"

I made my way to the garage grabbing my keys in the process unlocking my 2014 chevy Cruze.

Y'all probably thought I was riding a Bentley
My mom and dad says I need to work for what I want.
And I did just that.

I pulled up at Malek house since his broke ass act like he can't drive. His family is rich but he still wants rides when he has a car I don't understand him.

Malek must have seen my car and rushed outside hopping in.

"Hey bitch" Malek screamed like a ratchet chick.

"First of all don't call me a bitch you know how I feel about that" I snapped back.

"Don't get your lil panties stuck in ya ass" Malek clapped back sending me a stank face like I cared.

"Whatever I'm not focused on you I'm focused on my future so it's whatever"

We pulled in to the student parking lot aka hell. I instantly spotted Rasheed.

"There go your Lil boyfriend Sean " Malek said with a cheesy smile.

"Wow your petty" I took the keys out the ignition stepping out the car along with Malek.

Rasheed eyes landed on me sending chills down my back. His eyes where cold as ice as he looked at me with such disgust.

"What are you looking at fag" he yelled making his squad laugh.

"Nigga we looking at you" Malek snapped preparing to pop off.

The tension in the air was getting to intense when it's only been a couple of seconds.

"Come on Malek their not worth it" I said grabbing Malek by his wrist pulling him into the school.

The sounds of chatter filled my ears with the smell of freshly pressed weave and axe surrounded the commons.

"I wonder where Kendra fine self at"

"She probably at cheer or something" as soon as I said that I heard a screech, next thing I know I was on the ground with Kendra on top of me.

"Omg Sean I missed you so much" Kendra squealed like a child.

"Girl you was over my house last week chill" I said dusting myself off.

  "What ever" she playfully rolled her eyes.

From the corner of my eye I saw Rasheed and his crew walking towards us. I knew there was about to be a problem.

"Hey Kendra with ya fine aaahh" Vincent said giving Kendra a cheesy smile.

"Hey Vincent" Kendra waved her hand with a smile.

These niggas really irritate me....

"Oh so you not going to say hey to me" Rasheed asked cockily licking his lips like a damn dog.

"My bad hey Rasheed"

Low key that hurt my little heart seeing him flirt with someone that's not me. Oh well I can't get mad over something that's not even mines

After Rasheed and his little squad left we walked to the gym to pick up our schedules for senior year.

"Damn I don't have anything with y'all" I pouted.

"Me and Malek have Calculus together" Kendra said smiling.

"We all got lunch together so I should be ok" scratching the back of my head trying my best to find the good in this situation.

We all went our separate ways I made it to my first period which was honors English. Yeah I know I'm smart. I could never do regulars.

The class filled up quick asf leaving one seat next to me. The bell rung indicating class has started, I sat back in my seat taking out a notebook for notes.

"Hi guys I'm Ms. Lee and I will be your last English teacher in high school, before we get started I will partner you up with the person next to you, this will be your partner for the semester" she chinned.

I instantly groaned cause I didn't have a partner...

"Excuse me I don't have any on-" a knock at the door startled everyone.

Ms.Lee opened the door revealing Rasheed.... my damn heart dropped to my ankles. It seemed as if the devil was trying me today.

"Take a seat right next to Mr.Wayne please raise your hand Mr. Wayne"

Rasheed instantly scrunched up his face and so did  I.

"Do I really have to sit by this fruit loop" Rasheed complained taking a seat by me.

"Nigga if you would have gotten here before the bell you wouldn't have to sit by me, best believe I don't want you sitting by me either" I instantly snapped making him become livid.

"Whatever fag bag" he spat turning his back towards me.

He's such a homophobic freak ugghh.

"Anyways like I was saying these will be your partners for the semester" I mentally groaned knowing Rasheed will be my so called partner.

Time was flying by and the whole time I could have sworn Rasheed took glances at me. I ignored him to avoid confrontation.

The bell rung and kids scrambled out of the class I got up only to be slung back into my seat.

"Let me tell you something fruit roll up you better watch how you talk to me" Rasheed spat. His words went through one ear and out the other.

"Rasheed bye" I gathered my stuff and exited the room leaving him there by himself.

My next class was gym which I actually liked tbh. I made my way to the gym holding my books close to me

I made it to the gym to see Malek in here on his phone.

"I thought you didn't have this class"

"I pretended to not have any class with you so you could panic" Malek said strolling down his timeline.

"I don't like you" I laughed.

"Whatever you love me"

I rolled my eyes as Malek continued to type away on his phone.

"Dang who you texting" I asked trying to take a peek at his phone. Don't judge, his business is my business.

"Oh I'm texting Kendra"

"Why what happened" my curiosity was really getting me.

"Nothing at all"

"Tell meeee pleaseeeee" I begged him like a little kid.

"let her tell you"
With that being said that was my cue to shut up. The rest of the class was filled with the couch telling us stuff we already knew. The bell rung indicating this period was over. Me and Malik made our way to the cafeteria.

At lunch we sat in the middle round tables eating our food silently until I broke the silence.

"Kendra is there something you have to tell me" I asked hoping  she would tell me.

"What makes you say that" her eyebrows cocked up then she looked at Malek who was typing away on his phone.

"What I didn't say nothing" He pleaded his case.

"Mmh well Sean I've been meaning to tell you but I didn't know how you would handle it but me and Vincent are dating" she barely was audible.

"Oh really so your dating one of my enemies wow that's low" I replied taking a sip of my strawberry milk.

"How is that low just because you have beef with them doesn't mean I got beef with them plus Vincent is sweet on me"

If she was supposed to be my best friend then why... never mind she's right.... damn

"You right I shouldn't make my beef be yours as well"

"Oh shit here come Vincent right here" Malek said preparing to fight.

I swear he stay ready to fight, last year he fought this boy over a freaking dollar he dropped..... just disgusting....

"Hey ma" Vincent approached hugging Kendra neck

"Hey Vincent" she said giving him a kiss on the cheek. Just disgusting but its love so....

Vincent looked taken back I guess he didn't know she told us.

"I told them babe" Kendra said smiling.

"Oh ok"

"So let me tell you something since you dating my friend, one thing you better not do is mess over my friend cause I will mess you up" Malek snapped all of a sudden making us all look at him crazy.

"Umm fruit loops worry bout what's going on with you not us"

"Stop calling us fruit loops damn y'all really act like we want y'all" I retorted

These niggas get on my nerves like everybody don't want them.

"Bruh we be playing with y'all but I don't know bout Rasheed he's something else " Vincent said

"Well you tell that nigga Rasheed I said he could kiss my a-" I said until he pulled up to the table

Oh god dang here we go...

"Tell me what punk" He stared at me coldly.

"Like I said before you showed up YOU CAN KISS MY a-" next thing I know I was slapped to the floor. The lunchroom roared at Rasheed actions.

I got up holding my face shook asf still stuck in my shook faze he snatched me up pulling me out the cafeteria. He slammed me into the near by lockers.

"You fucking fag don't you ever disrespect me in your pathetic life" his words where laced with poison instantly killing me.

I tried to swing on him by he pinned my arms above my head.

"Why do you hate me so much what the fuck I do to you" I was on the verge of tears.

He came close to my face grabbing my face roughly sending chills down my spine. Our lips closing in... I thought this was about to be my moment.

"I hate you cause your a fag" that was it I was now dead. Hearing that from your crush is horrible. Now I see why they call it a crush.

"I'll make sure you go to hell" he slammed me against the lockers one last time.

I slid down the lockers as he walked off.

I cried my eyes out, I was hurt, he just degraded me like trash. I never did anything to him.

I made my way to the bathroom nearest me to wipe my face after my crying spell. I walked in the bathroom only to be greeted by Rasheed's little minion Travis

He looked at me with a concerned face

"What's wrong" he asked turning towards me.

"Your bitch friend Rasheed legit just hur.... hold on why you talking to me" I just realized what I was doing.

"Because I can plus I wanted to is there a problem" his deep voice said soothing me low key.

"No it's not a problem it's just you know.. normally y'all pick on me and my friend"

my head was down until he chuckled.

"What's so funny" I asked putting my hands on my hips

"Nothing we pick on y'all cause y'all talk back like it's funny bruh" he laughed in my face like it was so funny.

"Well it's not for us" I said gathering my belongings.

"I'll stop but seriously what Rasheed do"

I told him the whole story and he stood there shook.

"You should go back in there and slap the mess out of him cause he wrong for that I would never do that to somebody" he said

"Thanks for the advice but he would kill me" I already knew Rasheed could end my damn life with one punch but I need to stick up for myself.

I walked back into the cafeteria ever single eye in the room was on me. I saw Rasheed with some hoe on the other side of the room. I went back to my table retrieving my strawberry milk. Kendra saw what I was about to do she tried to stop me but by the time she grabbed my hand Rasheed was drenched. He looked at me shocked as I walked out the room grabbing Makek and Kendra who was ready to fight.

We walked out the cafeteria quick asf heading to the gym.

"Boooyyy he about to kill you" Malik laughed

"I don't care I'm tired of him I'm going to fight back he disrespected me on too many levels" confidence expelled from my lips.

"I'm so shook on how your first day of school went" Kendra asked

"It is what it is" I said

We sat on the bleachers, Malek took out his phone and instantly got on twitter.

He bursted out laughing

"Look it's already on twitter I'm dead" he was rolling as I looked at the video.

"I looked so mad" I chuckled

"You came in like a beast and walked out like a boss with yo bad self"

We laughed for a long time until the gym doors bursted open

"There you go bitch ass nigga" Rasheed charged up the bleachers as I stood up ready to fight.

It seemed as if the whole school ran up in there he swung on me but I dodged. I refuse to let him drag me.

Malek swung on him hitting him in his face which I can tell will leave a bruise.

The two were going at it while I stood shook like a little kid.

The crowd roared while recording the fight, I must say Malek was whooping him. But he was fighting my battle. I pulled them apart holding Malek back meanwhile Vincent held Rasheed back.

Malek had a cut under his eye meanwhile Rasheed had a bruise.

"You you and you office" the principal yelled causing the bystanders to disappear like dust.

We made it to the principal office and took a seat. I was in between Malek and Rasheed I could feel the heavy tension that I caused.

Rasheed still smelt like milk that I poured like 30 minutes ago.

"What in the world happened" the principal Mr. faulton asked

"This little faggot poured milk on me and his boyfrie-" I cut him off

"Correction my best friend plus don't call me out my name"

"Whatever but he poured milk on me and I was about to fight him until his groupie hopped in"

"Bitch I'm not a groupie stay in yo lane"

Rasheed jumped over me to get to Malek meanwhile I just sat there

"Stop it" Mr. Faulton yelled causing them to stop for round two.

"Mr. Faulton Rasheed has bullied me every since he found out I was gay, I've nevertheless did anything to him since day one.... today's incident was because he disrespected me for the last time"
I wasn't going to cry this time

"Rasheed is this true" Mr.Faulton asked with a stern face

Rasheed sat there looking back at him then at me. I looked forward meanwhile Malek looked irritated.

"Mr.Parker since you don't want to cooperate with me you and Mr.Wayne will clean the cafeteria Saturday morning"

"I can't I have football practice this weekend" Rasheed said.

"Guess what...you don't now" Mr. Faulton clapped back

"And for you"he pointed at Malek

"You have to clean the gym Saturday by yourself"

"Whatever" Malik scuffed

"Y'all get out my office and if I hear about y'all fighting again y'all will be expelled"

We all walked out, as I walked through the door frame Rasheed pushed me. I rolled my eyes and left. I don't have time for this mess anymore.

Malek went to the bathroom and so did I.

"Bro I can't work with him" I pleaded

"Oh well I'm not showing up Saturday anyway so fuck him" Malek said applying a tissue to his cut.

"Please come I can't be alone"

"Boy bye you shouldn't have gotten into this situation any ways, learn how to shut yo mouth bro" He walked out the bathroom leaving me in there by myself..... how could he.

Today has been a long day for me.

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