By -OgTatorrrr-

33.8K 1.4K 346

Laurent Bourgeois has come to terms and accepting that he is gay he's been accepting it for 3 years now he's... More

Nothing is wrong Larry
Ugly and fights
Make ups and the truth
Sorry not sorry
Feelings told
Interrogations and bricks
Meetings and Cravings
Morning Sickness
Tests and Conversations
Without him
Nightmares and Calls
Just hold on I'm comin home
Let Me Hold You
Next book
Secrets and Tragedies
The Aftermath

Accidents and Decisions

1.1K 68 18
By -OgTatorrrr-

Today was the day that the twins came out to everyone and Laurent was a nervous wreck

Laurent POV

Today is the day we come clean and I nervous, what if they be disgusted and they don't love us no more?

Larry must've read my mind because I felt strong arms wrap around me and sweet kisses on my neck

"Mm Larry" I moaned as kept kissing

"mm baby we gonna be late"

"I don't care I wanna make love to you"

"baby after workshop ok?"


He then leaned down to my ear and whispered softly "stop worrying bebè"

I nodded my head and went in the bathroom


We pulled up to the workshop and got out. We walked in and got set up


Laurent and Larry sat down and waited for people to come and setup


Laurent POV

Everything was going great until It was my turn

I started off fine and was dancing my heart out until I felt that familiar feeling creep up my throat

I froze and stood in the middle of floor shaking I didn't need this to happen, not here not now

I tried to hold it in by covering my mouth. I kept trying to swallow it back down but it wouldn't go down. Then Larry and kento started arguing about why I stopped (he knows about their relationship) they kept arguing until Larry looked up and saw me covering my mouth

His eyes widened and he ran to get the trash can but it was too late. I couldn't hold it anymore

I threw up all over the floor, earning gasps and "omgs" from people. I coughed and sighed as Larry came over and pulled me away from the spot carefully

He sat me down in the chairs and handed me a bottle of water. He frowned when I wouldn't drink it. He called the janitors over so they could clean up the mess then turned his attention to me

He gently rubbed my stomach not caring who saw.

"Larry stop people are looking"

"I no care, you come first"

I smiled softly as he raised an eyebrow

"now bebè please drink this I know your throat is burning

"how'd yo--"

"touches throat"


I took the water and drank some. He rubbed my stomach I smiled softly

But what happened next made me feel bad, Larry stood up walking to the center of the room

"I'm sorry everyone but Laurent isn't feeling well and I no dance without him so you may go home and we'll continue this when he feels better"

I hung my head low and mentally cursed myself out, I looked up to come face to face with a identical face

"yes Larry?"

"come on bebè, let's get you back to the beach house"

"Larry I'm fine"

"Laurent Nicholas Bourgeois you are going home and resting do you understand me"

"y y yes l l larry"

I was scared he's never sounded this stern. I got up and walked to the car quietly with my head hung low. I felt like I was gonna cry but held it in. I soon felt larry sink into the seat and we pulled off.

Larry's POV

I feel bad about yelling at Laurent. I didn't mean it I'm just worried about him and I want him to rest. I also don't need him stressing or moving around a lot so I canceled our other workshops for the next month or 2.

I got in the car and stared at my love. He looked so sad, it broke my heart. I gently grabbed his face and turned him to face me.

I looked into his eyes and my heart broke even more........ All I saw was fear.

I sighed and apologized to him. This is the gotta be the 100th time I've hurt him and his feelings. Dammit I'm such a fuck up, maybe I should leave for a while to give him space so he can relax and not stress

Yea that's what I'll do


Larry's POV

The next morning I got up before my love and wrote him a note, packed all my things, kissed his forehead and left

Laurent's POV

I woke up and stretched I rolled over to give larry a kiss but all I felt was air. I opened my eyes and looked around. No larry anywhere. I called out but didn't get an answer.

I ran downstairs with the speed of light to be face to face with a empty house and no larry. I sat at the counter and found a note.

I read the front

"to my love"

Dear Laurent I'm sorry I left this way but I couldn't stand to see the hurt in your eyes after I told you so I thought a note would be better,

Baby I love you so much and I care that's why I left, I've hurt you too many times and I've decided to leave to give you space and relaxation time away from me

Don't call, text, or look for me I'm ok and I want you happy and relaxed

I love you so much

~your love, larry

I put the note down and broke down crying.

"he left me, I can't believe he left me"

I cried for the rest of the day

I do need you larry I'm nothing without you........... Your my everything..........

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